View Full Version : Thread view on mouseover

04-22-2008, 07:00 PM
i guess to explain it the best way...

mouse over the thread or the link to the thread on forumdisplay.php page will show a box with the text inside the thread, the entire thread, where you can scroll or whatever..

idea comes from this forum: http://www.shroomery.org/forums/postlist.php/Cat/0/Board/5

if you put the mouse on any thread, a box pops up with what is inside the thread, and you can scroll and view the entire thing. also shows images.


04-22-2008, 07:40 PM
Look nice!
But my humble opinion is that such feature will reduce traffic in your site, diminish earnings on click advertisement and I don't know the load amount who adds to your servers

04-29-2008, 01:39 PM
no1 has this or can do this?

04-29-2008, 03:02 PM
I have never seen something like that. It's just javascript, you can see it in the source code:
<td align="left" valign="top">
<img alt="." src="/forums/images/blank.gif" width="0" height = "11" hspace="0" />
<a href="http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/4546706/an/0/page/0" onmouseover="m(this);getBody('4546706')" onmouseout="delayHide()">Welcome to the Trip Reports Forum! (Rules, Suggestions, Etc.)</a>
So, I'd go take a look at his javascript and then you are halfway there. The other part is to grab the message in the query.

04-30-2008, 02:11 PM
i wouldnt know where to begin even with knowing the java code and source code.