View Full Version : Please add a Project Tools forum

04-19-2008, 05:18 PM
Project Tools is much underdeveloped and could really benefit from addons.

However; on the moment there is no forum for project tools, except under the vb 3.6 forum. I think the absence of a forum for PT is counter productive in the development of PT. Please add a dedicated for for project tools that is visible from the mods index page (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=198).

As an official Jelsoft product I do not think it should be put in a deserted corner.

King Kovifor
04-19-2008, 05:29 PM
Since not many modifications are developed for the project tools, there are prefixes found within both 3.6 and 3.7 forums.

04-19-2008, 08:04 PM
That's understandable, but that goes in two directions:
More mods are needed to justify a dedicated forum.
A dedicated forum will draw more mods.

I do think that there will not be many modifications developed unless a dedicated forum is opened.

04-20-2008, 11:33 PM
I do agree in some circumstances. It would probably help to produce more hacks/mods. It is however up to the administrating team. ;)

Paul M
04-21-2008, 12:18 AM
I cant really see how having a PT forum will suddenly cause more PT mods to be written, if people are going to write them, then they will do it anyway. :)

04-21-2008, 02:54 AM
I think Project Tools must have the same exposure that vBulletin and not remain as a 'secondary product'
It will be a mistake not to promote this software

04-21-2008, 07:34 AM
Its not vBulletin.org job to promote anything though.

And honestly how many sites/owners even have a project tools license?

04-21-2008, 12:33 PM
not needed - if people want to write modifications for PT they will do so with or without a dedicated forum

04-21-2008, 04:59 PM
not needed - if people want to write modifications for PT they will do so with or without a dedicated forum

Sorry Princeton but Gates didn't get rich thinking like that... vBulletin is such a good product that it will be sad to see PT left behind. We can see the Stats?

Marco van Herwaarden
04-21-2008, 05:21 PM
Sorry Princeton but Gates didn't get rich thinking like that...Since when does Gates or getting rich anything to do with vBulletin.org?

vBulletin is such a good product that it will be sad to see PT left behind.Nothing is left behind, the PT gets the same treatment as everything else.

Paul M
04-21-2008, 05:32 PM
We can see the Stats?
Huh ?

04-21-2008, 05:41 PM
Since when does Gates or getting rich anything to do with vBulletin.org?

Nothing is left behind, the PT gets the same treatment as everything else.

hahaha... is not my day with you ;)

What I meant, since I'm on my office attending clients, and take peeks here is:
I can bet good sounding 20 of what you want that the PT does not have the same popularity than vB among users and thus productions levels are different...
You want to warn me for speaking my mind? :up:

04-21-2008, 07:54 PM
The popularity of Project Tools has nothing to do with vBulletin.org. It's a niche product and it's relatively new, so I'm not surprised that not many modifications have been developed for it.

Give it time. :)

04-21-2008, 08:12 PM
I'm just supporting Alfa1 :)

Paul M
04-21-2008, 09:26 PM
Thank you for the suggestion, but PT its not going to get its own forum anytime soon.

04-21-2008, 10:15 PM
The popularity of Project Tools has nothing to do with vBulletin.org. It's a niche product and it's relatively new, so I'm not surprised that not many modifications have been developed for it.

Give it time. :)
The popularity of project tools is affected by the exposure it gets on vbulletin.org and by the way it is promoted to vbulletin admins.

King Kovifor
04-21-2008, 11:41 PM
The popularity of project tools is affected by the exposure it gets on vbulletin.org and by the way it is promoted to vbulletin admins.

I believe exposure isn't going to help develop modifications for the project tools. If they have a need, it will be developed.

04-22-2008, 02:07 PM
you all go too far guys.. the popularity of the PT is based on its exposure on vb.COM ... if you have suggestions to make for exposure and public relations, just contact the guys up there... vb.ORG is for us to handle what is already advertised...

also, having its own version shown here will not help a thing... did you valued the visibility of the blog before releasing some addons for it?!

and btw, since when you bother with the sales of the software?!.. you receive profits from it yet?

Paul M
04-22-2008, 03:15 PM
There really is no point in arguing about this, we have already stated our decision. Time to move on. :)