04-19-2008, 03:22 PM
Hi, part of our forum service requires members of our staff to be able to use Windows Live Messenger to communicate with our clients.
I have made staff email addresses on our server hosting. However we cannot use them with WLM as they are not valid Windows Live Ids. We would have to manually create the emails
If possible, could there be a bridge so that I can have members of a certain usergroup be able to sign in using WLM. Also, the password would need to be synchronised.
I have made staff email addresses on our server hosting. However we cannot use them with WLM as they are not valid Windows Live Ids. We would have to manually create the emails
If possible, could there be a bridge so that I can have members of a certain usergroup be able to sign in using WLM. Also, the password would need to be synchronised.