View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - vbStopForumSpam - known spammer lookup for new registrations

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10-03-2008, 05:22 PM
wow, 180.... thats great news

Would you guys mind if, disabled by default, there was an option in the next version of the mod that would report these stats to the stopforumspam.com webserver, completely anonymous of course.... Just so that we can all get an idea of just how many spammers Im starting to p*ss off?

No i wouldn't mind either the more we p***ss of the greater our pleasure :)

10-03-2008, 06:10 PM
I installed the mod but can't find the log. There is no such log under Statistics & Logs. am I doing install it wrong? thanks

I had to close the AdminCP and re-login to see the additional log appear. Must be a caching issue with vB.

10-03-2008, 06:15 PM
Most excellent. Thank you, pedigree.

10-03-2008, 06:33 PM
I had to close the AdminCP and re-login to see the additional log appear. Must be a caching issue with vB.

When you install the mod, it doesnt refresh the menu in the left frame. A page reload should do the trick there

10-04-2008, 12:50 PM
I really love this but can't seem to sort out two things.
Running 3.7.1 flawless installation
Can not see the logs however in Statistics and Logs>"There's no vbstopforum log" here. ( yes, both refreshed and logged out and back in)
Also not seeing the vbstopforum in Usergroup settings.

Suggestions? I'll see if I have a same issue on my other forums in the meantime.

10-04-2008, 01:37 PM
... vbstopforum in Usergroup settings. - like i said in a couple of posts back, its not used anyway

admincp/vbstopforumspam.php - thats the log file, you should be able to hit it directly.

10-04-2008, 02:12 PM
OH duh I'm an idiot... just realized what I DIDN't do...

a. have my caffeine before doing this
b. literally uploaded the Upload file to the forums and NOT into their respective sub directories in the FORUM directory...my very badness. LOL

BUT.. your reply helped me find my error once I saw the file path so thanks.

Working perfectly now... just love this had you a donation button I'd have donated ;) Thanks much.

10-04-2008, 06:41 PM
ive had other requests to add a dontation button but I really want to nail down all the things that I wanted before I did add it. Maybe Ill add it and see if any donations hit 5 figures :)

10-05-2008, 01:21 PM
wow, 180.... thats great news

Would you guys mind if, disabled by default, there was an option in the next version of the mod that would report these stats to the stopforumspam.com webserver, completely anonymous of course.... Just so that we can all get an idea of just how many spammers Im starting to p*ss off?

Gets my vote for Mod Of The Millenium... Great Job..
Over 300 stopped at the front door and a few that mde it past that, were halted as I moderate all user request.

I'd love to see dynamic submission of the offenders and, judging from the logs - I'm begining to wonder if perhaps I should block all gmail accounts - Seems thats the server of choice for spammers!

DS MrSinister
10-05-2008, 01:43 PM
by any chance do you have Enhanced ACP Navigation mod installed?

10-05-2008, 02:11 PM
by any chance do you have Enhanced ACP Navigation mod installed?
(if that's for me, sorry - I've not seen that one!)

10-05-2008, 02:14 PM
'tis I again.. Very pleased with this mod as today seems to be SpamDay and it's performing as advertised...

One small feature request if that's even possbile: Here's the last entries from the log: Sorry for the repetitiveness...

kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:37:11 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:37:01 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:36:50 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration

kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:35:45 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:35:22 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:35:11 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:35:01 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:33:11 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:32:46 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:32:22 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:31:40 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration
kegdenwers 2008-10-05 10:31:21 kegdenwers@gmail.com Allowed registration

Obviously the time is significant as no-one could possibly enter the info that quickly. Is there a possibility that an upcoming version of this tool could eliminate these idiots too?

Thanks again for a great mod

10-05-2008, 07:20 PM
'tis I again.. Very pleased with this mod as today seems to be SpamDay and it's performing as advertised...

One small feature request if that's even possbile: Here's the last entries from the log: Sorry for the repetitiveness...
Thanks again for a great mod

Firstly, youre welcome

Secondly, there is already a mod that does this but I cant (as Ive had a bottle of wine) remember it. ahh, try IsBot


10-06-2008, 04:06 AM
Firstly, youre welcome

Secondly, there is already a mod that does this but I cant (as Ive had a bottle of wine) remember it. ahh, try IsBot


The mod he needs is https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=183917 (Stop the Registration bots) it is excellent at dealing with bots/spammer progs.

Combined with your superb vbStopForumSpam spammers are going to find life much harder.:up:

10-06-2008, 06:22 AM
Utterly Awesome.

I installed it after a serious rise in spam sign ups - we were deleting 20+ a day and moved to moderating users to stop the posts. No sooner had I installed this and one of them decided to test it out. Caught. A test sign up by me also showed it didnt slow down the sign up at all, which was bonus.

Thanks bunches.

10-06-2008, 06:38 AM
'tis I again.. Very pleased with this mod as today seems to be SpamDay and it's performing as advertised...
Obviously the time is significant as no-one could possibly enter the info that quickly. Is there a possibility that an upcoming version of this tool could eliminate these idiots too?

Thanks again for a great mod

That's not someone filling out the whole form. That's someone re-entering the password, or hitting back or something. They'll make an entry in the log anytime that page loads for ANY reason.

10-06-2008, 12:36 PM
Thanks again for the best mod ever...

I installed IsMod after seeing the first note and I'm now up to 479 entries in the log... 2 of these are real users and the rest are repeats or mostly spammers. Since installation of IsMod in tandem, the repeat entries seem to have slowed... (one)

I like the options I see in Stop the Registration bots.

In my wish list, these would all be vBulletin native options but since that isn't the case, it's be pretty slick of they were combined into a single application.. Botstoppers?

No matter what, Installed and Nominated.

10-06-2008, 05:29 PM
installed and nominated

10-07-2008, 04:20 AM
Okies, Something weird has happened and I am not sure what it is..

I have a vague idea and I just want some confirmation. There were three allowed registrations but only one account. And *dozens* of entries in the system for all three. The one that did get through - the second bot - got the next UID in line so it shows that bot one failed somehow.

Now I did a test sign up as noted above, but stuffed up captcha once - and there was two entries on the list. Is this a major botched captcha code problem for the bot/underpaid human who actually just does it for the free porn? I actually didnt think it was doing anything before but I guess it is now! Would it log those attempts, even if something is wrong?

First Bot (http://i33.tinypic.com/2qu2ats.jpg) - Second Bot (Showing Link) (http://i36.tinypic.com/6qitrb.jpg) - Third Bot (http://i34.tinypic.com/24lizk2.jpg)

If thats true then I guess I am glad its working too, but looks like I am leaving the forum on moderated. *sigh* Thanks for looking!

10-07-2008, 07:59 AM
Going to install this and isbot tonight . In the past 2 weeks I'm now getting 20-30 spammer bots a day sining up. 80% are gmail and the rest are .ru or .cn.

I found the stopforum spam link on google and was using it to stop the spammers (though most are quite obviously just random words jumbled together. )

Google should seek to remove the spammers as they are giving gmail a bad name imo.

Anyway after doing this manual process for a week or so I've given up and via the magic ofVbulletin.org search found this.

I will install tonight and look forward to reclaiming my time back. I've always had to manually accept users after they have verified there email so this has saved me from most of the forum spam.

Thanks for the mod anyway. As someone said Mod of the Millenium! :)

10-07-2008, 09:37 AM
ngx - youre dead right. What has happened is that the bot is getting to the "allowed registration" phase as its not been caught by the ip/email/username tests. At this point, its passing control back to vbulletin to process the captcha (etc). This looks like the bot has got the captcha wrong and has tried again and again and again before finally getting it right.

What I will look at is the location of the hooks Im using or a better description so that "allowed registration" only gets logged when vbulletin has done its tests or change it to read "passed vbstopforumspam tests, passing to vbulletin". The intervals being one second would point at it being a bot, not someone botching it. I guess I could look at adding code to the log (if vbulletin doesnt already, would have to check) botch captchas with the user input and what the text was, too see just how far off they are.

Sign up for an API key at stopforumspam.com and submit those spammers details.

Evaporate - thanks. Ive added gmail to my forums banned domain list. Had a couple of people complain but I dont care, they can use something else. Trust google? Hell no. You might want to block mailinator.com as well.

10-07-2008, 11:21 AM
amazing hack, used the site for manual lookups but this is EXCELLENT, installed on www.escortrscosworth.com & http://anotherfordforum.com/, its already stopped a couple of spammers signing up last night. nominated for motm both sites are running it on vBulletin? Version 3.7.3 with no probs

10-07-2008, 08:22 PM
I've installed this now on www.planetmgc.com and it seems to allow good ip address anyway.

Already seen a dramatic drop in spammer registrations. I've also blocked a couple of spammer bots that were chewing up CPU cycles including Yanga World Search bot (check it out on google). It's used by russians to spam harvest .

I've also just banned the entire Russian Federation IP range (find-ip-address.org) and entered this into .httaccees so that no Russian servers can even get to my site.

No one from Russia is likely to join my site to be honest anyway so it's a no brainer.

There are a couple of other tricks and hacks mentioned which I may use later on. But for now I'm a happy chap. Thanks Pedigree.

Going from 20-30 spam registrations per day, I've seen no new spam registrations yet.

10-08-2008, 12:10 PM
I was getting a bunch of bot registrations all of sudden. I guess the bots finally found my forum site ( www.talkaboutissues.org (http://www.talkaboutissues.org)). I installed your hack and BAM I haven't had a bot registration for the last 2 to 3 days. This is a very nice and effective mod.

Check out my site and register if you like my forum concept. Thanks!!!

10-08-2008, 03:31 PM
Installed this on Monday night at 10pm. By 2pm on Wednesday it had blocked 255 spammers.

Thanks so much for this mod, it's made moderating the registrations a much less time-consuming task.

10-12-2008, 06:51 PM
I installed this mod on two of my forums and each time a spammer tries to register I get a database error. This is the case for both forums. The error is as follows:

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '2008-10-10 12:55:48') AS DAYS;;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(NOW(), '2008-10-10 12:55:48') AS DAYS' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Sunday, October 12th 2008 @ 01:46:10 PM
Error Date : Sunday, October 12th 2008 @ 01:46:13 PM
Script : http://www.webmastersden.net/register.php?do=addmember
Referrer : http://www.webmastersden.net/register.php?
IP Address :
Username : Violettaext
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Anyone else get these error notices?
Anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve it?
I'm still using MySQL 4 on one forum and MySQL 5 on the other.


10-13-2008, 06:49 AM
Hmm, this is a strange now. I do all my development on 5 but I installed 4.1.22 and the query is indeed a valid one. Try this, open includes\functions_vbsfs.php, go to line 71 and change

$sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '" . $lastseen . "') AS DAYS;";


$sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '" . $lastseen . "') AS DAYS";

Notice the ; removed from before the last "

Can you PM me your exact version of mySQL, PHP and Apache that youre using on the forum that gives you this error, your server locale (US, Japan, French etc) so that I can look at it a bit more

I tried to register on your forum but your NoSpam questions/answers are wrong. 8+8-3 = 13 but not according to your forum :)

10-13-2008, 07:51 AM
What would be good is a search feature like a cron job on initial install to just search trough already registered users and clean them out if there is any or log them for easy deletion

10-13-2008, 09:30 AM
Dr Autonamus - something that Ive already thought about that I was going to include in 0.8. ive tried to avoid the feature spread for 0.7 but Ill give write that on my whiteboard now. This is would painfully slow unless using downloaded lists which would be very quick indeed.

10-13-2008, 04:54 PM
Hmm, this is a strange now. I do all my development on 5 but I installed 4.1.22 and the query is indeed a valid one. Try this, open includes\functions_vbsfs.php, go to line 71 and change

$sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '" . $lastseen . "') AS DAYS;";


$sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '" . $lastseen . "') AS DAYS";

Notice the ; removed from before the last "

Can you PM me your exact version of mySQL, PHP and Apache that youre using on the forum that gives you this error, your server locale (US, Japan, French etc) so that I can look at it a bit more

I tried to register on your forum but your NoSpam questions/answers are wrong. 8+8-3 = 13 but not according to your forum :)


There was a typo in the answer setting which has been corrected.
The problem exists on both of my sites, the one using MySQL4 and the one using MySQL5.

The first site, (vbulletinstuff.com), is using MySQL 5.0.45 and PHP 5.2.6.
The server is located in Hong Kong.

The other site, (webmastersden.net) is using MySQL 4.0.27 and PHP 5.2.6.
The server for this site is located in the U.S.A. I can switch it to MySQL 5 but I just haven't gotten around to doing it yet.

I will change the code as you suggest and get back to you with the results.


10-14-2008, 01:59 AM
Please bear with the noob here :D

I installed this into VB 3..6.10. Seems to be ok, but there is no usergroup listed as vbStopForumSpam Permissions. Was I supposed to put this in, or did I miss something?

Also, where do I find the log?

Thanks for you help. :up:

I just realized that this killed my registration process. I will take a screen shot and post it showing the errors. I must have screwed something up.

Gotta remember NOT to drink vodka and install mods to my site :-)

10-14-2008, 09:05 AM
Yes please do send me a link to the screenshot so that I can look at why its killing your reg.

If you cant find the log, then I suspect that you havent uploaded the files required for the mod

10-14-2008, 01:36 PM
Brilliant idea, I've been using their database for a while now and having to remember to update the blocked IP's and emails was getting hard to remember. This will ease some off the pressure on us to keep the address lists up to date, thank you.
I only found out about this mod as it's linked to from vBulletin.com on this post
, that doesn't happen too often ;)

10-14-2008, 01:41 PM
Try this, open includes\functions_vbsfs.php, go to line 71 and change

$sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '" . $lastseen . "') AS DAYS;";


$sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '" . $lastseen . "') AS DAYS";

I made the changes to both forums but it did not resolve the problem.
Any other suggestions?


10-14-2008, 02:01 PM
the DATEDIFF function is in mySQL as of version 4.1.1. You are using 4.0.x which has support discontinued as of Sept 2006. Time to upgrade??

I will update the XML so that the plugin doesnt install when the SQL version is under 4.1.1

10-15-2008, 12:35 PM
Thanks pedigree. Excellent mod. Nabbed 30 dirty spammers in the first 12 hours. Can't wait for the submit feature.

10-15-2008, 02:51 PM
the DATEDIFF function is in mySQL as of version 4.1.1. You are using 4.0.x which has support discontinued as of Sept 2006. Time to upgrade??

I will update the XML so that the plugin doesnt install when the SQL version is under 4.1.1

As mentioned in my previous post, I have MySQL 4 on one site but I have MySQL 5 on the other site and it has the same problem with the database errors.

10-22-2008, 11:58 PM
FYI, www.stopforumspam.com was down for a while due to the bandwidth being exceeded.

Also, add a space after the // (like below) to find the edit location (which is on line 522 on v3.7.3 PL1)

Pedigree, I messed around w/ your code snippet for a bit, and made it into a plugin. No edit needed, wahoo!

It puts the box at the end of the first column. One plugin is for JUST the USER ID of 1, the other is for the admin usergroup (6 by default). Looking at it more, it needs some tweaking to use the default themes, but otherwise it works fine. Having this built into the "delete as spam" would be awesome. IIRC, someone has already suggested this, right?

10-23-2008, 09:28 AM
yeah, you dont want to know how much bandwidth the server used last month. Its something that were looking at addressing but I guess the site is just becoming more popular.

Thanks, I was going to make this a plugin as well but it was late :) Ill see how it can be integrated into the "delete as spam" . Im guessing a "delete as spam and submit spammer to stopforumspam.com" would be better but not so easy on the eye :)

10-23-2008, 12:44 PM
I was wondering how people would react to me including some of the One Touch Spam Ban and Cleanup util into this (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=156444). The author sadly passed away in a tragic caving accident and it would be a shame to see something just dispear into the ether when it could be included in vbStopForumSpam in such a useful manner as to submit as well as cleanup.

10-23-2008, 10:22 PM
Just insdert a page into the spam/ban process. Don't know if there's any hooks in there though. Worst case you can make a hook and put it in there.

I see the 2 products as two parts of the spam battle. This mod is proactive (assuming they've been caught somewhere else already), whereas the other mod is retroactive (they've already spammed your forum).

I can see the One Touch Spam Ban and Cleanup growing into a major utility (assuming it is integrated into the Delete and Ban option), in that after banning, it could do some basic searching in the user DB and find similar members. I know the Delete and Ban option does this to a certain extent, but it could go a bit deeper and look for users w/ the same class C subnet or domain, etc. Maually approve bans of course. If it could let you ban multiple users from the AdminCP search result area, I'd be eternally grateful. I have tons of spammers to ban lol! Anyway, this product could definitely benefit from the plugin that sends data to vBstopforumspam.com.

10-23-2008, 10:38 PM
I can easily add an option that shows other users on the same class-c subnet when showing details about a user

10-24-2008, 02:35 AM
Thanks for the hack.

Just installed and registered for an API key.

I hope this helps get rid of the spam I have recently been having.

10-25-2008, 06:15 PM
FYI, www.stopforumspam.com was down for a while due to the bandwidth being exceeded.

Also, add a space after the // (like below) to find the edit location (which is on line 522 on v3.7.3 PL1)

Pedigree, I messed around w/ your code snippet for a bit, and made it into a plugin. No edit needed, wahoo!

It puts the box at the end of the first column. One plugin is for JUST the USER ID of 1, the other is for the admin usergroup (6 by default). Looking at it more, it needs some tweaking to use the default themes, but otherwise it works fine. Having this built into the "delete as spam" would be awesome. IIRC, someone has already suggested this, right?


I've never added a plugin before. I undertand the product setting (vbStopForumSpam). But which hook location and execution order would I need to tag if any? Thanks!

10-25-2008, 07:06 PM

I've never added a plugin before. I undertand the product setting (vbStopForumSpam). But which hook location and execution order would I need to tag if any? Thanks!

Just go to the Plugin Manager, add a new plugin and upload the XML file that Wired1 posted (theyre in my first post in the thread as well) - but just one of them. One is for just the admin account to use, the other is for all admin accounts to use. The // QUICK LINKS thing is if you want to manually edit files, which I doubt you would want to do.

10-25-2008, 09:07 PM
Just go to the Plugin Manager, add a new plugin and upload the XML file that Wired1 posted (theyre in my first post in the thread as well) - but just one of them. One is for just the admin account to use, the other is for all admin accounts to use. The // QUICK LINKS thing is if you want to manually edit files, which I doubt you would want to do.

Aha! Got it! I didn't notice the 'upload' category earlier. Thanks again, pedigree. You've helped stop a thousand spammers in the past month on our small board, and your consistent support is admirable. Nominating for MOTM.

10-29-2008, 09:02 AM
Hi Pedigree, just installed your addon, but I have a question.
If I don't have cURL installed, will your addon still work?

10-29-2008, 09:30 AM
Hi Pedigree, just installed your addon, but I have a question.
If I don't have cURL installed, will your addon still work?

yes it will use file_get_contents() if cURL is not availible

10-29-2008, 09:39 AM
Ok, thx, delphiprogrammi for your quick response

10-29-2008, 01:09 PM
Delphi is dead right. cUrl support is there for those that have it and want to use it. It provides a more robust connection system but doesnt require it. I just like using it myyself which is why its there :)

11-01-2008, 01:08 PM
I've been using that StopForumSpam for some time to track the spammers and such. But, I had never seen this mod. Thanks, tagged. :D

11-01-2008, 09:51 PM
When ever I enable this, it stops spammers but it also causes new registrations to get this...

You tried to access the address http://www.myforums.com/forum/register.php?do=addmember, which is currently unavailable. Please make sure that the Web address (URL) is correctly spelt and punctuated, then try reloading the page.
Make sure your Internet connection is active and check whether other applications that rely on the same connection are working.

anyone else getting this

11-02-2008, 09:16 AM
nicker looks like a problem with your forums I think as any error generated by the mod should cause a more serious (ie informative) error but without the correct url to the forum in question, I couldnt tell you. PM me with the forum address and I can have a look. Sometimes, if there is an error and the server has started sending a compressed page, that can cause strange errors that often have nothing to do with the problem but sometimes (in Firefox anyway as IE is a peice of s**t) you get the correct error.

11-02-2008, 01:39 PM
nicker looks like a problem with your forums I think as any error generated by the mod should cause a more serious (ie informative) error but without the correct url to the forum in question, I couldnt tell you. PM me with the forum address and I can have a look. Sometimes, if there is an error and the server has started sending a compressed page, that can cause strange errors that often have nothing to do with the problem but sometimes (in Firefox anyway as IE is a peice of s**t) you get the correct error.

I tried to register using Firefox on 2 different pc s, when I disabled the product the registering was fine.

PM on way.


11-02-2008, 07:48 PM
All fixed :)

11-02-2008, 07:49 PM
Pedigree, thanks for all your help, it's reassuring to know that top class support is available here.

10/10 for you.

11-03-2008, 11:55 AM
I just added "wired1" plugins to be able to to add to the vBstopforum database without leaving the AdminCP function.


I wasn't sure what to do, so I added both his XML plugins.

Now I seem to have two boxes added to the user profile, which appear identical. I assume my mistake was that I should have imported onlt one XML plugin, but now I don't know how to get rid of one of them?

I only want usergroup #6 (Admins) to be able to use this function, so I assume I need to delete the XML for the plugin that isn't that one?

Where do I find it?

Thanks for any help... :)


11-03-2008, 02:33 PM
Remove both from the plugin manager, then install the one you want.

11-03-2008, 03:04 PM
Remove both from the plugin manager, then install the one you want.

Thank you ... :)

I unchecked the plugin with "1" and only one box appeared after that in the user profile.

BYW, thanks for this plugin. :up:

It's far more convenient then having to open up the web site in a separate browser window and cut-n-paste ...


11-03-2008, 05:04 PM
I seem to be having a problem with the plugin... I'm getting this error:

Registration denied. We check new registrations against a database of known forum spammers. At this time, we are unable to contact this database to verify your registration. We are sorry for the inconvenience but please do try again later.

Though I have no issues checking manually from the website.

11-03-2008, 07:18 PM
Thats the message you get when youre on the blacklist and you try to register. If you look in the logs, youll see what field the denied registration was based on

11-03-2008, 07:45 PM
It says it cannot connect to the DB to check in the error message, not that they're blacklisted... Also, that is the message I get when I try to register an alternate account. I KNOW for a fact I'm not blacklisted.

11-03-2008, 07:56 PM
You know what, I think I found out the issue... It's with my host, not the mod.

11-03-2008, 10:50 PM
great. what was it? just so that i can look at code around it or incase others find the same problem

11-04-2008, 12:18 PM
I wanted to order the logs by IP Adress, and got this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT * FROM vbstopforumspam_log AS logs

LIMIT 0, 15;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ip' in 'order clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, November 4th 2008 @ 08:17:14 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, November 4th 2008 @ 08:17:14 AM
Script : xxxx/admincp/vbstopforumspam.php?do=view&pp=15&orderby=ip&page=1

11-04-2008, 12:32 PM
I wanted to order the logs by IP Adress, and got this error:Reading is fundamental :)

If you go to line 62 in admincp/vbstopforumspam.php and change

$order = 'ip ASC, date DESC';


$order = 'ipaddress ASC, date DESC';

then that will fix that error

11-04-2008, 05:04 PM
Sometimes I think Wired1 watches this thread like a hawk :)

11-04-2008, 05:26 PM
Thanks for this mod. I've installed it in conjunction with "Stop the Registration Bots" so if they get through that, they have your mod to contend with. Mwhahahaha! :D I'll be seeing how this goes - I looked at your site and it looks very comprehensive so I hope this will go a long way toward stopping the spammers from getting to my members! :cool:

11-04-2008, 08:58 PM
Sometimes I think Wired1 watches this thread like a hawk :)Maaaayyyybbbeee.....

J Random Hacker
11-08-2008, 08:21 AM
Nice plugin, and saves me from writing my own. Gotta love it!

When might we see Project Honey Pot included? SFS and PHP pretty much overlap, but I've found a few comment spammers in one but not the other and the ones I worry most about are those who haven't been around long enough to be widely detected yet.

Thanks for the plugin!

11-08-2008, 11:44 AM
Im just in the final stages of the statistics/reporting engine but baby, work and travel are getting on top of me at the moment. I have a couple of weeks leave coming up so Im hopeful

11-08-2008, 04:00 PM
Donations to date

October 2008
"Stuff used to buy my children food with" $0
"Drive to get 0.7 completed" medium

Wow, that's really stupid. This is one of the most essential mods on here!

Personally, it has cut down more than half of my usual spammer volume, all automatically. That saves me and my team a LOT of time. Since time is something we can't replace, and misplaced attention is costly, I just sent you $50 as a thank you. In reality, you deserve more, but I hope the rest of the community starts pitching in, too.

You might want to consider charging for a version of this one (a deluxe version or a commercial key for those make money with their forum?) It might be great to get picked up by vbulletin.com itself. That $55/yr Akismet thing they have on there doesn't do anything useful compared to this. People mostly get false positives w/that one.

Honestly, it really sort of teed me off that I upgraded from my forum in large part to get access to Akismet, only to have it work against against us. Thankfully, your mod rocks, and is part of a total solution to the very real problem spammers bring. Thank you. Thank you!! :)

11-08-2008, 07:27 PM
Wow, thats fantasic, thanks! I never expected that anyone would donate and $50 is fantasic. This is great motivation and Im going to get stuck into the code again right now.

To address your points, yeah, charging could make me some more money, it certainly would be good but I think I just hate spammers more. Im hoping that people will see value for money in the plugin and see that value in a donation. Im working as a developer on sfs at the moment and working to get the next version of the api set out so that we can really take it to people. We are giving serious though to limiting some of the biggest users as there are some hitting the API several thousand times a day but for people with forums like you and me, its still going to be free.

Thank you again, you made my day

11-08-2008, 10:42 PM
Where are the use registration logs stored for users who were prevented from registering?

FYI I have this installed on 3.7.4 and everything seems to work other than:

A) I have no idea to see if it is working because I cannot find the logs
2) From install.txt 5 - Edit Usergroup permissions (Optional) (AdminCP -> Usergroup -> Usergroup Manager -> (Group) ->
vbStopForumSpam Permissions - Access / View / Submit
Here you can allow specific usergroups access to details in User Ooptions/ Whos Online etc

This does not appear to be an option in 3.7.4

11-09-2008, 01:55 AM
Where are the use registration logs stored for users who were prevented from registering?

FYI I have this installed on 3.7.4 and everything seems to work other than:

A) I have no idea to see if it is working because I cannot find the logs
2) From install.txt

This does not appear to be an option in 3.7.4

You need to read the thread a bit more but I admit, thats a bit hard as its 22 pages long. The logs are in the admincp, statistics & logs / vbstopforumspam logs. Ill edit the first post and detail one bugs that is easily fixed and detail this issue

if its not there, and as you cant find the usergroup options (that dont work in 0.61,. I jumped the gun) then I dont think you uploaded the files in the "upload" folder.

11-09-2008, 09:02 AM
You need to read the thread a bit more but I admit, thats a bit hard as its 22 pages long. The logs are in the admincp, statistics & logs / vbstopforumspam logs. Ill edit the first post and detail one bugs that is easily fixed and detail this issue

if its not there, and as you cant find the usergroup options (that dont work in 0.61,. I jumped the gun) then I dont think you uploaded the files in the "upload" folder.

1) he did not uploaded the bitfield XML file to /includes/xml

2) he did not rebuilded his bitfields /admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields

11-09-2008, 09:14 AM
buildbitfields, that was the command I was looking for, thanks delphi :) 0.7 doesnt use them but if I delete them, it trashes the usergroup management until bitfields are rebuilt so I was looking at the easiest way to do it automatically inside the script

11-09-2008, 07:45 PM
You need to read the thread a bit more but I admit, that's a bit hard as its 22 pages long. The logs are in the admincp, statistics & logs / vbstopforumspam logs. Ill edit the first post and detail one bugs that is easily fixed and detail this issue

if its not there, and as you cant find the usergroup options (that don't work in 0.61,. I jumped the gun) then I don't think you uploaded the files in the "upload" folder.

Thanks for your response. Have you tried this on 3.7.4?

The logs you mention do not show up for me in this version.

Per he install.txt
Upload the upload folder into the root of your forums. If you've changed the admincp folder to something else,
then make sure you move the admincp files into that folder.

They make no mention of the images and includes directories. However, I have in fact uploaded the files in admincp to the admincp dir, the images to the images dir, and the includes to the includes dir.

So either I botched the install somehow, or its not compatible with 3.7.4 OR not compatible with some of the mods I have on here but I don't see why at the very least the menu option for " admincp, statistics & logs / vbstopforumspam logs" would not be generated since none of the mods I have in here should effect side nav in admincp.

11-09-2008, 08:46 PM
if you have an "upload" folder in the root of your install, then yes, you uploaded the folder instead of its contents. If you go to register (do it yourself) youll get an error if you uploaded the "upload" folder and not its contents. THe easist thing to do is FTP to your server, drag the contents of the upload folder to the root, this will put the files into the rights folders

yes, it works in 3.7.4



the fact that thats a 404 page makes me think you havent uploaded the files correctly

11-09-2008, 09:00 PM
I definately do not have an upload folder in there and I do understand the concept of which files belong where. I am going to try to re-install the files and see how it goes. Nice catch on the images thing.

11-09-2008, 09:08 PM
well, your status image files have appeared now so I guess second time works

11-09-2008, 09:37 PM
Yeah I don't know what happened there. All is well now. Might add 3.7.4 to the list in the first post.

Reported in the thread to work
- 3.6.2, 3.6.9, 3.6.10, 3.7.0, 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 3.7.3

Looking forward to addition of the spamstop controls in admincp and user controls. Cheers and donations sent :)

11-09-2008, 10:10 PM
Check the links in the first post, there is a mod there that adds the ability to submit


11-09-2008, 11:02 PM
There's also a link to a plugin version of his submittal code I made so you don't have to hack files.

11-09-2008, 11:45 PM
Oh, thats the link that I thought I linked... Next time, I should check... Here it is


11-10-2008, 01:34 AM
I checked it out earlier but didn't see it mentioned in the post where thise files are to be uploaded to or if they are supposed to go through the plugin manager in admincp.

I also read you had put the settings in usergroups but they did not do anything yet. I figured perhaps you might eventually bundle in the files referenced above so they were supported along with functionality for the usergroups settings in a possible future release.

11-10-2008, 09:16 AM
Yeah, I jumped the gun and before I could work in incorporating the functionality that they provided, the scope of the next version balloned about the same time as my work load, my travel times and a new born.

What I will do is update the zip file so that it doesnt have these files, change the install instructions and reupload it. The problem that this might have if someone downloads and reimports this is that it will cause a database failure if you delete a usergroup without rebuilding the postbits, not a biggy but it could throw people.

I just checked my email, thanks Glowhost for your donation, its really great motivation :)

The plugins linked in the posts above are a single import via the plugin manager with no file uploads required to the folders in your vBulletin install. Just import the version of the mod that you want, either just for the administrator user or just for the administrator group. All this is built into 0.7.

11-10-2008, 09:17 PM
Ahh thanks for the clarification and you are welcome. I think I'll wait for v 0.7 in that case.

I am happy to report the usual 1-10 spam posts per day in our forum have completely stopped since this script was installed. Very very good mod, the logs were filled with would-be spammers in just a few hours after installation.

11-13-2008, 10:41 AM
I've installed this Mod on a VB 3.7.4 forum and have no problems with it whatsoever. Actually, I'm quite tickled with it. It caught 17 spammers while I was in bed last eve! I think it's awesome we don't have to wake up in the morning only to find out that common spammers took over our boards while we were sleeping.

Thanks a ton for coding this. It's one of the best Mods I ran across because I really had spammer trouble. ;)


11-14-2008, 12:19 AM
I have 0.6 installed and totally confused on how to upgrade to 0.61?
You mentioned that I only need to edit MEMBERINFO?
Sorry, am a newbie.

11-14-2008, 12:43 AM
Only need to revert MEMBERINFO if you made the template edits manually in a version prior to 0.61

Its only because I didnt pay attentino to what I was doing. If in 0.6 you made the template changes to show source IP and didnt revert the template, then people could see others IP numbers. Thats the only difference really

11-14-2008, 09:28 AM
When I went to install your Stop Forum Spam mod, I got an error message stating that it wasn't compatible with VB version 3.6.1 Is there any reason that it isn't compatible? or has it just not yet been tested with 3.6.1? I know, I know, I probably should upgrade, but I've been putting it off since our forum is highly modified so it could be a real pain to upgrade.

Joe Siegler
11-14-2008, 03:41 PM
Installed and it works with 3.80 Beta 2.

11-14-2008, 03:51 PM
It hasnt been tested with 3.61

You can install it and try and report the results back. Best thing would be to see if 3.61 has the two hooks mentioned in the first post. If it does, then it should work.

- Thanks Joe, Ive updated the mod post to show it working in 3.80beta2

11-14-2008, 07:01 PM
It appears to be working with 3.6.1.

I had to change the xml file
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.2" maxversion="" />
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.6.1" maxversion="" />

to allow it to install, but so far everything appears to be working just fine. :)

Thanks for the great mod!

11-14-2008, 07:31 PM
Ill add this to the mod description and re-upload the package with the min version of 3.6.1

11-15-2008, 05:29 AM
Thanks for your support pedigree. Weirdly I was unable to find the code that was supposed to install during 0.6 in MEMBERINFO :) So nothing needs to be done.. Great job and keep up the good work.

11-21-2008, 01:11 PM
Well, this is good news (for this mod anyway) After the tragic lose of the author who write the One touch ban and cleanup mod, Ive been in contact with his brother who said that I can include the code in the next verson, so expect to see a selectable list of users/post by ip/subnet/email address where you can perform actions against them in batch mode... select all users from the same class-C subnet and one click cleanup and ban them all.

11-23-2008, 02:38 AM
This has been a great mod for me. my forum has almost 6,000 members now. in the last 2 weeks, this mod has stopped over 400 spammer registrations. running vb 3.8.0 Beta 3 and running 46 modifications .:up:

11-23-2008, 10:15 AM

That's great news. Although I do hate to hear about the author of the one touch ban mod.


It's been a very good mod for me too. I sware by this one. ;)

11-24-2008, 12:58 PM
Installed, thanks.

11-25-2008, 02:42 PM
I would like to say thanks for this mod, my forum would not be alive without it.

I have recently upgraded to vb 3.8.0 beta 3 and have the latest upgrade of this mod including the submit add on and all is working perfectly.

Thanks again ;)

12-01-2008, 11:07 PM
To make it work in mySQL 4.0...

Replace in functions_vbsfs.php
$sql = "SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), '" . $lastseen . "') AS DAYS;";

$sql = "select floor((unix_timestamp(NOW()) - unix_timestamp('" . $lastseen . "')) / 86400) AS DAYS;";

That should work...

12-02-2008, 11:50 AM
Thanks rapidity, Ill look at implementing that in 0.7 if mysql < 4.1

12-08-2008, 03:59 PM
Thanks for this great mod. We installed on our forum last week and have been able to stop 30 spammers. Our site is a family oriented site and given the graphic nature of some of this spam, your mod has been a great help.

Keep up the good work!

12-10-2008, 06:41 PM
After clicking Register i get a white screen, running 3.7.4

If you need any other info let me know.

12-11-2008, 12:48 AM
Thanks for this mod. I have extended it to the sendmessage.php form for myself and plan on using it as a SPAM filter for our admin email accounts (using vBMS) once I get the time to code it.

12-11-2008, 09:05 AM
After clicking Register i get a white screen, running 3.7.4

If you need any other info let me know.

This is what happens when you dont read the install instructions, specifically the bit about uploading files to your forum

12-13-2008, 11:30 AM
Thanks for this great Mod. :-)

Excellent work. :up:

12-17-2008, 03:15 PM
I have been testing this mod on 3.8 for a little over 3 weeks.. and I have to say it is VERY VERY good.

I get logs with all actions taken and it blocks about 20 people a day, never once blocking a sincere new member...

Thank you so much!

12-20-2008, 05:40 PM
Fantastic mod! Look what they did in a new forum (3.8 RC1), after some hours:


Thank You!

12-26-2008, 01:27 PM
I've said this before, I'll say it again.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, pedigree.

I run the back end for http://www.naxja.org. This mod is worth it's weight in gold. If you're ever in the Twin Cities, I'm buying the beer.

12-29-2008, 01:04 PM
If you're ever in the Twin Cities, I'm buying the beer.

If the USA ever drops the Gestapo crap at passport control, I might go back but until then, keep the beers in the fridge :)

12-30-2008, 03:28 PM
agreed, this mod is awesome! :up:


12-30-2008, 05:38 PM
I just want to say this is probably one of the BEST ways to stop spam that I have found so far, no joke here guys!

I Installed it about 3 days ago because my forum was getting some spam (12+ posts a day of just spam). And as soon as I installed this it virtually stopped the log already has 125 entries of stopped spam.

Keep in mind I have installed almost every other product out there to try to stop spam but it took this one to complete the job thank you very much!

01-02-2009, 12:47 AM
Wow! Just installed this and within 5 minutes had 3 blocked spammers. Great mod!!

01-04-2009, 02:19 PM
I had been spending an hour every two or three days cleaning up the messes left behind by spammers, and blocking IP addresses. The first 24 hours haven't passed yet and I've already blocked 21 attempts.

The plug-in provided by Wired1 (I think) made it very easy so that no coding changes were required.

As soon as they lift the wage freeze around here and give me my well-deserved raise, I'll be happy to send you something for your tip jar!

01-04-2009, 03:09 PM
its blocking about 200-300+ spam registrations attempts per day on my board.

01-05-2009, 11:09 AM
Good to here :)

Pay rise this year = 0%
Train ticket price rise this year = 12%

I know how you feel.

01-10-2009, 10:53 AM
Im playing with the user information process again. So far, on the user info screen for each user, it lists

registrations from this users registeration / last activity subnet
posts from this users registeration / last activity subnet

etc etc - 9 cross references in total, with a list of the most recent 15 (but definable) for each, with a tick box beside each post / user account.

What I want from you is the actions that you would like to see available.

Im integrating the One touch Spam cleanup mod so one of the options will be that,

"Cleanup and ban"

With a radio box that will allow you to submit the data to our database.

So, what other options other than the "delete all pm, posts, threads and ban" would you like to see available?

01-10-2009, 10:42 PM
Happy New Year Pedigree.

One consideration could be scanning the user database for existing users and checking for a match.

While the registration process helps prevent us against spammers as they sign up, having it run manually (or as a scheduled task) would allow us to ban users that have been identified as spammers by the community as a later date, thus reducing the risk of sleepers.

01-11-2009, 05:10 AM
Happy New Year Pedigree.

One consideration could be scanning the user database for existing users and checking for a match.

While the registration process helps prevent us against spammers as they sign up, having it run manually (or as a scheduled task) would allow us to ban users that have been identified as spammers by the community as a later date, thus reducing the risk of sleepers.Already suggested this a while back :)

01-11-2009, 09:34 AM
yeah, this is one for a seperate code base or an addition tp it due to the load it could cause of the database. 10,000 forum users = 50,000 possible fields to test, 1 email, 1 username, three ips (registered, confirmation ip, last activity) before you get into every post ip.

Dean C
01-12-2009, 08:25 PM
Hi pedigree,

Would it be possible for you to expand this mod to apply to guest posting too :) It would obviously only be able to perform an IP address check but that would be sufficient!


01-12-2009, 11:02 PM
it will handle guest posting in the version im coding (slowly) at the moment

01-12-2009, 11:36 PM
Does it handle guest posting slowly or you're coding it slowly ;-)

01-13-2009, 08:51 AM
oh har har :)

personally, i think if you enable guest posting, youre inviting spammers to hammer the crap out of your board

Dean C
01-13-2009, 09:26 AM
oh har har :)

personally, i think if you enable guest posting, youre inviting spammers to hammer the crap out of your board

I only allow it in news forums, so guests can comment on front page items, kind of like blogs :)

01-13-2009, 02:09 PM
Great mod :D

What happens if www.stopforumspam.com/ is down?

01-13-2009, 08:46 PM
Great mod :D

What happens if www.stopforumspam.com/ is down?

What depends on your settings, i have set it to allow registration if site are down.

01-14-2009, 02:41 AM
Im playing with the user information process again. So far, on the user info screen for each user, it lists

registrations from this users registeration / last activity subnet
posts from this users registeration / last activity subnet

etc etc - 9 cross references in total, with a list of the most recent 15 (but definable) for each, with a tick box beside each post / user account.

What I want from you is the actions that you would like to see available.

Im integrating the One touch Spam cleanup mod so one of the options will be that,

"Cleanup and ban"

With a radio box that will allow you to submit the data to our database.

So, what other options other than the "delete all pm, posts, threads and ban" would you like to see available?

Hey pedigree,

This sounds perfect for what I need.

Thanks for taking the time to upgrade the Mod. ;)

01-14-2009, 11:33 AM
There are a several batches of registration attempts in the vbStopForumLogs where maybe as many as 20 registrations by the same username/IP are listed, and the log Message shows "Allowed Registration," yet no user account was set up. When these occur, I add them to the SFS database.

What should I make of this, if anything? ...and why was no account created (though I'm not complaining!)?

01-14-2009, 12:44 PM
What should I make of this, if anything? ...and why was no account created (though I'm not complaining!)?

As covered elsewhere in the thread, this happens when it passes sfs tests and then passes control back to vB for its tests. The registration has failed vB checks/validty and the text really should read "passed SFS testing, passing back to vB for further tests" but thats just way too long.

0.7, its been changed to "Passed"

01-14-2009, 01:45 PM
Oh, I always thought these entries were from bots who couldn't finish the signing up process. Perhaps they still are.

Hey pedigree,

I have a quick question if you don't mind. I have a bunch of pages building up. Is it wise to keep them or should I prun them?

My main concern is if I prune them, the same people will try to register again. Or won't that matter?

Thanks ...

01-14-2009, 08:06 PM
So, what other options other than the "delete all pm, posts, threads and ban" would you like to see available?I'd add signatures to that list!

And possibly some way to add all the failed registrations (cfr "vbStopForumSpam Logs") to the SFS DB in a less repetitive strain injury inducing way than copy name -> ctrl-tab -> paste -> ctrl-shift-tab -> copy ip -> ctrl-tab -> paste -> ctrl-shift-tab -> copy email -> ctrl-tab -> paste -> submit -> backspace -> ctrl-shift-tab -> rinse -> repeat. Assuming the IP check is done first, about 10% of registrations seem to come from IPs unknown to the SFS DB, would be nice if we can preemptively exclude those from other board's registration queues :)

01-15-2009, 09:17 AM
@mmurtha - purging logs wont impact anything else. They use minimal database space

@bartech - Ill see how easily I can add failed registrations to the database but as theyre failed, theyve already been caught and are, mostly complete, in the database. It should be as easy (from your point of view) of a tick box that will post back to the code Im writing for the user functions.

01-15-2009, 10:38 AM
As covered elsewhere in the thread, this happens when it passes sfs tests and then passes control back to vB for its tests. The registration has failed vB checks/validty and the text really should read "passed SFS testing, passing back to vB for further tests" but thats just way too long.

0.7, its been changed to "Passed"

Sorry...hadn't read but a couple hundred of the posts and must have missed the one you're referring to. I thought that was might the case, but the IPs and emails were not on my banned lists. One did get through this morning, however, after 11 attempts.

01-15-2009, 10:48 PM
I'd add signatures to that list!Ditto signatures, as well as homepages. Basically clean the profile. Don't forget profile fields. They LOVE to place URLs in custom ones.

And possibly some way to add all the failed registrations (cfr "vbStopForumSpam Logs") to the SFS DB in a less repetitive strain injury inducing way than copy name -> ctrl-tab -> paste -> ctrl-shift-tab -> copy ip -> ctrl-tab -> paste -> ctrl-shift-tab -> copy email -> ctrl-tab -> paste -> submit -> backspace -> ctrl-shift-tab -> rinse -> repeat. Assuming the IP check is done first, about 10% of registrations seem to come from IPs unknown to the SFS DB, would be nice if we can preemptively exclude those from other board's registration queues :)

Ill see how easily I can add failed registrations to the database but as theyre failed, theyve already been caught and are, mostly complete, in the database. It should be as easy (from your point of view) of a tick box that will post back to the code Im writing for the user functions.

I'd add a button to the end of the row of the log that submits the data. I know I've submitted a lot based on the fact that they're attempting every 3 seconds for 5 min straight. NOT HUMAN! Doesn't hurt that I have another mod that doesn't let you hit the register button for 15 seconds. This way you know if they're hitting it quicker, they're automatic spammers.

01-22-2009, 06:45 AM
Pedigree, at one time you had talked about the possibility of allowing a custom name for the signup link to circumvent (speed bump) script kiddies.. is that still on a wish list somewhere?

I also recall talk of an option to disable registration when javascript is not active.

01-23-2009, 12:01 PM

Yes, its on my list and it will work like this.

- the register page will maintain a database table with the last time a certain IP address accessed this page. Its an IP address rather than a vB allocated session as the session can be changed very easily with any POST to the page.
- if the register page has already been accessed within a configurable period of time, the page returns an error and no further processing is done. If a time out window is allocated, then a countdown counter is added to the submit button
- the "submit registration" input button is removed from the template and replaced with a javascript implementation of the removed code, ie document.write("<input>...."). The javascript also writes an encoded javascript code block, linking in a AES decrypt function and an encoded key/challenge pair. The script will decode the AES encrypted javascript that will write a random form field. If that form doesnt exist on the post, its a spambot as a non-javascript browser wont see the submit button but rather a "javascript required" message. This differs from other field scripts in that it will have to AES decode javascript and execute (or give this script individual consideration) in order to get the correct field data, where others are easier to process as the spambot can read field text directly out of a HTML page.

Lee G
02-07-2009, 08:37 AM
This has got to be one of the very best anti spam features to add on to any vb forum.

I cant believe how many spammers this stops each day.

Keep up the good work

02-07-2009, 10:05 PM
works like a charm on 3.5.4

02-09-2009, 01:31 AM
Host recently upgraded PHP and MySQL and I've started to receive these errors (removed real user info)

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO vbstopforumspam_log (date, ipaddress, email, username, message, blocked, userhash) VALUES (now(), '' , 'spammer@email.com', 'username', 'Result on field username - username [REMOTEERR] Unverfied but allowed by policy', 0, '1484b1f7391c8014a25bb68602e0819b');;

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006

Any ideas?

02-09-2009, 02:57 AM
I am getting the same thing on 5 sites I have this installed on. Just started getting the errors today.

02-09-2009, 03:04 AM
Mine just started today as well..

I tested the SQL in phpMyAdmin and it is valid. No other MySQL errors show in the VB logs.

I'm running VB 3.7.5.

02-09-2009, 03:15 PM
Whats the exact version of php and mysql so that I can install both and test it.

02-09-2009, 03:35 PM
pedigree, is SFS under heavy load at the moment or a DDOS attack? As I've had a lot of '[REMOTEERR] Unverfied and rejected by policy' results today and the load times are quite slow for the site at the minute.

Just thought I'd ask in case you weren't aware.



02-09-2009, 03:36 PM
Can you try this


go to line 165 (ish) that reads

$logresult = $vbulletin->db->query($sql);

and change it to

$logresult = $vbulletin->db->query_write($sql);

does that fix its behavior?

02-09-2009, 04:08 PM
Doesnt look like a DoS, just the mysql server is dead slow to respond. The server load is 3, which is next to nothing.

02-09-2009, 04:32 PM
Im guessing that mysql is closing pages due to the unsually long period of time that its taking to query lookups due to the slow remote database server. If youre using cUrl for your lookups, try lowering the timeout period so that mysql doesnt close its connections or increase the timeout period for mysql.

02-09-2009, 11:01 PM
Will do. Like magic it went away shortly after posting here yesterday..

02-10-2009, 06:55 AM
Then it almost certainly was due to the sfs mysql server running slow working with php/curl and mysql/vbulletin timeouts.

02-10-2009, 07:29 AM
I'll leave the setting as is right now and if the problem comes back adjust the timeout to see what effect it has.

02-25-2009, 03:04 AM
Hey pedigree,

When is this mod going to get to be the Mod of the month?

Lol, I have to admit it's one of the best spam fighters in this foum-bar none.

Btw, thanks a lot for that explaination you gave to Skipper for furture up grade. That helped me figure a couple of other things out.

02-25-2009, 03:20 AM
mmurtha, agreed.. I've tried to campaign for motm a couple of times..

Love to see you take the rally for April!

02-25-2009, 10:33 AM
It would be nice to see a motm against the mod :) But as the rules state, Im not allowed to nominate it myself or /poke people into nominating or voting for it.

Just that people think its good enough for motm is a great pat on the back.

I am working on 0.7 (to be v1.0) but Im so very busy at work, have a young son and, shamefully, starting playing Evercrack 2 again.

03-01-2009, 11:17 PM
*Installed and voted*

Thank you so much and to wired1 for the plug in! By the time I installed and added the API key, I had one already in the log.

03-02-2009, 02:24 PM
Are there any known issues with vbulletin ver 3.8.0?

03-02-2009, 05:23 PM
Good work, thanks

03-03-2009, 11:45 AM
Just got this error when trying to read the last 15 entries in the log? :erm:

<script language="JavaScript"><!-- // Start of AdSubtract JavaScript block; you can ignore this. // It is used when AdSubtract blocks cookies or pop-up windows.document.iMokie = "cookie blocked by AdSubtract";document.iMfe

What is it?

Never had a problem before, but more importantly, how to I clean it up and continue using this excellent mod? I'm unable to read past the 2nd item in the list.....

Thanks for any feedback... :)


03-03-2009, 01:11 PM
Just got this error when trying to read the last 15 entries in the log? :erm:
What is it?

Never had a problem before, but more importantly, how to I clean it up and continue using this excellent mod? I'm unable to read past the 2nd item in the list.....

Its a plugin in your browser I guess. Its nothing to do with the mod in vbulletin.

03-06-2009, 08:02 PM
Hey Skippy,

mmurtha, agreed.. I've tried to campaign for motm a couple of times..

Love to see you take the rally for April!

Consider it done then for April! I know I've been posting this Mod on other forums every chance I get. If a couple of us do that, people will install it and then see how good it really is. ;)

Hey Pedigree,

It would be nice to see a motm against the mod But as the rules state, Im not allowed to nominate it myself or /poke people into nominating or voting for it.

Just that people think its good enough for motm is a great pat on the back.

I am working on 0.7 (to be v1.0) but Im so very busy at work, have a young son and, shamefully, starting playing Evercrack 2 again.

Yeah, I understand that you aren't allowed to rally people to vote, but this Mod is well worth it and then some to us who use it. I have thousands of spammers now in my logs and I've only been using this mod for a couple of months. It seems to me that the people who install it and use it could ralley for you. ;)

Btw, I knew you mentioned you were working on another update, and that's great! You'll get to it when you get to it, and I think most people know how valuable your times is too, so don't fret. It'll come. ;)

I wanted to ask you something to - Would you mind if I posted a link to your mod on my forum? I'm thinking of creating a mod section in one of the moduels in the left column. I'd love to post this one as the leading mod.


03-07-2009, 01:49 AM
thank you. works great with 3.8.1

03-07-2009, 09:07 AM
mmurtha, you post away :)

03-07-2009, 03:30 PM
thank you. works great with 3.8.1

nice then I will install it

03-09-2009, 11:43 PM
Has anyone else begun experiencing an inordinate amount of legitimate AOL members attempting to register on their sites, but the mod "bags" them as spammers?

Almost every one from AOL seems to get stopped because their IP address is in the database.

Is there a reason for this I'm missing?

Sure creates some unhappy campers and a lot of manual work adding them later after they complain and you find out they're legit.

Do the spammers have access to blocks of IP addresses that AOL uses and that's why we're seeing this?

Thanks for any feedback.... great mod btw ... :up:


03-10-2009, 12:05 AM
Has anyone else begun experiencing an inordinate amount of legitimate AOL members attempting to register on their sites, but the mod "bags" them as spammers?

I do not see this in my environment, but each of our niches draws different users. If this creates a impact for you, you can set StopForumSpam from blocking on IP and still catch a number of spammers (31% of all blocked spammers on my site are from username (21%) and email (10%)

03-10-2009, 12:19 AM
I think I'll try that and see what happens ... :)

Thanks for the advice....


03-10-2009, 10:48 AM
AOL forces most of its users out via proxy servers. As AOL do practically nothing to curtail spammers, innocents users are being caught up in that mess. If youre an AOL user, I think youll have to come to expect trouble in the future, not just for the sfs database but from projecthoneypot, spamhaus etc etc etc.

03-15-2009, 03:03 AM
Any reason this wont work on 3.6.0? I tried installing it on a test board and it seemed to work fine.

03-15-2009, 03:18 AM
I used the current version of this plugin (.61) on 3.6.0 for a while with no issues..

03-15-2009, 02:57 PM
A lot of registrations are blocked because they seem to be using the name 'unregistered'. But it seems to be 1 in every 10 registrations. Something seems wrong. Do you have any idea what could be the problem?

03-15-2009, 05:34 PM
A lot of registrations are blocked because they seem to be using the name 'unregistered'. But it seems to be 1 in every 10 registrations. Something seems wrong. Do you have any idea what could be the problem?
I've not had this on the forum I admin. :confused:

03-15-2009, 06:09 PM
Maybe its a conflict between this and vMail (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=201466) ?

03-18-2009, 04:17 PM
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT HIGH_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO vbstopforumspam_remotecache (date, data, spambot, field) VALUES (now(), 'tvgxi489i@moreprobe.com', '0', 'email');;

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Wednesday, March 18th 2009 @ 06:10:18 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, March 18th 2009 @ 06:10:55 AM
Script : http://www.com/forums/register.php?do=addmember
Referrer : http://www.com/forums/register.php?do=register
IP Address :
Username : V4ibWDcO
Classname : vB_Database

I got this SQL error today.

Is there a possible SQL injection vulneralbility with this mod or an error with the code?

03-18-2009, 10:19 PM
We've seen that error in the past (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=176481&page=27):

Im guessing that mysql is closing pages due to the unsually long period of time that its taking to query lookups due to the slow remote database server. If youre using cUrl for your lookups, try lowering the timeout period so that mysql doesnt close its connections or increase the timeout period for mysql.

04-01-2009, 09:44 PM
As the API is becoming very popular, more and more people are writing interfaces to it and some are very very bad. As some of the implementation do no caching, the API is getting hammered by some forums.

Because of this, we have had to add rate limiting (currently 1000 per day but thats not set in stone). This hasnt gone live yet but I will be checking how the mod will handle this.

Read more here http://www.stopforumspam.com/forum/t573-Rate-Limiting

04-03-2009, 06:07 AM
I tried to update from 0.60 to 0.61 by uploading the product. This is the error that I got:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE vb5_usergroup ADD vbstopforumspamviewpermissions INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'vbstopforumspamviewpermissions'
Error Number : 1060
Request Date : Friday, April 3rd 2009 @ 09:00:57 AM
Error Date : Friday, April 3rd 2009 @ 09:00:57 AM
Script : /forum/admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : /forum/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Username : Alfa1
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.77

04-03-2009, 10:10 AM
You need to uninstall and reinstall the mod. Prior to 0.61, there is no upgrade path without a reinstall Im afraid.

You could edit the XML file and remove the line of code that does the sql query directly under that if you wish to maintain you logs. You dont need to upgrade from 0.60 to 0.61 unless you manually editted your templates to include the faulty vB conditions.

04-03-2009, 08:26 PM
Installed this as 0.61 but it only shows up as 0.6.
It doesn't seem to work with 3.8.1. Log is empty and today the first mail adress mentioned in the blacklist came through.

Any hints would be nice. Thanks.

04-03-2009, 11:18 PM
peterle1, I have it working on 3.8.1 on one of my sites with no issue.

DFW Auto Club
04-07-2009, 12:56 AM
I have 3.8.1 seems to work fine for me. Thx great mod. :)

04-07-2009, 12:10 PM
Anyone having any problems on 3.8.2 on this?

04-07-2009, 12:22 PM
Not at all... working fine on 3.8.2

04-26-2009, 08:33 AM
As others have mentioned, this is an AWESOME mod. In fact, it is probably the most useful mod I have installed, hence nominating it for MOTM.

I read elsewhere in this topic that there has been some recent issues with server response and I have been getting the "[REMOTEERR] Unverfied and rejected by policy" timeout on a number of registrations.
I do not have admin access to the server configuration with my host (shared server) so I am wondering if there is something I can do to reduce these errors from the client side?
I have access to MySQL and ftp access to the server (obviously) so if there is anything I can do with either editing any of the php files in this mod or something I can change in the database via MySQL, that would be very much appreciated.

Regardless of this issue, I still rate this as an essential mod. :up:

04-28-2009, 10:54 AM
This error presents itself when a couple of things happen.
1. Your forum cant contact the remote database in the allowed period of time
2. Our database is down (cough, it happens, I blame Russ :) )
3. Youve exceeded the (newly implemented) limit of 5,000 queries in a 24 hour period (which is unlikely).

Are you using cURL for doing the queries? Its one of the options in vbStopForumSpam configuration. With cURL, you can control the timeout time window a little more but thats often at the cost of risks a "mysql has disapeared" error.

04-29-2009, 11:05 PM
Love this mod. This is has kept the hundreds of spammers out everyday.

05-02-2009, 06:00 AM
Mod classification - MUST HAVE! Great Work! 10x!

Lowestoft Life
05-02-2009, 11:40 AM
Does this work on vb 3.8.2 does anyone know?

05-03-2009, 01:18 PM
Works perfectly well on 3.8.2.

05-04-2009, 04:48 PM
I have just installed this on a bord i keep getting spam registrations onto; i had previously seen the API's on stopforumspam.com and wondered if anyone would ever implement it, of course someone has - GREAT WORK and i will see how this runs for me


05-04-2009, 06:10 PM
I can confirm the latest release (.61) will work on 3.5.4 if you use the attached product XML file, which simply replaces the "select : pipe" sections with CDATA for select method code. Installed fine after that was edited. Installers should remember to refresh their ACP navigation window when they first install it so they can see the new log file menu item. This edit to the XML file should be forward-compatible.

Good job.

05-05-2009, 03:02 PM
I can't tell you how much I appreciate this mod. In less than 24 hours, it has allowed only 2 legit registrations to go through while blocking 15 spammers. Thanks again.

Donation sent!

05-15-2009, 03:18 PM
Awesome! Works very well on 3.8.0 for me.

05-19-2009, 07:31 PM
Working great on 3.8.2
Thanks for a great mod!

05-19-2009, 08:09 PM
This error presents itself when a couple of things happen.
1. Your forum cant contact the remote database in the allowed period of time
2. Our database is down (cough, it happens, I blame Russ :) )
3. Youve exceeded the (newly implemented) limit of 5,000 queries in a 24 hour period (which is unlikely).

Are you using cURL for doing the queries? Its one of the options in vbStopForumSpam configuration. With cURL, you can control the timeout time window a little more but thats often at the cost of risks a "mysql has disapeared" error.
I am using cURL (as it was set by default).

Over the last week or two, things seem to have returned to normal and I'm no longer getting time outs so I'm a happy camper :)
As I mentioned earlier, this mod has saved me heaps of work removing spammers manually. Great work.

06-07-2009, 05:41 AM
We are getting multiple entries in the spam log. One accepted user has 25 entries!
We are also getting rejections due to 'Result on field username' ???

Any idea's?


06-07-2009, 10:43 AM
We are getting multiple entries in the spam log. One accepted user has 25 entries!
We are also getting rejections due to 'Result on field username' ???

Any idea's?


Hey Barry,

This has been my experience with this Mod -

The "accepted" listings in the stopforumspam logs could be either that the user did not respond to the email you sent during the registration process (if you sent one), or that the user got past the SFS Mod, but got stopped by your settings in VBulletin. The .logs show all who try to register whether they were able to or not.

The "Rejections" due to result on field username means that the Mod is doing its thing, and catching the spammers, then preventing them from registering on your forum.

What happens is, recorded spammers are reported to StopForumSpam by their username, IP address, and email address (these are the field results), so when the Mod goes to the SFS site, the site relays varification back to yours.

So basically, the logs are letting you know who is caught, and who was allowed to register.

Hope this helps ...


P.S. This Mod is a really great one. Let it do its job, and you will be pleasently surprised at how many spammers it stops dead cold! ;)

06-07-2009, 11:06 AM
Thanks for the prompt reply Mary. I understand the multiple logs now.

I am still a little concerned that it looks at user names as it is rejecting quite legitimate users on my site. I have just had a user rejected because his chosen username was Andrew? There are no other Andrew's on my site, the spam database does not find any issue with his IP or email Address.

Other than this its been a great tool.

EDIT: I have just found out that usernames can be removed from the search.



06-07-2009, 04:12 PM
We are getting multiple entries in the spam log. One accepted user has 25 entries!If a legitimate user re-submits the new user registration multiple times, it will show up in the log multiple times. For example, where they change a setting, or fail the CAPTCHA, or edit their email address, each time it is resubmitted, it shows up in the log.

We are also getting rejections due to 'Result on field username' ???

I am still a little concerned that it looks at user names as it is rejecting quite legitimate users on my site. I have just had a user rejected because his chosen username was Andrew? There are no other Andrew's on my site, the spam database does not find any issue with his IP or email Address.
You have to be careful of the username searches. StopForumSpam.com searches for partial matches to username searches, which can result in high false positives. Your user "Andrew" did return a hit on StopForumSpam.com, but it also turned up false positives for other usernames that include the phrase "andrew" in it, even email addresses. I would prefer StopForumSpam.com to modify their username searches to only return exact matches, otherwise the username search becomes nearly useless.

06-07-2009, 05:13 PM
... I would prefer StopForumSpam.com to modify their username searches to only return exact matches, otherwise the username search becomes nearly useless.

Thanks for your reply. I've learnt a lot about this tool today. I like the tool but I agree about modifying the username searches. My spam log has already rejected a few potential members.


06-07-2009, 08:38 PM
You have to be careful of the username searches. StopForumSpam.com searches for partial matches to username searches, which can result in high false positives. Your user "Andrew" did return a hit on StopForumSpam.com, but it also turned up false positives for other usernames that include the phrase "andrew" in it, even email addresses. I would prefer StopForumSpam.com to modify their username searches to only return exact matches, otherwise the username search becomes nearly useless.

When this mod searches their database, it's different than the general search on the website. I believe it already only searches for exact matches, whereas the search on their website always searches all fields.

David Bott
06-08-2009, 10:22 PM
Greetings all...

Interesting plug-in and have it running on AVSForum at this time.

Seeing we get 300+ new registrations a day on the site, I was wondering if their is a way to only log the rejections? You know, the log entries like "Result on field email - kokja@ua.fm - Spammer and rejected by policy"

Thank you kindly for your help and the very nice addition.

06-08-2009, 11:24 PM
Probably, but it's a good thing to have both available. When looking at the logs, you can see where spammers attempt various login combos, and which ones get rejected vs. accepted.

Example: They're attempting to create a login by using a specific IP / username combo, but they keep changing the email address. 3 out of 30 email addresses aren't blocked, and all attempted within a 5 minute period. It's a safe bet those 3 are spammer accounts, and you can report them to the list.

06-09-2009, 01:26 AM
EDIT: I have just found out that usernames can be removed from the search.

How can one do that please ?

06-09-2009, 02:05 AM
installed it and hoping it'll work.... anyway to test without being banned :}

06-09-2009, 08:44 AM
the site does exact matches only but is case insenstive.

When this mod searches their database, it's different than the general search on the website. I believe it already only searches for exact matches, whereas the search on their website always searches all fields.

Spot on

again, as the thread is getting long and I know from these posts that people arent reading it in completion

vBulletin accepts the form, sanity checks it
Passes control to the mod. The mod does tests against the remote database and if all tests come back negative, passes control back to vBulletin for its checks, captcha, dup usernames etc.

If there are multiple logs, its because the mod has passed it and vbulletin has rejected it. There is nothing that I can do about other than attempt to supress duplicate log entries, but then you dont see the whole picture.

06-09-2009, 08:44 AM
How can one do that please ?

Look at the mod options

06-09-2009, 08:45 AM
Greetings all...

Interesting plug-in and have it running on AVSForum at this time.

Seeing we get 300+ new registrations a day on the site, I was wondering if their is a way to only log the rejections? You know, the log entries like "Result on field email - kokja@ua.fm - Spammer and rejected by policy"

Thank you kindly for your help and the very nice addition.


You can edit the php and comment out the line near the bottom that adds the log entries that you dont want to see.

06-09-2009, 05:08 PM
How can one do that please ?

Goto: -



David Bott
06-09-2009, 05:31 PM
Thank you pedigree. My bigging thing right now seems to be with timeouts. Not a lot, but enough. We could be one that actually hits your 5000 a day based on our traffic. ;)

06-09-2009, 06:03 PM
Thank you pedigree. My bigging thing right now seems to be with timeouts. Not a lot, but enough. We could be one that actually hits your 5000 a day based on our traffic. ;)

Easy enough to check. Go to the logs, enter in 5000, and check the date of the first and last entry on the page :)

06-09-2009, 11:11 PM
Proposal: I am sure that there have to be three separate logs or any way to filter the logs in ACP:

Allowed Registrations
Disallowed Registrations
Registrations was not able to check (due to time out)

As for now it is very hard to browse the log.

Proposal: Also it will be nice to have some calendar filter.
So you can check only today registrations.

P.S. pedigree, the application is great! Thanks!

06-10-2009, 12:33 AM
Just found this one in logs - a lot of them (name, IP, mail is changed):

someuser 2009-06-10 02:32:11 email@here.com 1230123.123.123 Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:32:05 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:32:02 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:59 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:56 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:54 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:52 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:43 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:34 email@here.com Allowed registration
someuser 2009-06-10 02:31:28 email@here.com Allowed registration

Of course there is no such user on forum.
This means it was trying to brake captcha or some question.

Proposal: It will be nice if in next version (hope 0.7*) there will be a way to report such user directly from log with one click!!!

06-10-2009, 12:53 AM
Logs like that are why I have other mods in place where a human can only click on the submit button every 15 seconds :)

06-15-2009, 08:50 PM
Great Works a treat Thanks :) Marked as installed

06-17-2009, 04:15 PM
So I installed it.. and in my products in only shows as version .6 and not .61?
Why is that?
I used the zip file and xml on top of this thread from today June 17..

So if I did this correctly...
If i currently have any new user to wait for me to accept them.. the spammers won't even get to the point where I can reject them from the "List Users Awaiting Moderation"?


I am hoping this works :)


06-17-2009, 07:23 PM
So I installed it.. and in my products in only shows as version .6 and not .61?You have the correct one. He just never updated the version number on the actual product :)

If i currently have any new user to wait for me to accept them.. the spammers won't even get to the point where I can reject them from the "List Users Awaiting Moderation"?Correct.

06-18-2009, 10:49 AM
How come I don't see the "Front-End Error Messages" in the Admin Control Panel / Languages & Phrases / Phrase Manager / ?

I tried to register an account in my forum using a spam email and it leads to the database error page instead of "registration denied" page like the picture above.

06-19-2009, 04:37 AM
Have had this installed for 3 months and working fine. Then in the last week I had 3 people contact us saying their signup was rejected as spam. Haven't had any spam in ages, but not many new signups either.......

06-19-2009, 04:44 AM
Edit: didn't upload XML etc. I uploaded it to forum root but the log doesn't appear under stats still.

06-19-2009, 05:02 AM
I also tried it in admincp. And also did do=buildbitfields. Still no log, aarghh..

06-19-2009, 05:14 AM
Figured it out. Move along. Nothing to see here.

I can't believe how many spammy registrations this thing is blocking. I think maybe 15 to 25 per day. Incredible!

06-19-2009, 02:07 PM
Thanks :)

06-19-2009, 02:11 PM
How come I don't see the "Front-End Error Messages" in the Admin Control Panel / Languages & Phrases / Phrase Manager / ?

I tried to register an account in my forum using a spam email and it leads to the database error page instead of "registration denied" page like the picture above.

You havent installed it correctly then

06-19-2009, 03:52 PM
When this mod searches their database, it's different than the general search on the website. I believe it already only searches for exact matches, whereas the search on their website always searches all fields.What differentiates the search to do exact matches for just a username? Do you have a coding example?

06-19-2009, 06:06 PM
mod search with

select where username = "username"

site searches with

select where field like *text*

06-19-2009, 06:24 PM
Ahh, gotcha. Site is using SQL search structure... Thanks.

06-20-2009, 09:38 AM
Most excellent! Thank you!

06-20-2009, 12:37 PM
quick question does this work with 3.8.x or is it only for 3.6.x

06-20-2009, 01:54 PM
It works on 3.8.3

Please add a function to search for denied registrations. I frequently get help requests from people who want to register, but are denied because they are in the SFS listing. I need to find out why they where blocked and explain this to them. i.e. Is the IP or email is listed as spammer in the SFS database? I have 63k entries in the database, so scrolling is not very effective.

Better yet, would be if blocked member would get a more thorough explanation of why they where blocked.

Please add a whitelist.

Why does the log display each registrant multiple times?

Is there a maximum size to the log, when the size becomes a problem?

EDIT: it seems that almost all complaints are caused by AOL IPs.

06-20-2009, 05:18 PM
quick question does this work with 3.8.x or is it only for 3.6.x
There is a RED NOTE in first post...

Please add a function to search for denied registrations. I frequently get help requests from people who want to register, but are denied because they are in the SFS listing. I need to find out why they where blocked and explain this to them. i.e. Is the IP or email is listed as spammer in the SFS database? I have 63k entries in the database, so scrolling is not very effective.
Make a good proposal here 1826723.

Better yet, would be if blocked member would get a more thorough explanation of why they where blocked.
May be an option. I really don't want bot-users to know why there were not allowed to register.

Please add a whitelist.
And how it will be filled?
What whitelist it must be - IP? Email? User name?

Why does the log display each registrant multiple times?
Because the bots tries to register several times and can't brake the captcha picture.

There is no logs for them in stopforumspam.com (http://stopforumspam.com) so the pass the mod but can't pass the captcha.

Is there a maximum size to the log, when the size becomes a problem?
As it is placed in database the maximum size is you hosting size space limited for you database.

Found a BUG in phrases
In MOD's ACP options second and third name of options "IP Check URL" must be "Email Check URL" and "Username Check URL". The options' descriptions are correct.

06-22-2009, 08:43 AM
It works on 3.8.3

Please add a function to search for denied registrations. I frequently get help requests from people who want to register, but are denied because they are in the SFS listing. I need to find out why they where blocked and explain this to them. i.e. Is the IP or email is listed as spammer in the SFS database? I have 63k entries in the database, so scrolling is not very effective.

Better yet, would be if blocked member would get a more thorough explanation of why they where blocked.

Please add a whitelist.

Why does the log display each registrant multiple times?

Is there a maximum size to the log, when the size becomes a problem?

EDIT: it seems that almost all complaints are caused by AOL IPs.

Ilput my hand up here, Ive been slacking on the code on 0.7. I had another baby and I now spend 6 hours a day travelling to and from work. Leaving home at 6am and arriving back at 8pm is kind of tiring.

Whitelist - already in 0.7

It displays multiple times as the person have posted their registration form multiple times.

More detailed errors / messages about rejection - The code is there is 0.7 but not added to the templates yet.

AOL - couldnt care less about AOL. They file almost all traffic down a very small number of proxy servers. If people dont like "being tarred with the sme brush" tell them to get another ISP that doesnt transparently proxy. There really isnt any way around this other than to whitelist all the AOL proxy servers.

Search the logs. The code is there but I need to add the search forms to the admin interface. If you type 192, it will show the records for any email/username/ip address that contains 192. I could add a referral number so that it gives the user a number that correspondes to a log entry. Would that work?

@Marc666- ohhh, ill fix those.

The log size, unless you run a tiny board, will never be as large as the other tables in the database.

06-22-2009, 08:45 AM
Proposal: It will be nice if in next version (hope 0.7*) there will be a way to report such user directly from log with one click!!!

Already done :) Well mostly. the code is there and its working for the User Options advanced display screen but I just need to code the form into the logs code so that it posts the submit data. It allows you to tick boxes or select all / invert and then posts all that data to the remote database

06-22-2009, 08:28 PM
Excellent mod and as others have said, could use a bit more features.

Despite that, I'm loving it and will be tracking its progress in the coming weeks.

Thank you very much for this. :)

+installed / nominated.

06-24-2009, 01:29 PM
Already done :) Well mostly. the code is there and its working for the User Options advanced display screen but I just need to code the form into the logs code so that it posts the submit data. It allows you to tick boxes or select all / invert and then posts all that data to the remote database

Excellent! This is good news because for those log entries, there is no user (they were stopped by Captcha) and therefore no user options to view.

BTW, I'm loving this mod. Thanks very much!

06-24-2009, 02:11 PM
I had another baby and I now spend 6 hours a day traveling to and from work. Leaving home at 6am and arriving back at 8pm is kind of tiring.

I can relate.. wife is 9 months pregnant with our first... free time the last few months has been non existent.. don't see that changing soon.

That being said, that is the beauty of this mod of yours... set it and forget it :-)

Thanks Pedigree!

06-26-2009, 04:09 PM
Top Mod nice one. It also seems to work on 3.8.3.

07-07-2009, 09:02 AM
Hello, i have problem. If "Query Connection Errors" is set to "block" noone can register, so i change it to "allow".
RealbestOlssen 2009-07-07 12:59:44 bestkoncha@hotmail.ru Result on field username - RealbestOlssen [REMOTEERR] Unverfied but allowed by policy
RealbestOlssen 2009-07-07 12:59:44 bestkoncha@hotmail.ru Result on field ip - [REMOTEERR] Unverfied but allowed by policy
RealbestOlssen 2009-07-07 12:59:44 bestkoncha@hotmail.ru Result on field email - bestkoncha@hotmail.ru [REMOTEERR] Unverfied but allowed by policy
RealbestOlssen 2009-07-07 12:59:44 bestkoncha@hotmail.ru Allowed registrationWhich php extensions are required from your mod to work?

I try with my url for IP test and i didn't recieve any request on it :/

I test with CURL option and without it.

EDIT: I found that i didn't have CURL extension and that was the problem! After instaling it everything is OK!

07-07-2009, 10:51 PM
I installed this mod over the weekend and so far I haven't had one spam registration or post. Worked perfectly from the moment it was installed on 3.8.3!

Thank you!!

07-08-2009, 12:04 AM
Very nice! Thank you very much indeed!

07-08-2009, 02:19 AM
excellent mod.

my forum went from having around 10 spammer to zero per day. it is also interesting to get all the logs to see how much spam registration activities there are. it is astounding.

07-08-2009, 09:04 AM
holiday in a week, I get to spend a week at home coding :)

07-08-2009, 03:18 PM
holiday in a week, I get to spend a week at home coding :)

Any timetable on the .07 release

07-09-2009, 10:25 AM
Any timetable on the .07 release

Not really Im afraid, I poke at it when I get the time to but these days, thats very little time indeed

07-14-2009, 03:30 PM
AOL - couldnt care less about AOL. They file almost all traffic down a very small number of proxy servers. If people dont like "being tarred with the sme brush" tell them to get another ISP that doesnt transparently proxy. There really isnt any way around this other than to whitelist all the AOL proxy servers.

I hear ya. I have considered banning all AOL IPs, because of they way the handle IPs and bounced email.

This is why there should be some message informing registrants to contact their ISP, because their IP has been blacklisted by SFS.

I'll keep checking for version 0.7 then.

Have you posted a functionality request at vb.com? I think this should be standard vb functionality.

07-16-2009, 03:09 AM
Hi! When we can use new update? Some like version 0.7 ;)

07-16-2009, 12:56 PM
is there any chance to integrate optioin to search within the already registered users so they can be deleted?

07-17-2009, 09:31 AM

I just installed it, made myself a cup of coffee and when I'd returned to the computer, it had caught its first attempted spam registration!

07-20-2009, 10:56 PM
thanks. installed. works fine on 3.8.3