View Full Version : Show new posts since last visit

04-13-2008, 12:07 AM
I'd like to be able to display a little piece of text next to thread names if a user has visited them before. The text should say how many new posts there are since the users last visit of the thread.

There must be some kinda of system like this with vBulletin..

Once i enable this system, my plan is to edit it's template and pretty it up some. Put a nice box round it, colour it and stuff.

So yeah, how can i get the number of new posts since last thread visit to display on each thread title in forum display?

04-13-2008, 01:02 AM
You would have to run a query for each thread. If you have 15 threads listed on that page, it would be an extra 15 queries. Not a very realistic way to go. ;)

04-13-2008, 07:45 AM
I agree, and for some users that change their settings (like me) and display more than 15 posts on a page then this is not good at all.

When users search for New Posts it shows the ones that have been updated since their last visit, and it also shows the ones that havent been read but not updated since last visit.

Thanks, Paul.