View Full Version : Select an individual thread for moderation

04-11-2008, 01:13 PM
Would like to be able to have an option in the drop down threads tools to choose a thread to moderate - a 'moderate this thread' option.

This could be useful for threads that are becoming out of hand, that you don't necessarily want to close, but want to watch closer - for example I was thinking of using it for when people post 'goodbye, I am leaving this board forever' threads - some are legit, but some are just people being dramatic and starting arguments - if I could select that thread for moderation, then I could watch it, and let legit responses through - easier than trying to moderate the people, because I don't know who is going to reply to the thread - so I can't moderate the people - and I don't want to set a whole forum to moderated just for one thread that might be an issue.

Bayou Buck
10-09-2009, 04:34 AM
Yes this is a huge issue, and it seems a simple fix. It just needs to be in the drop-down box along with the "delete threads," "move threads", etc. Why doesn't this come standard in vbulletin? Is there a mod?