View Full Version : Counter-Strike Version 2

04-10-2008, 10:00 PM
After reading some of the thoughts that people has said about the last version of the Counter-Strike Style I designed I designed to redesign it... totally... its now got a new banner.... new background colour.. and its curved :D

I hope you like this one.

Screen Shot:



Click Here (http://andy-rixon.co.uk/vb/index.php?styleid=4)




1. Login to your FTP and upload the contents of the "CSS-v2" folder into your
"images" folder that is found in the forums root dictionary.
2. Login to your vBulletins Admin Control Panel.
3. Click on the drop down arrow for "Styles & Templates".
4. Navigate you way to "Download / Upload Styles".
5. Upload the XML file that is found in the zipped folder you downloaded.

Your Done!

NOTE: I do give support for this skin, if you need support, go to www.andy-rixon.co.uk/vb
But please do not remove any copyright information.

04-11-2008, 11:36 PM
It has improved but still not something i would never put on my site.

Some improvements that you might like to consider: updating all the images to make them CS images.

It still looks too vb default. some of the colours just do not look that great together.
Overall just looks quite plain and boring.

Looks like your improving tho.

04-12-2008, 08:22 PM
Thanks for the feedback.... I am currently to busy to make a full set of images for it BUT I shall be making a CS Image Pack for it shortly, which I'll update this topic with the new images for the style :D

I am, just new at the moment and getting there.

04-13-2008, 02:26 PM
what is this? :down:

04-16-2008, 08:30 PM
Sorry if you do not like it semka

04-17-2008, 04:20 AM
yeah throw a few images in and will look good, cheers.

04-18-2008, 06:24 PM
some advice... banner can use some readjusting the shadow...
so it doesnt show the cut off... and the logo is a tab to edgy...
make it tab more less edge if you can... if you cant hit me up...
ill help you with some of my CS Renders that i created...