View Full Version : Forum Home Enhancements - Minitabbars 3.7 *** Tabs & Dropdown menus

04-07-2008, 10:00 PM
What this mod does is allows admins to add custom tabbars to Forumhome,,,Gallery or CMPS navbar templates... With customization you can also add it to other areas of your site...

Before installing or updating,,, download and read tutorial...

Primary setup consists of uploading minitabs images folder to your forum images folder...

FIXED CMPS with better dropdown options

If you want to add to your CMPS,,, You must upload minitabs images folder to your domain root...
Goto CMPS and open main options / global varible...>>> Add $var $minitabbar1 or minitabbar1 so that it will show on frontpage...save...

If you want to add to your Gallery,,, You must upload minitabs images folder to your gallery root...

If you want to add to your Forum,,, You must upload minitabs images folder to your Forum root...

************************************************** ***********

Step {2}

Goto Admincp and open products and install xml plugin with admin options on/off...

Goto vbsettings at top of admincp and find Minitabs and open...

View options and setup URL's
View options and setup Tooltip text
View options and setup Name of each tabbar
View options and setup CSS color of text
View options and setup Color type of tabbar from over 30 colors
View options and setup Font family type
View options and setup Font size
View options and setup Hover color link text
View options and setup No hover color link text

************************************************** ***********

Step {3}

Goto vbsettings at top of admincp and find Minitabbars and open...

Setup correct path so that your images will show correctly...

images/minitabs/spacer.gif = http://yoursite.com/forums/images/minitabs/spacer.gif

Place main images folder {{{ minitabs }}} = http://yoursite.com/forums/images/minitabs/

Place main images folder {{{ minitabs }}} = http://forums/images/minitabs/yoursite.com/

Second option may need customization to xml...

************************************************** ***********

Step {4}

Popups? This mod uses the default vbulletin dropdown menu...
Some of my other mods don't work well with vbulletin default dropdown menus... other type {Chrome}?

Adding popups code to text window...

UPDATED Dropdowns to work on all TEN minitabbars
added the ability to turn on/off all eight dropdowns...
added the ability to control register and ID names on all TEN dropdowns...

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demo dropdown menu code that works with all TEN minitabbars ...
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<!-- / Minitabbars POPUP MENUS -->

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Step {5}

Last,,, add $minitabbar1 to NAVBAR template at top under <br/>... save
Goto CMPS global/Main and add $minitabbar1 or minitabbar1 and $minitabbarpopups or minitabbarpopups to global/main and save...

************************************************** ***********

Ver...>>> 0.1.3

Added custom images insert tabbars...
Added total of 10 tabbars...
Added tutorial to help with install...

************************************************** ***********

Ver...>>> 0.1.4

Cleaned up code to 75%...
Fixed on/off options...

************************************************** ***********

Ver...>>> 0.1.5

Added usergroups on 9th & 10th tabbars...
Added dropdowns on/off per tabbar...
Fixed dropdown links *** Turn off if using main link...

************************************************** ***********

Ver...>>> 0.1.6

Fixed CMPS links *** setup global $var...
Cleaned house in Html & PHP @ 90%...

************************************************** ***********

Overwrite with new 0.1.6 ver....

If Overwrite causes issues,,, Uninstall ^ Re-install...

04-08-2008, 07:37 PM
Thanks, very nice ;)

04-08-2008, 08:24 PM
Sweet trying it out now

04-08-2008, 10:41 PM
thank you so much, very sweet!

04-08-2008, 11:12 PM
Interesting concept. Downloaded, and will be testing tomorrow.

04-08-2008, 11:31 PM
Here are som nice tabs for you all :)

04-08-2008, 11:34 PM
thanks! Hopefully, this will look good on my site! :D

04-09-2008, 01:13 AM
can it work on 3.6.8

04-09-2008, 01:18 AM

Works brilliant, even on 3.6.8, with one exeption, can't get it to work on my VBA portal page. What am I doing wrong?

Never mind, I forgot to add minitabbar1 to the VBA "Output Global Variables" :o, problem solved!!!

So, this Mod works just fine, also on 3.6.8

04-09-2008, 04:59 AM
I wont be using this for my boards mainly becuase I not a big fan of all the colors but think this is a really nice mod.

04-09-2008, 05:46 AM
love the concept... but style doesn't match my board.

is it easy to make/apply different tab styles? I'm all over if so. :)

04-09-2008, 05:46 AM
Here are som nice tabs for you all :)

tmiland thanks for the tab images,,, I will put them in the next tab pack for tab menus...

Releasing a Inverted tabbar sets at the end of the week...

By the way U can use only same COLOR or RAINBOW for all minitabbars

Edit CSS files in clientsript so that TEXT color and size change...

Thanks 2 ALL Thanks;)

04-09-2008, 08:36 AM
I can work on a slue of tabs for you, but is it possible to have the product take the style of the tabs from the skin, like vB does with its user profile tabs?

04-09-2008, 11:28 AM
nice hack but unfortunately the tabs simply won't fit any style. a better control over the tabs colour would make this far better

04-09-2008, 01:13 PM
Are there any limits to how many tabs you can have??

04-09-2008, 01:54 PM
Install was easy on our test forum but I couldn't get any of your colors to go with our forum. If you add some straight forward one I can use it.

I must say I like it! I'm still trying to use it!

04-09-2008, 02:18 PM
love the concept... but style doesn't match my board.

is it easy to make/apply different tab styles? I'm all over if so. :)

This works with any Tabs sets,,, just upload your CSS files to clientscript folder and your images to the minitabbars folder and insert your code into options textarea and save...

************************************************** ***

Several big sites are using other tab set like http://www.satelliteguys.us and others...

therogueforums that would B nice 2 have other sets 2 choice from,,, give it a go...

************************************************** ***

Ddad give me your site link and I will try 2 match colors 4 you...

************************************************** ***

Folks this mod isn't perfect,,, its only a minor update from my 3.6 version,,, but it does help managing your TAB SETS much easier...

You can turn them on or off
You add your own SETs if you like
Change font, link colors and size of text
U can also use vbulletin default CSS * makes tabbars expand
It will fit most styles with right setup

I will B releasing Inverted Tabbars update soon...:)

04-09-2008, 02:50 PM
This blue it's a vB color. The test site is password.

04-10-2008, 07:36 AM
This blue it's a vB color. The test site is password.

No problem I will create several sets that will hopefully match your styles...

Will post um by the morrow...

04-10-2008, 07:53 AM
Thanks I'm sure I won't be the only one using them!

04-11-2008, 12:01 AM

I was lucky one of the styles matched my forums style. I'm very happy with this mod :up:.

04-11-2008, 01:47 AM
Thanks I'm sure I won't be the only one using them!

I just go back so I will start working on several different flavors...

I will post l8ter this evening...

************************************************** *

TrikkeTalk I have a new update 4 this mod coming soon... I have updated Inverted tabbars 3.6 so that its much more easier than this one at the moment...

04-11-2008, 01:50 AM
amazing thanks.

04-12-2008, 11:46 PM
Updated with CSS options and Easier admin setup

05-01-2008, 10:46 PM
Hello! Someone can tell me please if this mod make something like this:
I mean the nav bellow buttons!

05-03-2008, 08:32 AM
nice. once I get portal done this is going in. Cheers

05-03-2008, 12:42 PM
Hello! Someone can tell me please if this mod make something like this:
I mean the nav bellow buttons!

I have a NEW mod which is Tabbar Suite,,, which will help U better setting up those images... YES...

I will upload it L8ter this week when I get the bugs out...

************************************************** ******

Also I might update this mod one more time with better admin options...

05-05-2008, 12:45 PM
how can i increase the number of tabs? (more than 8)

05-05-2008, 12:52 PM
how can i increase the number of tabs? (more than 8)

U must edit the xml file to do that...

I will release another update with more options L8ter,,, including adding more tabbars...

I have another colors pack coming soon...

05-05-2008, 02:05 PM
ok thanks, also how can i add my own colors? (my custom tab)

05-05-2008, 02:37 PM

Any for the default vb color?

05-08-2008, 02:34 PM

May I ask for timeframe status on your eagerly awaited Tabber Suite?

I have a NEW mod which is Tabbar Suite,,, which will help U better setting up those images... YES...

I will upload it L8ter this week when I get the bugs out...

************************************************** ******

Also I might update this mod one more time with better admin options...

05-11-2008, 03:21 AM

May I ask for timeframe status on your eagerly awaited Tabber Suite?

************************************************** *******


I finished it ,,, but I forgot to add dropdowns...

It works great with any standard tabs...

Im still learning how to setup php code correctly in vbull,,, so give me till next week and I will upload...

************************************************** **********

vbull default tab colors??? If time permits I will create some L8ter...

05-11-2008, 03:48 AM
Thank you for taking the time to QC such an important feature. We are looking forward to change our forum orientation after your product will be up and running.

************************************************** *******


I finished it ,,, but I forgot to add dropdowns...

It works great with any standard tabs...

Im still learning how to setup php code correctly in vbull,,, so give me till next week and I will upload...

************************************************** **********

vbull default tab colors??? If time permits I will create some L8ter...

05-11-2008, 12:29 PM
good job ;)

05-11-2008, 01:31 PM

05-13-2008, 06:01 AM
Since last night, I am fiddeling around with this mod and I do have a few questions:

Can we have pulldown menues on all tabs?
The tabs don't show in vbadvanced CMPS
In photopost, you can see the tab names, but not the tabs

It's a nice mod and life would be much easier with using this, instead of doing it by hand.
Thanks for all the work done. :)

05-13-2008, 08:54 AM
looks good on forum home but small problem,, in vbadvanced index page the tabs become microscopicly crunched togther.

05-13-2008, 05:25 PM
Since last night, I am fiddeling around with this mod and I do have a few questions:

Can we have pulldown menues on all tabs?
The tabs don't show in vbadvanced CMPS
In photopost, you can see the tab names, but not the tabs

It's a nice mod and life would be much easier with using this, instead of doing it by hand.
Thanks for all the work done. :)


Yes ,,, all tabs can show vbulletin default pulldowns,,, but U will have to modify your the dropdown code... I will update this so that all will have a easier time installing and making changes...

In vbadvanced they will show,,, but you will have to use global option var in CMPS options and then next upload another set of images to the MAIN root of your domain... >>> http://yoursite.com instead of http://yoursite.com/forums/...

Same with your Gallery,,, U will have to upload a set of images to that MAIN root of your gallery,,, the same as adding a style 2 your gallery...


I have been working on other stuff and stopped testing this one,,, but if you uploaded all images including the spacer file,,, then it should work fine,,, but it could be something else...

Check that you loaded the global option in CMPS???


I will do another update with better error checking and post more details on how to fix if problems with CMPS,,, Gallery or Forums...

05-13-2008, 06:53 PM
Yes ,,, all tabs can show vbulletin default pulldowns,,, but U will have to modify your the dropdown code... I will update this so that all will have a easier time installing and making changes...

Thanks for the quick answer.
could you give me a little hint, where to put the code, to have 7 tabs with pulldown menues and not to show the 8th tab.
Thanks again for your help. :o

05-14-2008, 04:04 AM
Hi Deepdog009,

i wonder the add-on date of the tabbed suite modification (new version of this mod) ?

can u give us a appraised date?

05-14-2008, 06:49 PM
Thanks for the quick answer.
could you give me a little hint, where to put the code, to have 7 tabs with pulldown menues and not to show the 8th tab.
Thanks again for your help. :o


Adding more popups and X-out the 8th Tabbar?

Goto your admincp and open styles manager...
Goto minitabbars templates group and find this template...>>> mini_tabbars_html
Open template;)

What you want to do is edit the <TD id="edit here with new dropmenu name"> per tab...
Next add this code per tab so that the javascript will activate the dropdown...>>>
<script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("edit here with new dropmenu name]"); </script>

Where the hec do I add the above code you say?
Look at code below and find javascript,,, thats where you will add it per tab...

<if condition="$show['popups']">
<td class="minitabbarttclass"><img src="images/minitabs/tabbar_left$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum3].gif" height="27" width="10"></td>
<td id="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups1]" class="minitabbarttclass" background="images/minitabs/tabbar_middle$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum3].gif" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top"><img src="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_spacerimage]" height="9" width="1"><br><a class="minitabbarselect" href="$vboptions[url_minitabbar_href3]" title="$vboptions[title_minitabbars_info3]">$titleminitabbar3</a><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups1]"); </script></if></td>
<td class="minitabbarttclass"><img src="images/minitabs/tabbar_right$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum3].gif" height="27" width="10"></td>

Goto styles manager again and open minitabbars group,,, find dropdown template and open..

After that add your dropdown code into the dropdown template so that it matches your ID and REGISTER names...

Deleting the 8th tabbar?
Open styles manager and find minitabbars group,,, open mini_tabbars_html template and look at bottom of code and delete only the end tabbar or you can comment it out with //* at the begining and *// at the end...

05-14-2008, 08:12 PM
Thanks a lot, I will play with it tomorrow. :)

05-15-2008, 03:03 AM
looks good on forum home but small problem,, in vbadvanced index page the tabs become microscopicly crunched togther.

I found the problem and will fix it soon with new release...:eek:;)



I Fixed all minitabbars so that dropdowns work on all eight...
I Fixed all eight dropdown edits from admin options...

Add $minitabbar1 to NAVBAR template below <br/> at top of template...
Add $minitabbar1 or minitabbar to CMPS main options in default settings...
Save and frontpage working ok...

05-16-2008, 02:18 PM
So I tried the last version named mini_tabbars_3.7cmps.xml, but it didn't show up.
The last mini_tabbars_3.7.x.xml works on forumhome, but not vbadvanced.

Any hints?:confused:

05-16-2008, 02:50 PM
So I tried the last version named mini_tabbars_3.7cmps.xml, but it didn't show up.
The last mini_tabbars_3.7.x.xml works on forumhome, but not vbadvanced.

Any hints?:confused:

I cant get it to work on vbadnaced either, all the tabs get crunched up nicroscopic.

05-16-2008, 03:48 PM
So I tried the last version named mini_tabbars_3.7cmps.xml, but it didn't show up.
The last mini_tabbars_3.7.x.xml works on forumhome, but not vbadvanced.

Any hints?:confused:

Got it, one should read, what you wrote in your first post.
Your too fast for me. :rolleyes:

But I didn't quite understood this part:

Goto CMPS and add $minitabbar1 or minitabbar1 to global option in main options... save

Where is that?

Found it ... minitabbar1 fits best. With the $ it wont work.
Haven't got the tabs yet, but I can see the words of the tabs. I will upload the tabset ...
Works flawlessly. :)

Now I have to learn how to our old tabs with that mod ... :p

05-16-2008, 11:51 PM
Got it, one should read, what you wrote in your first post.
Your too fast for me. :rolleyes:

But I didn't quite understood this part:

Where is that?

Found it ... minitabbar1 fits best. With the $ it wont work.
Haven't got the tabs yet, but I can see the words of the tabs. I will upload the tabset ...
Works flawlessly. :)

Now I have to learn how to our old tabs with that mod ... :p

vBadvanced CMPS has a nice little option that requires the GLOBAL $var only from vBulletin so that it will process and eval onto frontpage... So I had to revamp this mod to interact with it...

By the way,,, Brian is doing a great job over at vBadvanced and he deserves much credit,,, so folks please support with KEEP the BALL rolling...:up:

Ok,,, installing the new CMPS update???

Install new PLUGIN and overwrite old...
Upload your images to your CMPS root...
Goto CMPS options and open default options...
Look for Main Options and open...

Look for Global varibles and insert both $vars below... >>>
$minitabbar1 or minitabbar1
$minitabbarpopups or minitabbarpopups
Don't forget to hit the return carraige after each insertion...

$minitabbar1 also in navbar below <br/> at top of navbar template...

The first $var prints out the minitabbars and the second $var adds the dropdowns...

Good Luck 2 ya!!!

05-17-2008, 04:49 AM
Upload your images to your CMPS root...

I uploaded the minitabbar-folder with the images in an images directory and it works.
My first try was to upload the files only to the root of vbadvanced and this didn't work.

Photopost gallery and classifieds work without problems.

Any hints for using othe tab pictures? :o

05-17-2008, 02:32 PM
You had a typo in tab 6 of your little pulldown demo.
I changed it.

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05-18-2008, 09:04 PM
Here we have a mini_tabbars_html template with all tabs with pulldown menues.

<!--Tabbars Mini Tabs-->
<if condition="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups6_onoff]">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="border-bottom-width:0px"><tbody><tr>
<td class="minitabbarttclass"><img src="images/minitabs/tabbar_selected_left$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum1].gif" height="27" width="10"></td>
<td id="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups1]" class="minitabbarttclass" background="images/minitabs/tabbar_selected_middle$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum1].gif" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top"><img src="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_spacerimage]" height="9" width="1"><br><a class="minitabbarselect" href="$vboptions[url_minitabbar_href1]" title="$vboptions[title_minitabbars_info1]">$titleminitabbar1</a><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups1]"); </script></td>
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<if condition="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups7_onoff]">
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<if condition="$vboptions[mini_tabbars_popups8_onoff]">
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<td class="minitabbarttclass"><img src="images/minitabs/tabbar_right$vboptions[minitabbar_colornum8].gif" height="27" width="10"></td></if>

<!--Tabbars Mini Tabs-->

05-23-2008, 04:50 AM
You had a typo in tab 6 of your little pulldown demo.
I changed it.

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where is the typo???

Thanks 4 looking out and let me know if there's other issues... I will try to fix if time permits

05-25-2008, 07:38 PM
where is the typo???

Thanks 4 looking out and let me know if there's other issues... I will try to fix if time permits

You wrote:
<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="navbar_news_updates_menu" style="display:none">
but navbar_news_updates isn't in your Navbar dropdown titles so it breaks your demo.

You can change the titles instead.

Thanks for looking. :)

06-02-2008, 07:53 AM
Maybe a dumb question, but what is the difference between this mod here and your Tabbar Suite? :confused:

06-08-2008, 12:48 AM
Maybe a dumb question, but what is the difference between this mod here and your Tabbar Suite? :confused:

YES there is peterle1...

The difference is that this Mod works very well with the default vBULLETIN dropdown javasrcipt... WHY???
Because it uses three images and a spacer image,,, and its inclosed within a table which allows more flexiblility to add other images without causing issues with javascipt loading...

Tabbarsuite and Invertedtabbars use TWO images to create tabbar,,, both dont work well with vBULLETIN dropdown javasrcipt,,, because they use div's and li's,,, not tables...

There are other differences with color editing and ability to make changes to CSS...

06-08-2008, 09:41 AM
nice hack but unfortunately the tabs simply won't fit any style. a better control over the tabs colour would make this far better

You can take a look at the tabs the mod offers and very easily create your own ones.
The only thing important I have found doing so, is the size of the pictures used as tabs and that there have to be three pictures for one tab.

Are there any limits to how many tabs you can have??

Not really, you can edit the mini_tabbars_html template and add as many tabs as you like, but you have to hard code it in the template.

06-09-2008, 09:47 AM
Tabbarsuite and Invertedtabbars use TWO images to create tabbar,,, both dont work well with vBULLETIN dropdown javasrcipt,,, because they use div's and li's,,, not tables...

There are other differences with color editing and ability to make changes to CSS...

What do you mean by "don't work well"?
The design is different, but I haven't found any problems with the functionality of the drop down menues.

06-09-2008, 06:57 PM
What do you mean by "don't work well"?
The design is different, but I haven't found any problems with the functionality of the drop down menues.

Tabbarsuite and Invertedtabbars probably can work with vBulletin standard dropdown menu's,,, but after I've spent hours trying to make them work together,,, I finally gave up and found another option...CHROME DD... working ok...

vBulletin standard dropdowns work extremely well with Minitabbars... It has something to do with the image icon setup in the menu.js file...

07-09-2008, 03:46 AM
I have contacted Deepdog009 about the the issue with IE7 showing this error:

'this.controlobj' is a null or not an object

Im gussing its the headinclude template that comes with the plugin, but the html template is pretty big as well... Can't find whats causing this.

07-10-2008, 01:52 AM
Finally got around to installing this, it looks very good, and was easy to install. Thanks.

07-10-2008, 06:55 AM
Hi and thanks for a really nice mod!

Im having a bit of a problem with it thou... The links in the tabs does not work. It looks like they link to the right adress but when i click on one of them, nothing at all happens...

What can be wrong?



Robert Waanders
07-13-2008, 06:26 PM
I've have exactly the same problem as mentioned here above..

07-15-2008, 03:16 AM
Hi and thanks for a really nice mod!

Im having a bit of a problem with it thou... The links in the tabs does not work. It looks like they link to the right adress but when i click on one of them, nothing at all happens...

What can be wrong?



I've setup on my testboard and online server,,, and Im not seeing that error message.
Sorry,,, but I'm very busy with many concerns at home... What I will do is work on adding better IE,FF,Opera,Netscape and Safari support... Stay tuned;)


Your problem with links?

It's probably the dropdowns affecting links...
Try turning dropdowns off or edit out all dropdown's in options...
Uninstall & Reinstall,,, that might do the trick...


08-03-2008, 06:11 PM
what does cmps mean..will it not work in normal forum sorry for the silly question

08-04-2008, 07:12 AM
what does cmps mean...

CMPS refers to:

and this is no silly question.
vbadvanced needs some configurations which weren't in the mod some time ago.

It works in the forum, vbadvanced and photoshop - as far as I can see and I have tested it.

Fanny Annie
08-05-2008, 01:03 PM
I've setup on my testboard and online server,,, and Im not seeing that error message.
Sorry,,, but I'm very busy with many concerns at home... What I will do is work on adding better IE,FF,Opera,Netscape and Safari support... Stay tuned;)


Your problem with links?

It's probably the dropdowns affecting links...
Try turning dropdowns off or edit out all dropdown's in options...
Uninstall & Reinstall,,, that might do the trick...


it isnt the dropdown links this has issues on vbadvanced - some links do not work even when linked correctly but as soon as you deactivate dropdown they work, in other words the standard links via the tab will work when dropdowns are deactivated but things go strange when dropdown is activated even when they are correct....................

08-07-2008, 04:46 PM
CMPS refers to:

and this is no silly question.
vbadvanced needs some configurations which weren't in the mod some time ago.

It works in the forum, vbadvanced and photoshop - as far as I can see and I have tested it.

it isnt the dropdown links this has issues on vbadvanced - some links do not work even when linked correctly but as soon as you deactivate dropdown they work, in other words the standard links via the tab will work when dropdowns are deactivated but things go strange when dropdown is activated even when they are correct....................


peterle1 & Fanny Annie,,,
Update coming...

Thanks 4 your time...