View Full Version : Deleting abandoned username hack?

07-13-2000, 08:32 PM
I want to get rid of all the members that gave a bogus email and had their password email bounced, as well as those who signed up, but never posted. Is there an easy way to delete all members with 0 posts?

07-14-2000, 06:23 AM
The following query should delete all users who registered more than a month back, and still haven't posted anything. They may either have never clicked on the e-mail link, enetered a false email, or never bothered to post.

delete from user where posts = 0 and joindate < 960967002;

It'd probably be wise to do a select statement first, to see how many users you'd be deleting.

select count(userid) as count from user where posts = 0 and joindate < 960967002;

And then, to see all the records.

select * from user where posts = 0 and joindate < 960967002;

If everything looks good, then you can execute the delete command.

07-01-2001, 12:56 PM
Can you please explan the date thing. I want to delete all that was before jan 1, 2001.

Tom Dooley
07-01-2001, 08:42 PM
i need the same thing but i do not understan any word what i have to do :)
So please explain it for dummies or better is there an php script to do this ?