View Full Version : Mind providing feedback on a site for Hispanic professionals?

03-31-2008, 06:04 PM
So I got what I thought was a great idea in my head recently. And in doing so I came up with a concept for a site and a forum.

I just launched it a couple of days ago and have a few members trickling in as a result of some basic advertising on Craigslist and word of mouth. But I'd like a non-biased opinion on how the site looks and operates and if there are any flaws I should address that might impede its success. The site can be found at: www.professionalhispano.com

Just as a background, the site is intended as a community for Hispanic professionals. I figured this was a pretty underserved market so I'd like to offer not only the forum but also employment ads and networking/blog opportunities for my members.

I did just notice in my review of the site that the vbcredits portion is not being viewed with this new skin I used, but I'll make those corrections tonight so that they'll appear for everyone.

Your comments and feedback are appreciated. Please be honest, I think (and hope :) ) I can take the criticism.


03-31-2008, 06:17 PM
good front page design i give it a 9/10

03-31-2008, 10:04 PM
good front page design i give it a 9/10

Thank you!

The problem I have right now is trying to find a lot more content for that front page. But above all of that I now need to attract more users. Oh well, one step at a time...

04-01-2008, 12:40 AM
yeah it takes time i still wraping up design on mine then there forum catagorys and usergroups :S then my front page so much work so little time.