View Full Version : Forum Home Enhancements - Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home

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Atakan KOC
03-27-2008, 10:00 PM
Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home

It shows the pictures added to the albums on the main page. It shows only the public mentioned files. If not shows the reasons are: vbulletin settings show albums must be enabled.

The user grup that owns the pictures must be enabled show picture setting. Or there is no picture to show.

You can show the pictures in 4 different sections: Navbar Bellow, Forums Above, Forums Below, Whois Online Below

Additionally you can slect the number of pictures that can be shown.

Hope it works for you as I like it very much.

Mark as Installed (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=installhack&threadid=174445) - Nominate for MOTM (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_miscactions.php?do=nominate&threadid=174445&type=1)


Go to your admin cp, then:
Plugin System -> Manage Products -> [Add/Import Product] -> Select 'product-afm.xml' from your computer then press 'Import'

Modifications Info

Plugin : 2
Phrases : 12
Template : 2
Setting : 3
Query : 1 Query ;)

Latest Posts Setting

Go to your admin cp, then:
vBulletin Options -> Latest Album Picture - Forum Home ->

v1.0 - 28 March 2008
-First release

v1.1 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box
- Display type "random, latest"

v1.2 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box on/off options

v1.3 - 01 April 2008
- Small (template and phrase) change

Atakan KOC
03-28-2008, 06:18 PM

v1.0 - 28 March 2008
-First release

v1.1 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box
- Display type "random, latest"

v1.2 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box on/off options

v1.3 - 01 April 2008
- Small (template and phrase) change

03-28-2008, 06:25 PM

03-28-2008, 06:30 PM

but it not disaplay last pics

just change line

ORDER BY posts DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords


ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords

it work good at me

Atakan KOC
03-28-2008, 06:39 PM

but it not disaplay last pics

just change line

ORDER BY posts DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords


ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords

it work good at me
Problem fixed :) Sory...

03-28-2008, 06:39 PM
Like the Photopost block -- good idea. If I didn't have PhotoPost, I would install this. But, the albums are never going to be come a photo gallery -- Jelsoft won't do it.

Regards Jason :)

03-28-2008, 07:17 PM
cool! thanks so much

03-28-2008, 07:21 PM
Any easy way to call this into a module for vba cmps?

Nice mod by the way! Thank you!

03-28-2008, 07:24 PM
thanks :)


03-28-2008, 07:54 PM
LOL no need for a gallery script now... :)

03-28-2008, 07:56 PM
can it be called randomly? ;)

03-28-2008, 07:59 PM
Very nice, thanks.

I'd like to see the following things added to this hack:
- random pictures, not just latest
- order by photos with most recent comments
- ability for users to disable in usercp
- collapsible box
- ability to ban albums from displaying
- upload link
- option to link the album name to the album

03-28-2008, 10:18 PM
That was the easiest install :) :)

Thanks, real nice :up::up::up:

03-28-2008, 10:22 PM
Is great !!!!!! Install it now!

03-29-2008, 12:25 AM
Works perfectly! Thanks!

03-29-2008, 12:32 AM
Thank you very much.

Just installed on http://www.dogging-contacts.co.uk (Adukt Site)

We need more mods for the the albums

03-29-2008, 01:32 AM
Very nice, just installed. :)

03-29-2008, 02:38 AM
It has to be an image of each album random

03-29-2008, 03:22 AM
Offtopic: something catches also my attention Sir Atakan...

What is the portal/mod you are using on your forum display?

03-29-2008, 04:24 AM
Now I just wish there was an importer to import user galleries from photopost pro into member profiles as there are now a couple of good hacks out that are making it pointless to have a separate gallery.

03-29-2008, 05:43 AM
Wow, awesome... good job !
Would be interesting to have an option like "Choose Random or Latest Album Pictures"
Or just make another mod with Random display.

03-29-2008, 08:22 AM
To quickly change it to display randomly instead of by the date you can change
ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords
to ORDER BY rand() DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords which will work fine for smallish tables.

03-29-2008, 09:11 AM
ORDER BY RAND(NOW()) DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords

is what I use.

03-29-2008, 09:21 AM
I am also getting this showing up:

My pride & Joy where it should be My pride & Joy

I fixed the problem with the & not being parsed. You might want to make this change as you are going to run into this with other things down the road.


$lpicture['title'] = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($lpicture['title']));

And change it to:

$lpicture['title'] = trim(strip_quotes($lpicture['title']));

03-29-2008, 10:19 AM
To quickly change it to display randomly instead of by the date you can change
ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords to ORDER BY rand() DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords which will work fine for smallish tables.
Thanks, that worked great :)

03-29-2008, 10:42 AM

03-29-2008, 11:10 AM
Great Product, many thanks.
It would be nice if you can add a function to only allow special usergroups to see this

03-29-2008, 11:30 AM
great job!

03-29-2008, 11:47 AM
?ok guzel olmus bu tesekkurler Turkish man :D

birde ORDER BY RAND(NOW()) DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords bu nedemek ?

03-29-2008, 12:05 PM
would love to see a "random album picture" setting for this. :)

03-29-2008, 12:19 PM
would love to see a "random album picture" setting for this. :)


Atakan KOC
03-29-2008, 01:49 PM
v1.1 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box
- Display type "random, latest"

03-29-2008, 02:02 PM
Atakan abi sen isteklerimizi biliyorsun. Tesekkür ederim bu güzel Eklentilerin icin

Thank you for your nice products Atakan. You know what we need.

03-29-2008, 03:14 PM
v1.1 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box
- Display type "random, latest"
Very nice. Love the random order. Would like to see it ordered by most recent discussions too.

For some reason my box is not showing the collapse button in the upper right corner. What could be the cause?

03-29-2008, 03:17 PM
Very nice Atakan... good job dude :D

However, there's one thing you need to fix/change...
When you select "Random Picture" it should appear "Random Album Pictures" on forumhome too... but it doesn't.
It's still "Latest Album Pictures".

03-29-2008, 03:53 PM
rastgele cagırma super olmus emegıne saglık abi

03-29-2008, 04:26 PM
wwoooooottt thank you so much Sir Atakan!

03-29-2008, 05:08 PM
Very nice Atakan... good job dude :D

However, there's one thing you need to fix/change...
When you select "Random Picture" it should appear "Random Album Pictures" on forumhome too... but it doesn't.
It's still "Latest Album Pictures".

u r right :)

Atakan KOC
03-29-2008, 06:09 PM
v1.2 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box on/off options

03-29-2008, 06:14 PM
Very nice Atakan... good job dude :D

However, there's one thing you need to fix/change...
When you select "Random Picture" it should appear "Random Album Pictures" on forumhome too... but it doesn't.
It's still "Latest Album Pictures".

I fixed this in the phrase manager... :)

03-29-2008, 06:18 PM
v1.2 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box on/off options

I have installed it but collapsible thing is not showing... :)

03-29-2008, 06:28 PM
I have installed it but collapsible thing is not showing... :)
It's working for me... :confused:
But the Latest Album Pictures/Latest Album Pictures still hasn't been fixed...

It's gotta have it's own <if> conditional.

03-29-2008, 06:39 PM
It's working for me... :confused:
But the Latest Album Pictures/Latest Album Pictures still hasn't been fixed...

It's gotta have it's own <if> conditional.

Latest and Random is working for me... ;)

03-29-2008, 06:48 PM
When you choose Random picture, it still shows Latest Album Picture in the title bar. Shouldn't that change also?

03-29-2008, 06:56 PM
Yeah, that's what i was saying... C'mon, editing a phrase manually is easy to do.
But in order to have a professional product, it needs to change automatically.

03-29-2008, 07:04 PM
sure this will be fixed soon. Let's just wait hehehe :)

03-29-2008, 07:56 PM
v1.2 - 29 March 2008
- collapsible box on/off options
I've got this version with the collapsible box enabled, but it's still not showing up.

03-29-2008, 08:59 PM
It's showing up for me... How come it's not for you guys?

03-29-2008, 09:05 PM
The collapsible box shows up fine for me, also. I ended up disabling it as I don't see it needs it.

03-29-2008, 10:17 PM
It's showing up for me... How come it's not for you guys?
Not a clue.

Is this hack heavy on the resources? If so, maybe consider making it so the random order is only updated whatever number of minutes, instead of upon every refresh.

03-29-2008, 10:48 PM
1 query is all.

03-30-2008, 12:37 AM
any way I can put this inside an vBadvanced Module since I use page integration and make it display vertically?

03-30-2008, 03:29 AM
I guess it should... But weren't there already such a block?
Anyways, i'll search for it and post a link here if i find it.

03-30-2008, 07:41 AM
Nice 2 - C that Bryce Bryce is still alive and kicking...

Beauts...AK :)

I have a few pics 2 share,,, if I can find them...

L8ter G8ter:cool:

03-31-2008, 03:21 AM
thanks so much

03-31-2008, 02:52 PM
we need a link somewhere in the box that says "upload your own pictures" that directs the member to their own album section.


04-01-2008, 08:33 AM


EDIT: ooooOOoo even better. its updated in the hack! :D

Yeah, that's what i was saying... C'mon, editing a phrase manually is easy to do.
But in order to have a professional product, it needs to change automatically.

rgr that. I'm sure he'll get to it though :)
I noticed spelling errors too. no biggy.

I've got this version with the collapsible box enabled, but it's still not showing up.

I don't know how to fix it. ... but I know why collapsible box isn't showing (doesn't show for me too).

FF doesn't show it if its broken image.
in IE... you'll see a red X box. right click and notice the path is DOUBLED UP.
eg on mine its:



04-01-2008, 08:49 AM
Nice, great idea!


04-01-2008, 08:50 AM
I don't know how to fix it. ... but I know why collapsible box isn't showing (doesn't show for me too).

FF doesn't show it if its broken image.
in IE... you'll see a red X box. right click and notice the path is DOUBLED UP.
eg on mine its:



woot figured it out (first time for everything!! :p)
if the collapse image isn't showing do this...

In the XML find:

<img id="collapseimg_afm_box" src="$vboptions[bburl]/$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_thead$vbcollapse[collapseimg_afm_box].gif"

and delete the part in red.

worked for me, but results may vary (I'm a n00b!) :o

04-01-2008, 10:54 AM

04-01-2008, 12:36 PM
have installed ...works fine ... just one problem


how to get picture inside - not outside style ... when some cklik on picture on forum home - latest pictures



edit: how to get this hack at work on cmps-3.0?


Atakan KOC
04-01-2008, 03:43 PM
v1.3 - 01 April 2008
- Small (template and phrase) change

04-01-2008, 04:36 PM
Can you tell us what was changed as I have modded mine special for my site.

04-01-2008, 04:36 PM
My users love this one. Installed and Nominated! It really adds value the the 3.7 album feature.

I made some modifications to display different kind of pictures on different pages. Since the mod is installed my users are uploading more pictures. They never liked photopost. It's an overkill for my site.

More addons like this and there is no need for a gallery script for most of us who do not run a photography oriented site.

What do you think about adding the YUI Carousel Component to this one? I think this would be a great addition.

Keep up the great work and great support!

04-02-2008, 08:42 AM
Atakan, you need to replace case 1 with this as the Latest Album header shows up in the arcade when it is placed under the navbar. This has been tested and is working on my site.

case 1: $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace('".(($show[\'guest\']) ? ("' , $vbulletin->templatecache['afm_latestfm'] . '".(($show[\'guest\']) ? ("' , $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME']); break;

And the phrase Navbar Bellow should be Navbar Below. ;)

04-02-2008, 09:07 AM
Actually the right phrase should say "Below Navbar".

04-02-2008, 09:18 AM
Navbar Below sounds better as it makes Navbar stand out more. ;)

04-04-2008, 12:17 AM

04-04-2008, 02:58 AM
Does anyone know how you would go about making this a vbadvanced module? I would like to get it on my front page. Thanks.

PS. I really like the mode it looks great on the forums. www.wake-boats.com

04-04-2008, 03:55 AM
This is a great hack because it really gives ppl a reason to add their pics to the albums. If you put this with Abe1's show all albums hack, it almost makes it a built in gallery.

04-04-2008, 02:10 PM
just installed :D :up:


Devil Woman
04-05-2008, 07:14 PM
Is there anyway that you can stop this from going on 1 certain template? I have a mobile template on my forum for mobile phone users and since I added this hack it has made the mobile phone template too big so mobile users are unable to get onto the forum.


04-06-2008, 09:04 PM
It would be nice if the album name was linked to the album itself.

04-06-2008, 09:57 PM
thank .. installed :)

can any one tell me how can i desplay this hack to visitor ..!

04-06-2008, 11:26 PM
@above--set your user permissions to enable to view albums.

Nice work. I combined the hack with PixelFx's round overlay hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=129955). If PE OK's it, I could add it in here.

Demo (http://www.glorifythepast.com/forums/index.php) ;)

04-06-2008, 11:32 PM
@above--set your user permissions to enable to view albums.

Nice work. I combined the hack with PixelFx's round overlay hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=129955). If PE OK's it, I could add it in here.

Demo (http://www.glorifythepast.com/forums/index.php) ;)
Nice, please do share.

04-06-2008, 11:37 PM
Sent a pm to PixelFX letting him know I'd like to release it to you all. Keep checking back.

04-06-2008, 11:37 PM
@above--set your user permissions to enable to view albums.

Nice work. I combined the hack with PixelFx's round overlay hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=129955). If PE OK's it, I could add it in here.

Demo (http://www.glorifythepast.com/forums/index.php) ;)

I'd like to see the code for this. ;)

04-07-2008, 06:36 AM
Anyway to make so:
- doesn't show the username
- uses smallfont (some browsers... albums run off edge of fixed width forum cause of names)

04-07-2008, 10:27 AM
Anyway to make so:
- doesn't show the username
- uses smallfont (some browsers... albums run off edge of fixed width forum cause of names)

In template amf_picture, replace:
<br />
<a href="member.php?u=$lpicture[userid]">$lpicture[musername]</a>
<br />


<br />
<div class ="smallfont">$lpicture[title]</div>

I am trying to limit the output of $lpicture[title] to X amount of characters but having no luck. Anyone else with ideas on that one?

04-09-2008, 03:05 AM
can I display a user's latest pics on his profile?

04-09-2008, 06:29 PM
This is also pulling albums that are set to private. How can i stop it from doing that?

04-09-2008, 11:13 PM
Man this going in was a walk in the park even for a non coder type like me. Works as advertised. Thanks a million.
Just one thing. Any one think this will be ported over to the vBadvanced cmps 3.0 any time soon? That would be rightous.

04-10-2008, 01:58 AM
My members love it! Installed! Thanks!

04-10-2008, 12:08 PM
Man this going in was a walk in the park even for a non coder type like me. Works as advertised. Thanks a million.
Just one thing. Any one think this will be ported over to the vBadvanced cmps 3.0 any time soon? That would be rightous.

I would love to see someone make a vbadvanced module for this as well. I have tried and have no skills to get it done.

04-10-2008, 06:10 PM
Installed this a while back and was running fine although I just recently installed a hack by Dream and when clicking on the picture in forum home I get a blank white page. Any ideas? I also disabled the hack and still had the same problem. I also tried removing just the script form the navbar but same issue.

I'm running 3.7.0 RC2

Edit: Found out what the problem was. Nothing to do with this mod but a setting that was causing issues. Sorry about that.

04-10-2008, 06:35 PM
Is there an option for Random Album instead of the Latest?

04-10-2008, 07:10 PM
Yes. You turn that on in your control panel.

Vehbi KOC
04-11-2008, 06:35 AM
Thanks Atkan

Johnny Utah
04-12-2008, 01:37 AM
I would love to see someone make a vbadvanced module for this as well. I have tried and have no skills to get it done.

Yes! That would be awesome.

04-12-2008, 05:49 AM
Thanks :) İnstall

04-12-2008, 07:48 AM
install but not show for me.. how to put picture any budy could help me

04-14-2008, 09:11 PM
I just installed this mod, but how does it work? I have no albums...just various pix that people uploaded in different forums. Thx.

04-16-2008, 01:09 PM
Awesome hack!!

Thanks! Installed!

04-18-2008, 02:34 AM
Atakan bey random ve latest olarak aynı anda seçme imkanı olursa süper olacak.
Her şey için teşekkür ederim, güzel çalışmalrınız var.

04-18-2008, 05:22 AM
sorry for asking if this hack required vb Album?

04-18-2008, 06:59 AM

04-18-2008, 03:39 PM

04-18-2008, 05:15 PM
thank you Atakan..

04-20-2008, 08:37 AM
So far so good. I really like how good it looks and how easy it is to change locations on the forum.

04-24-2008, 07:13 PM
eLine sağLık, iyi çaLışmaLar.

04-25-2008, 06:09 AM
I came back with just the intent of saying thanks again for this and to report absolutely no problems with it, but some are asking questions I think as a user, I could help out with.

Yes it requires VB 3.7's album feature. It looks for images in albums either randomly or shows the latest pics uploaded. When the user returns to the index page it refreshes the pics being shown, or whenever the index page is refreshed from the browser. I have mine set for random so when any one goes back to the index page or refreshes from their browser, they get a new set of pics to gander at. And the thumbs are clickable. Click on the image and it takes you to the full sized image in the album.

Follow the instructions for installing this. It's a walk in the park. Even for a non coder type like me.
Once installed, open the vbulletin options menu and select vbulletin options. Scroll down the list to the very last item. Open that. That is where you set the position of the display, whether random or latest pics uploaded to albums, and how many to show at one time in the display. Mine's set to 5. It's balanced. The middle pic is in the center and the other fan out left and right neatly. I think 9's the limit but at my place it looked too busy.
Also you can turn the feature on or off and set user collapsible display box.

Some have said it grabs pics out of private albums. I haven't seen mine do that.

Set it like you want it then sit back and enjoy the responses you get. It's a nice touch to forums that are image oriented like mine. It's an attention getter with out going off the deep end. Now if it was just ported over to work with vbadvanced's CMPS, I'd be really happy. If you want to see it in action: www.animeappeal.com

04-25-2008, 10:07 PM
What the Hell???

What kind of design is that? I love the new look of index! Can you give me the code of forumindex template? :)

Johnny Utah
04-26-2008, 03:43 AM
Now if it was just ported over to work with vbadvanced's CMPS, I'd be really happy. ]

That would be awesome. I would definitely make a donation to the person who can make a VBA CMPS module out of this.

Johnny Utah
04-26-2008, 03:58 AM
Wait. It's already been made!!


04-26-2008, 02:27 PM
very nice.. good stuff.. installed

04-26-2008, 08:42 PM
Great Add on!!!

Brandon Sheley
04-26-2008, 09:01 PM
great mod, clicked installed

I have one issue with it though.

When a member creates a album category, then places images inside that category, your product will show the category even if it doesn't have an images to represent it..

Let me know if I need to explain more.
here is an example
I currently have this product enabled here
and we have a member that has a category made and 2 images inside
this is the area your app is pulling from and there is no image to represent it
so it's the album title sections that I would like to remove


04-28-2008, 09:15 AM
great mod....marked as installed....thanks

04-28-2008, 05:48 PM
Loco. M
Set it for latest and I'll bet it'll stop that. Random has it to just keep looking at all albums over and over. In latest mode it just shows what was posted last.
Are the empty albums connected with a social group?

04-29-2008, 02:31 AM

04-29-2008, 11:40 PM
thanx again werks beautifully

Boosted Panda
04-30-2008, 04:33 PM
Is this one certified with gold as well? I have it running, but these security tokens are a nightmare.

Brandon Sheley
05-01-2008, 09:01 PM
Loco. M
Set it for latest and I'll bet it'll stop that. Random has it to just keep looking at all albums over and over. In latest mode it just shows what was posted last.
Are the empty albums connected with a social group?

I was thinking about this, but I would still like to have it show randomly in case some no one adds anything for some period of time. :)

I don't think they are connected with any groups

thanks for the reply

Marvin Hlavac
05-03-2008, 09:45 AM
Installed! Thanks much!

05-03-2008, 08:56 PM
Very nice, Thanks

(Güzel bir eklenti olmuş teşekkürler)

05-03-2008, 08:59 PM
I love this! Works great.

05-04-2008, 04:19 PM
what about vertical to put it in the sidebar `?

05-04-2008, 08:55 PM
Most excellent! thank you!

05-06-2008, 01:47 PM
Sweet, works flawlessly. Can we put this in a vbadvanced module?

05-06-2008, 03:01 PM
I believe the template is using the wrong collapsable image. It's set using tcat, but the collapse image is for thead.

05-06-2008, 07:41 PM
Like the Photopost block -- good idea. If I didn't have PhotoPost, I would install this. But, the albums are never going to be come a photo gallery -- Jelsoft won't do it.

Regards Jason :)

I really wish there was further integration with photopost, where you could view the photo each user submitted from their vbulletin profile. Anyone know of anyone that has accomplished?

05-06-2008, 10:00 PM
Request - Sort Option #3 - BOTH
Can we combine the two sort options? I would like to see recent random pictures from the latest album AND see a few older pictures. If I put 4 or 5 on the front page, we ccould do both.

05-07-2008, 01:13 AM
Random Album Picture - Latest Album Picture
Can we get those as an editable variable in the Admin Panel, or should we just edit the template to remove that label?

Brandon Sheley
05-07-2008, 08:44 PM
great mod, clicked installed

I have one issue with it though.

When a member creates a album category, then places images inside that category, your product will show the category even if it doesn't have an images to represent it..

Let me know if I need to explain more.
here is an example
I currently have this product enabled here
and we have a member that has a category made and 2 images inside
this is the area your app is pulling from and there is no image to represent it
so it's the album title sections that I would like to remove


any news on this bug?


05-07-2008, 11:06 PM
Very Nice Mod..

05-08-2008, 02:10 AM
i love it!

05-08-2008, 02:23 AM

05-08-2008, 04:23 PM
is there an easy way to have this MOD only look to one particular user's album?

05-08-2008, 05:12 PM

05-08-2008, 08:20 PM
any one here know how to let it
bring the last pictures from specefied user album( just one user album not all users albums)

thanx in advance

05-08-2008, 11:25 PM
I believe the template is using the wrong collapsable image. It's set using tcat, but the collapse image is for thead.I just fixed that, and also I was add style for thumbs in the panel on forum home, so thumb on forumhome is now on my forum similar to the thumb in albums.

05-09-2008, 12:07 PM
Small type-o in the admincp options. "navbar bellow" 1 L. FYI.


05-09-2008, 03:30 PM
A couple hours work and I'm migrated from PhotoBlog Lite to vBulletin Albums. Yay!

One less piece of software needing updates.

One quick request. Is it possible to decrease the thumbnail size of the images on forumhome?

I'm thinking around 80% of the size would be better.

As is it takes up a lot of space, much more than the photoblog + forumhome combo.


05-09-2008, 03:44 PM
any one plz help me

any one here know how to let it
bring the last pictures from specefied user album( just one user album not all users albums)

thanx in advance

hope any one answer me

05-09-2008, 08:02 PM
Can someone please quickly let me know whether or not this product is compatible for 3.7.0 gold version?

05-09-2008, 08:06 PM
yes it is see signature for example

05-09-2008, 08:45 PM
Can someone please quickly let me know whether or not this product is compatible for 3.7.0 gold version?

Yes, you can see it in action on New York Chat (http://www.discussny.com/nychat.php).


05-09-2008, 08:58 PM
any one here know how to let it
bring the last pictures from specefied user album( just one user album not all users albums)

thanx in advance

any help guys

05-09-2008, 09:02 PM
I'm really starting to think if I have any use for photopost anymore.

05-09-2008, 09:39 PM
Thanks everyone. Awesome!

Is there anyway someone can enhance the vb picture & album with ajax and/or highslide?

05-09-2008, 10:42 PM
THanx, dear

05-10-2008, 12:42 AM
why cant guests see the photos?

05-10-2008, 06:40 AM
1/ the photo must be set as public
2/ you have to set permission for guest to view album.

05-10-2008, 10:28 AM
Awesome thanks a lot man!

05-10-2008, 01:32 PM
thanks, installed

05-11-2008, 10:57 AM
Good job Atakan. Easiest install... Great hack. Thank you so much.

What about create option for admins in order to resize images. I think pictures should be smaller

05-11-2008, 11:02 AM
Perfect. Thanks Atakan KOÇ.

05-11-2008, 11:26 AM
French Language :)

Translator: Karim (team vBulletin-Ressources.com)

05-11-2008, 12:18 PM
what about a vertical position ? v-e-r-t-i-c-a-l

05-11-2008, 04:30 PM
thanks atakan very good hack

ellerine sağlık kardeşim

05-11-2008, 08:50 PM

05-12-2008, 02:03 AM
Can we add ajax or slidshow on this hack as that the previous and next arrow on both side?

05-12-2008, 07:21 PM
Any easy way to call this into a module for vba cmps?

Nice mod by the way! Thank you!

I would also be interested in this!

05-13-2008, 05:59 PM
how to resize images in forumhome like 200x200

any idea ?

05-13-2008, 09:38 PM
Can you disable this for certain usergroups and styles please?

It's appearing in my mobile style.

05-14-2008, 12:30 AM
great mod! however I have a small problem, guests cant see the pictures on forum home while the logged in users can ...how can i change this. I know this will be a combination of permissions, but I am not sure which permissions to provide. Gues group has the permissions to view albums though.

Please help.

05-14-2008, 01:39 AM
i like this excellent

05-15-2008, 12:05 AM
Great mod!

Does anyone know if there is a way to restrict thumbnail height and width independently? Right now VB only allows one entry that is the same for height/width.. However, it usually looks much nicer to have the height smaller than the width as most pictures are horizontal and the few vertical ones waste a lot of real-estate.


05-15-2008, 01:02 AM
Great mod!

Does anyone know if there is a way to restrict thumbnail height and width independently? Right now VB only allows one entry that is the same for height/width.. However, it usually looks much nicer to have the height smaller than the width as most pictures are horizontal and the few vertical ones waste a lot of real-estate.

Set the dimensions you want in template afm_picture

05-15-2008, 07:30 AM
Set the dimensions you want in template afm_picture

That sort of works, but it causes other problems... If you only set the height, then the width can grow exponentially for a small picture (for example, if a picture was originally 50x10, it you set the height to 100, the width will become 500!).. If you set both, then most of your pictures will look funny (wrong aspect ratio). I guess I'm looking for something that either 1) takes into account the picture's aspect ratio or 2) allows VB to create thumbnails that have independent limits on width/height (right now it's one number for both)


05-15-2008, 08:56 PM
thanks Installed

05-16-2008, 02:54 PM
How would you have it show 2 rows of pictures? Reason I ask if I have a fluid width skin with a side bar and 5 album pictures in a single row stretches it out pretty good would be cool to have 2 rows of 3.

05-16-2008, 10:54 PM
Great mod how would you go about having the pics resized in the afm template? Meaning how would the code be lets say for 150 x 150?

05-17-2008, 06:17 AM
Great mod how would you go about having the pics resized in the afm template? Meaning how would the code be lets say for 150 x 150?

replace afm_picture Template

<td align="center">
<a href="album.php?albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]">
<img title="$lpicture[title]" class="inlineimg" src="picture.php?pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]&amp;albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;thumb=1" border="0" alt="$lpicture[title]" width="150" height="150" />
<br />
<a href="member.php?u=$lpicture[userid]">$lpicture[musername]</a>
<br />

05-17-2008, 08:05 AM

05-17-2008, 04:52 PM
replace afm_picture Template

<td align="center">
<a href="album.php?albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]">
<img title="$lpicture[title]" class="inlineimg" src="picture.php?pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]&amp;albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;thumb=1" border="0" alt="$lpicture[title]" width="150" height="150" />
<br />
<a href="member.php?u=$lpicture[userid]">$lpicture[musername]</a>
<br />

Thanks worked great..

05-17-2008, 10:09 PM
I was able to get the pics to be vertical but I am having nothing but bad luck trying to get the pics to scroll firstly then to stop on mouseover.

Any ideas on how to get this to scroll?

Thanks in advance.

05-18-2008, 05:50 AM
how did you get it vertical?

05-18-2008, 05:42 PM
how did you get it vertical?
In afm_picture put a <tr> before the code and a </tr> after the code.
<tr><td class="alt1" align="center">
<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/album.php?albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]">
<img title="$lpicture[title]" class="inlineimg" src="$vboptions[bburl]/picture.php?pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]&amp;albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;thumb=1" border="0" alt="$lpicture[title]" width="100" height="100" />
<br />
<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$lpicture[userid]">$lpicture[musername]</a>
<br />

05-18-2008, 06:13 PM
when I want to click a picture, it sand me to the user who have this pictures, and it doesn't show me all the profile of that user.
Pls click on any picture on my bottom forum and you will see my problem.

05-18-2008, 06:47 PM
Can we add ajax or slidshow on this hack as that the previous and next arrow on both side?
That would be awesome. Something like what YouTube has for video responses and other things.


05-19-2008, 02:49 AM
For some reason some of my thumbnails show and others don't. Any ideas on this?

Thumbnail attached. Thanks!

05-19-2008, 09:22 AM
ty sir, very great hack!
testing it! *installed

05-20-2008, 01:47 AM
I had to disable this mod only because if I set the vertical dimension to be fixed, then the picture can become ridiculously large in the horizontal dimension.. I realize it's not this mods fault, but we really need a way to specify width/height independently as a MAX (taking ratio into account -- which is not that difficult).. However it may need to be implemented in the thumbnail resizing code separately from this mod.


05-20-2008, 06:39 AM
For some reason some of my thumbnails show and others don't. Any ideas on this?

Thumbnail attached. Thanks!

i have the same problem in my forum....:(

05-20-2008, 06:44 AM
For some reason some of my thumbnails show and others don't. Any ideas on this?

Thumbnail attached. Thanks!

Could those be private albums not showing?

05-20-2008, 11:14 AM
I would like to post the random album pictures on my vbAdv CMPS homepage. Can you show me how to do that please? I can't figure it out.

Thanks in advance!

UPDATED: Did a little more researching and found this here: http://www.vbadvanced.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28406


05-20-2008, 12:13 PM
to have the same design as original VB I found just a little issue with boxing icons.
to solve it
find on afm_latestfm template (or in the xml b4 uploading it)


and replaced with


05-21-2008, 02:48 PM
That would be awesome. Something like what YouTube has for video responses and other things.

This would be an awesome enhancement!

05-21-2008, 07:46 PM
I had to disable this mod only because if I set the vertical dimension to be fixed, then the picture can become ridiculously large in the horizontal dimension.. I realize it's not this mods fault, but we really need a way to specify width/height independently as a MAX (taking ratio into account -- which is not that difficult).. However it may need to be implemented in the thumbnail resizing code separately from this mod.


Hope this help
<td align="center">
<a href="album.php?albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]">
<img title="$lpicture[title]" class="inlineimg" src="picture.php?pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]&amp;albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;thumb=1" border="0" alt="$lpicture[title]" style="width:expression(this.width > 120 ? 120 : true); height:expression(this.height > 120 ? 100 : true)" />
<br />
<a href="member.php?u=$lpicture[userid]">$lpicture[musername]</a>
<br />

05-21-2008, 08:14 PM
Just set the max width you want and the height will adjust accordingly.

05-21-2008, 09:25 PM
Very nice! Installed!

Can this at all slow down your forum?

05-22-2008, 01:56 AM

05-22-2008, 03:00 PM
I have it under who's online, anyway I can move it about so it appears under my vB Shout?

05-22-2008, 04:08 PM
Hope this help
<td align="center">
<a href="album.php?albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]">
<img title="$lpicture[title]" class="inlineimg" src="picture.php?pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]&amp;albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;thumb=1" border="0" alt="$lpicture[title]" style="width:expression(this.width > 120 ? 120 : true); height:expression(this.height > 120 ? 100 : true)" />
<br />
<a href="member.php?u=$lpicture[userid]">$lpicture[musername]</a>
<br />

Awesome that code helped me out my skin is finally back to it's fixed width and not stretched out anymore thanks!

05-23-2008, 12:37 AM
I am only getting the images to show for logged in users. Is there somewhere to change this permission? Other than that, this mod works great! Easy setup!

edit: No idea why I couldn't find this... it's under the usergroup permissions.....

05-23-2008, 07:30 PM
Jeeeeez I was praying there was a mod just like this when I installed 3.7 and boy was I jumping!!! Excellent Mod works a treat alongside All Albums....

I know the mod is designed for the Homepage - But this mod would be crazy mad if you could choose to have the album thumbnails show in selected areas of the board...

Example, if I wanted the albums on the front page at the top + the main forum post page at the top or maybe have it on the front page + Thread page at the top etc...

Did I make sense - lol

05-25-2008, 04:23 AM
Installed !! thanks sir

05-25-2008, 04:38 AM
can anyone provide a demo to vertical look for this hack? thanks.

Rob Hephner
05-25-2008, 05:35 AM
I'm really starting to think if I have any use for photopost anymore.

Honestly, if someone could figure out a way to export photos out of Photopost and into User Albums I would do it NOW!

05-25-2008, 08:45 AM
Awesome mod! Thanks!!! :D

*clicks install*

05-26-2008, 06:29 PM
Thanks :)

05-26-2008, 10:14 PM
no need for a gallery script now... :)
Dear RvG2
Are you mad... And you know that you can not create any mod

THE Great post...
I like this hack...
Thanks you very much dear

05-27-2008, 07:27 AM
Hope this help
<td align="center">
<a href="album.php?albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]">
<img title="$lpicture[title]" class="inlineimg" src="picture.php?pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]&amp;albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;thumb=1" border="0" alt="$lpicture[title]" style="width:expression(this.width > 120 ? 120 : true); height:expression(this.height > 120 ? 100 : true)" />
<br />
<a href="member.php?u=$lpicture[userid]">$lpicture[musername]</a>
<br />

Nice piece of code and works well with Internet Explorer.. However, it doesn't seem to work with firefox -- they still appear full size. Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!

05-27-2008, 08:40 AM
Ok, this should work on both IE & FF

<td align="center">
<a href="album.php?albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]">
<img title="$lpicture[title]" class="inlineimg" src="picture.php?pictureid=$lpicture[pictureid]&amp;albumid=$lpicture[albumid]&amp;thumb=1" border="0" alt="$lpicture[title]" style=="max-width:120px; width:expression(this.width > 120 ? 120 : true); max-height:100px; height:expression(this.height > 120 ? 100 : true)" />
<br />
<a href="member.php?u=$lpicture[userid]">$lpicture[musername]</a>
<br />

05-27-2008, 09:46 AM
That worked!! Thanks!!


05-27-2008, 10:59 AM
Many thanks for this mod... Installed !

05-27-2008, 11:35 AM
This mod seems to be conflicting with the "Tag Cloud - Forum Home (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=174258)" mod.

Toying around with these two mods:

"Tag Cloud - Forum Home" installed, "Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home" disabled, and the option to have "Tag Cloud..." displayed (any where) selected.
Result: "Tag Cloud - Forum Home" displaying properly. :up:

"Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home" installed, "Tag Cloud - Forum Home" disabled, and the option to have "Latest Album Pictures..." displayed (any where) selected.
Result: "Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home" displaying properly. :up:

Both mods installed (active) and the option to have them displayed below the forums selected.
Result: "Tag Cloud - Forum Home" displaying properly and "Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home" does not display at all. :(

Both mods installed and I selected the option to have "Tag Cloud - Forum Home" displayed below the forums and "Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home" displayed below the Who's Online.
Result: "Tag Cloud - Forum Home" displaying properly and "Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home" displaying twice; below the forums and below the "Who's Online" :rolleyes:


05-27-2008, 08:47 PM
Just a small thing I noticed: by default, the header uses the "tcat", but for the collapsing, you chose thead. On my forum, it looked a little funky crossing the two and had to change the collapse to tcat.

Fantastic mod, great for communities!

05-28-2008, 06:26 AM
Hi, I've translated the mod to Arabic language.

Uploaded to attachment.

05-29-2008, 11:05 PM
how do you SEO url for the album link ?

05-30-2008, 11:47 AM
Any way users can ignore certain user's albums?

05-31-2008, 05:41 AM
Posting with a question: my mySQL is awful, and looking at the xml it seems it would be an easy adjustment: is there a query that would get the same looking result, only it would be from the "Most Recently Updated Albums"? This way if one person uploads a lot from one album, it won't flood it and only prompt one of the values while still maintaining a fresh homepage?

The database has a column "lastpicturedate", so the query should be easy to reproduce, but I'm just not good enough at constructing it to do it myself :( If would reconstruct from the following block:

$displayrecords = ($vbulletin->options['afm_sayi'] ? $vbulletin->options['afm_sayi'] : 4);
switch ($vbulletin->options['afm_dt'])
case 1: $sorgu = "ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords"; break;
case 2: $sorgu = "ORDER BY rand(NOW()) DESC LIMIT 0, $displayrecords"; break;
$lpictures = $db->query("
SELECT albumpicture.*, album.*, user.username, user.usergroupid,
IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "albumpicture AS albumpicture
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "album AS album ON(album.albumid = albumpicture.albumid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = album.userid)
WHERE album.state = 'public'

Anyone know how it could be put together? =) Thanks in advance!

05-31-2008, 07:48 PM
sadece x nolu gruba g?ster veya x nolu gruba g?sterme
veya, ziyaret?ilerden gizle ayarı olsa ?ok g?zel olurdu ;)

teşekk?rler kurdum.

06-01-2008, 08:26 AM
This seems to be conflicting with my Photoplog lite gallery. It is pulling in pictures from there too.

Anyway to fix this?

Boosted Panda
06-01-2008, 10:04 PM
Any way I can put this in the Ultimate Side Column???

06-02-2008, 12:38 AM
nice hack , but How can put it to other place?

I like to set up Picture Counts =1. and put it on left side.

anyone help ?


06-03-2008, 04:32 AM
This is exactly what I am looking for. Does it work with Photoblog Lite?

06-03-2008, 04:30 PM
My members LOVE this mod! Thank you! :D

One question though...

One of my members asked if we can get the pictures to SCROLL. Is this possible and would it take up any/much system resources (bandwidth, etc.)?

06-04-2008, 07:05 PM
Great mod, thanks

06-07-2008, 09:28 PM
This is a great feature! Thanks SO much! Great...

06-07-2008, 09:41 PM

06-08-2008, 07:47 AM
I am only getting the images to show for logged in users. Is there somewhere to change this permission? Other than that, this mod works great! Easy setup!

edit: No idea why I couldn't find this... it's under the usergroup permissions.....

Where you trying to have this display for unregistered/unauthenticated users?

That's what I want, but I don't want them to be able to view the albums without logging in. This way they get a taste of what's available to them if they register.

BUT, I could only see a permission to allow unregistered/unauthenticated users to view the albums.

Hope this makes sense :)

Does anyone know if this is possible?


Ultimate Killer
06-08-2008, 01:42 PM
Great, thank you!

06-09-2008, 06:27 AM
Very nice, thanks.

06-10-2008, 04:14 PM
Wow this is really cool!

Nominated!!! Question: I love the style on: http://www.atabb.com/ can it be bought somewhere?

06-10-2008, 04:18 PM
I installed but nothing is showing... Is that because I have no photos?

06-10-2008, 05:02 PM
I think its great mod!!!

It shows when I'm logged in but not to guests... How can I also enable it for guests?

06-11-2008, 12:22 AM
Simple to install and use so far... thank you ... any chance of what I'd need to do to get this to display on the vbadvanced cmps_index.php page instead of the Index.php[FORUMHOME]?

Thanks again.. very neat

06-11-2008, 02:34 PM
easy install - thanks :)

06-11-2008, 05:01 PM

Installed this but I can't see the option to this hack in my AdminCP?

06-12-2008, 12:20 PM

How do I show them on homepage to guest aswell?

06-13-2008, 06:59 AM
Where can I get support for this mod?

06-14-2008, 06:32 PM
What a fantastic mod! Simple, yet brings so much life to the forums. Thanks for this! :D

06-14-2008, 07:39 PM
Is there a way to make the text "Random Album Picture" a hyperlink to the "all album" page? Or to change the text to say "Stuff we've been sewing up"?

I love this mod, thanks so much!

06-16-2008, 07:55 AM
Wow! Clicked everything. Much <3 to you!

06-16-2008, 07:18 PM
How could I put this on other pages of my site? Great, simple mod....:up:

06-17-2008, 09:14 PM
For some reason some of my thumbnails show and others don't. Any ideas on this?

Thumbnail attached. Thanks!

i have the same problem in my forum....:(

same problem here... :(

06-20-2008, 01:48 PM
same problem here... :(

if you use vbSEO, solution is here : http://www.vbseo.com/f3/rc4-pictures-gone-22760/#post141258


06-23-2008, 09:32 PM
same problem here... :(

My problem turned out to be related to upgrading my PHP and it wasn't recompiled with the correct GD support. After having it recompiled with GD support correctly and rebuilding my thumbnails everything is working.

06-24-2008, 10:43 AM
Any easy way to call this into a module for vba cmps?

what was the answer to this? I scrolled through the thread, and missed it...


06-24-2008, 05:01 PM
is this mod being supported? I don't mind waiting for answers, but would like to know if I should try another source for help.


06-26-2008, 12:39 PM
Just what I was looking for, thanks!

06-28-2008, 10:30 PM
Is it still ok with the latest version, vB3.7.2 ??

I'm using vB3.7.2, it doesn't show pictures for guests, even I enabled for guests to view public album.

06-29-2008, 05:05 PM
I want it shows pictures only from a user group I define and not all, what should I do?

06-29-2008, 07:10 PM
Outstanding mod - thanks! :up: :up: :up:

07-01-2008, 04:01 AM
How about two rows? Great mod!

07-01-2008, 10:39 AM
it is great, thanks Atakan KOC

07-01-2008, 12:37 PM
How do I get this modification to work so that guests are able to view it. I can't seem to figure it out. Am I missing something?

07-01-2008, 06:00 PM
Let the guest be able to view the album pics... that's it.

07-02-2008, 06:24 PM
I would like to be able add this as a Block into PHPportals, so it will go on my home page.


What is the code to just call the package that shows the random pics so i can create a custom block.


BTW. Everyone loves this mod and so do i!

07-03-2008, 10:38 AM
How do I add another location? I want to display it in the Ultimate Side Column and no where else?

07-03-2008, 01:49 PM
Installed. Thanks, just what I was looking for.

07-04-2008, 02:51 AM
I just want a special user group album appears how to do so?

07-04-2008, 02:57 AM
Great mod, But hope it could give user group permission

07-05-2008, 12:17 PM
Works GREAT! Thanks! *Clicks install*

07-05-2008, 06:55 PM
How do I add another location? I want to display it in the Ultimate Side Column and no where else?Seconded. How can we have this showing in side-columns? :cool: What code to we cut n' paste?

07-07-2008, 06:06 PM
i want this on another place in the forumhome than the pre-configured places.
how can i change the location manually?

07-08-2008, 06:40 PM
Is this possible to display above topics of a specified subforum? I just want to show it in one subforum :)

Great hack!