View Full Version : password hack

05-20-2001, 03:42 PM
why not make a hack that automaticly generates a new password for the staff (mods-admins) lets say every month , and emails it to them.

Wayne Luke
05-21-2001, 09:51 PM
You don't trust your staff enough so that they can control their own passwords?

05-21-2001, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by wluke
You don't trust your staff enough so that they can control their own passwords?

not alot all

but say for eg

one of the admin password got out, the only way to be sure that wasnt used to get the other password is if you all change your passwords at the same time.

Now i have 5 admins all in other time zones, so it would be hard for us to all do it at once.

But if the board auto done it it would be easy and safer.

05-21-2001, 11:53 PM
but if one of the admin passwords was misplaced then you would have to change them all straight away, doing it "monthly" serves no purpose what so ever.

05-22-2001, 12:23 AM
ah but what if one of the admin passwords was "misplaced" and you didnt know somone was using it?

05-22-2001, 08:33 AM
then you don't trust your admins with their passwords. If this is the case either get admins who can look after a password or tell them to regularly change their own password if they are incapable of keeping it secret.

05-22-2001, 10:35 AM
it was just an idea, you have all taken it the wrong way, it had nothing to do with trusting your admins....

I thought this board was a place to share ideas, i guess i was wrong there. Seems like a board where alot of people have very big egos. From now on i will keep my ideas to myself.

Can an admin/mod delete or close this thread plz.

oh and i dont see you coming up with any ideas chrispadfield