Thomas P
03-18-2008, 10:00 PM
vBulletin 3.5-3.7 Version, Tested on 3.5.4 & 3.6.8
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
First of all: This Add-On was created by Andreas from as a paid hack for, which is our site.
I'm releasing it for the public and have the permission from Andreas.
Main features:
This Add-on allows Moderators to close/turn off registrations of new users.
The right to turn off registrations can be controlled via Usergroup rights in the ACP.
You can further specifiy an Email address, which should be notified if the setting was changed. This is done in the Registration Option in the ACP.
If someone is spamming the forums during the night and the admin is not around moderators are able to turn off registrations completely.
It is intended mainly for Big Boards, where there is still quite an amount of traffic during the night hours.
German version available here:
Copy the file bitfield_regsetting.xml to your {forumroot}/includes/xml folder
Copy the file changeregsetting.php to your {forumroot}/modcp folder
Import the Product file product-regsetting.xml
Modify settings (usergroup & vb setting)
All set
Do not not import the bitfield xml file!
Note:If you use non standard Moderator user group IDs or have added a Moderator user group enter the IDs into the bitfield_regsetting.xml file before installation
v1.0.0: Initial Release
This This Add-On is is provided "AS IS" and for free.
This Add-On is not supported though you can use this thread to help each other.
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
First of all: This Add-On was created by Andreas from as a paid hack for, which is our site.
I'm releasing it for the public and have the permission from Andreas.
Main features:
This Add-on allows Moderators to close/turn off registrations of new users.
The right to turn off registrations can be controlled via Usergroup rights in the ACP.
You can further specifiy an Email address, which should be notified if the setting was changed. This is done in the Registration Option in the ACP.
If someone is spamming the forums during the night and the admin is not around moderators are able to turn off registrations completely.
It is intended mainly for Big Boards, where there is still quite an amount of traffic during the night hours.
German version available here:
Copy the file bitfield_regsetting.xml to your {forumroot}/includes/xml folder
Copy the file changeregsetting.php to your {forumroot}/modcp folder
Import the Product file product-regsetting.xml
Modify settings (usergroup & vb setting)
All set
Do not not import the bitfield xml file!
Note:If you use non standard Moderator user group IDs or have added a Moderator user group enter the IDs into the bitfield_regsetting.xml file before installation
v1.0.0: Initial Release
This This Add-On is is provided "AS IS" and for free.
This Add-On is not supported though you can use this thread to help each other.