View Full Version : Please help (template editing)

03-18-2008, 02:33 PM
Ok, I've been trying to get help with this for months now....I've tried posting in the modification thread, I've tried PM'ing the developer, etc...and no one's replied. I'm trying to get the Cyb - Forums Count Up mod to show in my forum statistics box on the bottom of my home page rather than just randomly placing it beneath the navbar. I've edited the FORUMHOME template and added $cybonlinecountup just about anywhere I can see that it should go to show where I want it to be and the best i've gotten is for it to show a blank line in the statistics box. is there possibly a problem with the coding that would not allow it to appear there or am I just simply not placing it in the right space? A link to the modification is listed below incase anyone is not familiar with the mod i'm talking about. Any help given would really be greatly appreciated.


My forum URL is http://www.optikal-illuzionz.com/forums

03-18-2008, 02:58 PM
It all has to do with when the code is run and when the template is 'made'. If the footer template is spit out prior to the code being run, then your variables are not available at the time the footer is 'made' and so nothing will be spit out then. So, if you want the variables to be available in another template, you need to make sure that template has those variables available to it. If not, you will have to see if you can run the code earlier in the page to have those variables available. Sometimes this isn't as easy as it sounds.

03-18-2008, 03:11 PM
is there a way I can set it to make the footer appear first then? or is it just a lost cause?

--------------- Added 1205856862 at 1205856862 ---------------

oh ok, I see what you're saying. didn't see the edit.

--------------- Added 1205856995 at 1205856995 ---------------

do you know if there's a tutorial or somewhere where i can get information on trying to correct this? or is it something that i should probably just leave alone since i am pretty inexperienced with this.

03-18-2008, 03:23 PM
I don't know if there is a tutorial about it. I don't know what you would write in such a tutorial - make sure your code is run prior to writing your template?

You posted in the correct place for help - the modification thread - because they know the code best and would know if you can change the plugin placement. I would leave it alone until you feel you are more comfortable changing plugin locations.

03-18-2008, 03:30 PM
well thanks for your help. I can't get a response out of anyone in the mod thread or from the developer so I guess I'll just drop it and uninstall the mod. it's really a useless addition anyway i just thought it would be cool to keep up with along with the other forum statistics. again, thanks.

03-18-2008, 03:49 PM
Well, someone else may come along and post in this thread telling you how easy it is to change. I don't know the mod, so I can only talk in generalities.

03-18-2008, 03:58 PM
yeah, hopefully someone does. reinstalling the mod isn't a problem. i've just gotten sick of looking at it in the position the mod defaults it at. lol