View Full Version : how to create smaller sub categories

03-15-2008, 10:08 AM
2) I have seen few sites where the sub forums are in smaller icons/ subset of the forum of the forums. I would like to create this kind of effect how do this.

Movies (static)
>> Adventure (forum)
>>>> Male (small icons)
>>>> Female (small icons)

2) how do update my replace to set the "revert back" to this updated template?

Thanks You

03-15-2008, 10:56 AM
You'll either need to use some kind of graphics editor (thegimp - free) photoshop (expensive) and a cheap alternative (fireworks) Or locate some pre-made custom sub forum icons. All you have to do is overwrite the existing sub forum icons with new icons by uploading the new icons via ftp to your /statusicon folder.

No templates will need reverting (if I understood you correctly) as your only dealing wwith overwriting an existing image.

03-15-2008, 01:26 PM
shelly thanks for replying

but now my current layout is like the standard vb layout.
but i would like it to display the what are the sub categories in the main page it self.
example (http://www.photopost.com/forum/)