View Full Version : Re:Popup announcement

07-12-2000, 08:43 PM
Can anyone tell me how I can pop up announcements to anyone using the board. I want to notify people that I will be shutting it down in 10 mins. Or does that already exist?

Also is there a hack for allowing users to page one another? I want them to be able to click on a user's name at the bootom of the board where they are listed as being logged on and then pop up a private message to them.

07-13-2000, 07:34 AM
do what i do, post a thread for the announcement in a forum and then in your header for the forums, add a text and link to the announcement...works well

07-13-2000, 07:35 AM
you could have several standard announcements in the header and comment them out... so you can pick and choose the announcements when needed

07-13-2000, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by eva2000
do what i do, post a thread for the announcement in a forum and then in your header for the forums, add a text and link to the announcement...works well

Sounds interesting but what's the link to in header?

07-13-2000, 11:35 AM
it's to the thread with the news/announcement

i.e. http://www.animeboards.net/forums/ i have 2 announcements at the top in my header

one links to a thread asking for visitor/member feedback

one links to my announcement that my forum will be down this Saturday so i can do my first ever backup of the database - it's going to be a scary day for me... hope i don't stuff it up :)