View Full Version : Moderator Email Notification

07-12-2000, 05:25 PM
I have made a change in the member.php file that allows the moderator receiving notification that a member has signed up and you are moderating their ability to post on the board. You will get an email that allows you to activate
their account and send them an email telling them so or you can delete their account from the email before they can ever post.

In member.php look for

if ($newuseremail!="") {
$message="There is a new user, $username, at $bbtitle. To view their profile, go here:\n$bburl/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=$userid";

and change to:

if ($newuseremail!="") {
$message="There is a new user, $username, at $bbtitle with an email address of $email.\n\r\nTo enable their registration, click this link:\n$bburl/admin/user.php?action=moderate\n\r\nTo delete this account, click this link:\n$bburl/admin/user.php?action=remove&userid=$userid\n\r\nYou will probably be asked for your username and password as a security feature.";
