View Full Version : Custom style recommendations?

03-06-2008, 10:29 PM
Hi there. Can someone please recommend a company/person who does good, unique custom style work? I am looking for someone to create a unique style from the ground up.

I am not requesting paid work here, but rather asking for recommendations from people who may have used a particular person/service. Thanks very much in advance.

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no one knows someone who can do original custom skins?

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no suggestions? someone has to know a good theme designer. help please. =) Thanks.

03-10-2008, 07:11 AM
I like to give questions 24 hours before I expect a response, but I understand if you want to get moving on this.

I didn't use any honestly, we did ours on our own. Simply because I can't justify spending money on a skin that I could do myself, I'd rather pay for coding features than for simple color and graphic layouts.

The issue is obviously the really good designers are probably going to want to be paid to create a custom skin. I mean, why would they do it for free, especially if it's hard work. I've only seen one skin designer that I really like, but I don't know the name and it'd take forever to find it. I don't think they did a lot of work but there results were good.

I can't recommend a company and I don't like what the majority of them do anyway, simple layouts, simple colors, pretty basic overall design to appeal to many buyers.

What I would do if I was you is search around on the net for a forum design that you like, and then ask that websites owner "who designed your forum"? Company, person or yourself? Then find out what costs you are looking at for what you want to do.

03-18-2008, 04:01 AM
well it depends, you can really find the designer that pretty much has the style you like , designers have their own style , each on is unique , to its own groove.

Just request some paid service , you'll get plenty of replies , including mine ;) , but again , it all comes down to who you like best.

Best Regards :D .