View Full Version : Display Names?

02-29-2008, 11:38 PM
Is there a vBulletin hack for display names? I see one for 2.x, but not one for vB 3.6.x. Am I missing something here?

07-22-2008, 05:00 AM

I will LOVE to see a hack that add this feature for vB 3.7.x, similar to the one already present in IP.Board (IPB). :up:

Brandon Sheley
07-22-2008, 05:08 AM
? a profile field?

07-22-2008, 05:19 AM
? a profile field?

No. IP.Board don?t use a profile field for display names. The current "profile field" solutions for vB don?t work properly. I want a real hack for this. :up:

07-22-2008, 05:21 AM
So your just looking for a hack that can allow members to change their names?

07-22-2008, 05:36 AM
So your just looking for a hack that can allow members to change their names?

No, I want a hack that adds the "Display Name" functionality in vB. Members will choose a secondary name, and it will be displayed everywhere in the forum, instead of the "Login Name". :up:

IP.Board has this feature since version 2.1.x (2005)...

Look the screenshot below (IP.BOARD 2.1.x register page):


07-22-2008, 05:52 AM
Couldn't a profile field be used to achieve the same effect then?

07-22-2008, 06:00 AM
Couldn't a profile field be used to achieve the same effect then?

We need a real hack for this. The current "profile field" solutions for vB don?t work properly. :up:

07-22-2008, 10:20 PM
I designed a hack for this a while back.. Check my profile and it has the mod listed at the bottom

07-22-2008, 11:28 PM
smf has this also and it is a great feature

07-23-2008, 03:13 AM
I would like this as well.

07-23-2008, 03:26 AM
I designed a hack for this a while back.. Check my profile and it has the mod listed at the bottom
The messages in your thread further prove ChrisChristian's last post.

07-23-2008, 04:05 AM
I designed a hack for this a while back.. Check my profile and it has the mod listed at the bottom

Thanks for the effort Hex_legend! :up:

But the template edit/profile field don?t work properly. We need a real solution (hack) for this. :up:

07-23-2008, 05:35 AM
Just thinking this would probably be fairly easy.

At first thought there are 5123023 pages that mention username, but they all reference it by $username or $musername (from memory).

If you write a hook that changes these variables just after they get written, then you wouldn't really need to alter any pages at all.

08-05-2008, 07:53 AM
This is a much needed feature. We need a real hack for this. IPB has this feature for years and it´s VERY usefull.

08-05-2008, 01:30 PM
Whats the advantage of it?

08-14-2008, 07:52 AM
For a forum where you want a real name to be shown, or a character name (for those boards for RPG's etc), it allows for the login name or username) to be hidden and ONLY the Display Name to be used.

If the username happens to be the Display name, all well and good, then the display name box remain empty.

From experience, people on vbulletin boards seldom link the username box to a real name at teh registration process, even when you ask them to do so.

Other boards like SMF, IPB, and all of those have this field by default and have done so for years and others have them as modification add-ons.

It is a MUCH NEEDED item as either a default item on the board (along with username) - preferable, or a mod that can be installed that does the same thing (although the downfall is each time VB releases updates the mod has to be fixed so the scripting all works).

To me there seems a very high demand for this which all other boards already have by default...

I have been looking and looking and looking for this function for my own board and have found absolutely none that do what they should AND work properly.

08-15-2008, 08:18 PM
I also need something to implement display names. Currently I've got a custom profile field and replaced the username in postbit with $post[field6], but that doesn't affect anything but postbit. A real hack for this would either need to add the custom field into the thread/post table, or perform lots of additional lookups for each thread/post.

08-16-2008, 04:00 AM
I have opened a thread on the official website.
Please put some pressure on the cattle there.
