View Full Version : Chat Modifications - FlashChat Combo-Module v1.2 for vBadvanced

02-28-2008, 10:00 PM
Tweaked by Yotsume

Last Updated: March, 2nd 2008
(Works on 3.7x and 3.6x)

- Some minor code clean up.
- Added clear code labels to each section of the code. (for future developments)

- Added instructions on how to include a link to FlashChat Admin in Quick Moderation block.
- Added new zip with a tweaked version of whochat.php which has be reported to address some issues when trying to install my mod on vBulletin 3.6x

Flashchat 5x: Not Compatible Yet
My mod currently does not work with Flashchat 5x. My mod uses Paul M's whochat.php. I have asked for his help in upgrading my mod to be compatible. My mod works with all versions of Flashchat 4x.

This is a module that contains a combination of code from several hacks all in one place to make a more complete FlashChat module for vbAdvanced. It works with the latest versions of FlashChat, vBulletin and vBadvanced. Also, optionally there are instructions for adding a module with link to your FlashChat Admin page in the zip file.

INSTALL TIME: (2-5 Minutes Max)
The install is very easy and takes 2-5 minutes max. Follow the simple instructions step by step to insure you input your information correctly.

You must have: vBulletin (http://www.vbulletin.com/), vBadvanced (http://www.vbadvanced.com/), and FlashChat (http://www.tufat.com/s_flash_chat_chatroom.htm)installed.

FLASHCHAT COMBO-MODULE WILL DISPLAY: (see included screenshot)
Total number of how many people are in the chat.
List of usernames of the people in chat with links to their profiles.
The names of your chat rooms with a head count per room.
The names of the people in chat listed under each chat room.
A link to join the chat.
If no one is in the chat a customizable message is displayed.
Upload the whochat.php file into your modules directory.
Next, you must create a new template.
Go to: >Admin >Styles & Templates >Style Manager >Add New Template
Title of the new template needs to be: adv_portal_whochat
You must replace the url in the code below to point to your flashchat.php file.
Copy the below code into the template area:
Next, add a new PHP file module in your vBa CMPS with the following settings: Title: Who's Chatting!
File to include: whochat.php
Identifier: whochat
Templates used: whochat
....8. Tweak the module's permissions and click save. Your module should be active now!

<!-- flashchat userlist -->
<tr><td class="thead"><span class="smallfont">Members In Chat: $totalchatters</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="$bgclass"><span class="smallfont">$chatters</span></td></tr>
<!-- end flashchat userlist -->

<!-- flashchat rooms and users -->
<td class="alt2" colspan="2">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="180" src="http://www.your_domain_here.com/chat/info_embedded.php" style="width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; overflow: hidden;" scrolling="no" border="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></td></tr>
<!-- end flashchat rooms and users -->

<!-- chat link -->
<tr><td class="alt2">
<span class="smallfont"> <a href="http://www.your_domain_here.com/chat/flashchat.php" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" linkindex="51" set="yes"><u>Join the Chat!</u></a></span></td></tr>
<!-- end chat link -->

You can adjust the height of the block by changing the value of: height="180" in the above code. Be aware that vbAdvanced blocks are fixed dimensions. So if you have many room names or many users in chat the text will run out the bottom of the block and not be visible. This is why I have the height set at "180" as a default. Adjust this value to fit the needs of your site.

# Future Plans #
- For version 2.0 of this module I plan to implement some kind of chat invitation system that will immediately notify other chosen members that you wish for them to enter the chat. A invitation window of some kind will appear containing the chat link. It would be nice if a sound would play to help alert them as well.
- In version 1x the module does not collapse fully. Rather just the members list collapses which is either a code mistake or a cool feature depending on your perspective. If you have many users in the chat having just the members list collapse might be a cool feature to leave in.
- I plan to combine into this module a link to the FlashChat Admin page and eliminate the need for a second module for that link. It needs to be coded so that only Admins can see that link.

FlashChat Admin Link in Quick Moderation Block
Here is a simple way to include a link to FlashChats Admin page inside the Quick Moderation block. I decided to put a link to the chat admin there because I have that block set so only Admins can see it. So it helps to keep the link to the chat admin secure.

How to add FlashChat Admin Link to Quick Moderation Block:
Go to >admincp >Styles & Templates >Edit Templates
Click on vBadvanced CMPS Templates >adv_portal_moderation
Find the last instance of: </td> </tr> and before it add the below link code: <a href="/forum/chat/admin/index.php" TARGET=_BLANK>Chat Admin</a></td>
Be sure to replace the correct path to your chat's index.php in the above link.
Save the template and your done!
See attached screenshot of the Quick Moderation block with chat admin link.

02-29-2008, 08:29 PM
My mod works on 3.7x so I decided to post it in the 3.7x Add-ons forum. If you install my mod remember to mark it as installed and vote! Post some feedback here on how the mod works for you.

Dr. Bantham
03-02-2008, 11:00 AM
For me, the room text is in black and thus illegible or even invisible with some of my styles. Am I doing something wrong, or should it not adhere to a style CSS variable? This would allow it to adapt to all styles.

Also, how can I reduce the space trailing the room listing? There is a considerable amount of blank space that needlessly extends the module height.

Thanks for the work!

03-02-2008, 06:04 PM
For me, the room text is in black and thus illegible or even invisible with some of my styles. Am I doing something wrong, or should it not adhere to a style CSS variable? This would allow it to adapt to all styles.

Also, how can I reduce the space trailing the room listing? There is a considerable amount of blank space that needlessly extends the module height.

Thanks for the work!

So I have simple and not so simple answers for you.

First the simple, to adjust the height of the block is easy. You can adjust the height of the block by changing the value of: height="180" in the above code. Be aware that vbAdvanced blocks are fixed dimensions. So if you have many room names or many users in chat the text will run out the bottom of the block and not be visible. This is why I have the height set at "180" as a default. Adjust this value to fit the needs of your site.

I updated the mod instructions with these instructions.

Second not so simple answer... The color of the text is called from your default style. I believe that we would have to get PaulM involved here to solve this since he is the author of the whochat.php which is included in my mod. I will ask him for help on how the text can be altered for each style installed. I am not sure it will be possible but I will look into it and post my findings.

03-24-2008, 11:31 AM
This mod is great....I am what you would still call a newbie....and I followed the instructions....(which by the way...were so clearly and easily written) and it worked like a charm....WOW....something that even a non-coder could do and use....thanks
I clicked installed...

would love to see the "invite" added with a sound that would be way cool....looking forward to version 2

Thanks again yotsume for this mod and all your hard work....:)

I also click to nominate for mod of the month....wish more mods were done and written this asily...thanks again

03-25-2008, 02:50 PM
This is a wonderful mod, Thank you!


03-25-2008, 03:10 PM
This mod is great....I am what you would still call a newbie....and I followed the instructions....(which by the way...were so clearly and easily written) and it worked like a charm....WOW....something that even a non-coder could do and use....thanks
I clicked installed...

would love to see the "invite" added with a sound that would be way cool....looking forward to version 2

Thanks again yotsume for this mod and all your hard work....:)

I also click to nominate for mod of the month....wish more mods were done and written this asily...thanks again
When FlashChat makes a new release and upgrades, I will release a new version of my mod to include their new features. Proper code documentation needs to be made into rules to follow like a read me file on how to document and make instructions. This same readme for how to make instructions needs to be a standard on all forms especially vBadvanced forum. To many wasted posts and replies asking for help due to poor instructions. I am glad you like my mod. Remember to Vote. :D
This is a wonderful mod, Thank you!

Got a link to your site so everyone can see my mod in action?

04-02-2008, 02:06 PM
yotsume Again thank you....I love this mod and it was so easy to install...
I clicked the installed and voted this as "mod of the month"....best mod I have installed...works like a charm.

My site is Palm Coast-Info (http://www.palmcoast-info.com/forum) you have to be a registered member to see how the chat works and functions and your mod. (It is free to join)

I will be looking for other mods you have made and for any updates from you...

Thank you again....

I am really looking forward to your addition in your next version of

# Future Plans #############
- For version 2.0 of this module I plan to implement some kind of chat invitation system that will immediately notify other chosen members that you wish for them to enter the chat. A invitation window of some kind will appear containing the chat link. It would be nice if a sound would play to help alert them as well.

This would be the icing on the cake for this mod....(my opinion)

04-27-2008, 01:10 AM
any help with changing the color?

04-27-2008, 02:00 AM
any help with changing the color?

A few people have asked me this already. I believe the color of text is pulled from your vbulletin settings. What color is giving you a problem exactly?

Can you please give me a link to your site so I can see your scheme. I want to look into this now and post some instructions on how to tweak colors.

04-27-2008, 01:58 PM
There must be a way to not have the height so fixed. The previous module I had auto-resized itself. If you use this code in your adv_portal_whochat template, you will see that this works:

<td class="thead"><span class="smallfont">Currently Active Chatters: $totalchatters</span></td>
<td class="$bgclass"><span class="smallfont">$chatters</span></td>

So there must be a way to make this module autoresize. I'm not a big fan of the long module block on my front page, however, I like how this block looks over the other one that this is based off of.

04-28-2008, 07:22 AM
I love this mod!.....and most of all love how easy it was to install.
Any chance the "future plans" will be updated soon to include the chat invitation? This would be a super inclusion to this mod. I am looking forward to the "future plans" update....
Thank you again for a super mod....

05-01-2008, 02:19 PM
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, followed the instructions and getting an internal error 500, I disable the module and my site works again. Removed and reinstalled 2 more times with same results. I'm probably missing something obvious. :(

EDIT: Nevermind, I don't remember reading to change anything in the whochat.php but I did and it's working not.

05-29-2008, 06:49 AM
can i have this mod included in my forum display as well?

05-29-2008, 06:51 AM
This mod is only for showing the chat information on the vBadvanced CMPS.

06-19-2008, 04:08 AM
Hi. I want to confirm that this mod specifically allows for me to have a "Module" within my vBadvanced Index Page....which would display who's in the FlashChat, and what rooms they are in.

If so.....

And regarding your future plans....I will DONATE right now to be able to INVITE others into a chat!

Finally. Are you guys aware of the ability to go into FlashChat, then pop-in-and-out into the forums without having to go back in thru auto-or-manual log-in back into the Flash Chat? ;)

06-19-2008, 07:55 AM
Hi. I want to confirm that this mod specifically allows for me to have a "Module" within my vBadvanced Index Page....which would display who's in the FlashChat, and what rooms they are in.

Well, I can not make my description any clearer and screenshots. My MOD makes a block on the vBadvanced homepage that does what it says.

I will DONATE right now to be able to INVITE others into a chat!

This still remains in the future...

Finally. Are you guys aware of the ability to go into FlashChat, then pop-in-and-out into the forums without having to go back in thru auto-or-manual log-in back into the Flash Chat? ;)

Yea I am pretty sure I am aware of this because my MOD allows you to be in the forum and in chat and never have to leave. You just switch windows back and forth is all. My MOD is set to open in a new window. This is the best way to remain in chat and browse/use the forum at the same time.

If you like and use my MOD click install and vote.

06-29-2008, 04:17 AM
Great job on this one! Thank you for the very clearly written directions. I appreciate you taking the time to list each step individually. :D

Can't wait for the invitation piece of it! That would be wonderful!

06-29-2008, 04:25 AM
Great job on this one! Thank you for the very clearly written directions. I appreciate you taking the time to list each step individually. :D

Can't wait for the invitation piece of it! That would be wonderful!

Your welcome! I think there should be rules on how to write directions. In a few weeks there should be a new version out... stay tuned!

07-22-2008, 02:01 PM

Nice plugin, but wanted to note that there is a conflict when using this CMPS module along with PhotoPlog Pro.

For some reason when the "Whos Chatting" module is activated on a CMPS page, it creates an error when clicking the navbar link to the photoplog gallery.

This may or may not be an issue with photoplog itself.

The error in the photoplog gallery references to trying to load "whochat.php" which seems to be the one file unsupported here.

Works great otherwise, thanks for that, unfortunately have to uninstall.

07-22-2008, 06:56 PM
So you deactivate my mod and the link works again? Then you reactivate and the link no longer works? It is strange that there would be a navbar link conflict at all. I do not have PhotoPlog Pro so I can not test to see what is going on for you. I would also post your problem over with the Photoplog people and ask them as well. If you get an answer please post it here.

For me to help at all I would need a link to your site. Another question for you, is your PhotoPlog navbar link hard coded with your complete url or not? Please give me a link to your site. This might be very easy to fix...


Nice plugin, but wanted to note that there is a conflict when using this CMPS module along with PhotoPlog Pro.

For some reason when the "Whos Chatting" module is activated on a CMPS page, it creates an error when clicking the navbar link to the photoplog gallery.

This may or may not be an issue with photoplog itself.

The error in the photoplog gallery references to trying to load "whochat.php" which seems to be the one file unsupported here.

Works great otherwise, thanks for that, unfortunately have to uninstall.

07-23-2008, 08:59 AM
*Installed* It works like a charm too. Great mod.

07-23-2008, 02:10 PM
*Installed* It works like a charm too. Great mod.

Hope you like it's features. I am going to work on a new version soon to add a few more features. However, I don't want to make this into something complicated. What's the saying... "If it isn't broke, don't fix it!"

Adding sound for when people sign in and out of the chat room might come soon as well as a chat invite system. The sound feature I keep pushing to the side because you would only hear the sound on the page where you have this mod active.

Anyway, happy chatting to you!

07-27-2008, 12:50 AM
Great mod just what I was looking for, Thanks !

07-29-2008, 06:33 AM
this mod i wanted a lot but it's not working for me!

09-08-2008, 09:00 PM
Love this module but cannot seem to get it to work. I install it as instructed and when I go to the portal home page where the module is enabled I get this error:

Warning: require_once(./forum/chat/inc/config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/modules/whochat.php on line 10

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './forum/chat/inc/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/username/public_html/forum/modules/whochat.php on line 10

Tried to adjust permissions on whochat.php and that didn't fix it either. Thank you!

09-09-2008, 01:19 AM
Love this module but cannot seem to get it to work. I install it as instructed and when I go to the portal home page where the module is enabled I get this error:

Warning: require_once(./forum/chat/inc/config.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/modules/whochat.php on line 10

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './forum/chat/inc/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/username/public_html/forum/modules/whochat.php on line 10Tried to adjust permissions on whochat.php and that didn't fix it either. Thank you!

I will help you out directly. The first thing that comes to mind is that in the directions had had to make a new template. You must use full urls that begin with http:// for your edits. Did you use this style of url?

If that is your problem then its an easy fix. If that is not the problem please PM me so we can chat live with some instant messaging to get you hooked up correctly.

09-09-2008, 11:40 AM
very nice thanks !

09-09-2008, 01:35 PM
I will help you out directly. The first thing that comes to mind is that in the directions had had to make a new template. You must use full urls that begin with http:// for your edits. Did you use this style of url?

If that is your problem then its an easy fix. If that is not the problem please PM me so we can chat live with some instant messaging to get you hooked up correctly.

URLS are correct. I have Flashchat version 5 and vbulletin 3.7.+. I'll PM you!

09-09-2008, 07:50 PM
URLS are correct. I have Flashchat version 5 and vbulletin 3.7.+. I'll PM you!

According to your PMyour using a pre-3.6x version of the whochat.php which I just noticed.

Please try my mod again with this newer version that was updated for 3.6x with some new settings.

Here are some of the new code settings you must input correctly:

// ## Altered version for 3.6x FlashChat Combo-Mod September, 2007
// ## Paul M - Flashchat - Who is in the chat v3.05 ## //

// ## Hack parameters ## //
$showbots = true; // Change to false if you don't want Bots to show online //

$fcfolder = 'chat'; // The folder name where your flashchat installation is located //
$GLOBALS['fc_config_stop'] = true;

$root = '/home/www/your_root_dir/'; //Change it to the Path of your root directoryr

require_once( $root . $fcfolder . "/inc/config.php");
require_once( $root . $fcfolder . "/inc/config.srv.php");

Again, the version of whochat.php that your using is for vb3.5x Please update your whochat.php with the one attached and report back here please. This new version works with vb3.7x as well.

09-10-2008, 09:21 PM
I've tried about everything and still cannot get this thing to work. The version I downloaded was the version that was available in this thread. Not sure how I received a different version of this. I am using 3.7 and Flashchat 5.

I uploaded this new version and am still getting similar errors. Not sure what it is.

Paul M
09-11-2008, 04:30 PM
This mod uses some old code of mine to get the list of chatters - code which doesnt work on Flashchat 5.

09-11-2008, 05:53 PM
This mod uses some old code of mine to get the list of chatters - code which doesn't work on Flashchat 5.

Yes I know. I PMed you asking for help to update my MOD so it will then work with FlashChat 5x. Would you be willing to help keep my mod alive? I do not have all your experience with coding and could surely use your help here...

Paul M
09-13-2008, 08:29 AM
Yes, but only when I have some free time. :)

09-13-2008, 08:34 AM
Yes, but only when I have some free time. :)

WOW I'm in tears because your like one of my coding gods! :o

Please let me know when you can help and how we can collaborate.

I believe my mod has serious potential which many users like.



09-13-2008, 11:51 AM
Me either, (can't wait). I didn't realize this didn't work with FC 5 so now I have to decide whether or not I should uninstall 5 and go back to 4 or wait for the modification.

On namepros.com, there's a link at the top right of their page and it shows how many users are in chat at the moment. Is there anyway to add something like this temporarily until the chat module is ready for FC5? I have the Who's in chat modification by Paul M installed but it's at the bottom of page in the what's going on box. Actually, if I could get the what's going on box to display on vbadvanced portal pages it would also suffice.

Any ideas?

I have one. At the box at the bottom I have the mod Who is Chatting (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=166835) by Paul M. This works well and if it could work as a module, that would be fantastic. Is there anyway to get the existing information in the existing Who is Chatting module to show some of the information at the top of the forum?

09-16-2008, 04:50 PM
Me either, (can't wait). I didn't realize this didn't work with FC 5 so now I have to decide whether or not I should uninstall 5 and go back to 4 or wait for the modification.

On namepros.com, there's a link at the top right of their page and it shows how many users are in chat at the moment. Is there anyway to add something like this temporarily until the chat module is ready for FC5? I have the Who's in chat modification by Paul M installed but it's at the bottom of page in the what's going on box. Actually, if I could get the what's going on box to display on vbadvanced portal pages it would also suffice.

Any ideas?

I have one. At the box at the bottom I have the mod Who is Chatting (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=166835) by Paul M. This works well and if it could work as a module, that would be fantastic. Is there anyway to get the existing information in the existing Who is Chatting module to show some of the information at the top of the forum?
You could look at my Flashchat 5: Who is chatting (vBadvanced Add On) hack, that displays the who is chatting box at the top of the forums :)

09-16-2008, 05:14 PM
I think that is the one I'm using but I don't want that on the top of my forum. Takes up too much room. A module works best.

I'm going back to Flaschat 4.. again, as I already had it installed before.

Thanks again for your help.

09-18-2008, 01:34 PM
Yes, but only when I have some free time. :)

Would be very nice ;)
I have seen this thread to late after upgrading.
Right now I get blank screens... too bad. *sigh*

09-19-2008, 07:50 PM
yotsume (or anyone else for that matter),

I'd like to use this mod (which I've been using for quite some time now) and combine it with the "online users" module that vBadvanced comes with. Any ideas on how I could do that?

Any help would be appreciated.

09-20-2008, 06:31 AM
yotsume (or anyone else for that matter),

I'd like to use this mod (which I've been using for quite some time now) and combine it with the "online users" module that vBadvanced comes with. Any ideas on how I could do that?

Any help would be appreciated.

Why would you want to combine these two together exactly? You see my mod separate allows for greater permission control for one. If you combine the two together you remove a bunch of the permission control from one block to the other. Meaning my block separate can have permissions independently set. There is a way to edit the who's online block and enter my mod's code into it but... I HIGHLY SUGGEST NEVER DOING THIS!

The only next steps I am working on is making my mod updated so it will be compatible with FlashChat 5x. I will also be make my mod into a product/plugin format with all the needed settings editable from within vBulletin's AdminCP. The current required template edits will no longer be necessary. They will happen automatically when you enter in your urls within the admin area. Besides these enhancements and major updates, I plan to have direct room entering as a feature. Where you see a user listed you can click that room and join directly. After these happen there will be a chat invitation system next. Maybe ajax based? or maybe private message based. I am sure Paul M. is reading this and getting ideas. I need his help here to get this mod updated to where it "COULD" be.

So I am sorry but I am not going to be posting how to add my block inside another critical block. I would consider that a separate mod in and of itself. Someone else could attempt this so long as they don't rip off my mod. :up:

09-22-2008, 11:02 AM
I wanted it mainly to combine two modules into one and for them to sit on my homepage neatly rather than two small modules that won't look exactly right on the page. :(

Oh well, I guess there's no way to do this without causing some issues, so I'll see what I can do.

09-22-2008, 04:30 PM
I wanted it mainly to combine two modules into one and for them to sit on my homepage neatly rather than two small modules that won't look exactly right on the page. :(

Oh well, I guess there's no way to do this without causing some issues, so I'll see what I can do.

You have stretched your theme and broke your layout. To fix what you have done already your "WDB Construction" block needs to be in the center not in the right column or you will need to decrease the size of the photo. Then you will need to fix your "WDB Friends" block. The thumbs are also stretching your page off to the right. It needs to be coded so your thumbs in that block show on two rows not just one or you will need to decrease the amount of thumbs that show to prevent breaking your page layout.

My block on the left is one of the few that actually shows nicely on your page already. :up: I also suggest you edit the FlashChat files to name your chat correctly in the new window to match your WDB Chat link name.

09-30-2008, 11:46 PM
I'm having no luck! I have tried a few things but I can not get it to work.

Any Help?

Warning: include(INC_DIRget_config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]\chat\inc\config.php on line 5

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'INC_DIRget_config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;\xampp\php\pear\') in [path]\chat\inc\config.php on line 5

Warning: require_once(INC_DIRclasses/db.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]\chat\inc\config.php on line 11

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'INC_DIRclasses/db.php' (include_path='.;\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\xampp\htdocs\forums\chat\inc\config.php on line 11

10-01-2008, 08:42 PM
I'm having no luck! I have tried a few things but I can not get it to work.

Any Help?

What version of FlashChat do you have installed? For me to be able to help you, I need more info. Usually any problems are with how URLs are entered into the code. My mod works up to FlashChat 4x. FlashChat 5x integration is not designed yet but in the works.

10-01-2008, 09:28 PM
Actually, I've sent a PM to yotsume that I did in fact get this to work with Flaschat 5 and how I did it was create a new template module and use some of the information in Paul's Module. So far have not heard anything back. Everything works perfectly on my site with the exception of linking to the users profile but I believe this will be worked out when the forum URL is converted to integrate fully into vbadvanced. It can even display the rooms in the template module I've set up on my forum.

Hopefully someone will get this working with Flashchat 5 completely. I'm close and sent all the details to Yotsume so hopefully we'll get this resolved soon. This module really isn't all that complicated... but then again, I'm far from being a coder.

10-01-2008, 09:35 PM
Yes got your PM. However, what you did is jerry rig the code and break your theme. Sorry but its not going to work that way. I hear patience is a virtue. I am working on a 5x version that is correctly coded.

When an update for my mod is ready it will of course be released here!

10-01-2008, 11:04 PM
Great. Yes, patience is a virtue. The theme in my solution isn't actually broken so long as I remove some of the code. It actually works rather well. The only thing is clicking on the members name and being directed to the forum home/member/membername. So actually with Mosh's code it does work as a template module.

Thank you for working on this much needed modification.

10-03-2008, 01:04 PM
You have stretched your theme and broke your layout. To fix what you have done already your "WDB Construction" block needs to be in the center not in the right column or you will need to decrease the size of the photo. Then you will need to fix your "WDB Friends" block. The thumbs are also stretching your page off to the right. It needs to be coded so your thumbs in that block show on two rows not just one or you will need to decrease the amount of thumbs that show to prevent breaking your page layout.

My block on the left is one of the few that actually shows nicely on your page already. :up: I also suggest you edit the FlashChat files to name your chat correctly in the new window to match your WDB Chat link name.

Thank you so much for your advice! :D

I'm actually working towards eliminating the left hand column altogether to try and fix things up a little better.

That's why I originally wanted to combine your mod with the 'online users' in one block to put it next to each other horizontally and put it in one of the two columns.

I haven't had a chance to look specifically at these issues for the last week and a half because I'm launching a social networking site for Disney fans and I've been busy with that one :)

Thanks again for taking the time for the advice though...I appreciate it! :D

10-07-2008, 06:57 PM
Any news on this add-on with vB 3.7.x

10-07-2008, 07:05 PM
Any news on this add-on with vB 3.7.x

My mod works perfect on vb 3.7x which is clearly stated here!

Remember it is not yet compatible with Flashchat 5x.

10-07-2008, 07:33 PM
Sorry - my fault.
Any news with Flashchat 5.x ;)

10-07-2008, 08:44 PM
Sorry - my fault.
Any news with Flashchat 5.x ;)

Trust me... when my mod goes 5x I am sure you all will get a nice update email! LOL

10-24-2008, 04:47 AM
Any updates on the progress of this?

10-24-2008, 04:58 AM
Any updates on the progress of this?

Please read my above post very carefully. Trust me when I get the help that I need to update my mod for Flashchat 5x the first place I post will be right here.

I have asked Paul M. a number of times to assist me in the update. When he gets the time this will get done. I believe coders are also very busy with vb3.8x as well.

10-31-2008, 02:16 PM
This mod is just what I'm looking for. I will install it as soon as it's updated to work with flashchat 5.

I'm also hoping that the invitation system you are working on for version 2.0 will be available soon.

Thank you for working on this. :)

12-23-2008, 07:19 PM
All I get is a nice white blank page on my main VBA page.. but i guess this does not work with version 5.0.10?