View Full Version : Discussion about radical styles 'vB sites that dont look like vB sites'

02-28-2008, 09:01 PM
I am importing the idea of this (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1513413) topic in the vb.com for us to share experience.

How to track extreme styles to keep it updated with latest version of vbulletin?

Example, this nice website vb based: daniweb.com

You use any software to compare templates and update manually or what? I need hints, my skin is done by me, but I'm stuck on upgrade process...

Thank you!

03-03-2008, 11:57 PM
Doesn't have more annoying thing than you to create a topic and not to receive any beedback.

03-04-2008, 04:39 PM
annoying can't be applied here... would be annoying if spammers post stupid content in your thread...

if your topic is not interesting nobody, nobody will reply... that's the vBulletin Law.

actually, daniweb.com is looking like any vBulletin forum, just the borders and background images were deleted...

http://www.ayyas.com/forum.html on another side is not looking like vB... but it is.

50% of the sites i do are redesigned to be unique and use different style... the problem is that i have to deconstruct all vBulletin templates to do so, so i'm not sharing my efforts... too much work done .

03-04-2008, 04:57 PM
Users on this site are usually users on the vb.com site. So, if a user were interested in the topic, why would they not continue the topic over there? Why would they post the same thing over here?

03-04-2008, 05:26 PM
Why would they post the same thing over here?

basically because we're the Modifications site... vB.com is for the pure, original, virgin stuff.. :)