View Full Version : Multiple Skin/Single Style Question.

02-23-2008, 04:23 AM
I was wondering what people might recommend for my site..

I need about 8 different skins, but all in the same style. (i think that explains it correctly)
I need one style so the whole site looks uniform, but i need a different vibe for each section.

One for each gaming system (PC, xbox, PS3, Wii, PSP, etc..)
Plus one for the general area, & another for the Graphics section.

I need a total of about 8. & i can make new ones if needed from there.

So my question is.. i bought a skin & tried to make different ones, but now they dont look uniform they all look too different..

What would be the easiest way to acheive this..?
- Buy a skin that comes in many different colors, & change the icons, etc..
- Buy a skin & have someone make new ones for the different areas.?

Sorry if that confuses anyone, but thanks in advance for any recommendations.

02-23-2008, 05:07 AM
When creating a sub-forum. You'll have an option to switch skin automatic.

So when a user is using an xbox section, the section will have a xbox skin.

Hope this make sense.

02-23-2008, 05:20 AM
Yea i have it set up now, so they cant change the skin.. so when you click on the xbox section the xbox skin is automatically there, & the same for the rest, but my problem is that i changed them too much, & im not really happy with the skin anymore.
So im wondering the best way to go about getting a new look for the site.. Keeping it uniform, but also themed per section.


02-23-2008, 05:25 AM
You'll have to create a lot and have a modification to switch every x amount of days, months, etc..

02-23-2008, 05:45 AM
Once the theme is set to the correct section, i dont want it to change.!?

I think you're thinking too deep on this.. i'm just looking for the best way to go about getting a new set of skins to freshen up my site.

02-23-2008, 04:04 PM
hire the right designer, a good vbulletin designer would know exactly what I'm talking about .. if they don't move to the next

the best way would be to purchase a custom skin specifically for you and your goals

all colors and backgrounds should be done via CSS and StyleVars; so when you switch from one section to another all that will change is the CSS and the style images

doing it this way will allow you to provide the same interface throughout each section (which makes it more user friendly)