02-19-2008, 10:00 PM
This is officially my first modification submitted to this site. I've been working on my vBulletin forums customizing it for about 6 months now and I'm starting to get use to it. There will be some more modifications I will be submitting later.
This is a template modification that changes that boring green, orange, red colored bar above your PM's. This bar shows how much of your inbox is full out of the available space.
This is just a simple enhancement to use images for the bar instead of using colored cells.
Time: 1 Minute.
Difficulty: Extremely Easy.
Template Modifications: 2.
Uploads: 2 images.
1. Upload the 2 images to your images/misc folder. If you wish to store in a different location such as a theme folder that is fine. The images used in the bar can vary between theme since its locations are controlled in the CSS.
2. In pm_messagelist template,
Find: (line 43 - 49 default)
<table style="border:2px groove" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
<if condition="$show['thisfoldertotal']"><td width="$tdwidth[folder]" style="background-color:red; font-size:10px" title="<phrase 1="$totalmessages">$vbphrase[messages_stored_in_folder_x]</phrase>"> </td></if>
<if condition="$show['allfolderstotal']"><td width="$tdwidth[total]" style="background-color:orange; font-size:10px" title="<phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[pmtotal]">$vbphrase[total_messages_in_all_folders_x]</phrase>"> </td></if>
<if condition="$tdwidth[quota] > 0"><td width="$tdwidth[quota]" style="background-color:green; font-size:10px" title="<phrase 1="$permissions[pmquota]">$vbphrase[maximum_allowed_messages_x]</phrase>"> </td></if>
Replace with:
<div class="inbox_bar_full" style="width:481px; height:20px;">
<div style="float:left; height:20px; width:$tdwidth[folder]%;"></div>
<div style="float:left; height:20px; width:$tdwidth[total]%;"></div>
<div class="inbox_bar_empty" style="float:right;height:20px; width:$tdwidth[quota]%;"></div>
3. In your Main CSS under Additional CSS Definitions,
/* Custom Private Message Inbox Bar Enhanced */
.inbox_bar_full {
background: url(images/misc/barfull.png);
.inbox_bar_empty {
background: url(images/misc/barempty.png);
background-position: right;
Nothing else to do. Pretty simple edit and makes it look 10x better. You can adjust the images to change with the themes by changing the image location in each themes CSS.
In the zip I included a copy of these directions, the images and the PSD to the images.
Hope you like the mod!! More to come!!
Cory Nickerson
v1.0.0 Original release.
v1.0.1 Changed image height from 30px to 20px.
This is officially my first modification submitted to this site. I've been working on my vBulletin forums customizing it for about 6 months now and I'm starting to get use to it. There will be some more modifications I will be submitting later.
This is a template modification that changes that boring green, orange, red colored bar above your PM's. This bar shows how much of your inbox is full out of the available space.
This is just a simple enhancement to use images for the bar instead of using colored cells.
Time: 1 Minute.
Difficulty: Extremely Easy.
Template Modifications: 2.
Uploads: 2 images.
1. Upload the 2 images to your images/misc folder. If you wish to store in a different location such as a theme folder that is fine. The images used in the bar can vary between theme since its locations are controlled in the CSS.
2. In pm_messagelist template,
Find: (line 43 - 49 default)
<table style="border:2px groove" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
<if condition="$show['thisfoldertotal']"><td width="$tdwidth[folder]" style="background-color:red; font-size:10px" title="<phrase 1="$totalmessages">$vbphrase[messages_stored_in_folder_x]</phrase>"> </td></if>
<if condition="$show['allfolderstotal']"><td width="$tdwidth[total]" style="background-color:orange; font-size:10px" title="<phrase 1="$bbuserinfo[pmtotal]">$vbphrase[total_messages_in_all_folders_x]</phrase>"> </td></if>
<if condition="$tdwidth[quota] > 0"><td width="$tdwidth[quota]" style="background-color:green; font-size:10px" title="<phrase 1="$permissions[pmquota]">$vbphrase[maximum_allowed_messages_x]</phrase>"> </td></if>
Replace with:
<div class="inbox_bar_full" style="width:481px; height:20px;">
<div style="float:left; height:20px; width:$tdwidth[folder]%;"></div>
<div style="float:left; height:20px; width:$tdwidth[total]%;"></div>
<div class="inbox_bar_empty" style="float:right;height:20px; width:$tdwidth[quota]%;"></div>
3. In your Main CSS under Additional CSS Definitions,
/* Custom Private Message Inbox Bar Enhanced */
.inbox_bar_full {
background: url(images/misc/barfull.png);
.inbox_bar_empty {
background: url(images/misc/barempty.png);
background-position: right;
Nothing else to do. Pretty simple edit and makes it look 10x better. You can adjust the images to change with the themes by changing the image location in each themes CSS.
In the zip I included a copy of these directions, the images and the PSD to the images.
Hope you like the mod!! More to come!!
Cory Nickerson
v1.0.0 Original release.
v1.0.1 Changed image height from 30px to 20px.