View Full Version : Integration with vBulletin - Imageshack & MEGAUPLOAD Uploader
Hack Support
This hack is now discontinued - this means that while it will remain available for download and use, there will be no further updates, nor will support be provided as the thread is no longer monitored. You can now check out the 3.8.x version of this hack, as it also works with v3.7.5, v3.6.12 (and maybe even earlier versions).
Please click Mark as Installed if you are using this hack.
NOTE: You can not change the language/text in either the Imageshack or MEGAUPLOAD embedded upload boxes as they are actually being hosted on their respective websites, and this hack can in NO way control that.
If you need support (they embed but don't upload, they are slow, etc), information (how they work, FAQ etc) in regards either of the embedded upload boxes, then you are best off checking out their respective websites, as I will not help you out there (you need to do the research yourself) - MEGAUPLOAD (, Imageshack (
vBulletin Version Compatibility
This hack can be used with v3.6.10 and v3.7.x. This has not been tested with earlier versions of v3.6.x, but should work.
What Does This Hack Do?
This is an update of my v3.6.x hack available here, with the added bonus of being able to upload files to MEGAUPLOAD.
The v3.6.x version of this hack has been listed on the official ImageShack's 3rd Party Tools page, and that links to the v3.8.x version of this hack - see ImageShack :: 3rdparty :: (
This is an hack that adds the ability to upload image images to the Imageshack service and upload files to the MEGAUPLOAD service and be given a url to post in your posts to show your now uploaded file(s), it is available (if enabled) when creating a new thread, new post, editing a post, quick editing a post or doing a quick reply.
Both Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD are controlled by the same permissions, but you can show one of them or both of them when creating a new thread, new post, editing a post, quick editing a post or doing a quick reply independently (via settings in AdminCP).
You can control the size and color of both the Imageshack (fully customisable) and MEGAUPLOAD (3 sizes and 6 colors) boxes from the AdminCP.
You do NOT need a premium account to upload using either Imageshack or MEGAUPLOAD.
NOTE 2: This hack works in total harmony with the latest version of Dannyloski's Photobucket Image Upload hack (Dannyloski, with my permission, used the base code of v3.6.x version of this hack to create his hack), so you can use Imageshack, MEGAUPLOAD and Photobucket all at the same time (if you choose to).
AdminCP settings for this hack available in vBulletin Options > Imageshack Image Upload.
Settings that can be changed are:
Usergroup permissions - which groups will see the Imageshack/MEGAUPLOAD Upload boxes
Choose which locations the Imageshack Image Upload box are displayed
Imageshack iFrame properties - size of the upload input field. The width, height and color (this setting will work instantly once the Imageshack developers fix this) of the iframe
Choose which locations the MEGAUPLOAD Uploader box are displayed
MEGAUPLOAD Embedded box properties - size and color of the embedded MEGAUPLOAD box
Note: If you have highly customised templates or styles and the imageshack/MEGAUPLOAD dialog box does not display after usergroup permissions are set, then you may need to manually add the contents of the imageshack template to the templates where you want the dialog box to appear.
Installation Instructions
Import ms_imageshack_upload.xml into vB using the AdminCP Product Manager. If upgrading then set Allow Overwrite to Yes.
In the Admin CP, select vBulletin Options > Imageshack/MEGAUPLOAD Uploader, and change the settings to enter usergroups that you want to use this, which locations you want to display the imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD dialog boxes and change other settings to your liking.
Enjoy the new addition to your posting arsenal !!!
Uninstall Instructions
Uninstall the product in vB using the AdminCP Product Manager.
Show in this order:
Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD (in Quick Reply)
Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD (in Quick Edit)
Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD (in Additional Posting Options)
Imageshack only (in Additional Posting Options)
AdminCP options (2)
AdminCP options (1)
MEGAUPLOAD only (in Additional Posting Options)
Version History
v3.7.007 - Friday 29th August 2008
-- Final Release
-- Changed: Check boxes now for usergroup selection, instead of needing comma separated numbers
-- Changed: Removed dependency, now works with v3.6.10
-- Changed: Screenshots
-- Added: New plugin, for processing usergroup permissions
v3.7.006 - Sunday 29th June 2008
-- Changed: Hack name
-- Changed: Total code rewrite
-- Added: MEGAUPLOAD Upload
v3.7.005 - Saturday 28th June 2008
-- Fixed: Quick Reply now works with Photobucket Image Uploader hack
v3.7.004 - Wednesday 25th June 2008
-- Fixed: Imageshack in Quick Reply not showing
v3.7.003 - Wednesday 25th June 2008
-- Changed: Version numbering
-- Added: AdminCP option to display to all usergroups
v3.1.0 - Wednesday 2nd April 2008
-- Added: QuickEdit option
-- Added: AdminCP Options input validation
v3.0.0 - Thursday 7th February 2008
-- Initial v3.7.x Release
Thanks go out to Paul M who gave me permission to use some of his install code.
Show Your Appreciation
Although not required, if you have enjoyed the benefits of this hack, and would like show your appreciation for my efforts, then please feel free to click on the Support Developer link and donate any amount you feel is appropriate.
02-07-2008, 07:26 AM
i have installed it but the hack doestn showup..
02-07-2008, 12:45 PM
Thx! *installed*
02-07-2008, 01:43 PM
02-07-2008, 01:46 PM
I'm very interested in this. I use IS code on my forum, but I enforce the thumbnail code. Is this done with this modification?
02-07-2008, 05:19 PM
i have installed it but the hack doestn showup..
Same here. Help please <3.
EDIT: Forgot to setup the usergroups.
i have installed it but the hack doestn showup..
Did you enter the usergroups you want to display the imageshack dialog box to? Do you have a highly customised style?
I'm very interested in this. I use IS code on my forum, but I enforce the thumbnail code. Is this done with this modification?
No, you have to select which code yourself, it just provides the dialog box as you can see in the screenshot and the rest is handled by the Imageshack site.
02-07-2008, 08:07 PM
/me clicks install. Thank you!
02-08-2008, 08:34 AM
Awesome. Thanks for sharing. :)
<u>Updated hack to v3.1.0</u> - Added imageshack upload dialog box in Quick Edit, also added input validation to AdminCP options.
04-03-2008, 06:03 PM
I can not see:
Usergroup permissions - which groups will see the Imageshack Image Upload box
I can not see:
Usergroup permissions - which groups will see the Imageshack Image Upload box
2. In the Admin CP, select vBulletin Options > Imageshack Image Upload, and change the settings to enter usergroups that you want to use this (no usergroups can view the imageshack dialog box by default), which locations you want to display the imageshack dialog box and change other settings to your liking.
Look at the fourth screenshot, it is the first option, and even gives an example of what the input should look like.
04-08-2008, 04:30 AM
Nevermind, my fault i fixed it.. awesome thanks
04-12-2008, 09:17 PM
thanks upgrade
thanks upgrade
If you have this installed, then please click Mark as Installed.
I have emailed ImageShack tech support about the fact that the iFrame Text Color (txtcolor) option does not work, hopefully I will get a response and they fix it up asap.
05-04-2008, 08:35 AM
thank you ... nice hack
how many time the image stay uploaded in imageshack ?
is this hack allowed from imageshak site ?
05-04-2008, 08:43 AM
I love ImageShack host. Installed, Thanks
05-04-2008, 08:51 AM
If you have this installed, then please click Mark as Installed.
Ok im sorry
Thank You installed Mosh
thank you ... nice hack
how many time the image stay uploaded in imageshack ?
is this hack allowed from imageshak site ?
No idea how long images will stay uploaded, and yes, this hack is allowed, as they released instructions on how to do this manually and I made it into a hack.
BTW, if you intend to use this, please click Mark as Installed.
Rev O
05-07-2008, 10:42 PM
Looks like a nice product, but how secure is it?
Looks like a nice product, but how secure is it?
As the iframe resides on ImageShack's servers you may want to contact them asking how secure their iframe is.
This hack has no security issues that I am aware of (and it has been available for over a year on this site), or it would have been yanked by the staff here long ago (they take security of hacks very seriously here).
05-16-2008, 01:17 PM
Thanks installed,
How do change all texts?
Thanks installed,
How do change all texts?
You can not change the text, as it resides within the imageshack iframe, which resides on the Imageshack servers, which is something I have no control over.
05-23-2008, 09:54 AM
Thanks, upgrade :)
Update: v3.7.003
Version numbering changed
Added option to show to all usergroups
06-25-2008, 08:05 AM
Thank you for new version, but it does't show in quick reply for me... What it can be???
Thank you for new version, but it does't show in quick reply for me... What it can be???
What other hacks do you have installed that alter Quick Reply?
06-25-2008, 08:13 AM
I don't really know what is alter Qucik Reply but I have default show Quick Reply.
Here is my hacks:
Activity Modification
Admin Log In As User
Album Pictures - Forum Home
All Albums
AME - The Automatic Media Embeder
Automatic Thread Tagger
Chief First Post - Every Page
Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics
GTPrivate Message Quickreply
GTPrivate Messages Enhanced Listing
GTSmiliebox - Move Smilies Below Editor
GTUserCP - Enhanced USERCP Interface + USERCP Menu
Guest Tracking
Members who have Visited
MGC chatbox Evo
Multiple Login Detector
Personal Notepad
Post Thank You Hack
Prevent Doubleposts
Radio and TV
Template Modification System
Yet Another Usergroup Legend
06-25-2008, 08:29 AM
Thanks installed:up:
Update: v3.7.004
Problem with Imageshack upload not showing in Quick Reply fixed
06-25-2008, 10:57 AM
OMG, it's fast!!! Thank you!!! Works great now!!! ;)
06-25-2008, 11:47 AM
Thx for the update .Keep up the good work :)
06-25-2008, 08:54 PM
Installed..working great
06-26-2008, 07:04 PM
For me the option appears twice, any reason?
For me the option appears twice, any reason?
No, it should not. Where is it appearing twice ?
06-26-2008, 10:31 PM
It's even in Advance mode.
It's even in Advance mode.
It looks like it is clashing with Dannyloski's Photobucket Image Uploader hack (which is based on this hack). Do you have that hack installed?
06-27-2008, 10:28 AM
I do, yes.
Any way around it?
I do, yes.
Any way around it?
Not sure yet, will have a look at it and let you know.
But I take it, if you disable QR on either hack, then only one is displayed?
06-28-2008, 12:02 AM
Update: v3.7.005
Quick Reply now works correctly with Dannyloski's Photobucket Image Uploader hack installed
06-28-2008, 08:22 AM
sweet ... thanx
sweet ... thanx
If you are using this, then please click Mark as Installed.
06-28-2008, 12:01 PM
Works now! :)
06-28-2008, 12:08 PM
whenever i use it i get a double 1 above my megaupload and one below (
whenever i use it i get a double 1 above my megaupload and one below (
Which megaupload hack?
Update: v3.7.006
Total code rewrite
Added MEGAUPLOAD file uploader
Changed name of hack to Imageshack & MEGAUPLOAD Uploader
06-29-2008, 06:46 AM
Is there some sort of trick to the megaupload to get it to host a file? Do I need a premium account with them?
I updated this mod and tried testing out the MEGAUPLOAD feature by uploading a 890K exe file into a post and it began uploading it. It estimated the time at a few seconds, got to the end of uploading the file, and then has displayed "Finishing, Please Wait" for over 6 minutes. When I finally gave up and pressed submit for the thread, it locked up my browser.
Obviously it's not your "fault" because it's the MEGAUPLOAD iframe that seems stuck but do you know how this thing is supposed to work and what its limitations are? There is no documentation in this thread on what I should tell my users about the operation of this feature. I'd like to be able to warn my users what this thing is doing and what happens when they press "Get your own filebox".
Is there some sort of trick to the megaupload to get it to host a file? Do I need a premium account with them?
I updated this mod and tried testing out the MEGAUPLOAD feature by uploading a 890K exe file into a post and it began uploading it. It estimated the time at a few seconds, got to the end of uploading the file, and then has displayed "Finishing, Please Wait" for over 6 minutes. When I finally gave up and pressed submit for the thread, it locked up my browser.
Obviously it's not your "fault" because it's the MEGAUPLOAD iframe that seems stuck but do you know how this thing is supposed to work and what its limitations are? There is no documentation in this thread on what I should tell my users about the operation of this feature. I'd like to be able to warn my users what this thing is doing and what happens when they press "Get your own filebox".
You do not require a premium account to upload, if you did I would never have added MEGAUPLOAD to this hack.
I just provide an easy way to integrate it into your site, but if you are having problems with the actual MEGAUPLOAD box itself, then you will really need to contact MEGAUPLOAD about it, because as you yourself stated, it is MEGAUPLOAD's embedded flash object that is giving you the problem, not this integration.
As to documentation on how to use the MEGAUPLOAD and Imageshack embedded boxes, their sites (links in the 1st post) should have adequte documentation/FAQs etc. I am only providing instructions on how to use the vBulletin integration and not the embedded boxes themselves.
06-29-2008, 08:51 AM
wOw this is awesome, i was looking for the megaupload.Thank you very much for adding the megaupload for us :)
Great job m8 :D
06-29-2008, 11:40 AM
nice hack, thanks for the update....question, how do i center the imageshack and megaupload iframes? they appear to the right...
note: nevermind, just edit imageshack template, or the xml and change:
<div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px">
<div align="center" style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px">
06-29-2008, 12:01 PM
Thanks for Upgrade..:D
06-29-2008, 12:18 PM
Great idea and thanks for the effort . I upgraded the latest version but the megaupload box isn't appearing
see attachments
Needed to revert templates
06-29-2008, 12:42 PM
works great thanks
06-29-2008, 01:29 PM
Is there an easy way to limit this to just one forum? For instance designating a "Photo Forum" where threads with photos are posted?
06-29-2008, 07:45 PM
You do not require a premium account to upload, if you did I would never have added MEGAUPLOAD to this hack.
I just provide an easy way to integrate it into your site, but if you are having problems with the actual MEGAUPLOAD box itself, then you will really need to contact MEGAUPLOAD about it, because as you yourself stated, it is MEGAUPLOAD's embedded flash object that is giving you the problem, not this integration.
As to documentation on how to use the MEGAUPLOAD and Imageshack embedded boxes, their sites (links in the 1st post) should have adequte documentation/FAQs etc. I am only providing instructions on how to use the vBulletin integration and not the embedded boxes themselves.
Thanks. I realized I was having the exact same problem when trying to upload from MEGAUPLOAD itself. It might be that the service itself was having problems.
06-29-2008, 07:47 PM
Separate question: do you think it would be possible to integrate premium features for those willing to pay for MEGAUPLOAD's premium service?
The reason I ask is that the service FAQ state that they only store files for about 90 days.
I really love this idea and am very appreciative for your integration of it but I could literally turn off attachments altogether for my board if I could figure out a way to make the uploaded files more "permanent".
Separate question: do you think it would be possible to integrate premium features for those willing to pay for MEGAUPLOAD's premium service?
The reason I ask is that the service FAQ state that they only store files for about 90 days.
I really love this idea and am very appreciative for your integration of it but I could literally turn off attachments altogether for my board if I could figure out a way to make the uploaded files more "permanent".
Not sure, will look into it, but am not promising anything.
06-30-2008, 11:21 AM
No promises, I understand, I just was asking.
06-30-2008, 01:06 PM
Can you add sendspace also? Some of my members complain about megaupload popping up way to many popups.
Can you add sendspace also? Some of my members complain about megaupload popping up way to many popups.
Sorry, I am not planning to. Until I just read your post, I had never heard of sendspace.
But you never know, one day I may feel the urge to release a hack based on sendspace, so I will not say I will definitely not release a sendspace hack, it is however, very unlikely that I will.
07-01-2008, 12:46 AM
Neither rapidshare ?
07-01-2008, 03:24 AM
Neither rapidshare ?
Not RapidShare at the moment, as they do not provide the facility to upload indirectly i.e a remote upload API. If they do in the future, I may look at it.
If you are using this, please click Mark as Installed.
I have emailed ImageShack tech support about the fact that the iFrame Text Color (txtcolor) option does not work, hopefully I will get a response and they fix it up asap.
2 months on, and no reply from Imageshack, and no fix.
So it looks like this will never be fixed, sorry folk :(
So, if everyone how uses this hack emails Imageshack tech support and bugs the hell out of them, they might actually fix it.
Use this link -
Explain that txtcolor does not work, and to please fix it up asap as you need that functionality.
Separate question: do you think it would be possible to integrate premium features for those willing to pay for MEGAUPLOAD's premium service?
The reason I ask is that the service FAQ state that they only store files for about 90 days.
I really love this idea and am very appreciative for your integration of it but I could literally turn off attachments altogether for my board if I could figure out a way to make the uploaded files more "permanent".
Not sure, will look into it, but am not promising anything.
No promises, I understand, I just was asking.
Well, I looked into it, and there is nothing available for premium uploads that resemble what the free Filebox does, so no dice, sorry :(
07-03-2008, 12:11 PM
thanks thanks thanks:up:
thanks thanks thanks:up:
You downloaded this, if you are using this, please click Mark as Installed.
07-03-2008, 01:48 PM
Is there an easy way to limit this to just one forum? For instance designating a "Photo Forum" where threads with photos are posted?
I haven't installed this, but would appreciate it if you could answer my question. If it is possible to easily limit this to one forum I would install it.
I haven't installed this, but would appreciate it if you could answer my question. If it is possible to easily limit this to one forum I would install it.
Sorry, did not see that the first time around.
Limiting it to one forum should be as easy as adding template conditionals to both of the templates imageshack and imageshack_quickedit:
<if condition="$forum[forumid] == xx">
<--rest of template here-->
Where xx is the forum ID of the forum you want it displayed. I would put it around both the Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD code seperately.
07-04-2008, 12:47 AM
Sorry, did not see that the first time around.
Limiting it to one forum should be as easy as adding template conditionals to both of the templates imageshack and imageshack_quickedit:
<if condition="$forum[forumid] == xx">
<--rest of template here-->
Where xx is the forum ID of the forum you want it displayed. I would put it around both the Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD code seperately.
Thank you Mosh, I will give it a try tomorrow :D
07-04-2008, 04:21 AM
Sorry, I am not planning to. Until I just read your post, I had never heard of sendspace.
But you never know, one day I may feel the urge to release a hack based on sendspace, so I will not say I will definitely not release a sendspace hack, it is however, very unlikely that I will.
Would you mind if I edited your code to support sendspace, re-released it, and put you in as a co-author?
Well, I looked into it, and there is nothing available for premium uploads that resemble what the free Filebox does, so no dice, sorry :(
PM me, I have a lifetime Megaupload premium account where I can create a filebox that will never delete the files. Although since I only have 250 GB of space, I empty it out every 6 months. So I think 180 days is better than 90, wouldn't you say so?
Would you mind if I edited your code to support sendspace, re-released it, and put you in as a co-author?
You are more than welcome to code an add-on hack to this hack or use my code as a framework (like the Photobucket hack, Dannyloski was granted this same permission) to just support sendspace and make sure it does not conflict with this hack at all.
But you do not have my permission use the entire code with it added in (i.e not with Imageshack, MEGAUPLOAD and sendspace in the same hack), sorry :(
PM me, I have a lifetime Megaupload premium account where I can create a filebox that will never delete the files. Although since I only have 250 GB of space, I empty it out every 6 months. So I think 180 days is better than 90, wouldn't you say so?
I have PM'ed you about that.
07-04-2008, 03:20 PM
You are more than welcome to code an add-on hack to this hack or use my code as a framework (like the Photobucket hack, Dannyloski was granted this same permission) to just support sendspace and make sure it does not conflict with this hack at all.
But you do not have my permission use the entire code with it added in (i.e not with Imageshack, MEGAUPLOAD and sendspace in the same hack), sorry :(
I have PM'ed you about that.
Nah lol, I just wanted sendspace. I actually just wish you would have released them all separate. That way people can decide which ones they wish to install. I guess two isn't that bad, at least they can disable one or the other.
Nah lol, I just wanted sendspace. I actually just wish you would have released them all separate. That way people can decide which ones they wish to install. I guess two isn't that bad, at least they can disable one or the other.
It was easier to code them in one hack, and more work as separate hacks, so I went down the easier road, and that is also why you can disable one or the other.
07-05-2008, 08:53 PM
Limiting it to one forum should be as easy as adding template conditionals to both of the templates imageshack and imageshack_quickedit:
<if condition="$forum[forumid] == xx">
<--rest of template here-->
Where xx is the forum ID of the forum you want it displayed. I would put it around both the Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD code seperately.
Thanks Mosh, but that did not work. I think it is because there are several instances of </if> within each template before the last line of code in each.
The mod did work for all forums after I removed the conditional.
Thanks again,
07-06-2008, 03:54 AM
I installed it and now it shows both imageshack and megauploader twice...any fix for this?
I installed it and now it shows both imageshack and megauploader twice...any fix for this?
Please elaborate.
Can you tell me:
Where it is showing twice? (please indicate each location)
What actions are you taking, when it shows twice?
Did you have a previous version of this hack installed? If you had, what version?
If you have, have you tried reverting the imageshack and imageshack_quickreply templates in all your styles?
Does it happen with each and every style? Or just specific styles?
07-07-2008, 02:42 AM
Please elaborate.
Can you tell me:
Where it is showing twice? (please indicate each location)
What actions are you taking, when it shows twice?
Did you have a previous version of this hack installed? If you had, what version?
If you have, have you tried reverting the imageshack and imageshack_quickreply templates in all your styles?
Does it happen with each and every style? Or just specific styles?
It is showing twice in the quick reply area.
When you activate the quick reply, it shows two of both.
No previous version was ever installed.
I never reverted. The site is a brand new install of 3.7.0 and is only a few months old.
Yes. Each style shows this.
Here is a screenshot of the double uploaders.
It is showing twice in the quick reply area.
When you activate the quick reply, it shows two of both.
No previous version was ever installed.
I never reverted. The site is a brand new install of 3.7.0 and is only a few months old.
Yes. Each style shows this.
Here is a screenshot of the double uploaders.
I am pretty sure you have installed another hack that affect quick reply, which also means it affects this hack. What hack is it? As it is adding an extra </fieldset> to the SHOWTHREAD template and as a consequence you are getting Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD showing twice.
If I am correct in my assumption, then turning off that hack will stop mine showing up twice (can you confirm this please?). And if that is the case, then the solution will probably be manually editing a template and editing a plugin.
07-07-2008, 06:04 AM
I am pretty sure you have installed another hack that affect quick reply, which also means it affects this hack. What hack is it? As it is adding an extra </fieldset> to the SHOWTHREAD template and as a consequence you are getting Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD showing twice.
If I am correct in my assumption, then turning off that hack will stop mine showing up twice (can you confirm this please?). And if that is the case, then the solution will probably be manually editing a template and editing a plugin.
I do have another hack..This one:
For now I will disable yours till I can find a way to use them both. I am not a coder, but I will have my webhost look into it for me.
And yes, when I disabled the hack above, yours does work fine.
I do have another hack..This one:
For now I will disable yours till I can find a way to use them both. I am not a coder, but I will have my webhost look into it for me.
And yes, when I disabled the hack above, yours does work fine.
I had a quick look at the hack you posted about and here is a quick solution, I will not post a step-by-step guide (as it is not one of my hacks that you want this to work with), but it should now only show 1 instance of Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD:
Copy the contents of the imageshack template and paste into the phpkd_aqr_showthread_quickreply template where you want it shown.
In Plugin Manager, edit the Imageshack Image Upload (5) plugin.
Near the bottom, find:
if ($imageshack_qr == 1)
Directly above it add:
$imageshack_qr = 0;
So if does not work and you can not figure it out from the above simple instructions, then you will have to post in the other hack's thread as my hack is a lot simpler than that one.
Thanks Mosh, but that did not work. I think it is because there are several instances of </if> within each template before the last line of code in each.
The mod did work for all forums after I removed the conditional.
Thanks again,
You did not do the below, you just put it at the beginning and end of each template. You need to do it 4 times, that is the imageshack and megaupload code in the 2 templates.
I would put it around both the Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD code seperately.
07-09-2008, 02:02 PM
You did not do the below, you just put it at the beginning and end of each template. You need to do it 4 times, that is the imageshack and megaupload code in the 2 templates.
Thanks Mosh, I'll try again!
Hours later:
I tried placing the conditional everywhere I could think of, but I still couldn't get it to work. I did get the megaupload iframe to show one time, but it was empty... LOL. I'll try again later, and make note of everywhere I tried that didn't work.
Thanks Mosh, I'll try again!
Hours later:
I tried placing the conditional everywhere I could think of, but I still couldn't get it to work. I did get the megaupload iframe to show one time, but it was empty... LOL. I'll try again later, and make note of everywhere I tried that didn't work.
Sorry to hear that mate, it was just a suggestion that should have worked.
But saying that, I have not really looked into it and it is not something I plan on adding to this hack, so hopefully you will be able to work out how to get this working yourself at some point.
07-11-2008, 04:30 PM
Sorry to hear that mate, it was just a suggestion that should have worked.
But saying that, I have not really looked into it and it is not something I plan on adding to this hack, so hopefully you will be able to work out how to get this working yourself at some point.
No problem friend, thanks for trying to help.
Forum Lover
07-15-2008, 03:17 PM
installed and appreciated.
installed and appreciated.
Then please click Mark as Installed.
07-16-2008, 08:01 PM
ty very usefull for 11111w11a111r1111ez11 forums
ty very usefull for 11111w11a111r1111ez11 forums
Then please click Mark as Installed if you are using it on your board.
07-18-2008, 06:54 AM
yep havent got around to installing it as i have a whole bunch of mods i downloaded to install aswell but i mark as install as i install them :)
07-19-2008, 06:23 PM
Hi, great mod, just one quick question....
How can I get the imageshack iframe to be positioned in between the 'message' and 'tag' frames when creating a new thread (excuse my poor graphic skills :) )
Hi, great mod, just one quick question....
How can I get the imageshack iframe to be positioned in between the 'message' and 'tag' frames when creating a new thread (excuse my poor graphic skills :) )
That is something you will have to look at yourself, as it may require manual placement of the imageshack template. Another user of the may be able to help you with that, but I only support this hack unaltered.
07-22-2008, 11:37 PM
Hi Excellent Mod!
I installed and it has worked perfectly until now, i got a trouble uploading file with MegaUpload since last friday, i thought it was my connection, pc, or antivirus... but wherever i try i keep getting this message:
Do you have any idea on what could be causing this? i tried a search on MegaUpload, but did not find any info related to this.
Regards and Keep doing great mods!
Hi Excellent Mod!
I installed and it has worked perfectly until now, i got a trouble uploading file with MegaUpload since last friday, i thought it was my connection, pc, or antivirus... but wherever i try i keep getting this message:
Do you have any idea on what could be causing this? i tried a search on MegaUpload, but did not find any info related to this.
Regards and Keep doing great mods!
It looks like it is probably a problem at their end, as the actual MEGAUPLOAD box is hosted on their site, and as I only support the integration (and it is definitely not a problem with the integration), so I suggest you contact their support staff about your problem.
08-06-2008, 03:41 PM
installed thanks for the hack
08-23-2008, 09:10 PM
Installed the hack
Thank you
08-28-2008, 07:49 PM
Fantastic addition this, thank you very much.
Update: v3.7.007
-- Changed: Check boxes now for usergroup selection, instead of needing comma separated numbers
-- Changed: Removed dependency, now works with v3.6.10
-- Changed: Screenshots
-- Added: New plugin, for processing usergroup permissions
08-29-2008, 03:26 AM
thank's for the update ,mate :up:
08-29-2008, 04:58 PM
I'm looking to allow users to upload images to external image host then display in thread...
megaupload doesn't seem to support anything like this and imageshack is always so unreliable!
Any ideas?
I'm looking to allow users to upload images to external image host then display in thread...
megaupload doesn't seem to support anything like this and imageshack is always so unreliable!
Any ideas?
Both Imageshack and Megaupload are external image hosts, this hack allows you have that integration on your forums, and yes, Megaupload does support hosting of images and gives a url to display in thread.
So, try the hack, if it works for you, then that is cool (in this case, don't forget to click Mark as Installed), if it does not work for you, then you can simply un-install it.
09-14-2008, 09:29 AM
Is possible to show only megaupload and not imgshack?
Is possible to show only megaupload and not imgshack?
Yes, you just need to disable all the Imageshack display locations and enable all the megaupload ones :)
09-14-2008, 09:54 AM
Thanks, installed.
Last question,
is possible to change the language of the megaupload script , like:
Select a file in Seleziona un file
Is only a italian example :)
Thanks in every case .
Thanks, installed.
Last question,
is possible to change the language of the megaupload script , like:
Select a file in Seleziona un file
Is only a italian example :)
Thanks in every case .
NOTE: You can not change the language in either the Imageshack or MEGAUPLOAD boxes as they are actually being hosted on their respective websites, and this hack can in NO way control that, so please do not ask.
The above is from the 1st post.
09-15-2008, 01:14 AM
vb 3.7.3
09-16-2008, 06:39 AM
I had a quick look at the hack you posted about and here is a quick solution, I will not post a step-by-step guide (as it is not one of my hacks that you want this to work with), but it should now only show 1 instance of Imageshack and MEGAUPLOAD:
Copy the contents of the imageshack template and paste into the phpkd_aqr_showthread_quickreply template where you want it shown.
In Plugin Manager, edit the Imageshack Image Upload (5) plugin.
Near the bottom, find:
if ($imageshack_qr == 1)
Directly above it add:
$imageshack_qr = 0;
So if does not work and you can not figure it out from the above simple instructions, then you will have to post in the other hack's thread as my hack is a lot simpler than that one.
I found that hack from the link above to conflict with other hacks, so I deleted it and now your hack works fine. Thank you :)
I found that hack from the link above to conflict with other hacks, so I deleted it and now your hack works fine. Thank you :)
Glad to hear that :)
09-17-2008, 10:58 PM
Image Shack doesn't work in quick reply, even when enabled.
Feature Request:
Add the uploaders to Private Messages, this way I can disable attachments in PMs.
Image Shack doesn't work in quick reply, even when enabled.
There is no bug or else it would have been reported long before now, you are probably using another hack that also alters/replaces the QR template. Are you??
Feature Request:
Add the uploaders to Private Messages, this way I can disable attachments in PMs.
I will see what I can do for the next version.
NOTE: Please read my signature in regards to PMs, it also applies to feature requests. All feature requests are to be posted in the relevant support thread.
09-18-2008, 02:31 PM
There is no bug or else it would have been reported long before now, you are probably using another hack that also alters/replaces the QR template. Are you??
I will see what I can do for the next version.
NOTE: Please read my signature in regards to PMs, it also applies to feature requests. All feature requests are to be posted in the relevant support thread.
Sorry I disable signatures, as I tend to ignore them anyway, and it loads the page a lot quicker. So I don't know what your signature said.
Feature Request:
Photobucket Support
Feature Request:
A way to disable the text that advertises the ImageShack toolbar
Feature Request:
Photobucket Support
NOTE: This hack works in total harmony with the latest version of Dannyloski's Photobucket Image Upload hack (which is based on this hack), so you can use Imageshack, MEGAUPLOAD and Photobucket all at the same time (if you choose to).
Please read the first post. There is already a Photobucket hack (based on this one) already released, and fully integrates with this one.
Feature Request:
A way to disable the text that advertises the ImageShack toolbar
NOTE: You can not change the language/text in either the Imageshack or MEGAUPLOAD boxes as they are actually being hosted on their respective websites, and this hack can in NO way control that, so please do not ask.
Note the above quote; there is nothing I can do about that. Maybe if you ask imageshack nicely they will remove it for you (I doubt it, but no harm asking), link to their site in first post.
Please read the first post thoroughly before requesting anything else, as both of the above have already been provided for, and I hate having to repeat myself.
09-19-2008, 03:34 PM
Please read the first post. There is already a Photobucket hack (based on this one) already released, and fully integrates with this one.
Note the above quote; there is nothing I can do about that. Maybe if you ask imageshack nicely they will remove it for you (I doubt it, but no harm asking), link to their site in first post.
Please read the first post thoroughly before requesting anything else, as both of the above have already been provided for, and I hate having to repeat myself.
I already saw his hack, I just do not like having to force my members to register in order to upload. Anyway to implement the login into it automatically so they can just use my account?
I already saw his hack, I just do not like having to force my members to register in order to upload. Anyway to implement the login into it automatically so they can just use my account?
I have absolutely no idea about that, you should ask that Dannyloski's thread, as I do not actually use Photobuket, I just made sure it integrated into this hack 100%.
10-05-2008, 01:01 PM
i installed the uploader but i cant see the pictures
the only way is using THUMBNAIL FOR FORUMS (1)
if i try puting a picture using the insert image button and the direct link to the image ..i cant see anything
this is the screen i get
i got an answer : It's because they don't allow "dynamic urls" in image tags. It used to be an option to turn on and off in vb 3.6
So: is there anything to do about it in order to use images uploaded to imageshack in my posts?
i installed the uploader but i cant see the pictures
the only way is using THUMBNAIL FOR FORUMS (1)
if i try puting a picture using the insert image button and the direct link to the image ..i cant see anything
this is the screen i get
i got an answer : It's because they don't allow "dynamic urls" in image tags. It used to be an option to turn on and off in vb 3.6
So: is there anything to do about it in order to use images uploaded to imageshack in my posts?
NOTE 2: I only provide an easy way of integrating MEGAUPLOAD and Imageshack into your sites, and I am only providing support for the vBulletin integration.
If you need support, information (how they work, FAQ etc) in regards either of the embedded upload boxes, then you are best of checking out their respective websites, as I will not help you out there (you need to do the research yourself) - MEGAUPLOAD (, Imageshack (
Please read the above.
10-11-2008, 07:22 AM
How do I remove "Get Your Own Uploader! "
How do I remove "Get Your Own Uploader! "
NOTE 1: You can not change the language/text in either the Imageshack or MEGAUPLOAD boxes as they are actually being hosted on their respective websites, and this hack can in NO way control that, so please do not ask.
Please read the above.
11-06-2008, 08:21 PM
Updated :D
11-21-2008, 01:03 PM
will it do rapidshare yet?
will it do rapidshare yet?
Unfortunately not, due to rapidshare still not having an upload api that hack authors can use to integrate features into a website or forum :(
12-08-2008, 12:34 AM
Thx Mosh
I added this to my downloads section because large files were timing out
which works fine with 3.7
Works perfect
12-10-2008, 09:54 PM
Installed and working
It would be swell if it would automatically insert the download link into the post, or alternatively copy it to clipboard, but I understand that's probably not possible to capture that from the flash uploader.
12-26-2008, 03:25 PM
salve non funziona ..come posso risolvere ?
l'ho installato come prodotto...Hack si visualizza nei thead mi permette di caricare il file da uplare e scrivere una breve descrizione , ma nel momento del "Send this file to this filebox" non va !!!
12-26-2008, 10:44 PM
great add on thanks!
12-30-2008, 08:55 AM
Hi there, neat mod.
I'm having issues with the imageshack uploader. It pops up the file browser box fine, but as soon as I change the current directory (to choose a file in a folder other than the default directory folder) it breaks, causing the whole browser to freeze up such that I have to kill the browser Ctrl + Alt + Delete style. I've observed this in both Google Chrome and Firefox. The Mega Upload file browser box works fine.
The test system is VBulletin version 3.7.4 Patch Level 1, Windows Vista x64.
Hi there, neat mod.
I'm having issues with the imageshack uploader. It pops up the file browser box fine, but as soon as I change the current directory (to choose a file in a folder other than the default directory folder) it breaks, causing the whole browser to freeze up such that I have to kill the browser Ctrl + Alt + Delete style. I've observed this in both Google Chrome and Firefox. The Mega Upload file browser box works fine.
The test system is VBulletin version 3.7.4 Patch Level 1, Windows Vista x64.
I have tried this hack in Firefox, IE, Opera and Chrome. I also have tried in both Windows XP and Linux. Also on local testbeds and also on a few live forums. I can not replicate this issue you are having.
Have you tried in IE? Have you tried from any other machines? Are any of other members having the same issue?
I suspect it your PC that is the issue, as this hack is installed on hundreds of forums and used by thousands (if not, tens of thousands) of users, and this is the first time that this issue has been reported in the two years since I wrote the original hack.
So, if it is causing problems for all of your members, you can always disable the Imageshack portion of this hack.
You can also ask on the imageshack website about it, as anything in the iframe is not hosted locally on your server - see note below:
Hack Support - snippet
NOTE 1: You can not change the language/text in either the Imageshack or MEGAUPLOAD boxes as they are actually being hosted on their respective websites, and this hack can in NO way control that, so please do not ask.
NOTE 2: I only provide an easy way of integrating MEGAUPLOAD and Imageshack into your sites, and I am only providing support for the vBulletin integration.
If you need support, information (how they work, FAQ etc) in regards either of the embedded upload boxes, then you are best of checking out their respective websites, as I will not help you out there (you need to do the research yourself) - MEGAUPLOAD (, Imageshack (
12-30-2008, 11:00 PM
Mosh, after some more investigation it's certainly looking like a problem with my computer now. I just tried to upload a file using vBulletin's standard attachment manager and found that I'm experiencing the same issue. This is both on my own forum and others. Anyway, I started up a virtual machine running Windows XP and found that the problem was gone when using it rather than Vista x64. Anyway, I'll look into the problem some more and make another post for the benefit of others if I find out what the problem is.
Cheers, Bryce.
Mosh, after some more investigation it's certainly looking like a problem with my computer now. I just tried to upload a file using vBulletin's standard attachment manager and found that I'm experiencing the same issue. This is both on my own forum and others. Anyway, I started up a virtual machine running Windows XP and found that the problem was gone when using it rather than Vista x64. Anyway, I'll look into the problem some more and make another post for the benefit of others if I find out what the problem is.
Cheers, Bryce.
I am interested in learning what you discover. Please keep us informed :)
12-31-2008, 03:39 PM
good hack, congrats!
pD: add rapidshare ;)
good hack, congrats!
pD: add rapidshare ;)
Read Post #125 for your answer about rapidshare.
01-01-2009, 10:46 AM
Hey Mosh, to be honest I'm not sure 100% what's causing the problem with the freezing browser. After restarting my system, I found that it worked perfectly with Vista x64. Then, sometime later I tried it and it wasn't working again. At this point I logged off and then on again, and that fixed the problem for a second time.
I suspect that something funky may be happening with the file system when the computer goes into and then back out of sleep mode. I've had some issues where my motherboard doesn't properly recognise a hard-disk of mine (even though Windows later does), so it's quite possible that I just have some very quirky combination of factors specific to my computer and possibly even the hardware that is causing it.
Either way, I'm guessing there's very few other people/nobody else out there who are affected by this issue.
Cheers, Bryce.
01-02-2009, 09:31 PM
Hi! I get this error everytime i update usergroup permissions and i have uninstalled and reinstalled the hack over and over again and still get this.
Im running vb 3.8 latest version.
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0 Release Candidate 2:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
took alot of irrelevant code out.
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ms_imageshack_upload_permissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Friday, January 2nd 2009 @ 04:28:56 PM
Error Date : Friday, January 2nd 2009 @ 04:28:56 PM
Script : IGNORE.
Referrer : IGNORE.
IP Address : IGNORE.
Username : Cory
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community-log
Hi! I get this error everytime i update usergroup permissions and i have uninstalled and reinstalled the hack over and over again and still get this.
Im running vb 3.8 latest version.
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0 Release Candidate 2:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
took alot of irrelevant code out.
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ms_imageshack_upload_permissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Friday, January 2nd 2009 @ 04:28:56 PM
Error Date : Friday, January 2nd 2009 @ 04:28:56 PM
Script : IGNORE.
Referrer : IGNORE.
IP Address : IGNORE.
Username : Cory
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.67-community-log
Please post this in the correct support thread (you are using the v3.8.x version of this hack) - link in first post, I will answer it in that thread. This thread is only for support for the v3.7.x version. Ensure you have marked the hack as being installed.
01-04-2009, 07:25 PM
Please post this in the correct support thread (you are using the v3.8.x version of this hack) - link in first post, I will answer it in that thread. This thread is only for support for the v3.7.x version. Ensure you have marked the hack as being installed.
Will copy and say it there, thankyou!
This hack is now discontinued - this means that while it will remain available for download and use, there will be no further updates, nor will support be provided as the thread is no longer monitored. You can now check out the 3.8.x version of this hack, as it also works with v3.7.5, v3.6.12 (and maybe even earlier versions).
02-02-2009, 12:57 PM
it's possible to automatically add uploaded image link to the post?
Hi, if anybody gets an error about api-s recently, the problem is not with this mod but with Imageshack. There is new code that you can get from here ( Put it directly is styles and uninstall this mod.
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