View Full Version : How to add announcements to the main page

07-11-2000, 04:54 PM
I want to be able to post announcement on the main page but when I call on the $announcement routine nothing shows up. I even took the accouncement routine from the forumdisplay.php file and called on a new template that I created but it still didn't show up.

What I would like to do is have this so that I can change the information in this too like you can with the forumdisplay display. Basically have an area that I could modify to change the information that is displayed and then have this be a hyperlink to another page.

Do you have to first put the code in the .php file and have it call on the template then but the call to the routine in that .php file or what?

I have tried to modify other routines in the .php files to get something to show up to no avail.


07-11-2000, 10:46 PM
i tried the same thing and didn't work so i just put a url link into the header section for now and will wait for something to come out

01-15-2001, 11:45 PM
btt......anyone ?? :p