View Full Version : Admin CP Styles

02-02-2008, 11:46 PM
While looking for my other problem I downloaded one of Roms styles for the Admin CP to look at the CSS file. I don't think I found what I was looking for but I had some questions on the Admin CP style because of what I had seen.

As far as the layout of the Admin CP, there is no way we can't just create a plug in or mod that could pull the layout of the style you are using on the forum into the Admin CP is there?

Aside from that question, are all the admin cp changes to style, color, font, etc., are they all just in that CSS document?

If we had multiple admin cp styles, or for example I downloaded 3 from this site for example, I could only actively upload one for my site couldn't I? It's not like there is some style chooser for the admin cp I bet?

02-03-2008, 01:13 AM
You could edit the CSS and the other codes so that the images are the ones from the forum skin

02-03-2008, 01:34 AM
It's not like there is some style chooser for the admin cp I bet?

There is a style chooser for the admin cp ill edit this post and tell you how to access it :D


Right here ya go :

Admin control panel >> VBulletin Option's >>VBulletin Option's >> Admin Control Panel Option's >> Control Panel Style Folder.

Look's like i won that bet ? :P

02-03-2008, 04:41 AM
There is a style chooser for the admin cp ill edit this post and tell you how to access it :D


Right here ya go :

Admin control panel >> VBulletin Option's >>VBulletin Option's >> Admin Control Panel Option's >> Control Panel Style Folder.

Look's like i won that bet ? :P

You sir, are totally cooz!!!

Charade you are.

Very well then, I was just wondering if we had options or if we could only install one.

I'd probably just like it to pull from the forum styles though, as that would be easiest and obviously if someone has made a choice for a style they probably like it and it being in the admin cp is probably easier than them having to choose it.

How can I edit the CSS to pull the forum style and apply it to the forum, or is this a plug in/add on that should be made?

02-03-2008, 06:50 AM
*bows* anywhoooo......

yeh they can be made pretty simple i will make it for ya if ya want just make a directory on your site with the images u want it based on and it shall be done like magic ....... i sed like magic look's like iv'e lost my ping :confused: im sure ill find it soon :D

02-05-2008, 07:05 PM
*bows* anywhoooo......

yeh they can be made pretty simple i will make it for ya if ya want just make a directory on your site with the images u want it based on and it shall be done like magic ....... i sed like magic look's like iv'e lost my ping :confused: im sure ill find it soon :D

Yeah, if you know how to do this that would be fantastic.

Do you need Admin Access or can you tell me what code or template changes I need to make?

Let me know, thanks.

Legion of Angels

02-05-2008, 11:17 PM
not at all i will make it to your specs and then upload the file and stuff so let me know what u want it to look like and pic's of potentila colors would really help. then once i've made it ill tell ya where to upload it to. ok when u get back to me ill get onto it.