View Full Version : Mini Mods - Unknown Location
This modification will let you define a name for your external files replacing the Unknown Location message, usually in Who's Online & Members Profile pages.
Tested With:
vBulletin 3.6.8
vBulletin 3.7.0 Beta 4Changes:
[v1.0.2] fix a minor bug and support for multiple queries.
[v1.0.1] added a 3rd optional parameter to identify the page with a query string.
[v1.0.0] first release.Installation & Upgrade Instructions:
Upload the product & configure the settings for the product Unknown Location.
The location of your files are relative to you web root.
With multiple queries, using the standalone file simultaneously, you must ensure that the standalone file comes first:
/file.php:My File
/file.php?do=hello:My Hello:do=hello
/file.php?do=hello&do=goodbye:My Goodbye:do=goodbye
The change is made in the "online_location_unknown" hook. If your page doesn't call this hook, nothing will be changed. To know wich hooks are called, run your board with debug mode on.
How to Use:
File Name:Page Name:Optional Parameter for Query String
/forum/misc.php:Misc Page
/forum/misc.php?do=hello:Hello:do=hello (using 3rd parameter for misc.php?do=hello)
/forum/misc.php?do=thanks&do=something:Thanks:do=thanks (using 3rd parameter for misc.php?do=thanks)
Please Mark as Installed!
02-02-2008, 05:41 PM
Thanks for this.
Regards Jason :)
02-02-2008, 05:52 PM
nice mod clicks install
02-02-2008, 05:56 PM
Perfect THANKS !
02-02-2008, 06:07 PM
02-02-2008, 08:06 PM
Very nice, i know there were quite some people looking for such a hack.
Good job !
02-02-2008, 09:56 PM
Awesome hack. *nominates*
02-03-2008, 12:47 AM
Excellent. I remember seeing this before but this is so much better.
02-03-2008, 07:47 AM
Great idea for a hack! :D
Brent H
02-03-2008, 02:55 PM
For some reason this isn't working for me.
/index.php?page=downloads:Downloads isn't changing anything.
Brent, that's because I remove all query strings from the file. I can define an option for this.
02-03-2008, 03:53 PM
Very nice, great :)
02-03-2008, 05:37 PM
Please add a setting for that query strings. Thanks! :)
Maybe two textareas, one where the query string is removed and one where the query string remains.
Added a 3rd optional parameter where we can define a query string:
/index.php?page=downloads will be set as -> /index.php:Downloads:page=downloads
@Brent: I hope this solve your problem!
02-04-2008, 08:28 AM
Thanks, I think inferno has done this with his external modification, but this will be useful if I dont end up getting that. thanks.
02-06-2008, 06:28 PM
I have this: (custom vbulletin page the code bellow);
// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// ##################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'irc_stats');
// #################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
// get special phrase groups
//$phrasegroups = array('threadmanage', 'posting', 'postbit');
// get special data templates from the datastore
$specialtemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by specific actions
$actiontemplates = array();
// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
//require_once('./global.php'); // only if custom page is in default board folder
define('patch_crazy', (($getcwd = getcwd()) ? $getcwd : '.'));
And in plugin I use this:
irc_stats/index.php:IRC STATS
But, still showing 'main board page'. How to fix it?
I have other page
and in plugin:
/forum/map.php:The Map page
Work fine.
Try /irc_stats/index.php:IRC STATS.
If that doesn't work, what is the path that you see in your Members Profile:
02-08-2008, 03:37 AM
/irc_stats/index.php:IRC STATS
irc_stats/index.php:IRC STATS
Viewing Index my_board_title_here
The title with link to board index (/forum/index.php).
My board:
My irc_stats:
If is you default index for you board, the title will not be changed.
Where can I get the stats mod you are using to test myself?
02-08-2008, 08:40 AM
This is what i am looking for. Thank you for sharing.
02-08-2008, 05:27 PM
If is you default index for you board, the title will not be changed.
Where can I get the stats mod you are using to test myself?
No stats mod, this is a custom page made by me. But you can test with this example:
// ######################## SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ###########################
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// ##################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS #######################
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'irc_stats');
// #################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ######################
// get special phrase groups
$phrasegroups = array(
// get special data templates from the datastore
$specialtemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by all actions
$globaltemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by specific actions
$actiontemplates = array();
// ########################## REQUIRE BACK-END ############################
//require_once('./global.php'); // only if use in same board folder
define('patch_crazy', (($getcwd = getcwd()) ? $getcwd : '.'));
global $vbulletin;
// #################### HARD CODE JAVASCRIPT PATHS ########################
$headinclude = str_replace('clientscript', $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/clientscript', $headinclude);
// ################################################## ######################
// ######################### START MAIN SCRIPT ############################
// ################################################## ######################
$irc_stats = 'just one test to unkown location mod';
$navbits = array();
$navbits[$parent] = 'IRC STATS';
$navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);
eval('$navbar = "' . fetch_template('navbar') . '";');
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('irc_stats') . '");');
*Edit your board patch in code.
template 'irc_stats'
<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
<title>IRC Stats - $vboptions[bbtitle]</title>
I've tested your page and the problem is since (somehow) it gets the default board name, and this mod is executed inside the online_location_unknown, this hook is never called.
This is not a problem of this modification. The problem might be with the path's of your file:
define('patch_crazy', (($getcwd = getcwd()) ? $getcwd : '.'));
I've tested you file in the same directory as the default vB pages removing all above stuff and just using:
and it works!
i have two external files similar to your's in the same place as vB files and these are working.
02-13-2008, 05:37 AM
Yeah, I know, but I need to place this file in main domain.
If not is possible, ok no problem.
Thank you, very useful mod.
@testebr: You're Welcome!
02-13-2008, 11:08 AM
Hello again nfn,
My problem was solved :)
The solution is simple.
First I created this new plugin at hook online_location_preprocess:
if ($loc == '/irc_stats/')
$filename = 'irc_stats.php';
Now, the hook online_location_unknown will be called with success because the $filename irc_stats.php is not in default list of filenames like you can see in file includes/functions_online.php.
And in options of your plugin I used this entry:
Maybe you can add some solution in your plugin like my idea.
02-22-2008, 06:08 AM
When I use this:
/forums/info.php:Site Map:do=sitemap
It shows the link like it should but when you click on the link, it only clicks to /forums/info.php without the do=sitemap.
/index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore:Saving New Score
doesn't work.
02-24-2008, 01:26 AM
/index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore:Saving New Score
doesn't work.
Hopefully, we'll get an answer soon to this.
02-24-2008, 02:56 PM
/index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore:Saving New Score
doesn't work.
Ok, I fixed this now so it will work with the second variable (example: info.php?do=sitemap).
In the XML file:
$userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase[ul_viewing]. ' <a href="' .$ul_file[0]. '" title="' .$ul_file[1]. '">' .$ul_file[1]. '</a>';
REPLACE it with:
$userinfo['action'] = $vbphrase[ul_viewing]. ' <a href="' .$ul_file[0].'?'.$ul_file[2]. '" title="' .$ul_file[1]. '">' .$ul_file[1]. '</a>';
The fix was there, he just forgot to add it variable to the link line.
The fix you provide will do it ONLY if you have one query.
I just updated the modification with a minor fix and support for multiple queries.
Note that now you will need to place the full page (file & query) in the first parameter as explained in the first post.
02-26-2008, 08:39 PM
You're welcome.
02-26-2008, 11:44 PM
You need to add the code I gave you back in the link. The link is only showing the file name and not the do=anything.
02-29-2008, 05:09 PM
Got this working for all but 1 link:
/photos/showphoto.php/photo/60/ppuser/91 (
But still shows as unknownm location.
02-29-2008, 05:11 PM
add your forums directory to tha beginning of it:
02-29-2008, 06:48 PM
Why would I add forums to the front when the photos directory is in the root folder (mouse over provided link)?
I got this to work for PhotPost that also resides in the root folder but that uses a query string.
02-29-2008, 06:52 PM
Well, you didn't say it wasn't in the forums directory, now, did you?
Try adding a slash as the end of the link.
In the Who's Online what is the path for Unknown Location?
02-29-2008, 08:40 PM
Nope this did not work either...
02-29-2008, 08:42 PM
Did you try:
02-29-2008, 09:32 PM
Just went back and tried those iterations and nope.
This works:
This wont:
The difference is the ones that do not work are URLs (as shown on WOL)
/photos/showphoto.php/photo/69/cat/500/ppuser/2 (
Hope this helps.
02-29-2008, 09:36 PM
It was the / you were adding at the end of the php file that was causing the problem it looks like. Glad you got it working, though. At least partly, anway. ;)
04-07-2008, 06:14 PM
This also works with vB 3.7.0 BETA 3 right?
04-12-2008, 02:04 AM
Works like a champ! Thanks ;)
04-15-2008, 12:03 AM
This also works with vB 3.7.0 BETA 3 right?
Im using it for 3.7 RC2...So far so good.
04-17-2008, 06:12 AM
*clicks install*
This is awesome! I really needed this mod. Thanks so much!!! :D
04-17-2008, 10:03 PM
Works with v3.6.4
04-28-2008, 09:20 PM
Having a problem here...
I set these, and they work no problem...
/index.php:Privacy Policy:page=privacy
But if I add:
The above two no longer display correctly, they simply use the homepage setting.
You are not using correctly.
Please read my explanation on How To Use and correct your setup.
You must place all querystring in the 1st parameter. The second refers to the name of the page and the 3rd to the querystring that identifies your page.
The answer to the you second question is:
"With multiple queries, using the standalone file simultaneously, you must ensure that the standalone file comes first"
Does this solve your problem?
04-30-2008, 11:50 AM
Neat :)
I've tried every way posted here and nothing is working.
this is the link=> /index.php?page=Franklin
I went trough every post and tried every way posted.
I have a test forum so nothing is live.
/index.php?page=Franklin -> this is what you see in user CP or WOL?
If so, "/index.php?page=Franklin:Franklin" or "/index.php?page=Franklin:Franklin:page=Franklin" should work.
What is index.php file?
No, it tells me I'm "Viewing Index" and my Forum home name. I did try them both before but I tried them again in case it was me.
index.php is the name for cmps (vbadvanced)
I'm running 3.7
If I removed index.php from my url it will still take me to my address.
so I tried this
and this
with and without the / (i put it in the code to get rid of the smile)
and it still didn't work.
I will try on our live site and get back to you, unless you can suggest something
It's not possible to do that with this mod.
To bad for me :(
You have a good mod here!
index.php is the name for cmps (vbadvanced)
I'm running 3.7
Something strange here
I'm using vBa too and the mine gives me Unknown Location!
Are you sure that index.php is vBa?
That's the address that directs me to My cmps page.
both these take me to our cmps page
If /index.php?page=Franklin shows Viewing Index, then it doesn't call the hook where the plugin is executed.
I have an index for cmps under public_html and I have a index under our forum.
The one showing on WOL is the index for our forum home not cmps
OR is our forum "veiwing index" **** forums
We have a and
OR is one of our cmps pages and states the same thing "veiwing index" **** forums
If theres something I have to chance in my files i will to make this work.
05-05-2008, 05:37 PM
perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but all I get when I define locations in the ACP is "viewing" and that is it.
I have an index for cmps under public_html and I have a index under our forum.
The one showing on WOL is the index for our forum home not cmps
OR is our forum "veiwing index" **** forums
We have a and
OR is one of our cmps pages and states the same thing "veiwing index" **** forums
If theres something I have to chance in my files i will to make this work.
What versio of vB & vBa are you using?
PM you url so I can see.
perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but all I get when I define locations in the ACP is "viewing" and that is it.
Before installing the mod what did you see?
How are you setting the file name: "/file.php:My File"?
05-23-2008, 07:42 PM
I want to show the url "" as "Chat". The setting "/forum/vbcms.php?area=vbcmsarea_content&name=mircchat&contentid=10:Chat" gives nothing. I use vBCMS and in wol it show still "Ist im Bereich Content". Any Ideas ?
05-23-2008, 08:00 PM
I like this mod, but I have an issue. I use a external link mod. Which takes a link and ads a frame to it. It will take links and encode them link this:
So I was wondering if it was possible to rename this to "External Link", but when someone clicked it, it would display the link the other person is viewing. Is it possible? Right now when you click External Link it just takes you to "". So is there a way to add a variable to it?
Also: My profiles are at:
How can I rig that up with this also?
Thelonius Beck
05-24-2008, 10:11 PM
Far easier than the file edits I've been doing. Great work.
05-26-2008, 07:58 PM
This dosnt seem to work on my forum with 3.7 Gold any ideas ?
05-26-2008, 08:29 PM
I'm running 3.7 final and it works fine for me.
05-26-2008, 10:32 PM
Great idea ..
can it show the vaispy ?
06-03-2008, 08:42 PM
The community owes you for this. Great Mod.
Installed and nominated.
06-07-2008, 10:24 AM
Awsome mod
Had installed vbadvanced and renamed cmpm file to index and forum index to forum.php so when users viewing forum index page, who's online was showing Unknown Locaion.
added /forum.php:Forum Index into hack and works perfect now.
Well done that man.:D
06-15-2008, 09:51 PM
any way to add it to session data, like:
to make it show that someone is viewing the gallery yet still showing the link as session data.
l want to show users viewing the gallery but only adding showgallery.php or showphoto.php in photopost seems to cause weirdness and only links to the main files rather than add the session data to the actual image they are viewing.
06-17-2008, 12:10 PM
Works fine for me, great job ! :up:
* Julrou clicked install.
06-17-2008, 07:16 PM
Would be great if it worked on the latest.
06-17-2008, 08:25 PM
Would be great if it worked on the latest.
It works for me ! :)
06-19-2008, 07:02 PM
06-28-2008, 04:23 AM
How can we put the page name on the second line so it looks like this
Page Name
10-10-2008, 05:23 PM
what if i have my site SEO'd whats the path I enter to get this of right now nothing...
10-15-2008, 11:11 PM
Great mod, thank you.
Just one problem, if I have a url like it shows Viewing Index
Works fine if the url is like
Please see the information in red!
The change is made in the "online_location_unknown" hook. If your page doesn't call this hook, nothing will be changed. To know wich hooks are called, run your board with debug mode on.
10-23-2008, 10:11 AM
Great mod thanks!
10-27-2008, 11:05 PM
Please see the information in red!
Maybe I misunderstand something, as I said it works fine if the file is not named index.php but if it is, it see's it as the forum home page.
All my pages have the same hooks included from the same file.
11-03-2008, 05:22 AM
Works great with 3.7.3. Installed.
11-03-2008, 05:35 PM
Just trying to see if I can explain my problem a bit better.
If I do this with a page named page1.php it works fine but if I change the name of that same file to index.php it will not work
Example 1: works ok
/folder/page1.php :Folder Page1
WOL shows "Folder Page1"
Example 2: does not work
/folder/index.php :Folder index
WOL shows "Viewing Index"
11-22-2008, 08:09 AM
Hi, I have vBulletin 3.7.0 and CMPS v3.0.1 ( (CMPS)
and ( (vBulletin)
if user visit (
always shows = "index forum"
I installed this mod and add this :
/community/index.php?pageid=scheda:looks the card:pageid=schedabut dont work
help me please
01-29-2009, 06:26 PM
not work !!
I have this situation:
my portal VBA root is /community/index.php
I have setting this add-on:
/community/index.php:Portal home page
/community/index.php:Page scheda:pageid=scheda
but not work
no shows "Portal home page" in
and no show "Page scheda"
02-04-2009, 04:49 PM
Perfect... just what I needed.
02-08-2009, 01:53 AM
How could I get this to work.
My forum is located at , and the page I want it to show is at
What exactly would I need in my bla.php file for this to show in the who's online area, and what path would I use in this mod.
I'm using the simple login on non vb pages mod to have the logins between the two.
06-07-2009, 10:46 AM
Thank you very much for this mod.
Works perfectly on v 3.8.1. :)
06-12-2009, 06:43 PM
Installed and working on 3.8.3...
08-03-2009, 01:33 PM
Thanks! Works great on 3.8.3! Installed.
08-04-2009, 06:50 AM
This is what everyone who uses vbs cmps needs to have installed! I make many pages that integrate html files and this works perfectly! Finally no more "unknown locations"!!!
08-05-2009, 06:49 AM
vbadvanced HTML Created Pages BUG?
I use vbadvanced to create pages that call html file.
So a page has a url as: /index.php?pageid=about
So I have added 4 pages to this mod like this example:
/index.php?pageid=about:Public Page - About Us
The problem is the only page to show when viewing Who's Online is the last page listed in the mod's settings.
So if I have 4 pages inputed into this mod only the bottom one shows even though a user is viewing another page.
So to be real clear:
/index.php?pageid=about:Public Page - About Us
/index.php?pageid=features:Public Page - Features
/index.php?pageid=rules:Public Page - Rules
/index.php?pageid=privacy:Public Page - Privacy Policy
No matter what page a visitor is viewing they all list as "Viewing Public Page - Privacy Policy" because its last on the list!
So how can I fix this? Is it a bug? Is this mod supported by anyone? :(
12-29-2009, 06:02 PM
Does this work on VB4?
02-08-2010, 02:13 AM
Has anyone tried this on vB4 yet?
02-08-2010, 02:43 AM
Tagging along in hopes for vB4
OcR Envy
05-04-2010, 07:22 PM
Works on 4.x
Doesn't work with vbSEO, url rewrites don't work :(
06-07-2010, 10:59 PM
SO THIS WORKS FOR 4.0.x versions?
09-25-2010, 05:15 PM
vbadvanced HTML Created Pages BUG?
I use vbadvanced to create pages that call html file.
So a page has a url as: /index.php?pageid=about
So I have added 4 pages to this mod like this example:
/index.php?pageid=about:Public Page - About Us
The problem is the only page to show when viewing Who's Online is the last page listed in the mod's settings.
So if I have 4 pages inputed into this mod only the bottom one shows even though a user is viewing another page.
So to be real clear:
/index.php?pageid=about:Public Page - About Us
/index.php?pageid=features:Public Page - Features
/index.php?pageid=rules:Public Page - Rules
/index.php?pageid=privacy:Public Page - Privacy Policy
No matter what page a visitor is viewing they all list as "Viewing Public Page - Privacy Policy" because its last on the list!
So how can I fix this? Is it a bug? Is this mod supported by anyone? :(
How about a reply developer! I think I waited long enough for a answer please!
11-17-2010, 08:24 AM
I haven't tested it since I don't have have html pages, but you probably need to use the 3rd parameter, so you should write it like this:
/index.php?pageid=about:Public Page - About Us:pageid=about
/index.php?pageid=features:Public Page - Features:pageid=features
/index.php?pageid=rules:Public Page - Rules:pageid=rules
/index.php?pageid=privacy:Public Page - Privacy Policy:pageid=privacy
11-17-2010, 08:45 AM
I haven't tested it since I don't have have html pages, but you probably need to use the 3rd parameter, so you should write it like this:
/index.php?pageid=about:Public Page - About Us:pageid=about
/index.php?pageid=features:Public Page - Features:pageid=features
/index.php?pageid=rules:Public Page - Rules:pageid=rules
/index.php?pageid=privacy:Public Page - Privacy Policy:pageid=privacy
Thanks for the try but unknown location still displays with these changes.
I have come to the conclusion that this mod does not work for vba created pages! I would call that a massive bug. Too bad the developer is MIA!!!
11-18-2010, 05:13 AM
Ok ... I just added a testpage html and the location according to members online became what I put in the unknown location plugin
myfile is /cmps_index.php so I added:
/cmps_index.php?pageid=test2:Test 2:pageid=test2
But before that line I do have the stand alone file first, so maybe that's what missing? That you should just place as the first line:
11-18-2010, 05:44 AM
WOW after all this time I think we finally found the problem!
/index.php:HomeSetting this as my first line seems to have worked!
I have to be honest the directions posted by the developer severely lack clear instructions. However, lost is the dev's post is this:
With multiple queries, using the standalone file simultaneously, you must ensure that the standalone file comes first:That is still poor and not clear! Whatever your CMPS homepage is titled you must have that listed first if you use this mode to point to multiple pages which are created by VBA.
So in my case the solution to get this mod to work is:
/index.php?pageid=about:Public Page - About Us:pageid=about
/index.php?pageid=features:Public Page - Features:pageid=features
/index.php?pageid=rules:Public Page - Rules:pageid=rules
/index.php?pageid=privacy:Public Page - Privacy Policy:pageid=privacy
01-01-2011, 12:59 PM
works fine with 3.8.6 Good work keep it up
09-29-2012, 05:50 PM
Sorry about bumping.
This hack is still working pretty good in vb 4 for those forums without any SEO or rewrite stuff.
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