View Full Version : Please advise on new site

02-02-2008, 10:46 AM
Ok, the idea for talksuits.net is rather simpel..

You see a suit online and you want it... you post the picture and we find the suit and ad-ons and post it, as does the community.

We are ready for launch but still feel it looks to, well, crappy...

Please hit me with suggestions and ideas... I am having web builders block at the moment..!


02-02-2008, 11:49 AM
hum, i would first suggest you delete the picture of Shatner in your header... being sued by Shatner would not be a good thing for your site...

i would suggest you find some forum icons that fit with your suits...

02-02-2008, 11:52 AM
Great idea for a forum. You need to polish up the spelling and grammar in the forum descriptions.

You also need to make it more clear what exactly your forum is. The header doesn't really say much.

I would change the "Anything goes" forum to a simple "General Discussion" forum. Anything goes forums just end up a mess most the time.

Change your "Retail Specials" description to something less threatening. You need all the posts/threads you can get right now.

The Shatner image looks terrible. I'd suggest getting a better header image that describes your forum better. Go to sitepoint.com and start a logo contest.