View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - WoW Character BBCode
02-01-2008, 10:00 PM
This is a continuation of the project, . I have made several modifications to the original authors code and several have asked for my modifications.
Because of this and the original authors lack of updating the original modification, I have decided to upload this package for all to use.
All credit goes to the original author(s) of the utility as i have only cleaned up the code and packaged it for easy usage.
This is very beta at this time. I have added the product now to force myself to update and maintain the plugin and to share it with the rest of my fellow World of Warcraft webmasters
Uninstall your existing WoW Char Code installation. I have changed the product ID itself and it may not update everything correctly.
Remove the clientscript/ajax_tooltip and clientscript/phparmory folders if they exist
Upload the contents of the "Upload" Folder to the ROOT directory of your forums (for example, if you have your forums installed in /home/mydir/public_html/forums , you would unzip into that folder.)
Import the product/product-WoWCharBBCode-?.??.xml file
Added basic Death Knight support
Fixed problem with characters with no professions (common with Death Knights)
Fixed a minor issue with realms in spaces in the name
Added wysiwyg support
Fixed a php parse error in functions_wowcharcode.php. you do not need to download the entire zip file, just replace your existing functions_wowcharcode.php file with the attached .php file
changed many items to OO code.
Added new debug log facility ( install )
Added ability to paste a wow armory URL and have it create an appropriate character link (i.e. paste and it creates Geophery
Removed some left over debugging statements and info in the product and php file.
Changed the backend armory code.
Updated caching to not cache Armory results that end up as errors
Added character class, race and professions as vbphrases.
Added KR and TW Armory locales. (, etc)
Some minor fixes.
Added Icon caching to help with slow armory. Images are cached by default in the armory folder. chmod this folder to 777 and icons will be automaticly cached to this folder.
You can now use the variable $wowchar_code in the postbit (or postbit_legacy) to display the character tooltip in a post.
0.4.3 Fixed issue with rebuilding post cache.
0.4.2 Added option to show/hide realm if a default realm is set.
0.4.1 Fixed an issue if the character doesnt have armory data, Only change is in functions_wowcharcode.php file.
All Character stat text are now phrases. you will find a new Phrase Type in the Phrase Manager ( WoW BBCode Phrases )
Added default realm option so one does not need to use the [char=server] option when specifying characters on own realm.
Customized the stat display per class and on some specs (such as feral v.s. resto druids). see an example at
Armory Caching works for both US and EU armorys.
Removed un-used files.
Put the majority of the codes HTML creation as templates and use vbulletins ajax.php and hooks.
Added options for default locale (armory) to use (currently EU and US armories).
Added option to disable caching of the Armory (i use it to test armory retrieval)
Added ability to specify what armory the character / realm you would like, see usage notes below.
Armory Caching never actually worked properly, this should now be fixed.
Remove the includes/functions_wow3bbcode.php file. This has been replaced by a plugin.
Remove the clientscript/phparmory/config.php file. This isnt needed.
Major updates to phparmory.php
Minor Plugin changes + code cleanup.
New tooltip javascript
New character sheet.
Create easy to modify interface for character stats to be displayed in tooltip.
Using the character code is easy enough,
CHARACTER if default realm option is set and character links is on same realm.
For characters not on the same realm as the default,
For example,
Or, if you want to link a character profile from another locale (i.e. EU realms) , you simply add EU- before the server name.
The same thing applies to linking US realm characters from a EU default forum.
See a working example at (This is a vbadvanced custom page using the BBCode page type).
Added German translation for what i currently have localized. Provided by jluerken (
02-02-2008, 12:26 AM
Great job cleaning up the install. I wasn't getting the ajax mouse-over with the original. I get it now but it doesn't contain any data.
02-02-2008, 02:24 AM
Ya, what i did was called "Not testing before releasing" , partially due to my wife wanting me to come out to the living room and watch Monk with her :)
But I'll have it fixed here shortly.
02-02-2008, 03:37 AM
Awesome :)
02-02-2008, 05:30 AM
This should be considerably better to use.
One thing to note though, is that if your forums are not in your web document root and you are using vbadvanced (i.e. you have which is your VBAdvanced Portal and is your vb forum itself), you will have to upload the clientscript folder twice (once in the web root and once in the forum root).
I will fix this later.
02-02-2008, 12:13 PM
Is there a specific web service that needs to be running other than cURL? Attached is what the mouse-over looks like for me. The link takes me to the correct armory site. This is with the same with the .1 version and the .2 version.
02-02-2008, 12:21 PM
You just need cURL. I'll be adding in nicer ways to handle mis-information in case armory is down or something else goes wrong today.
Oh, i see what your problem could be, your host doesnt have short_open_tags on (ASP style, <?=$var;?> instead of <?php echo $var ?>
I will have a new char.php file uploaded here in a few minutes
02-02-2008, 12:35 PM
Pulls character info, spec, and trade skills now! I'll have my host turn on short_open_tags. Your response time on this is amazing btw. I appreciate your help.
Edit: Uploaded the old char.php after turning on short_open_tags and it works like a charm. Looking forward to the improvements you have listed on your to-do list.
02-03-2008, 12:24 AM
I'm also on 3.6.8 RL2, so I'll be able to confirm if this version works on 3.6.8 tomorrow. We're an EU guild though ;)
02-03-2008, 01:57 AM
I'm also on 3.6.8 RL2, so I'll be able to confirm if this version works on 3.6.8 tomorrow. We're an EU guild though ;)
I'll be updating for EU support tomorrow. The solution is two part, one is the default locale, the other is a user option. For example, you could do [char=US-Vek'nilash], [char=Vek'nilash] and if your default locale is the US, it will use the US armory. If for the server option you use EU-Vek'nilash, it will use the Europe armory.
02-05-2008, 04:58 AM
vur nice :) again, thanks for all you hard work
02-06-2008, 04:44 PM
The tooltips say "Heath" ;)
EDIT: Fixed it to Health for you.
02-06-2008, 06:57 PM
Thanks :) , with my next release of this i'm going to change all of the hard-coded text to phrases along with options to select what stats to show in the mouseover.
02-07-2008, 01:23 PM
Thanks :) , with my next release of this i'm going to change all of the hard-coded text to phrases along with options to select what stats to show in the mouseover.
That would be ace, as a Ret Paladin I can't see any Dmg stats on mine atm.
02-07-2008, 05:46 PM
Confirmed as working on 3.6.8 RL2 in Firefox for Mac :)
02-07-2008, 06:58 PM
Right now im working on making the stats display customizable through the options interface.
For some of the classes that have different types of stats (i.e. paladins , druids and to some extent warriors) , you will be able to choose whats shown based on spec. for example, feral druids dont really care about +healing stats, spirit, etc and resto are vise-versa.
You will have defaults, such as str, agi, stam, int and spirit. Whats actually displayed is based on class. Some classes such as a mage, you wont see str, agi or armor. Other classes like a rogue, you wont see int, spirit. Classes such as a druid, you will see all of the stats.
The other customizable options will be similar to the stat dropdown in the character frame.
Spell, Defenses, Ranged, and Melee
02-07-2008, 08:00 PM
Sounds fantastic :)
02-10-2008, 08:01 PM
Updates working great!
Is it possible to add in the various critical strike ratings and things?
Also, suggest chaning 'mana regen while casting' to 'MP5' as most casters should know the difference :)
Okay, for non 'default' server character, am getting this error after upgrading to 4
Warning: Invalid argument supplied foreach() in includes/functions_wowcharbbcode.php on line 180
It pulls the character level, race, spec and class, but nothing else. The character is an inactive, lowish level character - so obviously there is no data to pull, and for most characters this won't be an issue ;)
02-10-2008, 08:29 PM
Updates working great!
Is it possible to add in the various critical strike ratings and things?
Also, suggest chaning 'mana regen while casting' to 'MP5' as most casters should know the difference :)
Okay, for non 'default' server character, am getting this error after upgrading to 4
Warning: Invalid argument supplied foreach() in includes/functions_wowcharbbcode.php on line 180
It pulls the character level, race, spec and class, but nothing else. The character is an inactive, lowish level character - so obviously there is no data to pull, and for most characters this won't be an issue ;)
you shouldnt have a file named functions_wowcharbbcode.php. Remove that file and use the file in the zip file instead.
There could also be a "Stale" plugin thats causing the problem.
In the admin CP, go to maintenance -> Execute SQL query ( you must be listed as the superadmin in the config.php file), and enter the following in the manual query
select title from PREFIXplugin WHERE phpcode like "%wowcharbbcode%"
Change Prefix to whatever your table prefix in the config.php file is set to (if it's vbb_ , the sql query would look like select title from vbb_plugin WHERE phpcode like "%wowcharbbcode%")
Note any plugins that are listed (if any), and go back to the Plugin & Products -> Plugin manager and look for the title of that plugin and delete it.
The only plugins you should have listed are:
WoW Char BBCode
WoW Char BBCode Help
WoW Char Code Ajax code
WoW Char Code Language Phrase Cache
WoW Char Code Startup
WoW Char Code Template Cache
WoW Char Code Template Group
Also, make sure that you do not have an old product name (i think it was wowchartest ?)
02-10-2008, 08:51 PM
Is it possible to add in the various critical strike ratings and things?
I had this huge thing typed out on how to add custom data from the armory site ready to go and i was almost done with it and then i realized that i can do it in a much better way.
I'll have to re-write some things first.
I can use any data from an armory page (view source and its all XML)
as an example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/layout/character-sheet.xsl"?><page globalSearch="1" lang="en_us" requestUrl="/character-sheet.xml">
<character battleGroup="Nightfall" charUrl="r=Alterac+Mountains&n=Azrael" class="Rogue" classId="4" faction="Horde" factionId="1" gender="Male" genderId="0" guildName="Syndicate of Shadows" guildUrl="r=Alterac+Mountains&n=Syndicate+of+Shadows&p=1" lastModified="February 5, 2008" level="65" name="Azrael" prefix="" race="Undead" raceId="5" realm="Alterac Mountains" suffix=""/>
<talentSpec treeOne="15" treeThree="0" treeTwo="41"/>
<lifetimehonorablekills value="1554"/>
<arenacurrency value="0"/>
<skill key="engineering" max="300" name="Engineering" value="244"/>
<skill key="mining" max="300" name="Mining" value="226"/>
<title value=""/>
<health effective="5939"/>
<secondBar casting="-1" effective="100" notCasting="-1" type="e"/>
<strength attack="103" base="86" block="-1" effective="113"/>
<agility armor="676" attack="328" base="141" critHitPercent="9.37" effective="338"/>
<stamina base="83" effective="363" health="3450" petBonus="-1"/>
<intellect base="35" critHitPercent="-1.00" effective="35" mana="-1" petBonus="-1"/>
<spirit base="59" effective="68" healthRegen="23" manaRegen="-1"/>
<armor base="2018" effective="2018" percent="19.71" petBonus="-1"/>
<arcane petBonus="-1" value="0"/>
<fire petBonus="-1" value="0"/>
<frost petBonus="-1" value="0"/>
<holy petBonus="-1" value="0"/>
<nature petBonus="-1" value="0"/>
<shadow petBonus="-1" value="10"/>
<mainHandDamage dps="117.2" max="347" min="263" percent="0" speed="2.60"/>
<offHandDamage dps="91.8" max="137" min="102" percent="0" speed="1.30"/>
<mainHandSpeed hastePercent="0.00" hasteRating="0" value="2.60"/>
<offHandSpeed hastePercent="0.00" hasteRating="0" value="1.30"/>
<power base="561" effective="901" increasedDps="64.0"/>
<hitRating increasedHitPercent="2.78" value="34"/>
<critChance percent="18.73" plusPercent="4.44" rating="76"/>
<expertise additional="0" percent="2.50" rating="0" value="10"/>
<weaponSkill rating="0" value="281"/>
<damage dps="100.6" max="197" min="146" percent="0" speed="1.70"/>
<speed hastePercent="0.00" hasteRating="0" value="1.70"/>
<power base="393" effective="733" increasedDps="52.0" petAttack="-1.00" petSpell="-1.00"/>
<hitRating increasedHitPercent="2.78" value="34"/>
<critChance percent="17.05" plusPercent="4.44" rating="76"/>
<arcane value="0"/>
<fire value="0"/>
<frost value="0"/>
<holy value="0"/>
<nature value="0"/>
<shadow value="0"/>
<petBonus attack="-1" damage="-1" fromType=""/>
<bonusHealing value="0"/>
<hitRating increasedHitPercent="0.00" value="0"/>
<critChance rating="0">
<arcane percent="0.00"/>
<fire percent="0.00"/>
<frost percent="0.00"/>
<holy percent="0.00"/>
<nature percent="0.00"/>
<shadow percent="0.00"/>
<penetration value="0"/>
<manaRegen casting="0.00" notCasting="0.00"/>
<armor base="2018" effective="2018" percent="19.71" petBonus="-1"/>
<defense decreasePercent="0.00" increasePercent="0.00" plusDefense="0" rating="0" value="320.00"/>
<dodge increasePercent="1.36" percent="19.91" rating="20"/>
<parry increasePercent="0.00" percent="9.80" rating="0"/>
<block increasePercent="0.00" percent="0.00" rating="0"/>
<resilience damagePercent="0.00" hitPercent="0.00" value="0.00"/>
<item durability="31" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_helmet_31" id="31784" maxDurability="50" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="1442833829" slot="0"/>
<item durability="0" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_jewelry_necklace_03" id="25914" maxDurability="0" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="270680656" slot="1"/>
<item durability="37" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_shoulder_07" id="31148" maxDurability="60" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="892721840" slot="2"/>
<item durability="0" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_shirt_black_01" id="3427" maxDurability="0" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="0" slot="3"/>
<item durability="64" gem0Id="28459" gem1Id="28467" gem2Id="28463" icon="inv_chest_leather_03" id="24396" maxDurability="100" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="1878719127" slot="4"/>
<item durability="24" gem0Id="28459" gem1Id="28459" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_belt_29" id="24063" maxDurability="35" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="2043929102" slot="5"/>
<item durability="42" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_pants_leather_08" id="29939" maxDurability="65" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="911117875" slot="6"/>
<item durability="31" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_boots_cloth_05" id="25717" maxDurability="50" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="816862488" slot="7"/>
<item durability="20" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_bracer_08" id="25960" maxDurability="30" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="1030569422" slot="8"/>
<item durability="18" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_gauntlets_14" id="24712" maxDurability="30" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="-5" seed="1306001438" slot="9"/>
<item durability="0" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_jewelry_ring_04" id="25499" maxDurability="0" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="1418445178" slot="10"/>
<item durability="0" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_jewelry_ring_04" id="25926" maxDurability="0" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="1104314345" slot="11"/>
<item durability="0" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_datacrystal06" id="28041" maxDurability="0" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="811388986" slot="12"/>
<item durability="0" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_jewelry_trinketpvp_02" id="18849" maxDurability="0" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="0" slot="13"/>
<item durability="0" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_misc_cape_20" id="25712" maxDurability="0" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="208396522" slot="14"/>
<item durability="59" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_sword_63" id="24020" maxDurability="90" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="0" slot="15"/>
<item durability="41" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_weapon_shortblade_14" id="31193" maxDurability="65" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="1111220604" slot="16"/>
<item durability="196" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="ability_upgrademoonglaive" id="28538" maxDurability="200" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="-13" seed="309526543" slot="17"/>
<item durability="0" gem0Id="0" gem1Id="0" gem2Id="0" icon="inv_shirt_guildtabard_01" id="5976" maxDurability="0" permanentenchant="0" randomPropertiesId="0" seed="0" slot="18"/>
02-10-2008, 09:02 PM
okay, I typed out the functions file name, it doesn't have 'bb' in it and the line number was 801 *facepalm* late night code tweaking for the LOSE. Should have screenied it rather than transcribing it
Tried the sql query and came up with 0 results
Warning: Invalid argument supplied foreach() in includes/functions_wowcharcode.php on line 801
updated for clarity. Very sorry
WoW Head ItemStats 0.4.0 Itemstats tooltip plugin
Current plugin details
One of my guildies was working on making our own/local version of the guild roster, but I think they're a bit overwhelmed by vbulleting atm, so I haven't seen anything of it, or the crafting database we're making.
02-11-2008, 02:24 AM
One of my guildies was working on making our own/local version of the guild roster, but I think they're a bit overwhelmed by vbulleting atm, so I haven't seen anything of it, or the crafting database we're making.
If the armory was better it would be very easy to pull it from the armory.
Other things i have planned to do include some type of guild roster, a raid calander (update/rewrite the one listed on this site) and a built in loot tracking system using either EPGP, NRT or something else (non point DKP though).
02-11-2008, 02:36 AM
The character you're linking doesnt have any professions listed?
I guess thats my fault for not checking first
There'll be an update in 30 minutes or so.
-- Updated functions_wowcharcode.php
02-11-2008, 05:28 AM
works perfectly now. Thanks for the quick update! And just noticed my request about mp5 was silly, as it's all phrased. *is blind*
Sounds like you're headed for a complete WoW Package there, pretty awesome :)
I currently use farcaster's event attendance & event forums for raid sign ups, as it lets us do RP events and things as well, and my server means fopen_url has made the WoW version unusable >>
I think loot tracking is more important to us than dkp itself - we use suicide kings, so people just use the mod to find out where they are, but 'latest loot' would be a nice addition to the raid section of our site (small area that has upcoming events, screenshots, latest threads and latest raid news all in one spot.) Anyways, this is getting off topic now, so I'll stop rambling.
02-12-2008, 12:28 AM
Is there a way to not display the server? So it just says the Name of the character. Our forums are for our guild only so the default server is always the same.. would just like to display the Character name.
This looks awesome btw.
Is there a way to not display the server? So it just says the Name of the character. Our forums are for our guild only so the default server is always the same.
Same here. Thanks!
02-12-2008, 11:19 AM
Is there a way to not display the server? So it just says the Name of the character. Our forums are for our guild only so the default server is always the same.. would just like to display the Character name.
This looks awesome btw.
Thanks for the fix! Great mod!
02-12-2008, 09:13 PM
Fixed the issue where if you rebuilt your post cache you'll lose your the [char] tag links.
02-14-2008, 04:10 PM
Sorry, i'm definitly a novice here.
I've got everything loaded up where it needs to be, (i think) however when i mouse over my name it says "loading" and eventually just shows that it can't load the picture or any data.
any ideas?
02-14-2008, 04:11 PM
Sorry, i'm definitly a novice here.
I've got everything loaded up where it needs to be, (i think) however when i mouse over my name it says "loading" and eventually just shows that it can't load the picture or any data.
any ideas?
could this be related to needing that cURL thing loaded up? I do not know if i have that.
02-14-2008, 05:34 PM
I have confirmed I have curl installed, so that can't be it. I had one of my more knowledgable guys look over it, and he contends that i've installed it according to the instructions
One of my admins says that it isn't pulling the xml into the database. It does add a row for my character, but never populates it with any data.
02-14-2008, 06:58 PM
nvm, it magically started working on its own. I have no idea :D
02-14-2008, 07:56 PM
need more info than that. what character/server are you trying to link, your forum URl, etc.
02-14-2008, 08:03 PM
we got it all working, its
it just began working on its own, maybe armory lag?
What I'd really like to do is get this added to the postbit using a custom profile field. That would be slick.
02-14-2008, 08:40 PM
we got it all working, its
it just began working on its own, maybe armory lag?
What I'd really like to do is get this added to the postbit using a custom profile field. That would be slick.
Create a new plugin, make sure that you select the WoW BB Code product
HookLocation: postbit_display_start
title : WoW Char Postbit
PHP code is as follows
// Change the Field2 to whatever custom profile field your have setup in the admincp.
// If your server field is 7 and your character field is 8, you would use
// $wowchar_server = $post['field7'];
// $wowchar_charname = $post['field8'];
$wowchar_server = $post['field1'];
$wowchar_charname = $post['field2'];
global $vbulletin;
$wowchar_use_default = false;
$wowchar_server = $vbulletin->options['wowcharcode_default_realm'];
$wowchar_use_default = true;
if($wowchar_charname != false or $server != false)
$wowchar_charname = trim($wowchar_charname);
$wowchar_server = trim($wowchar_server);
//override default armory URL.
preg_match("/(EU|US)-(.*)/", $wowchar_server, $match);
if($match[1] == true)
$armory_locale = strtolower($match[1]);
$armory_server = $match[2];
} else {
$armory_locale = strtolower($vbulletin->options['wowcharcode_locale']);
$armory_server = $wowchar_server;
case 'eu':
$armoryurl = '';
case 'us':
$armoryurl = '';
//$wowchar_code = "<img src='clientscript/wowbbcode_js/char.gif' border='0' align='middle'>";
$wowchar_code .= "<a href=\"".$armoryurl."/character-sheet.xml?r=".str_replace(" ","+",$armory_server)."&n=".$wowchar_charname."\"";
$wowchar_code .= " target=\"new\"";
$wowchar_code .= " onmouseover='ajax_showTooltip(\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/ajax.php?do=wowcharcode&server={xserver}&char={charname}\",this);";
$wowchar_code .= " return false' onmouseout='ajax_hideTooltip()'>";
if($vbulletin->options['wowcharcode_display_realm'] == 0 && $wowchar_use_default == true)
$wowchar_code .= "<strong><{charname}></strong></a>";
} else {
$wowchar_code .= "<strong><{server}: {charname}></strong></a>";
$wowchar_server = str_replace("'","'",$wowchar_server);
$wowchar_code = str_replace("{xserver}",str_replace(" ","+",$wowchar_server), $wowchar_code);
$wowchar_code = str_replace("{server}",$wowchar_server, $wowchar_code);
$wowchar_code = str_replace("{charname}",$wowchar_charname, $wowchar_code);
} else {
$wowchar_code = false;
Be sure to read and edit the first few lines of the plugin code.
The variable $wowchar_code is now avialable to use in the postbit (or postbit_legacy). The output is something like "<Vek'nilash: Azaril>"
It where ever you see fit.
The other error, you can fix it by opening up the functions_wowcharcode.php and replacing line 743
02-14-2008, 08:47 PM
You rock!
02-15-2008, 12:19 AM
That worked perfectly, i just set it up.
Thanks again!
As an added option, that maybe your users will want to add, I made the char_server option a non-editable user field, eliminating a step for the users.
02-15-2008, 02:02 AM
That worked perfectly, i just set it up.
Thanks again!
As an added option, that maybe your users will want to add, I made the char_server option a non-editable user field, eliminating a step for the users.
Setting the default realm in the options should have made the user profile field useless.
Anyone else having the trouble of the character picture not loading when the pop up stats show on a character. v4.3. It will pull the character info up but no pics.
you can see what I mean in my signature here..
(if it works from this link please tell me.. Ive tried it from home and at work.. still no pics)
version 4.2 worked fine but for some reason it isnt showing the pics anymore.
02-15-2008, 04:18 AM
The images are pulled from, which is 90% of the time pretty slow.
I guess that's an idea though. to cache the images from wowarmory to your local webspace. it would require that you have a directory writable by the webserver though.
You are awsome! Thank you so much!!
02-15-2008, 11:13 AM
I might see if I can mash this together with the WoWChar drop down addon (I think gryphon made it?) as a tidier way to add characters, although gryphon's one supports alts.
02-15-2008, 02:12 PM
I might see if I can mash this together with the WoWChar drop down addon (I think gryphon made it?) as a tidier way to add characters, although gryphon's one supports alts.
This would be sofaking cool
02-16-2008, 02:15 PM
Mebbe, but I'm not going to do it now. His 'version' pulls armory data for his new WoW Event Calendar, so I wouldn't want to mess it up :) However Sweede's bbcode would be a nicer way of displaying characters in the postbit ^^ So...we'll see.
I love love love that we have two great developers maintaining these mods now :D
02-16-2008, 04:26 PM
Mebbe, but I'm not going to do it now. His 'version' pulls armory data for his new WoW Event Calendar, so I wouldn't want to mess it up :) However Sweede's bbcode would be a nicer way of displaying characters in the postbit ^^ So...we'll see.
I love love love that we have two great developers maintaining these mods now :D
My mod retrieves the armory XML data and stores the entire thing into the database. the cached data expires after 6 hours (at least thats what i think it did).
Anything that that uses armory data can easily be re-written to use the cache storage container that i have
For example, the elricstorm calander read the XML file from the armory then copied the parts of the XML to the database. You would simply change the code that retrieves the the armory from the URL with what i wrote.
02-17-2008, 04:35 AM
My Fury Warriors and Ehancement Shaman where commenting on how they really like the addon, however they would really like it to display their Attackpower and Crit Chance.
02-17-2008, 07:13 AM
My Fury Warriors and Ehancement Shaman where commenting on how they really like the addon, however they would really like it to display their Attackpower and Crit Chance.
It appears that melee crit wasnt part of the original or i accidently deleted it..
Go to admincp -> Phrase Manager -> Add New Phrase
Phrase Type: WoW BBCode Phrases
Product: WoW BB Code
Varname: wowcharcode_melee_crit
Text: Melee Crit
Open includes/functions_wowcharcode.php file and find
$value["melee main dps"] = $melee['mainhanddamage']['dps'];
$value["melee crit"] = $melee['critchance']['percent'] . "%";
after it.
"melee main dps" => 3,
"melee crit" => 3,
after it
Now, you can add the melee crit ID in the make_extra_data method.
Change all lines that read
$default = array_merge($default, array("melee main damage", "melee main dps"));
$default = array_merge($default, array("melee main damage", "melee main dps","melee crit"));
There should be 4 places to change (you don't need to change the hunter section that starts with // Hunter 2 melee stats).
I'll incorporate this into a more complete package at a later time. I want to finish up a couple other things first.
02-17-2008, 12:53 PM
With the caching enabled I can't see any of the images. They are being cached, I've checked the folder on the server.
I have this issue alot with the theme I'm using when I have images that are outside of the themes folder root.
There are no replacement variables set in the theme though. Should I add one for the armory/images folder or is there a way I can move that folder?
02-17-2008, 02:48 PM
odd, if you go to
The image is there, but you get a permission error when trying to view it. Using an FTP client (or if you have a shell to the server which is the best!), try to browse to the /forum/armory/images folder and note the permissions.
Note the attached image, in CuteFTP that is the info i'll be looking for.
02-17-2008, 04:02 PM
Thats totally odd. As far as I can see the permissions are correct.
02-17-2008, 04:43 PM
What about the armory directory itself?
Also, do you have access to the error_log file for your domain? that may tell you a bit more.
if you delete (rename, whatever) the armory folder, it won't try to cache images and use images from instead.
02-17-2008, 04:47 PM
Oh, and i want to change a couple thing so that instead of caching images to the filesystem, it caches them to the MySQL database so you don't have to add new directories and run into issues such as this. I'm not quite that far long with it though.
02-17-2008, 04:56 PM
What about the armory directory itself?
Also, do you have access to the error_log file for your domain? that may tell you a bit more.
if you delete (rename, whatever) the armory folder, it won't try to cache images and use images from instead.
Armory is 777, subdirs are 764.
I will have to see about an error log not looked for one before.
02-17-2008, 05:13 PM
Armory is 777, subdirs are 764.
I will have to see about an error log not looked for one before.
don't worry about the error log, 764 means that the owner has RWX (Read, Write, Execute), Group has Read,Write, and world (Everyone) has read permissions.
apache needs execute access in any directory it serves images from, so the permissions on folders should be 755 (or 751, but we wont get into unix permissions here).
02-17-2008, 05:33 PM
CremeEgg, try this.
delete your armory/images folder (don't delete the armory folder), hopefully you do not need to get your host involved due to permission issues.
open up functions_wowcharcode.php and find the line
mkdir($full_image_path ,0777,true);
Replace that line with all of the following
$dirs = explode("/",dirname($image_loc));
$path = DIR . "/" . $localpath;
foreach ($dirs AS $element)
$path .= $element . "/";
@mkdir($path ,0777,true);
echo "error chmod'ing $path";
02-17-2008, 05:33 PM
don't worry about the error log, 764 means that the owner has RWX (Read, Write, Execute), Group has Read,Write, and world (Everyone) has read permissions.
apache needs execute access in any directory it serves images from, so the permissions on folders should be 755 (or 751, but we wont get into unix permissions here).
Works fine now thanks. My *nix skills are weak, don't really have much to do with it anymore.
02-22-2008, 08:30 AM
Just as a notice, I plan on updating this in a few days.
Changes will include a more absract method of retreiving and storing character data from the armory. This will be a set of class methods that anyone can use to get , cache and display armory data.
Much better method of selecting what attributes to display. I'm also currently trying to figure out how to make character "roles" work, but am unsure if that would be a possibilty or even a wise idea, due to the amount of setup on the end users part it would require.
I would estimate a week or two before i have an update ready. If anyone has suggestions or any requests, let me know.
02-24-2008, 02:43 PM
Would it be possible to make the users names interactive on the forums? based on usergroup permissions.
for example your name on your post "SWEEDE" would display your player stats... but obviously not ever on the forum will use there in game name to have the option through Cpanel to turn interactivity for your name on.
02-26-2008, 09:02 AM
Just installed this and it works great but at the same time throws up some mkdir errors.
Line in question is
mkdir($full_image_path ,0777,true);
I've attached a screenshot so you can see the errors its throwing up
02-26-2008, 11:14 AM
Just installed this and it works great but at the same time throws up some mkdir errors.
Line in question is
mkdir($full_image_path ,0777,true);
I've attached a screenshot so you can see the errors its throwing up
Change that line to my post above, ( )
change the
@mkdir($path ,0777,true);
@mkdir($path ,0777);
That should fix the problem.
02-26-2008, 01:12 PM
yup appears to have fixed it looking good thanks
02-26-2008, 01:33 PM
I also added this into my postbit but there's a much easier way of doing it than the one listed above.
Create a custom profile field for users called whatever you like in my case i called it wow main char. (field11)
user puts in the name of their wow char there.
Then i just edited the postbit_legacy and added in the following
<if condition="$post[field11]">
<br />
<strong>WoW Char:</strong> <a style="cursor: pointer;" href="$post[field11]" target="new" onmouseover="ajax_showTooltip("'Akir&char=$post[field11]",this); return false" onmouseout="ajax_hideTooltip()">$post[field11]</a>
02-27-2008, 08:19 PM
I apologize if I missed this, but our guild resides on a server with an apostrophe (Kael'thas) and I'm having issues:
The Armory pulls up those urls as:
not as:
(ok well it does, sometimes, but the program doesn't give me information in mouseovers unless it's pulling up the top one, which is changed to the bottom or one with a released apostrophe on a refresh.)
So at this point I either get a very gimped version with only the username and guild and nothing more, and then on refresh of a thread I get absolutely nothing, a hang-up, or an armory error regarding the server not being found.
This would be nice to play around with, anyone have any further thoughts? I've played around a bit and haven't been able to find a work-around.
02-28-2008, 06:16 AM
I'm on Al'Akir also with the apostrophe and it worked fine setting the default to Al'Akir in the admin options you dont need to put the %27 in yourself just list the server name with the apostrophe and it should work it out its self when it does the armoury request.
yours not showing data could be armoury time out.
02-28-2008, 12:32 PM
Yes, it seems the Armory crapped out for a good portion of the time before my raid. It worked fine after the raid ended, I apologize. What bizarre errors it was giving me, it definitely threw me for a loop there.
Thanks again, works great. :)
02-28-2008, 09:39 PM
I apologize if I missed this, but our guild resides on a server with an apostrophe (Kael'thas) and I'm having issues:
The Armory pulls up those urls as:
not as:
(ok well it does, sometimes, but the program doesn't give me information in mouseovers unless it's pulling up the top one, which is changed to the bottom or one with a released apostrophe on a refresh.)
So at this point I either get a very gimped version with only the username and guild and nothing more, and then on refresh of a thread I get absolutely nothing, a hang-up, or an armory error regarding the server not being found.
This would be nice to play around with, anyone have any further thoughts? I've played around a bit and haven't been able to find a work-around.
Ya, it works, i had to fix that issue from the original author because my char resides on Vek'nilash :)
the reason why the ' doesnt work is because of the javascript code in the HTML to call the ajax.php file to get the info from armory and display it.
onmouseover='ajax_showTooltip("'nilash&char=Dra gontaru",this); return false'
For some reason, i couldnt escape ' in the URL itself using either ' or \' so i just changed it to its code counterpart.
02-28-2008, 09:40 PM
I also added this into my postbit but there's a much easier way of doing it than the one listed above.
Create a custom profile field for users called whatever you like in my case i called it wow main char. (field11)
user puts in the name of their wow char there.
Then i just edited the postbit_legacy and added in the following
<if condition="$post[field11]">
<br />
<strong>WoW Char:</strong> <a style="cursor: pointer;" href="$post[field11]" target="new" onmouseover="ajax_showTooltip("'Akir&char=$post[field11]",this); return false" onmouseout="ajax_hideTooltip()">$post[field11]</a>
Don't forget to change your server and/or locale !
02-28-2008, 10:36 PM
Just as a notice, I plan on updating this in a few days.
Changes will include a more absract method of retreiving and storing character data from the armory. This will be a set of class methods that anyone can use to get , cache and display armory data.
Much better method of selecting what attributes to display. I'm also currently trying to figure out how to make character "roles" work, but am unsure if that would be a possibilty or even a wise idea, due to the amount of setup on the end users part it would require.
I would estimate a week or two before i have an update ready. If anyone has suggestions or any requests, let me know.
Just a little info on this progress.
I have the base classes that retreive and save the character information into the database. Everything is saved and will be in 2 tables (one for basic character information such as name, class, realm, etc and the other table is for all other stats).
Now i'm going to have to takle the hardest part, which is retreiving that information from the database.
I havent fully decided how to retrive that info. I know i'll have a subclass for each character class that will gather class specific details, but what to do about hybrid classes (such as a druid, which fits into dps caster, melee, tank, healer) , im not yet sure.
The planned usage of these classes will be something like,
$armory = new character(character, server, locale);
$armory->character_class; // would be the characters class
$armory->character_spec; // would be an array of points spent in the tree + the main trees name
$armory->health; // health, obviously
$armory->secondary; //rage or mana
Then for things like, crit you would have
$armory->crit_chance['melee']['perc']; // % crit chance, main hand melee
$armory->crit_chance['offhand']['value']; // crit rating (off hand).
$armory->crit_chance['spell']['perc']; // Returns %% of whatever your main specs crit chance is. i.e. if your link a mage and he's a frost mage but fire crit is 30% and frost crit is 28%, it will return 28%
Everything from the armory XML page will be available.
This will be a seperate include and will be available for use in any addon that you want to get armory character data from.
With the new class methods, i'll be able to allow a better degree of customization.
It may take a bit longer than planned, since i only really have one day a week to work on coding this.
02-29-2008, 07:25 AM
This thing is really great and i thank you for your work.
The problem i have is that like any other BBCode Manipulation (e.g. Itemstats) the things break on editing.
This makes it nearly unusable as i think.
I am currently thinking about a way to not edit the Beherit in the Cache to the new Link Code, but to parse and replace thise links on the fly via javascript.
So that the code keeps Beherit which also can be edited but on pageload the javascript replaces * to the needed htmlCode.
Is there another way?
02-29-2008, 09:19 AM
It's an issue, but it seems pretty consistent on any bbcode addition that requires a callback function.
If you add a set of bbcode through the vbulletin admin Cp panel, it will work in the quick editor just fine, but you can't add callback code through there, which is what i need to do.
the only real work around is to go to your admincp, options -> message posting interface options ,
change all 3 to "enable standard controls"
02-29-2008, 12:28 PM
just a note in the current version dont know if these are bugs or what.
defence is only showing the character base defence not defence + item defence bonus.
ie: warriors showing 370 defence and not 400+ (including item bonus)
on warlocks it shows shadow damage and shadow damage crit however doesn't show fire damage crit just fire damage.
perhaps changing shadow damage crit to just spell crit would be a good idea for multiple element casters.
02-29-2008, 12:46 PM
just a note in the current version dont know if these are bugs or what.
defence is only showing the character base defence not defence + item defence bonus.
ie: warriors showing 370 defence and not 400+ (including item bonus)
on warlocks it shows shadow damage and shadow damage crit however doesn't show fire damage crit just fire damage.
perhaps changing shadow damage crit to just spell crit would be a good idea for multiple element casters.
Open up functions_wowcharcode.php in your editor and find
$value["fire crit change"]
The change should be obvious :)
line 474 , change
$value["defense"] = $defenses['defense']['value'];
$value["defense"] = $defenses['defense']['plusdefense'] + $defenses['defense']['value'];
02-29-2008, 09:44 PM
the crit change isn't so obvious as in your code you have all spell crits split off separately what i'm proposing is merging them all so they're not split off anymore since for warlocks and I assume mage's too etc your crit chance with one damage type is teh same as the other damage type excluding talents (since armoury excludes talents anyway)
02-29-2008, 10:27 PM
the crit change isn't so obvious as in your code you have all spell crits split off separately what i'm proposing is merging them all so they're not split off anymore since for warlocks and I assume mage's too etc your crit chance with one damage type is teh same as the other damage type excluding talents (since armoury excludes talents anyway)
<critChance rating="285">
<arcane percent="23.34"/>
<fire percent="32.34"/>
<frost percent="23.34"/>
<holy percent="23.34"/>
<nature percent="23.34"/>
<shadow percent="23.34"/>
Taken from a firemage's armory.
In the future, the crit chance returned will be based on the characters spec, which would govern their primary nuke. You will also have the option to display the max crit rate and all schools individual crit rates.
This is awesome!
Is there any way to add like custom fields in the mouseover? perhaps custom images per character?
I'm also noticing that some of the gear bonuses aren't showing. my tankadin is only showing 370 defense.
03-01-2008, 08:34 AM
i get this error when it fetches data for a level 39.... but i get no error with level 70's
Warning: Invalid argument supplied foreach() in includes/functions_wowcharcode.php on line 811
03-06-2008, 11:22 AM
i get this error when it fetches data for a level 39.... but i get no error with level 70's
Your lvl 39 character has no professions or just one profession ?
please post (or pm) me the armory URL of the character that causes an error.
03-06-2008, 07:07 PM
Its not working for me. When I scroll over it gives me an x for character avatar then just says LEVEL:
03-07-2008, 06:48 PM
Can I get some help please.
03-07-2008, 10:04 PM
you need to give me more information than just "it doesnt work". What character/realm locale (eu/us) are you trying to link.
Something like that is most likely that the character isn't found in the armory.
03-08-2008, 02:25 PM
I'm now getting the blank black box with "Level:" for all the mouseovers on my frontpage module. It appears it's because of an Armory issue, though it's super frustrating right now because half the time it's working and half the time it looks like I have a massively broken mod (not your fault here.)
Possibility on caching data perhaps or something along those lines for when the PoS we know as the WoW Armory is broken (which is a lot, I'm afraid.)
Here's a screenie of what has been happening on and off recently:
03-16-2008, 10:01 PM
This is a creative way of doing this but wouldnt it be better with a bbcode? It currently breaks whenever you edit a post.
03-21-2008, 08:10 PM
Great update Sweede...
I've been traveling allot and haven't had the time to update anything...
keep the ball rolling...
If I come across anything new I shall feed it your way...
Good Luck 2 ya
03-25-2008, 10:19 AM
This is a creative way of doing this but wouldnt it be better with a bbcode? It currently breaks whenever you edit a post.
I personally never was a fan of a plugin that required the users to do more than upload an XML file and maybe a couple php files.
Expecting every user to enter the bbcode exactly right every time would be foolish on my part. I would rather spend time supporting actual problems in my code than making sure that every user that says "it doesnt work" has their bbcode setup properly first.
I may have a solution that would satisfy all of us though.
03-25-2008, 10:50 AM
I personally never was a fan of a plugin that required the users to do more than upload an XML file and maybe a couple php files.
Expecting every user to enter the bbcode exactly right every time would be foolish on my part. I would rather spend time supporting actual problems in my code than making sure that every user that says "it doesnt work" has their bbcode setup properly first.
I may have a solution that would satisfy all of us though.
After reveiwing the bbcode option (I would insert the following as an SQL statement during installation,
INSERT INTO `vb3_bbcode` VALUES ('','char','<a href="$s&n=%1$s" target="new"
return false\' onmouseout=\'ajax_hideTooltip()\'><strong><%2$s: %1$s></strong></a>'
'Character BB Code',1,
'Character Code Tag','',1)
I have found that this solution would not work at this time.
The problem is when a server with a ' in it, such as vek'nilash. Vbulletin doesnt escape the param/option variables to work within javascript (changing them to their character code equivelent)
Also using the bbcode in this way does not allow you to setup your "default realm" in an easy and simple manner, and several other planned options.
03-26-2008, 05:32 PM
Heres a link to my forum so you can see the problem im having. Please if you could help me fix it I would really appreciate it!
03-26-2008, 10:08 PM
Yesterday, while spending 8+ hours on emergency Sunwell site work due to a Blizzard ninja major content patch, my front page module with the Officers listed gave me only the small black box with Level: inside.
Today, it works fine again. I never know which days the data pulls and which it does not. It's boggling. :) Regardless, when it DOES work it's very, very nice!
Misc. daily rant not relating to this thread: I despise Blizzard's PoS Armory. :)
03-29-2008, 12:51 AM
I've got it. There is an error with the char code of this product.
Solution - Create an new BBCode:
What you want
armory (IMPORTANT: NOT char)
<a href="{param}" target="new" onmouseover='ajax_showTooltip("ajax.php?do=wowcharcode&server=Aegwynn&char={param}",this); return false' onmouseout='ajax_hideTooltip()'><strong><{param}></strong></a>
What you want
{option} usage:
Remove Tag If Empty:
Disable BB Code....:
Disable Smileys....:
Disable Word Wrapping:
Change the realm in the code to your default code. With this code its not possible to use another server, but i think you have a guild and your frinds are on the same. If you want it with other server, you should create a second BBCode with {option} enabled and then try to insert that.
Have fun!
03-29-2008, 10:34 AM
I will try to update today with a version that will email the forum admin a whole bunch of error related stuff when you mouse over a tooltip. you can then forward those to me and i can see what i need to fix to either prevent these silly errors or create work arounds and do some real error handeling.
working 12hrs + raid + sleep has taken a lot of my time away from fully supporting this (and my other) product.
04-05-2008, 02:42 PM
I emailed u the debug email.
04-08-2008, 06:35 AM
I beleive that i have found the reason why so many people are having issues displaying characters (you get a result similar to the attached image
Fixing it, will be another challenge.
04-09-2008, 05:53 PM
Ive got a couple questions for you regarding this Plug-in.
1) Ive noticed that if someone edits a post where the vrokar for example was typed in. After the save the tooltip goes away. Anyway to prevent that so the code doesnt have to be retyped every edit? (this may also only be because im at work. Ill double check when I get home)
2) I havnt yet been able to locate the segment of code which tells the tooltip which stats to load. Is that possible? EX For casters Id rather see Spell hit, Spell Crit, Spell Damage instead of Fire Damage Fire Crit etc.
3) This one is a bit stupid but where do I set the default server so I dont have to enter it with each name?
04-14-2008, 12:16 AM
1) vbulletin doesnt provide a hook into the javascript that controls that. disable WYSIWYG controls.
2) The build_data() function has the "keywords" used to make the character sheet. review this for what you want. you can add anything from the XML sheet provided by an armory. the type_array in that function sets the color.
In the make_extra_data() function is where the above function is used.
the peice that your looking for would be like
// Mage
if($class_id == 8)
$default = array_merge($default, array("fire damage","fire crit chance","frost damage","frost crit chance","arcane damage" ,"arcane crit chance"));
3) the WoW Character BBCode Settings in the vbulletin options.
04-14-2008, 08:18 AM
Is there a way to let it display german text when hovering a char bbcode?
04-14-2008, 10:33 AM
I'm Pretty sure all of the data was put into vbb phrases (phrase group WoW BBCode Phrases ), so you can make a german translation langauge file.
data thats retreived and displayed from wowarmory will be whatever language wowarmory displays it in though
04-14-2008, 03:54 PM
I'm Pretty sure all of the data was put into vbb phrases (phrase group WoW BBCode Phrases ), so you can make a german translation langauge file.
data thats retreived and displayed from wowarmory will be whatever language wowarmory displays it in though
Hi Sweede,
race, class and professions are not phrased.
Also the first column should get a "nowrap" otherwise it will look strange.
Can you implement this in the next version?
04-15-2008, 08:10 AM
Im currently working on a re-written version of this with a better backend to connect to the armory. i'll finish the rest of the phrase changes then.
04-15-2008, 10:16 AM
Im currently working on a re-written version of this with a better backend to connect to the armory. i'll finish the rest of the phrase changes then.
Thanks sweede, I am looking forward to it.
04-15-2008, 06:58 PM
Updated today with many of the suggestions in the previous 7 pages.
04-16-2008, 03:12 PM
just installed onto my local/test board ... i've got this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_log() in c:\programmi\easyphp1-8\www\rc2\includes\init.php(336) : eval()'d code on line 198
04-16-2008, 03:21 PM
I noticed 2 other minor issues also. an update will appear in the next few minutes
04-16-2008, 03:26 PM
OK i'll wait :)
04-17-2008, 06:11 AM
Hi Sweede,
thanks for the update.
I've translated all phrases into german and exported a language file.
I hope everything is correct.
If you want you can add this file your first post.
German translation v0.4.7a - Deutsch (DU) vbulletin 3.7 RC3
04-17-2008, 04:37 PM
Hey sweede just a short question. With the actual version I get an error message while hovering a char link
Warning: fopen([path]/stats/devlog.txt).... and so on
Your instructions file does not state where the stats dir should be located and so on.
Can you answer this now please and put it in your documentation?
04-17-2008, 05:00 PM
This is probably a stupid question but I don't suppose this works with private servers?
04-17-2008, 07:06 PM
Open up functions_wowcharcode.php
change line 15 to $o->SetDebug(false);
04-18-2008, 01:34 PM
I have some problems with the code.
When i enter CHARNAME it doesn't work.
It gives me the following message : Unable to connect to Armory portal, Or char/realm name not found. Try again
However when i press the link it produces it goes to the correct site of wow-armory.
If i enter a server name that is in one piece like Balnazzar for instance it works.
Is there a special way i need to formulate "Kul Tiras" or do i need to modify anything ?
Thanks in advance.
04-18-2008, 01:44 PM
Hmm.. thats a good question. I never thought about realms that consist of more than one word!
oh wait i did! you need to put "'s around the realm and you also have to rely on the wowarmory , which is about as reliable as a british car.
In the next update, im going to add a fallback for the cache so that if it's time to check for an update and the armory isnt working, it doesnt erase the cached data and displays it instead.
04-18-2008, 01:52 PM
Thanks for your quick reply.
I just tried the following string : CHARNAME
Both aren't working...
Giving me the following output : <Kul Tiras: CHARNAME>
The link it produces is fine and redirects me to the character on wowarmory.
However both the codes i try produce the same error : Unable to connect to Armory portal, Or char/realm name not found. Try again
Its very strange ...
Any ideas ?
04-18-2008, 02:32 PM
I made it work but not in the way it should work.
I modified the functions_wowcharcode.php file.
I made the following change :
function SetRealmName( $realmname )
$this->realmname = "Kul Tiras";
This way it does load up the character name.
But this also shows that the plugin somehow does not accept the realmname in " " format.
Maybe you can find out why it is not processing the realmname in the right way when there is a space involved in the realmname.
04-18-2008, 08:01 PM
Thats odd.
I tried using Dark Iron and it didnt work. the URL that was being used had a url encoded + in it ( wowarmory likes to see spaces replaced with a + )
Removing the urlencode, which changed the URL back to having the + (instead of %2B) caused several of my test entries to work.
setting the realm name by hand as you have done, shouldnt cause your setup to instantly work unless you have done other modifications to the code or are using an old version.
04-18-2008, 09:12 PM
I hadn't noticed this issue, and I'm on a realm name -The Sha'tar- which has a space, but then I haven't updated recently, and that realm name is used by default so all my users just use username
04-18-2008, 09:40 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
for anyone that is interested, the above is the sute where I dev and you'll be able to see the latest char sheet changes.
one big change is that I'm moving to its own config option page in vbb, but that's till a ways off
04-19-2008, 11:07 AM
Oh, and something for you wonderful vbb 3.7 users
(click the wowcharprofile tab)
04-19-2008, 11:29 AM
setting the realm name by hand as you have done, shouldnt cause your setup to instantly work unless you have done other modifications to the code or are using an old version.
I am using Vbb 3.6.7 at the moment.
I downloaded your most recent version from this site.
Other then a few plugins i have no special file edits on my forum site.
I am just glad I got it to work.
04-22-2008, 02:19 PM
Question -
I use vBadvanced - my forums are all in the /vb folder but my index.php is located in the root of my site.
This mod works on the forums, but on the index.php page in my root the images are all missing.
Any idea why the images would not show up in the root but they do in the /vb?
Thanks all!
04-22-2008, 04:01 PM
It's pathing issues. I'll have to add another option to the wowchar code options to fix it.
04-26-2008, 02:58 PM
It's pathing issues. I'll have to add another option to the wowchar code options to fix it.
I updated to 48a and now it will not even work on the vBadvanced home page. When I upgraded I removed all files as well and did a full install from 47 to 48a.
04-26-2008, 08:39 PM
I updated to 48a and now it will not even work on the vBadvanced home page. When I upgraded I removed all files as well and did a full install from 47 to 48a.
It appears that vba CMPS rewrites urls in things like <javascript> tags so that it finds them in the correct location. I wasnt aware that it did that.
Edit the WoWChar_headerinclude template and replace the first 3 lines of the template with the following
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/wowbbcode_js/ajax-dynamic-content.js" defer="DEFER"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/wowbbcode_js/ajax.js" defer="DEFER"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/wowbbcode_js/ajax-tooltip.js" defer="DEFER"></script>
04-26-2008, 09:10 PM
There is another issue i noticed, but i will not have time to fix it until the morning.
04-26-2008, 09:11 PM
It appears that vba CMPS rewrites urls in things like <javascript> tags so that it finds them in the correct location. I wasnt aware that it did that.
Edit the WoWChar_headerinclude template and replace the first 3 lines of the template with the following
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/wowbbcode_js/ajax-dynamic-content.js" defer="DEFER"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/wowbbcode_js/ajax.js" defer="DEFER"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/wowbbcode_js/ajax-tooltip.js" defer="DEFER"></script>
That brought it back - however the links on all the images are still broken. The box opens up - grabs the info - but none of the images are working.
04-26-2008, 10:05 PM
That brought it back - however the links on all the images are still broken. The box opens up - grabs the info - but none of the images are working.
that's my other issue
04-26-2008, 10:12 PM
that's my other issue
I am patient - lol - I can wait. :)
Enjoy your weekend!
04-27-2008, 12:43 AM
How hard is it to add extra melee stats to the tooltip? I added melee haste and melee hit for my Paladin but they are not using any CSS or anything else so they are just white text from the code no formatting. I would like to be able to add different stats if at all possible.
04-27-2008, 04:29 AM
configuring what stats to display is a pain atm. I have thought of several different options but none I like.
it is a definite on my to-do list
04-27-2008, 01:35 PM
Fair enough, Have you released your raid Progression module on any forums other then your own if so do you have a link of where a package or at least some instructions are available?
04-27-2008, 10:16 PM
I am patient - lol - I can wait. :)
Enjoy your weekend!
Edit functions_wowcharcode.php
$localpath = "armory/";
replace that line with the following.
global $vbulletin;
$localpath = $vbulletin->options['wowchar_forum_root']."armory/";
be absolutly sure that you have a leading and trailing slash ( /path/ ) in your wowchar code option setting
05-12-2008, 12:30 AM
so far so good... works a charm! *crosses fingers* ;) Thanks!
05-12-2008, 09:19 PM
$wowchar_code .= " onmouseover='ajax_showTooltip(\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/ajax.php?do=wowcharcode&server={xserver}&char={charname}\",this);";
in the WoW Char Code Postbit plugin
replace with
$wowchar_code .= " onmouseover='ajax_showTooltip(\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/clientscript/wowbbcode_js/ajax.php?do=wowcharcode&server={xserver}&char={charname}\",this);";
05-13-2008, 12:40 AM
might want to include mana on it as well :D
05-13-2008, 11:12 AM
Fair enough, Have you released your raid Progression module on any forums other then your own if so do you have a link of where a package or at least some instructions are available?
Sorry for the uber late delay in replying.
I've fought back and forth through several ideas on how to provide a better degree of customization to this plugin and still haven't really found anything i like yet. However, after watching this really cool video on why more is less ( , very much worth the 64 minute watch ), i decided on actually using every stat available through the armory XML sheet and providing larger groups. Instead of the roughly 108 (!) stats available through the armory profile, you'll have 7 - 9 to choose from. each class & spec, you'll will be able to choose 3 different stat groups.
melee, spell, defense, arena, ranged, Pets, Resistances and a Class block and im sure there is another one I'm forgetting
The progression thing is more of a vba CMPS hack. I've been re-writing some of it though since it was very much copy & paste coded :x
05-13-2008, 11:13 AM
$wowchar_code .= " onmouseover='ajax_showTooltip(\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/ajax.php?do=wowcharcode&server={xserver}&char={charname}\",this);";
in the WoW Char Code Postbit plugin
replace with
$wowchar_code .= " onmouseover='ajax_showTooltip(\"".$vbulletin->options['bburl']."/clientscript/wowbbcode_js/ajax.php?do=wowcharcode&server={xserver}&char={charname}\",this);";
Im not sure what you are trying to do here except create a lot of 404 errors ?
there is no ajax.php file in the clientscript/wowbbcode_js directory. I use the ajax.php file of vbulletin.
05-13-2008, 12:25 PM
hmm, my bad meant for the ajax.js file.
05-13-2008, 12:34 PM
Right, there is an ajax.js, but it does not do what you are thinking it does. The code snip you posted above is something you definitely don't want to do.
05-13-2008, 10:57 PM
all i remember is having to do something with a url in one of the products in order to get the rollover to work :-/ cant quite remember tho.
add mana :D
05-14-2008, 11:52 AM
well, this coming weekend i should have a pretty big update that changes how it looks and gives the forum admin easier ways to configure whats shown.
05-18-2008, 12:15 PM
The progression thing is more of a vba CMPS hack. I've been re-writing some of it though since it was very much copy & paste coded :x
Even copy and paste coded it's very clean looking and much better then my attempts have been if you decide to release it please let me know I would love to get it.
05-20-2008, 05:04 PM
I searched this thread by my problem hasnt come up yet.
I updated to 3.7 Gold yesterday and along with updating the forum I updated all the addons (Before it was running 3.7 RC1) I updated this one and ran across a small issue
If you go here (where I primarily use the addon)
Hovering over any particular name gives a tooltip but where all the stats should be it just says 'Array'
Any idea what is causing the problem? I know its a vbadvanced page but even in an actual post it does the same thing.
Also I never knew you were on Kargath server. I've probably seen you around a few times.
05-20-2008, 08:32 PM
i joined No Quarter for a short time on kargath. After a little while in the guild, i realized that the guild was not yet at a commitment level that I required as a raid guild.
anyways, did you update the functions_wowcharcode.php file ? that's the only thing i can think of that would cuase this issue. Use the one in the plugin post, not the one in the zip file.
05-21-2008, 03:32 PM
Yea that seemed to work I replaced the functions file and everything is working again.
Thank you
05-23-2008, 09:19 PM
I need this to work with servers with a space in the title. I saw someone hardcoded kul tiras to work on their forum, but I need it to work with several different ones. Does anyone have any clues?
I'm guessing I need to change some of the preg_replace to accept a space.
preg_match("/(.*)-(.*)/", $realm, $match); needs to be changed maybe?
05-23-2008, 09:58 PM
I need this to work with servers with a space in the title. I saw someone hardcoded kul tiras to work on their forum, but I need it to work with several different ones. Does anyone have any clues?
I'm guessing I need to change some of the preg_replace to accept a space.
preg_match("/(.*)-(.*)/", $realm, $match); needs to be changed maybe?
I've tested this on servers without spaces, with spaces, without ' with ' and all combonations, all of them work. My character is on a realm with a ' in it. several users of this mod are on realms with spaces in them.
If you are having a specific issue
I NEED THE CHARACTER NAME AND REALM YOU ARE USING. Please don't just say it doesnt work for this and that without providing me any details as to what isn't working.
The line you listed above only does anything if the value of the option has a - in it (i.e. [char=EU-Server]Character
05-23-2008, 10:27 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
realm: Silver Hand
character names: Have tried several: Nadiar, Zilandria, Derreidos
Right now everything is set at the default.
This is a great mod. The link seems to break though after editting a thread though, probably due to the WYSIWYG editor? I had this issue with the WoWHead Item Link addon, but the author seems to have fixed it somehow. Is there a way to somehow get that fix to work for this specific mod? :)
05-30-2008, 06:33 AM
This is a great mod. The link seems to break though after editting a thread though, probably due to the WYSIWYG editor? I had this issue with the WoWHead Item Link addon, but the author seems to have fixed it somehow. Is there a way to somehow get that fix to work for this specific mod? :)
Oh dang I thought I fixed that !
I've been kind of out of sorts since my monitor died and I havent been able to play wow and ive been keeping up on my windows CE device..
anyways, DHL should be giving my replacement tomorrow and i'll get that fixed along with some other issues i was working on.
06-03-2008, 10:12 PM
I followed the install instructions but I'm getting this error when I debug this myself.
its erroring on the sack(undefined) part
uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method
createAJAX() ajax.js (line 24)
sack(undefined) ajax.js (line 132)
ajax_loadContent("ajax_tooltip_content", "")ajax-dynamic-cont... (line 53)
ajax_showTooltip("", a character-sheet.xml)ajax-tooltip.js (line 82)
onmouseover(mouseover clientX=0, clientY=0)
well seems thats for IE seems to work fine, interesting...
i'll test more...
06-04-2008, 01:29 AM
This is a great mod. The link seems to break though after editting a thread though, probably due to the WYSIWYG editor? I had this issue with the WoWHead Item Link addon, but the author seems to have fixed it somehow. Is there a way to somehow get that fix to work for this specific mod? :)
Hey Swede...were you able to fix this issue? Thanks.
06-04-2008, 03:45 AM
I followed the install instructions but I'm getting this error when I debug this myself.
its erroring on the sack(undefined) part
uncaught exception: Permission denied to call method
createAJAX() ajax.js (line 24)
sack(undefined) ajax.js (line 132)
ajax_loadContent("ajax_tooltip_content", "")ajax-dynamic-cont... (line 53)
ajax_showTooltip("", a character-sheet.xml)ajax-tooltip.js (line 82)
onmouseover(mouseover clientX=0, clientY=0)
well seems thats for IE seems to work fine, interesting...
i'll test more...
it may be because you tryig to load the javascript from a different url than what's in the address bar.
I.e. v.s.
06-04-2008, 09:09 PM
Hey Swede...were you able to fix this issue? Thanks.
try the 0.4.9 i added today. if this doesnt work as intended (i wrote it really quick before i had to run off for work), uninstall and go back to the 0.4.8 version and post what went wrong (in detail please!!).
06-05-2008, 11:11 AM
try the 0.4.9 i added today. if this doesnt work as intended (i wrote it really quick before i had to run off for work), uninstall and go back to the 0.4.8 version and post what went wrong (in detail please!!).
Hi Swede. Thanks. I'll try that when I get home tonight. However, I just noticed that whenever I view someone's profile in VB 3.7, i get the following text/error at the top left of my browser:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions_wowcharcode.php on line 704
any idea how to fix that? Thanks!
06-05-2008, 11:22 AM
disable the plugin named "build block" at the member_builg_blocks_start hook.
06-05-2008, 11:28 AM
disable the plugin named "build block" at the member_builg_blocks_start hook.
thanks for the quick reply. =) looks like that did the trick. thanks.
06-05-2008, 03:31 PM
sorry for the spammage....but has anyone figured out how to make this work with servers that have two-word names (ie Emerald Dream)? Thanks!
06-06-2008, 08:59 AM
Not a problem.
However, i've written a lot of hacky code in the current incarnation of this mod and i'm feeling like to really go further with it, i need to re-write it.
in the mean time, open up the functions_wowcharcode.php file, find the line like this,
$this->SetFetchURL( "http://" . $this->locale . "" . urlencode($this->realmname) . "&n=" . urlencode($this->charname) );
add the following,
$this->realmname = str_replace("+", " ", $this->realmname);
before it.
06-06-2008, 12:39 PM
Not a problem.
However, i've written a lot of hacky code in the current incarnation of this mod and i'm feeling like to really go further with it, i need to re-write it.
in the mean time, open up the functions_wowcharcode.php file, find the line like this,
$this->SetFetchURL( "http://" . $this->locale . "" . urlencode($this->realmname) . "&n=" . urlencode($this->charname) );
add the following,
$this->realmname = str_replace("+", " ", $this->realmname);
before it.
worked like a charm. =) Thanks!
06-13-2008, 08:26 PM
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions_wowcharcode.php on line 704
this is what i am getting when i bring up the tooltip it comes up inside the tooltip and in line 714 or 717 it says the same thing. I dont know how to fix it i took a look at the code and it looks right to me but idk
also i found your problem for the wysiwyg editor problems in your wysiwyg fix plugin it is alot simpler to fix than you think.
First open up the plugin wysiwyg fix
next change the hook to bbcode_create
next select all inside code box and replace with:
if ($this->is_wysiwyg()) {
$this->unparsed_tags[] = 'char';
06-15-2008, 07:41 AM
character name and realm...
06-15-2008, 05:55 PM
it wont parse as long as it is a variation of char Also that error i spoke of i still cant fix it my character and realm is Lycomedesnw in Gilneas realm
06-15-2008, 08:32 PM
you are using the 0.4.9 version correct ?
Line 704 in the functions_wowcharcode.php file does not contain the foreach() statement, but line 717 does.
if $default isnt set on line 717, most likely classID isnt being set. Armory could be down or the XML cached is invalid (you can empty the cache in the vbulletin options).
Your other problem, i don't know what your talking about "it wont parse as long as it is a variation of char". what does that mean? character works but character doesnt?
06-15-2008, 11:22 PM
no with the [char] codes in there i was talking of my earlier post of how to fix the wyiswyg problem
06-21-2008, 04:44 AM
Since upgrading to the newest version I notice if you choose the default server nothing will show up but that server however if you leave the server blank the mouse over only shows names instead of name and server. Where can I modify this to include server and character name?
06-21-2008, 04:56 AM
The default server option doesnt work how one would think. If you enable the default server, it should override any server listed in the [char] tag.
It seems that you're expecting it to function in the manner that if you don't set the server in the [char] tag, that it would use the server set in the default option.
Which would be a good idea..
I'll correct the behavior in a day and upload a new version.
06-21-2008, 05:08 AM
Nice looks good so far, Just curious but do you do more we work on dramaloot? If so kinda curious how hard it was to setup the armorylite profile links.
06-21-2008, 05:55 AM
Ok, I'm totally confused to what you said...
anyways, look for an update tomorrow afternoon.
Installed this on my guild site and i'm getting the following errors when I click on a profile link.
Warning: vB_ProfileBlock_wowcharprofile::include_once([path]/includes/functions_wowcharcode.php) [vb-profileblock-wowcharprofile.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/member.php(463) : eval()'d code on line 29
Warning: vB_ProfileBlock_wowcharprofile::include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '[path]/includes/functions_wowcharcode.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in [path]/member.php(463) : eval()'d code on line 29
Fatal error: Call to undefined function member_block_character() in /home/decimato/public_html/sb/forums/member.php(463) : eval()'d code on line 34
I've had this installed on other sites with no issues, I'm not sure what the problem is. We are running 3.7.1 PL2
06-23-2008, 03:35 AM
go to Product & Plugin Manager -> Plugins and find the plugin named Build block ,hookd to member_build_blocks_start and disable (or delete) it.
06-23-2008, 04:04 PM
Just a thought here:
The character code no longer works? At least it doesn't for me. Examples:
Kanthathe works
Kanthathe works
Kanthathe does not, it returns the error "Something Else is wrong". Maybe you should look into your error codes.
If nothing else, you should update the initial post, as using character name alone will not work. It's also probably a good idea to find and fix whatever's causing the spacing error.
All in all, the product looks good, those errors are a bit frustrating though.
06-23-2008, 06:18 PM
did you edit your settings in the vb options putting in the default realm and all that also clear the cache and make sure all your settings are correct
06-24-2008, 04:17 PM
did you edit your settings in the vb options putting in the default realm and all that also clear the cache and make sure all your settings are correct
Yeah, no default realm was setup.
SO, I guess it's not possible to (using the wowchar_code variable) to have characters from multiple servers shown up in postbit? Or am I missing something here. Seems that only characters from the default server (if one is set) show up there.
06-24-2008, 04:40 PM
You would be correct.
Much of it was hard coded and copy-pasted from the original hack.
I have been slowly re-writing the entire thing though, it's just taking longer than i have anticipated. Much of it is due to handling the amount of information (over 130 individual stat items) returned from the's character XML file and finding an easily customizable way to display that information on a per class, or even talent spec, basis.
For what you want to do though (Multiple servers + characters per postbit) , I won't include features like that because it would be impossible to write code to support the many ways you would be able to get that information to the hook.
I would instead have methods/functions available (such as GetCharacterURL($server,$char,$locale) that you would call in your own hook with your own processing of the custom profile field.
so for example, you would have a profile field that people would enter character/realm info like
and your code in the postbit_start hook would look like
// process profile field.
$postbit_array = split("\n", $post[field6] );
foreach($postbit_array as $line)
$line_array = split("|",$line);
list($locale, $realm, $char) = $line_array;
$URL .= GetCharacterURL($char,$realm,$locale) . "\n";
// replace hook in postbit cache
$find = '$postbit_left';
$replace = $URL;
$template = $template_cache['postbit'];
$template = str_replace($find, $replace, $template);
Of course that's all pseudo code and you'll have to write it accordingly, but that's the general idea of what would need to be done.
06-26-2008, 02:53 PM
I keep getting the "something Else is wrong" error now.
I have double checked the settings.
un-installed and re-installed, and corrected settings again.
cleared the cache
I have also tried:
Tolas (tried both ways of setting default server in options, also tried leaving it blank)
I am stumped :(
06-27-2008, 07:07 PM
I found an entirely new, better, faster way to do the tooltips. Along with that, it should also help clear up some of the issues that people may have been having.
I'll also have a FAR cleaner code coming out, but the cache is that i'm going to scale back on its features / output a LOT so that I can extend it naturaly instead of having to add hack after hack to the code.
I also will be providing built in support for the character info provided from most Gryphon's mods and once again revamped error logging
I'll try to make something available for Sunday.
06-27-2008, 07:52 PM
dang you sweede! that's such a tease lol. looking forward to seeing what you've come up with.
if you come up with an easy way for us to specifiy which stats show up, i'd love you forever lol.
06-27-2008, 10:55 PM
dang you sweede! that's such a tease lol. looking forward to seeing what you've come up with.
if you come up with an easy way for us to specifiy which stats show up, i'd love you forever lol.
Thats been the problem for a long time.
See attachment ( is so awesome)
06-28-2008, 09:09 PM
LMAO DUDE YOU USED MY TOON TO TEST THATS FREAKIN SWEET LOL. I personally cannot wait for this mod to be compleated because i may include it in The PB-WoW Skin if you would allow that
07-14-2008, 12:52 AM
any status on the new mod i am really excited to see it
07-23-2008, 08:06 PM
almost all name works on our guild site ecpt server:Alleria Name:Onux for that one i get
Fatal Error: Cannot use string offset as a array
functions_wowcharcode.php on line 429
btw: i LOVE this addon!! <3 is the link to the url that has the broken name.. but we require people to log on to see the forums.. >.<
07-23-2008, 08:18 PM
hmm.. your character listed there has no professions..
give the guy 50c and tell him to pick up enchanting or something...
anyways.. a proper fix would be to change the GetProfession function at line 418 to
function GetProfession()
if (isset($this->profession) )
if ( !is_array($this->profession[0]) )
$tmpArr[] = $this->profession;
$this->profession = $tmpArr;
foreach($this->profession as $profs)
$profs['value'] = $profs['value'][0];
$prof_url = $this->get_image_location($this->icons_url . "professions/" . $profs['key'] . "-sm.gif");
$profs['name'] = $this->wowchar_phrase($profs['name'], "prof");
eval('$out .= "' . fetch_template('WoWChar_profession_data') . '";');
return $out;
} else {
return false;
07-23-2008, 08:54 PM
hmm.. your character listed there has no professions..
give the guy 50c and tell him to pick up enchanting or something...
anyways.. a proper fix would be to change the GetProfession function at line 418 to
function GetProfession()
if (isset($this->profession) )
if ( !is_array($this->profession[0]) )
$tmpArr[] = $this->profession;
$this->profession = $tmpArr;
foreach($this->profession as $profs)
$profs['value'] = $profs['value'][0];
$prof_url = $this->get_image_location($this->icons_url . "professions/" . $profs['key'] . "-sm.gif");
$profs['name'] = $this->wowchar_phrase($profs['name'], "prof");
eval('$out .= "' . fetch_template('WoWChar_profession_data') . '";');
return $out;
} else {
return false;
well, i dont get the error on 429 anymore.. but i get one on 431.. but im a noob at code so maybe i did it wrong.. maybe i should wait for the upgrade.. hehe
on a side note.. i dont know if this can be done.. but can the pop up be "smart" so that if the link is at the bottom of the page that it can pop up instead of down were you cant see it? thought i would throw it out there for a update sometime.. :)
thanks for such a quick reply! :) again <3 your mods
07-23-2008, 09:13 PM
hmm.. the quick, non-tested fix didnt work... i'll post a corrected one later tonight.
as for the smart pop-up idea, ya ive been looking for a way to get that done for such a long time , i hate it. But since i fail at javascript, i just copy paste from other sources.
07-23-2008, 09:51 PM
hmm.. the quick, non-tested fix didnt work... i'll post a corrected one later tonight.
as for the smart pop-up idea, ya ive been looking for a way to get that done for such a long time , i hate it. But since i fail at javascript, i just copy paste from other sources.
thanks!! :)
07-23-2008, 10:18 PM
a friend of mine "Anivar" came up with this fix
function GetProfession()
if (!is_string($this->profession) )
if ( !is_array($this->profession[0]) )
$tmpArr[] = $this->profession;
$this->profession = $tmpArr;
foreach($this->profession as $profs)
$profs['value'] = $profs['value'][0];
$prof_url = $this->get_image_location($this->icons_url . "professions/" . $profs['key'] . "-sm.gif");
$profs['name'] = $this->wowchar_phrase($profs['name'], "prof");
eval('$out .= "' . fetch_template('WoWChar_profession_data') . '";');
return $out;
} else {
07-24-2008, 02:17 PM
I begin give up :(
pls visit this link (
what wrong?
07-24-2008, 02:23 PM
I begin give up :(
pls visit this link (
what wrong?
You don't have cURL ( installed on your webhost.
You can try asking them if they can enable it for you, but that might not happen.
Are you using my other product, the Wowhead Item stats plugin? That doesnt use cURL and if it works, i can make an update for you (and other non-cURL users)
07-24-2008, 07:52 PM
I'm having issues, it's having troubles CHMODing the armory folder, even tho it's 777?
07-24-2008, 08:07 PM
you can try commenting out lines 257-260 ,
// echo "error chmod'ing $path";
07-25-2008, 11:29 AM
You don't have cURL ( installed on your webhost.
You can try asking them if they can enable it for you, but that might not happen.
Are you using my other product, the Wowhead Item stats plugin? That doesnt use cURL and if it works, i can make an update for you (and other non-cURL users)
I must uninstall, this mod, beacuse that blocking the memebers public profile.
I try using the wowhead_itemstats_0-5-4. (and other itemlink hacks) That dosent work :( . Block the FAQ section, and other WYSIWYG editor feature. When i uninstal this produce, all things is fixing.
Sry my bad english.
07-25-2008, 01:34 PM
you can try commenting out lines 257-260 ,
// echo "error chmod'ing $path";
Switching it to 700 worked fine. Should really state that the armory folder's permissions needs to be altered.
07-25-2008, 06:10 PM
I must uninstall, this mod, beacuse that blocking the memebers public profile.
I try using the wowhead_itemstats_0-5-4. (and other itemlink hacks) That dosent work :( . Block the FAQ section, and other WYSIWYG editor feature. When i uninstal this produce, all things is fixing.
Sry my bad english.
if you looked through the previous posts, you would have found this (on the previous page no less) , in dealing with your member profile issue.
However, since your host doesn't use cURL and you give no explanation as to why anything doesn't work, fixing the member profile issue wouldnt do you any good anyways.
08-01-2008, 04:04 PM
same question here, do i have to install this mod just on the servers supporting curl function??? cause i've got this error:
call to undefined function curl_init
some help please!!! i love this mod, thanks in advance.
08-01-2008, 05:59 PM
same question here, do i have to install this mod just on the servers supporting curl function??? cause i've got this error:
call to undefined function curl_init
some help please!!! i love this mod, thanks in advance.
If you don't have cURL, this mod won't work unless you can get your host to install cURL for your domain/server.
08-01-2008, 07:22 PM
If you don't have cURL, this mod won't work unless you can get your host to install cURL for your domain/server.
thanks for your response mate ;) i cannot install it cs my ISP doesn't want to do that... and my hosting is on windows machine :( any way to implement this in a future release???
thanks in advance for your resp ;)
08-11-2008, 11:23 PM
Does anyone have any idea why whenever i rollover it, it doesnt popup? becuase it worked fine before, and then i reinstalled my forum and now it doesnt work.
Any ideas?
08-18-2008, 03:06 PM
its me again... i know i am am helpless.. hehe
Ok, so its has been working great since i was here last time... but... i broke something since then.. and i don't know what...
when i mouse over it has a scroll bar now... >.< i dont know what i changed... and i dont know if you can help me since i dont know how i broke it.. lol
~The Noobie Girl
08-19-2008, 04:41 PM
I keep getting the "something Else is wrong" error now.
I have double checked the settings.
un-installed and re-installed, and corrected settings again.
cleared the cache
I have also tried:
Tolas (tried both ways of setting default server in options, also tried leaving it blank)
I am stumped :(
Also having the same problem. Everything works if I add a character from a realm that doesnt have a space in the name but our realm is "Twisting Nether" and we also get the something else is wrong.
sorry... pls ignore.. found the fix at post 155. Have changed the code and is now working :) many thanks
08-20-2008, 07:58 AM
Does anyone have any idea why whenever i rollover it, it doesnt popup? becuase it worked fine before, and then i reinstalled my forum and now it doesnt work.
Any ideas?
Same issue. No popup window anymore.
09-02-2008, 01:01 PM
is there any fix for the non profession bug, I found 2 fixes one doesnt work and the other cuts of half the info
check the attachments for info
09-02-2008, 07:12 PM
There is no info missing from your screenshot.
09-02-2008, 07:32 PM
Also having the same problem. Everything works if I add a character from a realm that doesnt have a space in the name but our realm is "Twisting Nether" and we also get the something else is wrong.
sorry... pls ignore.. found the fix at post 155. Have changed the code and is now working :) many thanks
This should have been fixed in the 0.4.9 update but obviously it wasnt. it's been re-uploaded as 0.4.9a
09-02-2008, 07:41 PM
I know ive been neglecting this mod a lot lately, but it's not intentional and its not because I dont want to maintain it anymore
Fixing the issues involves a slightly higher coding skill than i currently had and ive been knee deep in object coding and design to figure out how to get past the configuration problem (having character stats that are displayed to be infinitly variable) and working on getting the display tooltip to position itself correctly (which doesnt seem like it will happen actually).
Over the next month or so i'll be re-writing all of this to provide higher support for vbulletin installations and i would also like , in the event that warhammer or AoC releases some type of XML based character browser such as the wow armory, avialable for other games with little modifications.
Also, don't ask about DeathKnight support. I cannot add deathknight anything until they show up in the WoW Armory. I will try to see if i can get some info from though.
09-02-2008, 10:17 PM
Hmm... how can it be enabled in the postbit?
Everywhere in the Forum the Code work, but not in the Profile Field.
I created a new Field19 and tested it with [char]Name, but it only show this,
if i try this in a Thread it works perfect?
How could that be? Any Ideas how to enable this in the postbit
09-03-2008, 10:53 AM
Hmm... how can it be enabled in the postbit?
Everywhere in the Forum the Code work, but not in the Profile Field.
I created a new Field19 and tested it with [char]Name, but it only show this,
if i try this in a Thread it works perfect?
How could that be? Any Ideas how to enable this in the postbit
It's pretty hackish, and tbh i never really tested or updated it , but i already have a plugin that hooks the postbit_display_start ... hook, and sets up a variable that will put the armory link where ever you add the variable $wowchar_code
So where you want to add your char info in your template, simply put $wowchar_code there.
You will need to create a character profile field, 12 chars max, single line text, that is used for the character name.
For right now, you need to use the default realm option in the admin cp.
It's a pretty easy thing for me to update, i'll get something much better up in a few days.
09-03-2008, 04:28 PM
Nice, works perfect.
Another Question, is it possible to list more than 1 character with this?
09-09-2008, 10:12 AM
hi and many compliments, nice job!!!! i would like to ask you if there is any chance to have this mod for hosts without a cURL function...
thanks in advance!
09-09-2008, 10:42 AM
Nice, works perfect.
Another Question, is it possible to list more than 1 character with this?
I'm not sure what you mean.
Do you want to do a side by side comparison of two characters and their stats or do you want to have generic info, such as a char portrait, lvl race, professions, etc (and no stat info) of any and all characters listed ?
I'm sure i could do both actually..
09-22-2008, 11:46 AM
hello, i have a little problem
i don´t have a pop up,...this is only create a link, but dont a popup
sorry for my english xD i´m a german guy ^^
09-22-2008, 01:58 PM
sry for double post
here is a screen from the warning
09-22-2008, 07:32 PM
your problem is pretty apparent in your screenshot..
your host does not allow the use of fopen to open URLs.
09-23-2008, 04:07 PM
Just started getting this error today:
Worked fine a day or two ago and the php file has not been changes as far as I know. I also re-downloaded the latest version and uploaded that file again to be sure.
Same issues.
Any thoughts?
10-30-2008, 09:30 PM
Hey there, got a wee problem - I'm trying to add a link in user post bits, but for some reason I'm getting some concatenation of the character name custom field, and the previous custom field (in this case Biography). Any ideas? thanks :)
I think I might see the problem - on line 354 this is hard coded:
$wowchar_server = $post['field1'];
I changed this to reflect a custom field I defined for server and it fixed the problem, but it's a bit hacky.
The problem is that if the custom field 'field1' is already defined, it skips the if statement which would set the realm name correctly:
$wowchar_server = $vbulletin->options['wowcharcode_default_realm'];
$wowchar_use_default = true;
10-31-2008, 10:46 AM
I hate warcraft.
I play that stupid game so much i have little time to fix these issues. well, most of them i have fixed but i keep changing my vbulletin installation and losing most of my updates.
the whole postbit thing is very "hacky". it was a quick addition as sort of "proof" type thing that i never really advanced.
11-18-2008, 01:33 PM
Is there going to be an update to fix the issue with Death Knights? I get the following error wnow when I put the name of a character that is a Death Knight.
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions_wowcharcode.php on line 908
I love the mod by the way just looks like maybe it wasn't liking Death Knights for some reason. lol All my other Classes come up fine no error just the Death Knight getting the error listed above.
11-24-2008, 09:06 PM
Is there going to be an update to fix the issue with Death Knights? I get the following error wnow when I put the name of a character that is a Death Knight.
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions_wowcharcode.php on line 908
I love the mod by the way just looks like maybe it wasn't liking Death Knights for some reason. lol All my other Classes come up fine no error just the Death Knight getting the error listed above.
An Update is coming this time i swear!!
but it wont be until after thursday when i'm finished with my work week.
11-25-2008, 01:36 AM
is this a list of all the bb codes ?
what does it basically do?
and when would the non-beta, i.e., more stable product be launching?:confused:
11-25-2008, 02:32 PM
An Update is coming this time i swear!!
but it wont be until after thursday when i'm finished with my work week.
You "Rock" Thanks man... Awesome mod/hack. :)
11-25-2008, 02:34 PM
is this a list of all the bb codes ?
what does it basically do?
and when would the non-beta, i.e., more stable product be launching?:confused:
It was pretty stable until the Death Knights came into the picture. :) Other than the Death knights popping up errors like I posted earlier it has been working swimmingly for me. :)
11-28-2008, 05:46 PM
I had an update planned for today/tomorrow but with the armory changes and the achievements , i want to try to work something out to show those off also (as an option). I'm pretty sure that everything with the latest update should fix most of the errors. I am going to put out another minor update soon that change how it gets data from the armory that doesnt use curl.
There is a new display and i am working on a config panel. You will have configurable blocks that will have various options to display. you will be able to select what blocks for each class to display.
With the achievements though this could change a bit as i want to have something cool with those.
12-02-2008, 11:28 AM
I had an update planned for today/tomorrow but with the armory changes and the achievements , i want to try to work something out to show those off also (as an option). I'm pretty sure that everything with the latest update should fix most of the errors. I am going to put out another minor update soon that change how it gets data from the armory that doesnt use curl.
There is a new display and i am working on a config panel. You will have configurable blocks that will have various options to display. you will be able to select what blocks for each class to display.
With the achievements though this could change a bit as i want to have something cool with those.
Awesome can't wait to see it. :)
12-20-2008, 01:07 PM
Which xml to use ?
The one included in the zip or the external ?
12-21-2008, 12:58 PM
zip file.
the other XML is a phrase / language translation in german and not needed unless you want , german.
12-23-2008, 08:59 AM
I'm having trouble getting this to work in the latest version of Mozilla Firefox 3 and Google Chrome. The error seems to be local, here's what i'm getting...
Security Error: Content at may not load data from
Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012" nsresult: "0x805303f4 (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)" location: " Line: 87"]
12-23-2008, 10:48 AM
for your own security, browsers will not load AJAX scripts that call other websites. is different than
If you went to it would work properly.
Check your vbulletin options to make sure the URLs are correct, but that doesnt prevent people from not typing the www (or typing it). it's a shame that vbulletin doesnt do forced location redirects to ensure that your visiting the URL that is in the vbb options.
Also, this effects any ajax script, not just this one.
01-15-2009, 07:42 PM
How do you add gear to base stats? I am showing 400 def but have well over 540. I saw one other person posted this, and you posted a fix, but that did not work for me. Just errors out on the tooltip.
Here was your answer
01-20-2009, 03:19 PM
Is there any way to get it to show class coloring for the link? Obviously it can't the first time, but after it is cached, couldn't it pull the class from the cached version?
01-26-2009, 08:43 PM
Currently seems to be semi working with 3.8.0
One thing I've noticed is that level 80 character avatars don't seem to work. It just shows the standard low level avatar.
Edit: Fixed this myself, edited functions_wowcharcode where it retrieves the avatar to include a elseif statement for level 80s so it retrieves that avatar rather than the default avatar because the level is unknown.
01-31-2009, 10:33 PM
To the last 3 posters (Multiquoting seems to be broken).
I am currently working on a utility that will allow people to import their current profession recepies and skills and allow you to search it. once that is complete i will go back and fix these issues and a couple others
Mat64, Thanks for the update, i'll diff your changes and add them into the current zip.
03-21-2009, 07:29 AM
Currently seems to be semi working with 3.8.0
One thing I've noticed is that level 80 character avatars don't seem to work. It just shows the standard low level avatar.
Edit: Fixed this myself, edited functions_wowcharcode where it retrieves the avatar to include a elseif statement for level 80s so it retrieves that avatar rather than the default avatar because the level is unknown.
I tried using this and it didn't seem to of fix the lvl 80 issue. I'll mess around with it more over the next few days.
I'm also getting some odd results. I have this mod installed on two boards that are both the same version using the same style. One works flawlessly while the other works in FF and I receive a Permission Denied error in IE for line 88 character 6. I'm just getting back into code and all, going to investigate further soon. - Lame, I feel like a retard heh... My site linked to my forums without the www. Once I manually entered the www. and changed the link it worked with no issue.
04-14-2009, 08:12 AM
There's an error I believe if the character name includes accents it'll display an error on the tooltip.
I tried with Xéòn from EU-Wildhammer.
06-24-2009, 06:04 AM
Firstly, thanks for this mod - it looks great and its been very well received.
However it appears that the parsing of the talents (and consequently spec) is a little out, as we notice a number are saying different but also the talent points aren't showing beside the spec, just two /'s .
If this is something I can fix or you can look at, it'd be very much appreciated.
06-26-2009, 08:30 AM
This may sound like a stupid question but can anyone explain how this works exactly? Does it pull info straight from the WoW servers somehow or is it user input information? I'm working on getting a user input based LOTRO mod similar to this but I'd obviously rather have it automated. I'd love to know! :)
06-27-2009, 12:39 PM
It pulls the data from the xml in
Also swede baby, we are eagerly waiting an update (and hopefully one with native support for the postbit hack you gave me earlier, my users love it!)
08-10-2009, 08:49 AM
Hi there,
Installed this mod, works fine on 3.8.3 and looks great. I just have one small issue whereby the talents do not seem to be displaying correctly. The screenshot is what is currently display (Balance) but the character is actually Feral ( )
Cheers for any help you can offer.
09-05-2009, 10:05 PM
Just recently after changing themes on my Forums I am noticing an error at the top -
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/functions_wowcharcode.php on line 930
Searched around a little but can't seem to locate the resolution or figure out where the error is coming from. This is only happening on profile pages for users and it's VB 3.8.1
09-17-2009, 12:11 PM
^ same here actually.
05-15-2010, 02:26 AM
Has anyone been able to fix the above error, or get it working on VB v4?
06-10-2010, 01:43 PM
Any chance that this will ever be updated to work with (at least) 3.8 without the current issues?
Thanks in advance! :D
09-30-2010, 06:48 PM
I would like to see this working correctly for Vbulletin 4.x if anyone could modify it or share it with me would appreciate it!
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