View Full Version : WoWps.org Forums - What do you think..?

02-01-2008, 11:31 AM
hey guys...

i have been quietly moding my version of vbulletin..
and im very impressed at everything that i've seen...
a great community to support moding and skining..


here is my little forum... let me know what you think..


02-01-2008, 11:40 AM
All pages took a while to load...

the popunder ad was pretty annoying i must say.

And the right column doesnt appear to align to anything, it seems to just be floating over there outta whack with everything else.

I'm not 100% sure, but you maybe able to cram more stuff down in your footer if you really tried. I noticed alot of empty spots down that way...

02-01-2008, 04:58 PM
Won't load for me.

02-01-2008, 05:04 PM
Won't load for me.

Me too. Connexion failed.

02-16-2008, 07:51 PM
hmm.. when often have ddos attacks on our forums...
from rival dev groups...
and i have designed a new theme for our 1st birthday..
hopefully it should load fine...

02-17-2008, 11:05 PM
Takes pretty long for the page to load and I get a Syntax Error at the bottom of the page. I am using IE7. Using 1024x768 resolution and I have to scroll to the right and left your table goes to far. Try settings your table width to 100%. Otherwise everything looks awesome keep up the good work :)

02-18-2008, 12:50 AM
Skin looks very Blizzardesque, so nice work on that. But in my opinion you have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many subforums right now.

02-19-2008, 05:08 AM
lol.. subforums make it alot easier to manage all the content...
im pre-empting everything...
and we are really active.. as we move threads as soon as they are not needed...
hence all the sub forums.. and they help alot for google searching too.. ;)

also i noticed with our new theme...
when u use IE.. the animations dont work properly..
[tho i may be my version of IE]..

02-20-2008, 12:17 AM
I've run three forums to the 2M+ post mark, and my latest is almost at 1M. IMO, separating all your posts with a billion subforums from the get-go is a really bad idea. Until you break the ~300k post mark, your site will always look like it's not very busy. That's probably why you have 10,000 members and only a 2:1 post:member ratio. I have 840k more posts than you do, and you have more subforums in your "other" section than I do on my entire site.

They also won't do much for SEO, because SEO ranking is based off of unique, single content. Having 50 subforums with similar names is not in any way better than 10 forums with solid, clear, spiderable descriptions. If anything, you'll get penalized by google for duplicate keywords.

You also have a banner sitting NEXT to a single line link unit in your header, which doesn't format well at all for wide resolutions. Put it in a fixed width table cell and span adjacent cells to your borders, that way it's always under it. (at 1900x1200, they're side by side).

And yeah, that popup ad is obnoxious. I've no idea what it is because my browser caught it, but popups = bad.

I don't mean to be all negative, because the skin itself is very well done, I just don't like (the stuff above) at all.

10-13-2008, 07:18 AM
hey everyone...

its been a while...
and i have updated my forums with a portal page to intermediate between the forums...
as to remove alot of the extras from the forum home page..

i was interested in a few opinions from here as everyone always knows there stuff...

anywho, visit http://wowps.org/forum/ and check it out, let me know what u think.. ;)

Regards, DJRavine...

10-24-2008, 06:31 AM
Nice forum. :)

I do not like the colors. There dull and boring. :erm: Maybe a Frozen or Orc theme woudl be more suitable. :cool:

10-25-2008, 10:04 AM
I think you have way too many stuff in your forum index. I feel lost

10-27-2008, 02:32 AM
If you want i can do a design edit of the logos on my PBWoW skin for your site so it will instead of looking so blizzlike it will have your logo for the main header logo catch me on msn at tuaguild@hotmail.com