View Full Version : SEO search

01-26-2008, 12:19 PM
Could you please allow searching for "seo" on vbulletin.org.
That would be great.

01-26-2008, 12:21 PM
3 letters words are too small for researches... this is not related to the word itself...

it takes 4 letters to make a word searchable here...

this will not be permitted then... maybe they need to add this detail to the alert when there is no result...

01-27-2008, 01:23 AM
This has been covered before.


01-27-2008, 06:48 PM
/me would like to see a SEO/Advertising discussion forum.

01-27-2008, 09:26 PM
* Chris-777 would like to see a SEO/Advertising discussion forum.

There are already countless communities that offer that discussion - no need for it to be a forum here.

Dean C
01-28-2008, 05:25 AM
There are already communities that offer "Programming Discussion" Danny, but because it's a popular subject to discuss you branched it off into its own sub forum. I agree that SEO/advertising is a popular enough subject to create a new forum for :)

01-28-2008, 02:51 PM
There are already communities that offer "Programming Discussion" Danny, but because it's a popular subject to discuss you branched it off into its own sub forum. I agree that SEO/advertising is a popular enough subject to create a new forum for :)

Of course we would have a programming discussion forum for a community involved with programming modifications for vBulletin. (I would have included Big Board Discussions in your argument, if any, but I really don't think that fits here either.)

Nonetheless, I still see no reason to create an SEO forum. Perhaps I am being myopic , but all I see is "Which should I use? X SEO, Y SEO, or Z SEO modification?" discussion being created...which already can exist within other forums.

01-28-2008, 05:31 PM
The same could be said for the hosting forum as well, then.

--------------- Added 1201548763 at 1201548763 ---------------

There are already communities that offer "Programming Discussion" Danny, but because it's a popular subject to discuss you branched it off into its own sub forum. I agree that SEO/advertising is a popular enough subject to create a new forum for :)

^ Or basically, what he said. I'd wager 95% or better of the members of this site are interested in both of those things.

Dean C
01-28-2008, 05:37 PM
I have yet to see an SEO mod that can build content or offer intelligent advice on how to link build, which is what the core of an SEO forum would be. Also the suggestion was for it to be an SEO & Advertising forum. Advertising revenue and strategy is a big part of any successful forum.

01-28-2008, 05:46 PM
A SEO & Advertising forum could be interesting. While I'm at that, a Movie forum could be interesting too, why not. To build a sense of community that I think this forum lacks, it's all "let me get that mod and go away" feel.

01-28-2008, 06:41 PM
SEO like Advertising is not a single way related to forum content... even if you say the opposite. vBulletin is at first a forum, with some added solutions to suite clients requests...

all of the forums i've seen open lately regarding ads and adsense and seo are closed now, because there is nothing to say (ask Floris, with his own site)... you put ads to your site, you install seo, and tada... what is to be discussed there?!... everybody have a different way to see ads placement, or seo usages... and it was proven even by google that seo is completely useless on private boards and off-topic forums. so what would you say to half the clients of Jelsoft about the content of their site?!... vbSEO team is already trying to build a content regarding seo, and the only thing they can grab is clients testimonials... 50% were opening boards, they could not even compare what was the change before seo installation because they were not having a site to do so...

if you think the subject worth opening a forum, why aren't you starting one ?!

01-28-2008, 06:44 PM
It's an added value subject, not worth a full forum imo.

01-28-2008, 06:47 PM
It's an added value subject, not worth a full forum imo.
i think that the way SEO is used actually, it is not that much of a value... or why the only SEO solutions released for vBulletin are all dead ?!... vbSEO may be good, but it is not free, so it have no place here... even Dean's solution is not free, that's why he is not releasing his stuff here... SEO is not a complicated thing, and i don't think you need a complete forum to talk about it... it's only a way to write urls and add meta data to the html... no philosophy, no technique...

i'm waiting for a free seo solution for vb.. the only reason they are not free is the mean of it... you MAY have profits by adding SEO... MAY is large, because there is no proof it would... even Wordpress with a very efficient SEO engine is free...

Dean C
01-28-2008, 07:05 PM
With all due respect nex, it's clear you know nothing about SEO. It's not a simple subject, the people who really know what they are doing are sought after and earn a very high wage :) It's not just a matter of "installing SEO", as you incorrectly put it. It's not just about a solution such as my own product or vBSEO, it's a hell of a lot more than that. There are basics to SEO that anyone can read up upon, but it's all about building content and clever ways of getting people to link to your content.

01-28-2008, 07:11 PM
that's what i say Dean, this is about SEO, not a forum...

and i know it's not about my own knowledge of SEO, i know nothing about it because my main goal is to provide support for a forum my clients use... the ones interested in SEO are browsing forums or services related to SEO, not vb.org!

Dean C
01-28-2008, 07:15 PM
But optimizing forums for search engines is a whole niche in itself. And as has been repeatedly stated, the suggestion was not just an SEO forum but a combined SEO/Advertising forum. Both tie in together.

01-28-2008, 07:22 PM
But optimizing forums for search engines is a whole niche in itself

Exactly. A niche that is not related to vBulletin.org niche. Any arguments stating that we already have forums that extend beyond our niche is really not a valid point, because statistical they are least active forums and will always remain that way...because they are outside our community's niche.

That is why, personally, I am against these forums. If you want to discuss SEO, Advertising, and other aspects of capitalizing your community - there are a handful of other communities that host this discussion.

I already gave my opinion on the matter, and I can't see it happening.

Dean C
01-28-2008, 07:35 PM
How about asking the members for once :)? Maybe a poll in general chat or something?

01-28-2008, 07:37 PM
Ask members for a movies forum too!

YAY for democracy!

01-28-2008, 07:38 PM
Dean really want his point made.. lol

this thread like the ton of other threads requesting SEO were actually POLLS with no answers from members... when people read these discussions and want to have the part of it, they reply... this is not the fact here... nobody really care.

you have the result of your poll already.

--------------- Added 1201556393 at 1201556393 ---------------

Ask members for a movies forum too!

check the Community Lounge, we have at least 3 film reviews in the last month... movies have a better place than seo in here... woops

Paul M
01-29-2008, 07:48 AM
There isn't going to be a dedicated SEO forum. That's our decision, time to move on.