View Full Version : Battle-Lands.com

01-26-2008, 04:47 AM

Multi-Game Community

I have seen many sites that offer like 1-2 different games on there site and call it a community, I have decided to create one that would cover alot more.

This is not a Clan site even though I am in a Clan and a couple of fellow Clan members are helping me run it, others from other Clans are welcome to give there help and hold high rank positions within the community.

I do not currently have a custom header for the site, using the default that is part of the skin till I can come up with one I like.

I am Xanlamin from Battle-Lands.com

Please give me feedback on what you like/dislike, what you would change or tweak.

Thank you in advance.

01-26-2008, 07:45 AM
You're not the standard blue and white or black, so that's points for originality. I like the brown, actually. Some colors are way overdone. I like that your home page looks busy. Some people like spacious uncluttered websites, but I like the websites that are chock full of content. Everywhere you look on the screen there's something to read.

If I could change anything, it'd be to add more graphics. I like websites with lots of cool graphics all over the place. I have good cable internet and a fairly new computer monitor, so I like sites that give me my eye candy.

01-27-2008, 11:07 AM
TY, as I get more members/clans to the site the graphics will pick up. Also since I don't have a header yet one will help as well.