View Full Version : Creating dropdowns using images/single cell?

01-20-2008, 02:39 PM
Edited for the new question. I've got images for navigation working, and I've got the dropdowns working as I'd like them, but for some reason the javascript down-arrow wants to be under the image, instead of in line with it.


I've gone with tables, and tried setting width="xxx" in them, but the thing still doesn't want to just stay in line with the image.

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I ended up removing the dropdown image altogether. For those of you also trying to get this, or find it through a search, change the JS call to this:

<script type="text/javascript">vbmenu_register("menuname", true);</script>

01-21-2008, 01:15 AM
In your nav images, did you define a width setting? If yes, you're forcing the dropdown image below your nav images. To overcome it wrap a <div> tag around the nav image and Javascript code. If no, then I'll need to see an example of your code.

01-21-2008, 01:09 PM
Yeah, I had a width defined for the images, and the cell, but neither did the trick. It's working now though. :)

01-21-2008, 01:30 PM
Hmm...OK. :D

01-21-2008, 02:33 PM
You can also just comment this line:

// this.controlobj.appendChild(img);

Out of vbulletin_menu.js, and it gets rid of the image completely. Which looks oodles neater, if you ask me. I always hated that thing anyway. :D
