01-20-2008, 11:14 AM
Alright, I've had really enough of this already. Just why the hell are you vB.org staffers against me for? I've noticed that a few months back and I'm still not sure why exactly. Every time whenever I do something tiny or huge on the forums, I get an infraction from something which is really stupid and has nothing to do with me. And right now, I am completely banned from the forums due to saying "Go die already!". I mean, come on? What the hell? You guys sound like Nazi admins, to be honest. And who cares about PMs anyway? Look, I know you're a friend of him even more than me, but that doesn't mean I deserve a permanent ban. I've been on vBulletin.org for many years and I'm not letting it go away from me for just calling someone in a PM "Go die already!". If he's looking for an apology, then I'm off or it but most importantly, I'd like to get unbanned from here, pretty please.
PS: Sorry about the duplicate account, just couldn't find a better way to do this.
- Snake
PS: Sorry about the duplicate account, just couldn't find a better way to do this.
- Snake