View Full Version : Paranormal Forum

01-15-2008, 11:06 PM
I would like feedback on my new Paranormal Forum called http://www.ParanormalVibe.com

Modifications, Hacks, Whatever else should be added that could improve it, please let me know.

Also if you are interested in link exchanges let me know :)

01-16-2008, 01:58 AM
scares me


ChU v2
01-16-2008, 02:50 AM
Not a bad idea, content looks good. The skin fits, although why is the forum positioned to the right?

01-16-2008, 05:42 PM
yeah i'm trying to fix the forum position

01-17-2008, 01:40 AM
Nice clean style, the green compliments the dark environment nicely. One thing I will say is change the post Icons, As you can see there is white matting surrounding the edging and this looks visually terrible especially on dark styles. I would recommend that either you change the vbulletin stock icons and alter them so that they compliment your background colour or go with something custom.

I'm sure Princeton released a dark matted set of post icons in the vb.org Image database so it might be beneficial in taking a look.

Nice work and goodluck with your forum. :up:

01-17-2008, 02:28 AM
I really like it, clean and organized forum. The skin really flows with your subject.

Just a suggestion though, try to remove unneeded links in your 'Site Navigation.'

If I were you, I would remove the crossed off links in the picture below since you already have those links in nav bar or else where around the forum.


Good Luck!

01-17-2008, 07:35 AM
Actually, that's a good genre for a forum. :)

01-17-2008, 01:09 PM
Nice clean style, the green compliments the dark environment nicely. One thing I will say is change the post Icons, As you can see there is white matting surrounding the edging and this looks visually terrible especially on dark styles. I would recommend that either you change the vbulletin stock icons and alter them so that they compliment your background colour or go with something custom.

I'm sure Princeton released a dark matted set of post icons in the vb.org Image database so it might be beneficial in taking a look.

Nice work and goodluck with your forum. :up:

I can't seem to find post icons... Could you point me in the right direction?

Also can someone please help me out with my alignment just on my thread pages? I can't figure out what the problem is. My email is paranormalvibe@gmail.com or hit me up on AIM. I will try and compensate you in some small way for helping me.

01-17-2008, 03:10 PM
I've released some post Icons I'm sure in the vb.org database under misc. If I haven't I know I released a dark matted set at my forum but check vb.org first.

01-17-2008, 06:13 PM
Is there anyone here that could fix the alignment issues i'm having. I've been looking for hours and I can't figure it out!!! I will post a link on my website to your forum for compensation or pay you like $10.

01-17-2008, 08:48 PM
The class .side_borders is causing the misalignment. The code is:

/* ***** side borders ***** */
.side_borders {
width: 762px;
border-left: 2px solid #0e0e0f;
border-right: 2px solid #0e0e0f;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

<div class="side_borders">

Remove the opening and closing <div> tags and your site will be centered. :)

01-18-2008, 03:59 AM
That didn't work... I'm willing to let someone go into the admin panel and fix this for me and like i said I will pay you. Its really driving me nutts.

01-18-2008, 04:38 AM
Hmm. I don't recommend that you offer just anyone access to your Admin CP. Before you consider...

What exactly did you edit out?

01-18-2008, 07:22 PM
In side_borders you are setting a width of 762 and declaring auto margins left and right:

/* ***** side borders ***** */
.side_borders {
width: 762px;
border-left: 2px solid #0e0e0f;
border-right: 2px solid #0e0e0f;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
}Yet, your forum width is set at 900. The side_borders is overriding the margins using 762 for a width. Make the width in side_borders 900 too and it should correct itself.

01-18-2008, 10:35 PM
The site looks really nice.

01-19-2008, 11:31 AM
looks good...i would just get rid of the horizontal scroll.

01-19-2008, 07:54 PM
Thanks fixed it!

What horozontal scroll are you talking about?

01-19-2008, 08:12 PM
I'm glad that you got it fixed. :)

SgtTechHead's fix was better because it left the borders intact. My fix does work because it eliminated the class "side_borders"...The only downside is it's without the borders.

01-19-2008, 08:44 PM
OK now that I have all this done, anyone have any suggestions on how a broke guy like me can get members now without paying $$$ in advertising?