View Full Version : Help Splitting a Batabase

01-09-2008, 07:30 AM

Im in the process of moving server, I am getting a problem trying to import my database to my new server. I have to up the data in 5meg segments but have no idea how to split the data, is there a program that you can use to do it?

I only have apache / mysql / php installed on my pc, There is a program that splits it for you but you have to have Microsoft SQL Server installed and it doesnt seem to conect to mysql, or its my inability to get it working lol.

Any help will be appreciated :)

Marco van Herwaarden
01-09-2008, 07:33 AM
The only reliable method of backing up and restoring a database is with shell access via telnet or ssh. This is because backing up with a PHP script like that in the Admin CP or phpMyAdmin can result in PHP timeouts errors and an incomplete backup file. Please see the instructions here:



P.S. If you don't have shell access, some people have also reported success with these scripts:




01-09-2008, 08:27 AM
Install mysqldumper on old server
backup and download database to your computer.
Install mysqldumper on new server
Ftp database to new server.
Restore using mysqldumper.

01-09-2008, 09:44 AM
Install mysqldumper on old server
backup and download database to your computer.
Install mysqldumper on new server
Ftp database to new server.
Restore using mysqldumper.

Thanks for the info, is there a setting in mysqldumper to set the backup file size? i want to save it in 5meg sections

01-09-2008, 10:01 AM
I think there is,but you can also Backup and Restore One table at time.

Is 5mb your php upload limit ?

01-09-2008, 10:51 AM
the 5 meg is my host limit, i can upload large files using bigdump.php but i keep getting an error and have been advised to upload it in 5meg sections. I have got all the tables up now apart from the attachments table which is quite large. is there away of taking the attachments out before the back up then reinstate them?

01-09-2008, 11:22 AM
That limit does not apply to FTP upload,you can upload database through FTP and restore it from there,

If its just the attachment table problem,then you can move all attachments from database to file system,

here is the manual to that


01-09-2008, 11:29 AM
Hi i just came across that when viewing my attachments thanks for your help, the smaller database should import ok now and i can just ftp the home dir with attachments included, well i hope thats how it will work.

Thanks for your help guys