View Full Version : vbPortal yields  character when quoting

05-13-2001, 07:41 PM
Pulling posts from the database into the front page in a "last 10 posts" type function called "Active Topics" on my thelawforums.com forums. For some strange reason I'm getting square characters when the post begins with a quote. Doesn't show up in the forum but it does show up on the front page in teh vbPortal area. Can anyone explain this? Here is what it looks like:

General - Labor & Employment
Topic: Depression
Started By:CheerJK Last Post By: jody

posted by CheerJK [/B]
I was just wondering if anyone can tell me something about collecting compensation if you are unable to work due ...;

Thanks... almost perfect. :)

05-15-2001, 01:34 AM
OK - I have isolated the problem. It's choking on the quote+ bold identifiers for some reason. I post only [QUOTE] or [B] and it works fine. Put the two together such as [QUOTE][B] and you get the character.


Wayne Luke
05-15-2001, 04:43 PM
You would most likely get better support for this hack by visiting its homepage or emailing the author directly.

05-15-2001, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by wluke
You would most likely get better support for this hack by visiting its homepage or emailing the author directly.
We're stumped. Don't know if other hackers encountered the same problem and hoped that someone would have seen something like this before that would trigger someone's memory. The hack is vbPortal, phpportals.com. Great hack.

Thanks for the suggestion tho....