View Full Version : Major Additions - vbClubs by Mary

12-21-2007, 10:00 PM
Today Dec 27th, 2007
MicroHellas has been acquirent
by a team of vB coders
so all MicroHellas's Modules
are temporary removed as per new owner's request.


Please DO NOT INSTALL this version in live sites.
All known bugs have been fixed
but maybe there are security holes in the code.

Demo at: http://www.madebymary.com/demoarea/vbclubsindex.php

- Known Bugs:

Not all phrases have moved to phrase groups
Templates are still uncached- New in version 1.4.0:

Every club can has its own templates
Subcategory support added for clubs- How it works

There are 3 ways that vbClubs can work in your community. Trying to explain with simple words what are Clubs, I can say that they're small communities inside your community. So, the 3 ways are:

Admin decides to be the only one who can create clubs. In this case he setup categories/subcategories and then he creates clubs. Members are visiting the clubs and if they find them interest they're registering as members.
Same as above but except admin other usergroups can create clubs.
Everybody can create clubsPlease note that every section of the module needs an active club to be assign to it. eg Members (if they've permissions to do it) they can post blogs, articles etc only to clubs that they've registered before.

- User Highlights

He can build one or more fun clubs, setting them as Public (everybody can participate) or Private (registration requests need his approval)
He can setup his own questions per club, which are used as registration form to members who want to participate
Each of his clubs has it's own forum for discussion with the other members of his club. On these forums he has full Moderator rights to "clean up" unwanted posts.
No need to turn off the whole club or whole photo gallery if he wants to hide a photo. Every single part of the club (photo, video, blog etc) can be turn off.
He can not only upload videoclips, but he can add his ready YouTUBE, Yahoo etc code.
There is no need to mark his full club or gallery as "Adult" if he just wants to upload a sexy photo. He can mark only the specific photo as "Adult".
He can not only post an Ad in classifieds section to sell something, but he can sell it in real as he can accept payments with PayPal (IPN istant notification is also available).
He can not only post an event, but he can accept registrations and payments for the registrations, using his PayPal account (IPN istant notification is also available).
He can not only post his blogs, but he can index them by setting categories.- Admin Highlights (or how to get profits)

By having 3 choices per module (eg can create clubs, how many clubs, unlimited clubs yes/no), he can setup an unlimited number of usergroups setting them free or paid.
In every category of classifieds he can setup a fix amount that users must pay to post an Ad there. Using PayPal's IPN the Ad becomes active and visible only after a successfull payment.
Even if your site is a free one, you can earn morey by turning Donations on.
Google AdSense (and any type of Banner) ready. 11 different banners at the top of each part (Clubs, Blogs, Photos etc), plus a nearly unlimited number of banner places at the bottom of page, as you can add different advertising code per category. That's great if you someone wants to become sponsor of a specific category in a specific part of your site.
vbClubs is vbSeo friendly- Minors' (and Visitors') Protection

Unlike other scripts which don't take care to protect minors and visitors from unmonitoring posts (photos ot text), vbClubs has a build-in filter to show only posts marked as "non Adult" content. This switcher is avaliable in all pages and by default it's turn on (filtering on). So, it's up to your visitors to turn it off if they want to see all the content. Much more, to avoid repeating actions any time that he/she is visiting your site, this setting is storing in cookie. Also if a Member wants to participate in a Club that has adult content, he is getting a warning message about it and he must click "I Agree" to continue the registration procedure.

- Member Clubs

Clubs are the heart of vbClubs. Any single item from Blogs, For Sale, Galleries, Videos, Events and e-Cards belong to a Club. Depending on user's decision a Club can be Public (viewable from all Members) or Private where Members who want to participate to this club must register answering the questions that the club's owner maybe has setup and then await the authorization from the owner to be able to enter and use it. Also Club's owner must categorize his club as Adult or non Adult. Finally the owner has the ability to temporary hide his club or any sibgle part of it.

A great feature is that the owner can setup unlimited questions for his registration form using radio buttons, checkboxes, droplists, multiselect list, text and textarea. This way he can get usefull information for his decision to accept the member or not.
Each club has it's own forum where he has full Moderator rights. This is good to avoid spam posts or any post not interesting for others. Common features like Rating, Bookmarking etc are also available.

- Blogs & Articles

Blogs section has nothing special but for sure nothing less that all other blogging mods. It's special point is that the owner, can setup his own categories and so to categorize his blogs. Also it supports outgoing RSS feeds for all blogs.

- For Sale (Classifieds)

Another common(??) section in Social Networking scripts? But if you check it you'll see that is not just a classifieds section. It's a real mini-cart. Members can post Ads for sale, setup the price and their PayPal address so they can accept real time payments thanks to PayPals IPN system. Need more deep features? They can setup different PayPal address for each item for sale. And if Admin setups a category "Donations" for free post of Ads, then they can accept even donations from their Club's members. Members can rate and bookmark items for sale.

- Meet Me (Dating like)

This is a clone of the well known MeetMe (http://meetme.hotornot.com/). It's a funny Dating like module (A real Dating module with powerfull features will be realize soon). The way that it works is: Jack is seeing Mary's photo and he likes her. Then he clikcs on "Meet Me". Mary gets a message that Jack likes her and she is seeing Jack's photo. If she likes him then she accepts the invatiation and a double mach has done. From now and then they can communicate with no restrictions.

- Photos & Videos

Members can upload their fun/home Photos & Videos and put them to various categories
Members can input external embed tags (such as YouTube, Yahoo! Videos)
Members can organize their photos in Albums (Galleries)
Other members can view Photos & Videos, vote for them and leave comments
Ability to search for Photo & Video files
Ability to browse Photos & Videos by category- Events

With features that I didn't even found in expensive Calendar scripts, this section will become very popular in your community. Depending on his permissions, every member can cost events, accept registrations and ..payments for participation!! Yes, that's right. If the member has a Premium or Business account with PayPal, can accept online payments. PayPal's Instant Payment Notification auto adds the participant on the list after a successfull payment.

- e-Cards

Ability to send eCards immediately or on date.
Membrs can personalize the cards by uploading their own photos.
Members can personalize the cards by using special fonts, colors using vbEditor.
Receiver gets the full card in the email and not a link which nobody clicks.
Other Members can vote on cards and leave comments for them.
Members can choose the right card by browsing them by category.- Donations (More than a simple Thank You)

To get donations especially for a website is something very difficult. Do you know why? Because none webmaster gives attention to show donors in public. Just a "Thank you" email is not enought if you want to get donations from your members. Everybody wants a special care in exchange for his donation. The Donation section (in case that you'll activate it) will helps you by giving a special place for your donors with many features like top donors, most active donors etc.

- User Control Panel

A well designed place full of power. Anything that a member wants to do is there. Create anything, editing anything. Following up his sales & event registrations. Adding, removing bookmarks. Reading latest post of Club's forums that he has subscribte. Making a donation, or checking his permissions for what he can do and what not in the community. In addition, most common vB's control panel actions are there. For example, changing his profile or signature, adding photo or avatar. You must see it and you'll love it.

*** Installation ***

Step 1

Unzip vbclubs.zip and upload all files and directories including at vbulletin directory to the directory where vBulletin is installed.

Step 2

CMOD following directories to 777

photos (inside vbclubs directory)
videos (inside vbclubs directory)
tmp (inside vbclubs directory/photos)
thumbs (inside vbclubs directory/photos)Step 3

For security reasons backup your database AND turn your board off

Step 4

Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.

Step 5

From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product_vbclubs.xml

Step 6

If you want to add a link to your nav bar then you must edit the NAVBAR template:

Search For:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
Add Below:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="vbclubsindex.php$session[sessionurl_q]">MySpace</a></td>
....or use any other word you want

Step 7

By default none usergroup has permissions to use vbClubs, so you need to give permissions to any group. Goto AdminCP->Usergroups->Usergroup Manager and edit any usergroup you like to give permissions.

Step 8

Still in your admincp select Scheduled Tasks/Add New Scheduled task. Fill in:

Varname = sendcards
Title = Send eCards
Minute (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
Script path = ./mysocialspaceecardssender.php
and press Save.Step 9
If you've installed vbSEO, Login into vbSEO Control Panel, click "Custom Rewrite Rules", insert rewrite rules (vbseorules.txt) and save settings.

*** Copyright ***

The script cannot be redistributed, reproduced, or published in any way. Modifying this
script and sharing or publishing your modification A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E (including here)without the author's written permission is not allowed, but you can modify it as you want but just for your own use.

In addition to above restrictions you can't develop and share addons for 3nd party scripts (eg for vBadvanced).

And of course copyright removal is not permited.

12-22-2007, 02:38 PM
Thanks but no thanks! Will wait for final 3.7 and follow-on of 4.

12-22-2007, 02:54 PM
Thanks but no thanks! Will wait for final 3.7 and follow-on of 4.

Nothing in common with the club features of ver 3.7, except if you want just to organize teams. In this case it's ok. But if you want to give real power to your members then the new version can't helps you. They don't have even 5% of the features of my mod.

12-22-2007, 03:05 PM
Great Mod, Thank You For Sharing It, MicroHellas!! :up:

I currently Have one Mod for Groups, one Mod for Classifieds, and one Mod for Blogs, but I'll try this Mod in My Test Forum to compare it with the ones I have!! :up:

I Hope You Can Release Soon a Non Beta Version With All Necessary Security Safeties!! :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


12-22-2007, 03:27 PM
I Hope You Can Release Soon a Non Beta Version With All Necessary Security Safeties!! :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


None software can be 100% secure. That's why even when I should have fixed them all, I'll never remove this warning for security holes. What I've to say, is that, currently there are more than 2,000+ installations of my different mods. Nobody has reported that his site hacked. And do you know something? This is not because my code was perfect. Just nobody wanted to hack their site. In my opinion, if someone has focused his attention to hack your site, nothing can prevent him to do it even if you're using the most secure and expensive mods.

12-22-2007, 03:27 PM
Why another calendar when vb already has as many as you want? Would have been simpler just to alter one vb calendar

12-22-2007, 03:31 PM
Why another calendar when vb already has as many as you want? Would have been simpler just to alter one vb calendar

I don't like to alert vbcode.

12-22-2007, 03:45 PM

12-22-2007, 04:03 PM
None software can be 100% secure. That's why even when I should have fixed them all, I'll never remove this warning for security holes. What I've to say, is that, currently there are more than 2,000+ installations of my different mods. Nobody can reported that his site hacked. And do you know something? This is not because my code was perfect. Just nobody wanted to hack their site. In my opinion, if someone has focused his attention to hack your site, nothing can prevent him to do it even if you're using the most secure and expensive mods.

Great!! I'll Try it only providing Permissions for Admins, and then only to Usergroups reserved for Safe Users to the Community!! ;)

I've Testng it on My Test Forum and Is a Great MOD!! :up::up::up:

Have Great Functionalities and Visually is Looks Good and is Easy To Use!! :up::up::up:

Thank You Very Much Again, I'll Use This Mod!! ;) :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


12-22-2007, 04:34 PM
Is Very Creative the Way the Mod Creates Forums and Sub-Forums as Categories!! :up:


12-22-2007, 05:10 PM
Perhaps a Little Bug!! :( :confused:

When Adding a Photo, the Thumbnail File Is Created With 0Kb and is Empty at "http://zzz_forum_path/vbclubs/photos/thumbs/zzz_thumbnail.gif"

Is there any Option I should Set at vBulltin Options for the Thumbnails to be Successfully Created?? :confused: :rolleyes:

I'll Keep Using the Functionalities of this Mod, Until Now I Like It a Lot!! ;) :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


12-22-2007, 05:25 PM
....i want to use this.. but after hear you said the security might have a hole...

12-22-2007, 06:17 PM
Guess I'll have to wait until the security issue has been resolved.

Thanks for the release anyway!

12-22-2007, 06:20 PM
really looks like a cool mod, I'll have to try it out!

12-22-2007, 07:10 PM
great looking mod mary, but i thought you werent going to release anything here any longer since the staff keeps dumpiong your mods...

i hope they let this one stay up. i dont think im going to install this one, but great work.

12-22-2007, 08:21 PM
Great! Thanks Mary! ;)

12-22-2007, 09:34 PM
Thank you Mary! I had the old "MySocialSpace" installed - is it easy to upgrade to this?

12-23-2007, 12:49 AM
very nice .... thanks a lot and its working nice.

12-23-2007, 01:11 AM
everytime i load your club... and give myself permissions.. certain modules dont work... is this by design... to get me "tweaking" for more..?

12-23-2007, 02:08 AM
while trying to add a new club i got this error

Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0 Beta 3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, name FROM vbclubs_subcategories

WHERE categoryid= ORDER BY displayorder;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY displayorder' at line 3
Error Number : 1064
Date : Wednesday, December 26th 2007 @ 07:35:11 AM
Script : http://www.jerusalemgts.com/gti/vbclubs-do_createclub.html
Referrer : http://www.jerusalemgts.com/gti/vbclubs.html
IP Address : ********
Username : *******
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45-community

12-23-2007, 02:49 AM
while trying to add a new club i got this error

I Got The Same Error!! ;)

You Need To Create at least One (1) Category For The Clubs on the Admin Control Panel!! :up:

One Little Bug For Mary To Correct!! :p :confused:

My Best Regards!! :up:


12-23-2007, 02:51 AM
One Bug, Mary!! :( :confused:

When Trying to Bump a Thread, this Hack Interferes with the following Address:


So I Guess that the Hack Interferes somehow with the forumdisplay.php Functionality, because I Get a NON Permission Error!! :( :confused:

When Disabling the Mod, that Address Works Fine!! :rolleyes:

I Hope You Can Fix That Bug!! ;)

My Best Regards!! ;)


12-23-2007, 03:42 AM
Perhaps a Little Bug!! :( :confused:

When Adding a Photo, the Thumbnail File Is Created With 0Kb and is Empty at "http://zzz_forum_path/vbclubs/photos/thumbs/zzz_thumbnail.gif"

Is there any Option I should Set at vBulltin Options for the Thumbnails to be Successfully Created?? :confused: :rolleyes:

I'll Keep Using the Functionalities of this Mod, Until Now I Like It a Lot!! ;) :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


Do you've cmod 777 the directory photos/thumbs/ ?
Even if the most possible reason is that you've a server down at that time. For sure works. The mod is in use for 3 months now and nobody has reported something like this. You can check also my demo.
Also, can you tell me what permissions has the file? Any uploaded file must has 644

12-23-2007, 03:49 AM
Thank you Mary! I had the old "MySocialSpace" installed - is it easy to upgrade to this?

Hello Elenna,

If you've valuable data, and you want to transfer them, then contact me to help you transfering this data. Otherwise is better to make a new install. There is no any confusion in names so both installation can work simultaneus.

Happy Holidays

12-23-2007, 03:50 AM
I Got The Same Error!! ;)

You Need To Create at least One (1) Category For The Clubs on the Admin Control Panel!! :up:

One Little Bug For Mary To Correct!! :p :confused:

My Best Regards!! :up:


ehhhhh:rolleyes: It's not a bug. Without even one category, or without at least one club nothing is working.;)

12-23-2007, 03:53 AM
while trying to add a new club i got this error
The message is clear: categoryid=
There is no category number, so you've to create categories

12-23-2007, 03:55 AM
everytime i load your club... and give myself permissions.. certain modules dont work... is this by design... to get me "tweaking" for more..?

Have you checked in admincp->vbClubs Options that modules are active? There are switches to turn On/Off any module.
By saying "to load a club" what exactly do you mean? To view a club, to manage a club?

12-23-2007, 03:57 AM
....i want to use this.. but after hear you said the security might have a hole...

"might have". As every script in the market. This dosen't means that it has and I'm not correcting them.

12-23-2007, 03:58 AM
Guess I'll have to wait until the security issue has been resolved.

Thanks for the release anyway!

There is no any known security issue unresolved. But this can't be a reason to guarantee that there are no security issues.

12-23-2007, 04:11 AM
Hello MicroHellas,
I have some question:
-You let people download your mode here but why you sell it in your site?Is there anything different between the one you are selling in your site and the one here?
-I have sent an email to ask some quetions before buying and have posted in your forum. Why do not you take time to answere it even you are online here?


12-23-2007, 04:23 AM
Hello MicroHellas,
I have some question:
-You let people download your mode here but why you sell it in your site?Is there anything different between the one you are selling in your site and the one here?
-I have sent an email to ask some quetions before buying and have posted in your forum. Why do not you take time to answere it even you are online here?


I'm not a machine, to be able to do all together. I post vbClubs here yesterday night (my time) then I gone offline. Tomorrow morning I'm working on changing my site and then changing my posts to Hotscripts and other sites too.
If you check at:
you'll see that vbClubs appear there as commercial mod.

As for your question: There is no any difference. This is the full version.
As for your email: If it's that one asking about compatibility with vbPortal I replied to it by saying that my mods are vBulletin mods, works fine with vBulletin, but I don't know if they're working or if they're compatible with any other 3nd party program.


12-23-2007, 04:32 AM
Thanks for your quick reply!
I do not think you are a machine. But what I meant is that you should spend time in your site to support your customers first! I did not get your email.
As your reply, the free version here is the same the "paid" verion on your site. So why people should buy it? Can you tell me a little more?
(I intend to buy your vbclub product).

Thanks again

12-23-2007, 04:37 AM
Thanks for your quick reply!
I do not think you are a machine. But what I meant is that you should spend time in your site to support your customers first! I did not get your email.
As your reply, the free version here is the same the "paid" verion on your site. So why people should buy it? Can you tell me a little more?
(I intend to buy your vbclub product).

Thanks again

Nobody has to pay. As I wrote (maybe I wasn't clear) is that I'm changing my site to make it free download. After it I'll modify my post in Hotscripts to change it also to Free mod and not commercial as is now.

12-23-2007, 04:40 AM
Ok, I understand what you meant now. Thank you very much!

12-23-2007, 05:57 AM
plz fix the who's online ... it showing unknown location

12-23-2007, 06:03 AM
plz fix the who's online ... it showing unknown location

Sorry, but I haven't added this "feature" in any of my mods. Personal approach. I don't agree with the fact to allow members to know where the others are.

12-23-2007, 06:39 AM
Guess I'll have to wait until the security issue has been resolved.

In addition to what I replied before, I've to say that I tried my best to find some support on fixing any security flaws. But Calorie, who is the one that dropped it to Graveyard the first time (it was with the name MySocialSpace), asked me $200-$400 per file to check and correct them.
Sorry, but is out of any logic to pay min 24X200=$4,800 to max 24X400=$9,600 for something that I'll give it out for free and the only possible income for me will be from those who will buy the Brande Free version.

12-23-2007, 06:50 AM
what is the possibility to integrate this with vbcredits so admins can charge for clubs?

12-23-2007, 06:56 AM
what is the possibility to integrate this with vbcredits so admins can charge for clubs?

I think that this is something that you've to ask from the author of vbCredits and not from me. The mod works with usergroup permissions so you can easily charge anything. In addition by having 3 options:

Can create clubs (meaning 1 club)
How many clubs
Unlimited clubsyou can setup as many usergroups (and so subscriptions) as you want.

12-23-2007, 07:41 AM
But Calorie, who is the one that dropped it to Graveyard the first time (it was with the name MySocialSpace), asked me $200-$400 per file to check and correct them.

Dirty action! This is the real reason why all of your modes are dropped to the Graveyard! I think you should not share anything here, where there are still some dirty moderators!:down:

12-23-2007, 08:07 AM
Dirty action! This is the real reason why all of your modes are dropped to the Graveyard! I think you should not share anything here, where there are still some dirty moderators!:down:

This time I started posting them to vbHackers (http://www.vbhackers,com) too. And if anybody knows any other related site, please let me know.

12-23-2007, 08:18 AM
Dirty action! This is the real reason why all of your modes are dropped to the Graveyard! I think you should not share anything here, where there are still some dirty moderators!:down:

And for proof, here is a part of her email, dated Nov 22th, 2007

I'd need to review all the MySocialSpace files before I could state a price, but as
an estimate it might be something like $200 to $400 per file depending on how long it took me. At quick glance, there looks to be 22 PHP files and 1 XML file that would need work.

and to close the story. The same person who dropped my mods in Graveyard as having security holes, 2 days later, sent me the following email:

Hi Maria,

If you are interested in selling all rights to your scripts, I might be interested in buying the rights. If you would like to discuss further, please email me.


No more comments by me.

12-23-2007, 08:18 AM
MicroHellas, I do not appreciate you making our private conversations public, but as you have done so, I feel I should set the record straight, so just for the record, yes, I inquired to purchase the rights to MicroHellas' scripts, but it was too expensive. She then countered with an offer to have me and someone else partner with her, to which I said no. She then wanted to know much it would be to have me check MySocialSpace for vB syntax and security risks, and I answered $200 to $400 per file. I did not ask her if she wanted to pay for me to fix her scripts. She made that inquiry! :mad:

12-23-2007, 08:23 AM
MicroHellas, I do not appreciate you making our private conversations public, but as you have done so, I feel I should set the record straight, so just for the record, yes, I inquired to purchase the rights to MicroHellas' scripts, but it was too expensive. She then countered with an offer to have me and someone else partner with her, to which I said no. She then wanted to know much it would be to have me check MySocialSpace for vB syntax and security risks, and I answered $200 to $400 per file. I did not ask her if she wanted to pay for me to fix her scripts. She made that inquiry! :mad:

I can post anything that it was emailed to me. I didn't post an email which was sent to someone else. As for the rest, let the readers to have their own opinion. And please get out the ungry faces. You're too young for them, and not the one who must be ungry with the whole situation. I've paid 3 licenses for vB, so I've the right to post in forums anything as long as they're true. And you know very well, that what I wrote is true.

Marco van Herwaarden
12-23-2007, 08:32 AM
In addition to what I replied before, I've to say that I tried my best to find some support on fixing any security flaws. But Calorie, who is the one that dropped it to Graveyard the first time (it was with the name MySocialSpace), asked me $200-$400 per file to check and correct them.
Sorry, but is out of any logic to pay min 24X200=$4,800 to max 24X400=$9,600 for something that I'll give it out for free and the only possible income for me will be from those who will buy the Brande Free version.

I am really getting a bit tired of having to react to all your attempts to blame anyone but yourself. Our staff and myself are getting tired of having to spend many hours on handling your mood changes and endless discussions. Either release your work to the vB.org members (you are releasing things for our members, not to please our staff) according to our rules and policies or not. Even if you mark your work as Beta, it will still be removed if it there are verified security issues.

You are insinuating that our staff has personal financial motives to quarantine your modifications, please get a life. Modifications are placed in quarantine if a security issue is reported (99% of the times by a regular member) and confirmed by a staff member. The staff member who quarantines a modification has no benefit from this at all. On the contrary, some staff members prefer not to handle reports on your modifications anymore as the result will most likely be that they have to go into endless discussions with you if a vulnerability is serious enough to warrant quarantine (there is no discusion on this, if there is a security issue it will be handled according to our policy), or you will start to blame the individual staff member and threaten to remove all your work.

Our staff is here to ensure that vBulletin.org runs smooth, they are not here to repair your (at that time commercial) modifications. If you ask someone to partner with you, then he/she will have their own motivations, not connected to their staff status on vb.org, to accept or decline that. If someone wants to accept commercial requests, then they are free to accept such a request at their own price, it is up to you to accept or decline such an offer.

If you are unable to ensure that your work has no known security issues, then maybe you should have a look at our articles section, or post in the coders forum for advise.

12-23-2007, 08:49 AM
Sir Adrian pointed out in one of the mods that was removed how some kid could easily destroy the user table in database. This is very scary, and under those circumstances every one who installed the mod should be alerted immediately.

vb.org responsibility is to protect all vb users and they do an excellent job at it.

Things could have been so simple when there is a problem and someone points it out to just say "Thank you" and most important, learn from it.

12-23-2007, 08:54 AM
Thanks Mary... *installed

Lea Verou
12-23-2007, 09:37 AM
And for proof, here is a part of her email, dated Nov 22th, 2007

and to close the story. The same person who dropped my mods in Graveyard as having security holes, 2 days later, sent me the following email:

No more comments by me.

MicroHellas, I do not appreciate you making our private conversations public, but as you have done so, I feel I should set the record straight, so just for the record, yes, I inquired to purchase the rights to MicroHellas' scripts, but it was too expensive. She then countered with an offer to have me and someone else partner with her, to which I said no. She then wanted to know much it would be to have me check MySocialSpace for vB syntax and security risks, and I answered $200 to $400 per file. I did not ask her if she wanted to pay for me to fix her scripts. She made that inquiry! :mad:

I can post anything that it was emailed to me. I didn't post an email which was sent to someone else. As for the rest, let the readers to have their own opinion. And please get out the ungry faces. You're too young for them, and not the one who must be ungry with the whole situation. I've paid 3 licenses for vB, so I've the right to post in forums anything as long as they're true. And you know very well, that what I wrote is true.


I am really getting a bit tired of having to react to all your attempts to blame anyone but yourself. Our staff and myself are getting tired of having to spend many hours on handling your mood changes and endless discussions. Either release your work to the vB.org members (you are releasing things for our members, not to please our staff) according to our rules and policies or not. Even if you mark your work as Beta, it will still be removed if it there are verified security issues.

You are insinuating that our staff has personal financial motives to quarantine your modifications, please get a life. Modifications are placed in quarantine if a security issue is reported (99% of the times by a regular member) and confirmed by a staff member. The staff member who quarantines a modification has no benefit from this at all. On the contrary, some staff members prefer not to handle reports on your modifications anymore as the result will most likely be that they have to go into endless discussions with you if a vulnerability is serious enough to warrant quarantine (there is no discusion on this, if there is a security issue it will be handled according to our policy), or you will start to blame the individual staff member and threaten to remove all your work.

Our staff is here to ensure that vBulletin.org runs smooth, they are not here to repair your (at that time commercial) modifications. If you ask someone to partner with you, then he/she will have their own motivations, not connected to their staff status on vb.org, to accept or decline that. If someone wants to accept commercial requests, then they are free to accept such a request at their own price, it is up to you to accept or decline such an offer.

If you are unable to ensure that your work has no known security issues, then maybe you should have a look at our articles section, or post in the coders forum for advise.

Oh Mary, you're so ...greek :/
(sorry, couldn't resist, *** Non-english removed*** :p)

12-23-2007, 09:53 AM
I do not know about code and never use Mary's modes. However, the fact that you moved here modes to grave yard and then privately ask her for sell the rights to you is unfair! If it is not security why do you still want to buy?

Mary, you should stop talking here and try to fix your codes

12-23-2007, 10:01 AM
i love your scripts.. i'm a big fan... but for some reason, when i install your clubs... i very meticulously ensure i do everything right..... i click the active radio buttons.. i ensure my permissions are right... and when i go to the site.. its there, but when i try to add a new.... it says i dont have permission...

12-23-2007, 10:09 AM
i love your scripts.. i'm a big fan... but for some reason, when i install your clubs... i very meticulously ensure i do everything right..... i click the active radio buttons.. i ensure my permissions are right... and when i go to the site.. its there, but when i try to add a new.... it says i dont have permission...

Have you setup categories? eg if you're trying to add a club have you setup before categories for clubs? Same for photos etc.
What are you trying to add? Please note that if you're trying to add eg a Photo without having an active club, it can't be done. You must have at least one active club so items like blogs, articles, photos etc can be assign to that club
Again if you're trying to add anything else except clubs, have you join any club? Only club's members can post in a club.I apologize for the genaral permission error. I'll replace with a detailed one soon. For the moment, trying to check only if the restriction works, I used the default permissions error without to take care for specifying different error message according to the place that this error ocured.

12-23-2007, 10:18 AM
Thanks a lot Mary :) Great hack, as usual ;)

12-23-2007, 11:36 AM
Okay Mary... I got it right now! i guess i didnt understand a few simple laws...
i need to SET UP the Clubs first.. i set up ALL modules with 1 test category and made sure that the display order didnt say "0" now everything works fine.. and i must say..... DIZAM!!!!! (damn!!) this is a mighty fine application..... your work is excellento! I will now go throught and set up the Club and deploy it for my members over this weekend... I will be sending you feedback as they give it to me.

12-23-2007, 01:13 PM
Very nice piece of work .... thanks for your innovative ideas and hard work!!

12-23-2007, 01:26 PM
Thanks Mary - I think I'm okay. I haven't made it go live yet, so I don't have any real data to save :)

Thanks so much for your work! Happy Holidays!

Hello Elenna,

If you've valuable data, and you want to transfer them, then contact me to help you transfering this data. Otherwise is better to make a new install. There is no any confusion in names so both installation can work simultaneus.

Happy Holidays

12-23-2007, 01:28 PM
and made sure that the display order didnt say "0" now everything works fine.. and i must say.....

You can let display order 0, is not problem. Just in this case the categories will be order by catgerory id.

12-23-2007, 01:30 PM
Oh, and yes, it is best if you go through each setup page and add in at least one category for each item... otherwise you'll get SQL errors or items not showing up :)

12-23-2007, 02:05 PM
One quick question .... is there a section in the ACP to modify the Registration Form fields?

12-23-2007, 02:09 PM
One quick question .... is there a section in the ACP to modify the Registration Form fields?

Currently not, as the "Create Club" in adminCP is an option added in latest version (1.4.0). But of course you can setup registration questions (even different for each club) from usercp. Just login as the owner of the club, goto userCP and then choose "registration forms" (last option).
In next release I'll add this option to admincp too.

12-23-2007, 02:17 PM
That'll be great .... I get tired of constantly modifying templates :) ... when this is a full release this has HIGH potential for MOTM!!

12-23-2007, 04:52 PM
I think that this is something that you've to ask from the author of vbCredits and not from me. The mod works with usergroup permissions so you can easily charge anything. In addition by having 3 options:
Can create clubs (meaning 1 club)
How many clubs
Unlimited clubsyou can setup as many usergroups (and so subscriptions) as you want.

i realize that it works off the usergroups permissions, but i would rather not make a new usergroup for the members to move to for charging

12-23-2007, 06:20 PM

Is it possible to add a feature? .... It would be nice to be able to set the table background colors via an option vice it picking up the tborder color.

12-23-2007, 08:20 PM
Perhaps a Little Bug!! :( :confused:

When Adding a Photo, the Thumbnail File Is Created With 0Kb and is Empty at "http://zzz_forum_path/vbclubs/photos/thumbs/zzz_thumbnail.gif"

Is there any Option I should Set at vBulltin Options for the Thumbnails to be Successfully Created?? :confused: :rolleyes:

I'll Keep Using the Functionalities of this Mod, Until Now I Like It a Lot!! ;) :up:

My Best Regards!! ;)


Definetely is a Bug!! :rolleyes:

I've Checked the Reason of the Error, and is this: When Uploading a Photo with a Smaller Width or Height than the Thumbnails Max settings, the System Don't Create the Thumbnail even Using the Same Image as Thumbnail!! :confused: :(

You Should Allow the System to Select the Same Uploaded Image in that Case, so the Thumbnail will be the Same Uploaded Image, or perhaps Change (Increase) the Size of the Image to the Thumbnail Settings!! ;) :rolleyes:

My Best Regards!! ;)


12-23-2007, 08:22 PM
there is bug:

when i visit this link:

then go to :
and visit this link:

it will show the picure of the shop link in the header again in the blog link as showin in the third link

12-24-2007, 04:28 AM
there is bug:

when i visit this link:

then go to :
and visit this link:

it will show the picure of the shop link in the header again in the blog link as showin in the third link

Even if I'n not totally sure that I got your meaning, you report as bug that:

In the first link your're seeing that photo in header
In the second link you're seeing the normal header
In the 3nd link you're seeing again the first photoIf this is the bug, then it's not a bug. Just that user used the same photo as Club's photo and as an item to sell. What photo you're seeing in the header (when you're inside a club) it's the club's photo. In the 2nd link you seen the normal header as you're out of any active club.

12-24-2007, 10:49 AM

any possibilities for what I asked in post #62?

12-25-2007, 08:32 PM
as an admin, i get a permission denied when trying to view a users club forum. Shouldnt an admin have ability to go anywhere in the club system?

12-26-2007, 07:25 PM
thanks a lot
but when i press add new club this error appear
Invalid SQL:
SELECT id, name FROM vbclubs_subcategories

WHERE categoryid= ORDER BY displayorder;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY displayorder' at line 3
Error Number : 1064

12-26-2007, 07:34 PM
thanks a lot
but when i press add new club this error appear

sefo: Refer to this post


that'll fix you up .... I hope!! :)

12-26-2007, 08:02 PM
Hi again Mary!

I haven't tried to change forum permissions, but I'd like to have posts not show up to people who aren't in the clubs when they hit New Posts. Is that possible?

Right now it shows all threads started by all clubs in New Posts, and people get a "permission denied" message when they try and click on it. I don't see any new usergroups created, so I don't know if it's possible :(

12-26-2007, 08:11 PM
Suggestion: Add Report Button/link for Video so if the video doesn't work anymore members can report it.
And Add vBclubs to Who's Online so it won't show as unknown location

12-26-2007, 09:06 PM
I´ve paid a lot of money for vbpals & mysocialplace, and now i must read here & see on your page you share this for free! Is this a bad joke? I´ve translated in german mysocialplace, vbjournal,vbpals & share the language files for German Members in your forum & now i must read this. Why i have paid for your hacks, when you share they for free? I´m very angry about this.

12-26-2007, 09:21 PM
I?ve paid a lot of money for vbpals & mysocialplace, and now i must read here & see on your page you share this for free! Is this a bad joke? I?ve translated in german mysocialplace, vbjournal,vbpals & share the language files for German Members in your forum & now i must read this. Why i have paid for your hacks, when you share they for free? I?m very angry about this.

life sucks dont it ... that's money down the drain.. but the good news is... this is a really really good hack... im still customizing the code...

12-26-2007, 09:22 PM
Suggestion::: add icon that allows people to print articles or send via email........

12-26-2007, 09:59 PM
Bravo re Maria, apexti eisai! ego ti na kano pou den exo idea?

12-27-2007, 12:57 AM
JAuthement thank you
it works now but when i go to approve any club it said i have no permission to enter this page

despite that
i change the permissions for user groups

thanks for your interest

12-27-2007, 02:12 PM
Today Dec 27th, 2007
MicroHellas has been acquirent
by a team of vB coders
so all MicroHellas's Modules
are temporary removed as per new owner's request.

12-27-2007, 08:23 PM
Rubbish... to be honest, I hope you informed the "new owners" that they're morons for making such a request. Are the "new owners" going to explain how temporary of a policy this will be? Yesterday, people could download it. Today, they can't.

I suppose we'll just have to seek out individuals who still have the downloaded files. (I won't, as it turns out this mod is not quite what I'm looking for, but... I just find this type of "acquisition methodology" in which new owners pull the plug at-random, to be quite childish. Not your fault at all though, Mary. Your work is excellent - keep it up! :)

12-27-2007, 08:45 PM
if michelle sold this hack.. or got paid for it... good for her...... if she handed it off to improve on a good thing... good for her.....

Lea Verou
12-27-2007, 08:53 PM
if michelle sold this hack.. or got paid for it... good for her...... if she handed it off to improve on a good thing... good for her.....
Mary, not michelle, lol.

12-27-2007, 11:49 PM
Why? Why? why!?!?!

I was about to install it :(