View Full Version : My Forums

12-15-2007, 10:23 PM
Hi we are a newly forum. We have been up for 5 months. I just recently converted from phpbb to vbulletin this weekend.:)
I am looking for reviews positive AND negative.
Our forum is for anyone around the world,
forum url: http://www..com

no mods
12-16-2007, 01:40 PM
The skin is two Defaulty for my likings. Build a nice skin around the logo and status icons

12-16-2007, 05:09 PM
yeah, the Logo is funny!
but u need more design on the skin

12-16-2007, 05:15 PM
one of the things i usually complaint about on new sites is the overload of forums... i can't complaint here... your forums list is just great, small efficient and clear.

your logo is fun, like the others said... maybe you may just have to use the colors of the font on it to rebuild your style...

12-16-2007, 06:18 PM
Definitely to defaultish and visually not appealing at all. The logo is about the only thing that will draw anyones attention and even this can do with a little work like lowering the opacity of the drop shadow and changing the angle to 90 degrees. The blue colouring for the inner shadow could do with the opacity lowered also.

Overall the logo looks nice but with a little tweaking could look a little better.

The threadmarkers (for me) look too phpbb-ish? Nice idea but I would design something that doesn't look like icons that fell off the phpbb truck.

I've noticed your using a mixture of custom buttons and stock vbulletin buttons which for me personally is a bad choice. Either use one or the other and I would recommended that you opt for custom buttons rather than vbulletin stock.

Not all is bad, I quite like the forum status icons and they compliment the theme of your board nicely so maybe build on the style by altering the colours and colourizing the gradients based off the nice vibrant colours in your logo. This would take you less than 15 minutes and would give you a visually appealing looking theme.

Smilies. Pile them in there and I would also suggest that you use multi-coloured smilies so it gives off an eye candy feel. This goes for all the icons and images on your forum but first make the colour changes necessary to your style and then build/design the images off the style. :up:

12-16-2007, 11:36 PM
The first thing that comes to notice is your Adsense in top right side. Any experienced user will get away from those in a snap. Try to blend them with your colors.

As for buttons/smilies/icons try any of Shelley's graphic packs (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=125355&hacksort=title#hacks). What's best of them is that he/she provides them in white/black matted options.

Here is another good button set.

Enjoy your board.


12-24-2007, 11:23 PM
Thanks for all the reviews everyone! Everybody mentions the skin and i completely agree with everyone. I searched everywhere(paid and free). But i could not find one at all. And i have no idea on how to build my own skin. I am slowing learning. So i will keep searching and hopefully! I will find one.

Thats funny that you say The threadmarkers (for me) look too phpbb-ish? Nice idea but I would design something that doesn't look like icons that fell off the phpbb truck. Because its true! They are from phpbb. I am currently looking for some new icons.

Thanks alot for the buttons/smiles/icons links its great. And i appreciate everyones reveiws~

12-25-2007, 06:16 PM
If you are looking for a good custom skin designer I would recommend foruma-z...here is his website: http://www.minerskinz.com/