View Full Version : South Carolina Barbeque Association

12-11-2007, 01:58 AM
Please review the following site: http://www.scbarbeque.com/

I just switched over the name servers to the new host this morning (Monday), so if you get an ugly looking site that has nothing to do with vB, you still have their old site.

Most of the site is locked down to association members only. Please review what the "public" sees. What do you think about the overall "usability" and feel of the site? Thanks.

12-12-2007, 05:48 AM
Good looking style. The color fits in well with what I guess is the state color of S.C. (at least everything that I've seen from that state has that light blue color to it...). I'm not sure why you have the same set of links in the site nav module as you do in the navbar. That seems a bit redundant to me.

I'll have to read over the history of BBQ when I get a few minutes....

12-12-2007, 11:26 AM
Good looking style. The color fits in well with what I guess is the state color of S.C. (at least everything that I've seen from that state has that light blue color to it...). I'm not sure why you have the same set of links in the site nav module as you do in the navbar. That seems a bit redundant to me.

I'll have to read over the history of BBQ when I get a few minutes....

Thanks for the comments. I agree that the links are a little redundant, but that was not my call. Sometimes you have to do what the people paying you want :eek: