View Full Version : Make non-members unable to visit the mod forums

12-09-2007, 11:18 PM
Well, my basic suggestion here, is to make non-members, by that I mean people who don't have a vB license unable to visit the Mods- and Styles-forums,


Well, for the past 2 days I've been browsing alot of forums with nulled crap from vBulletin and I think this is very unfair. Most of us here pay for a vBulletin license and the mods and skins are a bonus.
I've been browsing on:

*** URL's removed, no need to advertise warez sites ***

Mainly what I see are same requests with "links" to the mods they want.
Wouldn't to be better to make non-members unable to visit the mods- and styles- forums?

Marco van Herwaarden
12-10-2007, 05:33 AM
Is this a question about your own forum, or about vB.org?

If it is about vB.org: Unlicensed members can read threads, but they can not see any code or download attachments.

12-10-2007, 12:51 PM
I was refering to vB.org, I'm aware of the fast that they can't see certain types of codes and links. But they still know the link of the topic and can just ask a licensed member on a Nulled-vB website to download it and send it to them.

12-10-2007, 01:04 PM
That would not stop anything.

If there are licensed idiots cooperating with warez sites or others using pirated software all the pirates have to do is to ask the collaborator to locate a mod that does x.

Blocking surfers from viewing information will only stop innocent individuals from looking at what we do. It will not stop the thieves from getting mods.

12-10-2007, 11:56 PM
That would not stop anything.

If there are licensed idiots cooperating with warez sites or others using pirated software all the pirates have to do is to ask the collaborator to locate a mod that does x.

Blocking surfers from viewing information will only stop innocent individuals from looking at what we do. It will not stop the thieves from getting mods.

If vB.org would point out what happends in the Mod and Style forums and give an estimated ammount of mods and skins. Members would already be impressed.
I'm just talking about these 2 specific categories.

Marco van Herwaarden
12-11-2007, 05:20 AM
Moved to Site Feedback

ChU v2
12-11-2007, 06:43 AM
I see your point, I agree that it would limit the requests on warez forum because users would be unaware of what mod they want. But at the same time it might limit the interest of vB to users that are considering purchasing.

12-11-2007, 09:31 AM
It is the licensed vBulletin users that are providing the warez sites with modifications so what difference would it make, realistically? I'm thinking very little.

If you want to tackle things like this then you should really try and deal with the issue of the warez site existing at all, if it is possible to do so of course.

12-11-2007, 12:26 PM
That's not the greatest idea because many people like to buy vBulletin because it has features they want in the form of modifications. Note all the pre sales questions asking if it can do this or if there is a modification for this purpose or that purpose. All it would do is:

1. Flood pre sales with those questions

2. Not at ALL stop copyright infringement.

Shutting down the guilty sites is preferred, but not greatly feasible if in a country with limited laws so the best way would simply be to find who is supplying the mods from this site to the Warez forums and removing their licenses and permissions to do so. You can only get the mods if you have a license hence if there were less people allowed to download and share the mods by blocking illegal members, that would halt the modification distribution. That would never be stopped by blocking access to forums to guests because it would just annoy those who want to know that third parties are providing and annoy others (like myself sometimes) who want to show people the kinds of add ons without being logged in.

Paul M
12-11-2007, 06:28 PM
We do not intend to limit guests or unlicensed members from viewing modification threads, such a move would not benefit anyone.