View Full Version : Change Primary Group in UserCP

12-09-2007, 09:58 PM

I would like to have a plug-in that adds a function to the usercp that will allow the user to change their primary group to one that is defined in the settings (admincp). This way, the users can switch to a "temp" or "self" ban group anonymously.

Currently they have to make a request and the admins make the change and the restore them when the temp ban time is over (30 days).

There should be a "Are you sure?" dialog before that change takes effect. Also a PM to notify someone (per a setting) that this change is taking place.

Ideally this plugin would include a cron that will automatically change the primary group back after a specified time.

AdminCP settings:
Allowed Group ID: (id of group that can access the function in usercp)
Temp Group ID: (id of group to change to)
Days: (number of days the before auto switch back: to Allowed Group ID)
Notify: (id of person to get notified when a user changes group)

I think a mod like this could have many uses!
