View Full Version : Using .htc for IE6 compatibility

12-05-2007, 08:29 PM
Does anyone have experience in using .htc for IE6 compatibility of transparent pngs? This is my first time working with transparencies and while I like the effect in IE 7 of Firefox I'm having some difficulty getting my mind around IE 6 compatibility.

In the additional css settings I've added:

<!--[if lte IE 6]>
img {
behavior: url(images/iepngfix.htc);

and in the iepngfix.htc I path indicate the path of the image but it doesn't work.

The trouble I'm running into is getting the above to work but also the other transparencies I have on the site such as header background, navigation bar, and content background.

If anyone has any advise, suggetions or feed back 'd appreciate it..



PS. Site demo: http:www.EdmontonGamers.com/eq2guild/