View Full Version : Forumlisting display

12-02-2007, 06:56 PM

My forum is having many sub-forums. so i want to have a bit of space in the right side, so that i can put some additional adverts or something useful in there...

I have attached the 2 screenshots. One is mine and the other one is from an example website like which i want to change my forum. if you guys have any idea, i am sure which some of you will be having.

please help.

Regards Gen-x

12-02-2007, 07:10 PM
there's a lot of template edits for this customization imo

you would have to remove the thead columns that are threads and posts... and likewise in the forumbits

then take the vbphrases and place them in a div below the title

for example:

<div>($forum[threadcount] Threads) ($forum[replycount] Replies) etc... </div>

12-04-2007, 06:37 AM
thanks for the reply actone

if anyones knows completly how to do this ... please add some codes like wat to remove and add .. it will be he;pfu for other tooo ... thanks :)