11-30-2007, 10:39 PM
- makes a box + uses special info ish... -_- '
- for my guide headers
example bbcode text:
[guideh]How to Download from MegaUpload|1|0|0|Computer|Internet|Teaches how to download from MegaUpload|mu, mega, upload, dl, download, guide, how-to, computer, internet|GNU Free Documentation
~makes this (in a TABLE, col1, rows1 btw):~
Guide: How to Download from MegaUpload
Version #: 1.0.0
Section: Computer/Internet
Description: Teaches how to download from MegaUpload
Tags: mu, mega, upload, dl, download, guide, how-to, computer, internet
License: GNU Free Documentation
- for my guides to have a version history entries(maybe even my dl's section but meh -_- ')
example bbcode call (really supposed to be in a hiding kind of forum, but...yea -_- )
- [Version 1.0.0] November 28, 2007 in GMT-8 at 10:30 AM: message....
- for my guides to have a credits entries
example bbcode call
[creditsg]person|link|crediting because...
output (persion is wrapped in a link to a location given by the link parameter)
- person: crediting because....
Thanks if you can make these!
12-17-2007, 05:36 PM
Perhaps looking at some examples will help:
searching on google turns up a few useful hits. I searched on "vbulletin custom bbcode" and "vbulletin write bbcode" for those. Those will at least show you if what you want to do is even possible.
12-17-2007, 06:13 PM
>_> erm the ones I need requires more parameters, so it kinda needs php plugins >_>' not the html version of that.... (I'll look at the wiki template parsing, because that's how the "type" or whatever I used "|")
--------------- Added 1197924829 at 1197924829 ---------------
um...can't find the coding that makes the templates in wikipedia...
but they do things similar to how I wanted, but dunno how to do it (just know it would require php and plugins
here's the post that has the php plugin for vb to make bbcodes using php:
Thanks Eikinskjaldi for the comments.
I had already opened up class_bbcode.php and had a look around. I figured out how to achieve this, and will post it here for posterity's sake.
This is a bid hackish, but it works, and uses the vB plugin system. There is no mucking with the *.php files, so upgrading shouldn't ruin it.
How to run PHP code, instead of a simple replacement, on your custom BBCode.
1. Create a custom BBCode in the ACP, so that the description/example will show up on the BBCodes faq page for your forums. Put whatever you want in the "replacement" field, as this is overwritten by the following plugin.
2. Create a plugin using the bbcode_create hook.
3. Add your plugin code, using a format similar to the following:
$custom_bbcode = 'xxxxx';
$this->tag_list['no_option'][$custom_bbcode] = array ();
$this->tag_list['no_option'][$custom_bbcode]['callback'] = 'handle_external';
$this->tag_list['no_option'][$custom_bbcode]['external_callback'] = 'handle_my_custom_bbcode';
if (!function_exists ('handle_my_custom_bbcode')) {
function handle_my_custom_bbcode (&$theobj, &$value, &$option) {
The $value varible now holds whatever was between your tags,
and $option holds the option
value here
return 'the html to display your bbcode';
Now, a few notes about that php. Replace the 'xxxxx' with the custom BBCode you want to create. If you are planning on using the option with the BBCode, change 'no_option' to 'option'.
In the function, do whatever manipulations you want to do, and then return the HTML that you want displayed in the actual post.
The $theobj variable is a reference to vB's BBCode parsing object, you probably won't need this.
If you use this method, you don't have to muck in any of vB's php files and the parser engine will correctly parse this and all other BBCodes correctly regardeless of nesting etc.
Hope this helps someone out there.
In closing, I just want to mention that I wish vB had a simple option to choose a simple HTML replacement, or add php code to the "Create a Custom BBCode" section. This hack/plugin shouldn't have been necessary.
12-21-2007, 03:45 PM
*sigh* bumpy
found the parse code in the mediawiki distros...
* Replace magic variables, templates, and template arguments
* with the appropriate text. Templates are substituted recursively,
* taking care to avoid infinite loops.
* Note that the substitution depends on value of $mOutputType:
* OT_WIKI: only {{subst:}} templates
* OT_MSG: only magic variables
* OT_HTML: all templates and magic variables
* @param string $tex The text to transform
* @param array $args Key-value pairs representing template parameters to substitute
* @param bool $argsOnly Only do argument (triple-brace) expansion, not double-brace expansion
* @private
function replaceVariables( $text, $args = array(), $argsOnly = false ) {
# Prevent too big inclusions
if( strlen( $text ) > $this->mOptions->getMaxIncludeSize() ) {
return $text;
$fname = __METHOD__ /*. '-L' . count( $this->mArgStack )*/;
wfProfileIn( $fname );
# This function is called recursively. To keep track of arguments we need a stack:
array_push( $this->mArgStack, $args );
$braceCallbacks = array();
if ( !$argsOnly ) {
$braceCallbacks[2] = array( &$this, 'braceSubstitution' );
if ( $this->mOutputType != OT_MSG ) {
$braceCallbacks[3] = array( &$this, 'argSubstitution' );
if ( $braceCallbacks ) {
$callbacks = array(
'{' => array(
'end' => '}',
'cb' => $braceCallbacks,
'min' => $argsOnly ? 3 : 2,
'max' => isset( $braceCallbacks[3] ) ? 3 : 2,
'[' => array(
'end' => ']',
'cb' => array(2=>null),
'min' => 2,
'max' => 2,
$text = $this->replace_callback ($text, $callbacks);
array_pop( $this->mArgStack );
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;
* Replace magic variables
* @private
function variableSubstitution( $matches ) {
global $wgContLang;
$fname = 'Parser::variableSubstitution';
$varname = $wgContLang->lc($matches[1]);
wfProfileIn( $fname );
$skip = false;
if ( $this->mOutputType == OT_WIKI ) {
# Do only magic variables prefixed by SUBST
$mwSubst =& MagicWord::get( 'subst' );
if (!$mwSubst->matchStartAndRemove( $varname ))
$skip = true;
# Note that if we don't substitute the variable below,
# we don't remove the {{subst:}} magic word, in case
# it is a template rather than a magic variable.
if ( !$skip && array_key_exists( $varname, $this->mVariables ) ) {
$id = $this->mVariables[$varname];
# Now check if we did really match, case sensitive or not
$mw =& MagicWord::get( $id );
if ($mw->match($matches[1])) {
$text = $this->getVariableValue( $id );
$this->mOutput->mContainsOldMagic = true;
} else {
$text = $matches[0];
} else {
$text = $matches[0];
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;
/// Clean up argument array - refactored in 1.9 so parserfunctions can use it, too.
static function createAssocArgs( $args ) {
$assocArgs = array();
$index = 1;
foreach( $args as $arg ) {
$eqpos = strpos( $arg, '=' );
if ( $eqpos === false ) {
$assocArgs[$index++] = $arg;
} else {
$name = trim( substr( $arg, 0, $eqpos ) );
$value = trim( substr( $arg, $eqpos+1 ) );
if ( $value === false ) {
$value = '';
if ( $name !== false ) {
$assocArgs[$name] = $value;
return $assocArgs;
* Return the text of a template, after recursively
* replacing any variables or templates within the template.
* @param array $piece The parts of the template
* $piece['text']: matched text
* $piece['title']: the title, i.e. the part before the |
* $piece['parts']: the parameter array
* @return string the text of the template
* @private
function braceSubstitution( $piece ) {
global $wgContLang, $wgLang, $wgAllowDisplayTitle, $wgNonincludableNamespaces;
$fname = __METHOD__ /*. '-L' . count( $this->mArgStack )*/;
wfProfileIn( $fname );
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__.'-setup' );
# Flags
$found = false; # $text has been filled
$nowiki = false; # wiki markup in $text should be escaped
$noparse = false; # Unsafe HTML tags should not be stripped, etc.
$noargs = false; # Don't replace triple-brace arguments in $text
$replaceHeadings = false; # Make the edit section links go to the template not the article
$headingOffset = 0; # Skip headings when number, to account for those that weren't transcluded.
$isHTML = false; # $text is HTML, armour it against wikitext transformation
$forceRawInterwiki = false; # Force interwiki transclusion to be done in raw mode not rendered
# Title object, where $text came from
$title = NULL;
$linestart = '';
# $part1 is the bit before the first |, and must contain only title characters
# $args is a list of arguments, starting from index 0, not including $part1
$titleText = $part1 = $piece['title'];
# If the third subpattern matched anything, it will start with |
if (null == $piece['parts']) {
$replaceWith = $this->variableSubstitution (array ($piece['text'], $piece['title']));
if ($replaceWith != $piece['text']) {
$text = $replaceWith;
$found = true;
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
$args = (null == $piece['parts']) ? array() : $piece['parts'];
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__.'-setup' );
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__.'-modifiers' );
if ( !$found ) {
$mwSubst =& MagicWord::get( 'subst' );
if ( $mwSubst->matchStartAndRemove( $part1 ) xor $this->ot['wiki'] ) {
# One of two possibilities is true:
# 1) Found SUBST but not in the PST phase
# 2) Didn't find SUBST and in the PST phase
# In either case, return without further processing
$text = $piece['text'];
$found = true;
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
if ( !$found ) {
# Check for MSGNW:
$mwMsgnw =& MagicWord::get( 'msgnw' );
if ( $mwMsgnw->matchStartAndRemove( $part1 ) ) {
$nowiki = true;
} else {
# Remove obsolete MSG:
$mwMsg =& MagicWord::get( 'msg' );
$mwMsg->matchStartAndRemove( $part1 );
# Check for RAW:
$mwRaw =& MagicWord::get( 'raw' );
if ( $mwRaw->matchStartAndRemove( $part1 ) ) {
$forceRawInterwiki = true;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__.'-modifiers' );
//save path level before recursing into functions & templates.
$lastPathLevel = $this->mTemplatePath;
# Parser functions
if ( !$found ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-pfunc' );
$colonPos = strpos( $part1, ':' );
if ( $colonPos !== false ) {
# Case sensitive functions
$function = substr( $part1, 0, $colonPos );
if ( isset( $this->mFunctionSynonyms[1][$function] ) ) {
$function = $this->mFunctionSynonyms[1][$function];
} else {
# Case insensitive functions
$function = strtolower( $function );
if ( isset( $this->mFunctionSynonyms[0][$function] ) ) {
$function = $this->mFunctionSynonyms[0][$function];
} else {
$function = false;
if ( $function ) {
$funcArgs = array_map( 'trim', $args );
$funcArgs = array_merge( array( &$this, trim( substr( $part1, $colonPos + 1 ) ) ), $funcArgs );
$result = call_user_func_array( $this->mFunctionHooks[$function], $funcArgs );
$found = true;
// The text is usually already parsed, doesn't need triple-brace tags expanded, etc.
//$noargs = true;
//$noparse = true;
if ( is_array( $result ) ) {
if ( isset( $result[0] ) ) {
$text = $linestart . $result[0];
unset( $result[0] );
// Extract flags into the local scope
// This allows callers to set flags such as nowiki, noparse, found, etc.
extract( $result );
} else {
$text = $linestart . $result;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-pfunc' );
# Template table test
# Did we encounter this template already? If yes, it is in the cache
# and we need to check for loops.
if ( !$found && isset( $this->mTemplates[$piece['title']] ) ) {
$found = true;
# Infinite loop test
if ( isset( $this->mTemplatePath[$part1] ) ) {
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
$found = true;
$text = $linestart .
"[[$part1]]<!-- WARNING: template loop detected -->";
wfDebug( __METHOD__.": template loop broken at '$part1'\n" );
} else {
# set $text to cached message.
$text = $linestart . $this->mTemplates[$piece['title']];
#treat title for cached page the same as others
$subpage = '';
$part1 = $this->maybeDoSubpageLink( $part1, $subpage );
if ($subpage !== '') {
$ns = $this->mTitle->getNamespace();
$title = Title::newFromText( $part1, $ns );
//used by include size checking
$titleText = $title->getPrefixedText();
//used by edit section links
$replaceHeadings = true;
# Load from database
if ( !$found ) {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-loadtpl' );
# declaring $subpage directly in the function call
# does not work correctly with references and breaks
# {{/subpage}}-style inclusions
$subpage = '';
$part1 = $this->maybeDoSubpageLink( $part1, $subpage );
if ($subpage !== '') {
$ns = $this->mTitle->getNamespace();
$title = Title::newFromText( $part1, $ns );
if ( !is_null( $title ) ) {
$titleText = $title->getPrefixedText();
# Check for language variants if the template is not found
if($wgContLang->hasVariants() && $title->getArticleID() == 0){
$wgContLang->findVariantLink($part1, $title);
if ( !$title->isExternal() ) {
if ( $title->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL && $this->mOptions->getAllowSpecialInclusion() && $this->ot['html'] ) {
$text = SpecialPage::capturePath( $title );
if ( is_string( $text ) ) {
$found = true;
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
$isHTML = true;
} else if ( $wgNonincludableNamespaces && in_array( $title->getNamespace(), $wgNonincludableNamespaces ) ) {
$found = false; //access denied
wfDebug( "$fname: template inclusion denied for " . $title->getPrefixedDBkey() );
} else {
list($articleContent,$title) = $this->fetchTemplateAndtitle( $title );
if ( $articleContent !== false ) {
$found = true;
$text = $articleContent;
$replaceHeadings = true;
# If the title is valid but undisplayable, make a link to it
if ( !$found && ( $this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre'] ) ) {
$text = "[[:$titleText]]";
$found = true;
} elseif ( $title->isTrans() ) {
// Interwiki transclusion
if ( $this->ot['html'] && !$forceRawInterwiki ) {
$text = $this->interwikiTransclude( $title, 'render' );
$isHTML = true;
$noparse = true;
} else {
$text = $this->interwikiTransclude( $title, 'raw' );
$replaceHeadings = true;
$found = true;
# Template cache array insertion
# Use the original $piece['title'] not the mangled $part1, so that
# modifiers such as RAW: produce separate cache entries
if( $found ) {
if( $isHTML ) {
// A special page; don't store it in the template cache.
} else {
$this->mTemplates[$piece['title']] = $text;
$text = $linestart . $text;
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-loadtpl' );
if ( $found && !$this->incrementIncludeSize( 'pre-expand', strlen( $text ) ) ) {
# Error, oversize inclusion
$text = $linestart .
"[[$titleText]]<!-- WARNING: template omitted, pre-expand include size too large -->";
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
# Recursive parsing, escaping and link table handling
# Only for HTML output
if ( $nowiki && $found && ( $this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre'] ) ) {
$text = wfEscapeWikiText( $text );
} elseif ( !$this->ot['msg'] && $found ) {
if ( $noargs ) {
$assocArgs = array();
} else {
# Clean up argument array
$assocArgs = self::createAssocArgs($args);
# Add a new element to the templace recursion path
$this->mTemplatePath[$part1] = 1;
if ( !$noparse ) {
# If there are any <onlyinclude> tags, only include them
if ( in_string( '<onlyinclude>', $text ) && in_string( '</onlyinclude>', $text ) ) {
$replacer = new OnlyIncludeReplacer;
StringUtils::delimiterReplaceCallback( '<onlyinclude>', '</onlyinclude>',
array( &$replacer, 'replace' ), $text );
$text = $replacer->output;
# Remove <noinclude> sections and <includeonly> tags
$text = StringUtils::delimiterReplace( '<noinclude>', '</noinclude>', '', $text );
$text = strtr( $text, array( '<includeonly>' => '' , '</includeonly>' => '' ) );
if( $this->ot['html'] || $this->ot['pre'] ) {
# Strip <nowiki>, <pre>, etc.
$text = $this->strip( $text, $this->mStripState );
if ( $this->ot['html'] ) {
$text = Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags( $text, array( &$this, 'replaceVariables' ), $assocArgs );
} elseif ( $this->ot['pre'] && $this->mOptions->getRemoveComments() ) {
$text = Sanitizer::removeHTMLcomments( $text );
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text, $assocArgs );
# If the template begins with a table or block-level
# element, it should be treated as beginning a new line.
if (!$piece['lineStart'] && preg_match('/^(?:{\\||:|;|#|\*)/', $text)) /*}*/{
$text = "\n" . $text;
} elseif ( !$noargs ) {
# $noparse and !$noargs
# Just replace the arguments, not any double-brace items
# This is used for rendered interwiki transclusion
$text = $this->replaceVariables( $text, $assocArgs, true );
# Prune lower levels off the recursion check path
$this->mTemplatePath = $lastPathLevel;
if ( $found && !$this->incrementIncludeSize( 'post-expand', strlen( $text ) ) ) {
# Error, oversize inclusion
$text = $linestart .
"[[$titleText]]<!-- WARNING: template omitted, post-expand include size too large -->";
$noparse = true;
$noargs = true;
if ( !$found ) {
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $piece['text'];
} else {
wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-placeholders' );
if ( $isHTML ) {
# Replace raw HTML by a placeholder
# Add a blank line preceding, to prevent it from mucking up
# immediately preceding headings
$text = "\n\n" . $this->insertStripItem( $text, $this->mStripState );
} else {
# replace ==section headers==
# XXX this needs to go away once we have a better parser.
if ( !$this->ot['wiki'] && !$this->ot['pre'] && $replaceHeadings ) {
if( !is_null( $title ) )
$encodedname = base64_encode($title->getPrefixedDBkey());
$encodedname = base64_encode("");
$m = preg_split('/(^={1,6}.*?={1,6}\s*?$)/m', $text, -1,
$text = '';
$nsec = $headingOffset;
for( $i = 0; $i < count($m); $i += 2 ) {
$text .= $m[$i];
if (!isset($m[$i + 1]) || $m[$i + 1] == "") continue;
$hl = $m[$i + 1];
if( strstr($hl, "<!--MWTEMPLATESECTION") ) {
$text .= $hl;
$m2 = array();
preg_match('/^(={1,6})(.*?)(={1,6})\s*?$/m', $hl, $m2);
$text .= $m2[1] . $m2[2] . "<!--MWTEMPLATESECTION="
. $encodedname . "&" . base64_encode("$nsec") . "-->" . $m2[3];
wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-placeholders' );
# Prune lower levels off the recursion check path
$this->mTemplatePath = $lastPathLevel;
if ( !$found ) {
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $piece['text'];
} else {
wfProfileOut( $fname );
return $text;
* Fetch the unparsed text of a template and register a reference to it.
function fetchTemplateAndtitle( $title ) {
$text = $skip = false;
$finalTitle = $title;
// Loop to fetch the article, with up to 1 redirect
for ( $i = 0; $i < 2 && is_object( $title ); $i++ ) {
# Give extensions a chance to select the revision instead
$id = false; // Assume current
wfRunHooks( 'BeforeParserFetchTemplateAndtitle', array( &$this, &$title, &$skip, &$id ) );
if( $skip ) {
$text = false;
$this->mOutput->addTemplate( $title, $title->getArticleID(), null );
$rev = $id ? Revision::newFromId( $id ) : Revision::newFromTitle( $title );
$rev_id = $rev ? $rev->getId() : 0;
$this->mOutput->addTemplate( $title, $title->getArticleID(), $rev_id );
if( $rev ) {
$text = $rev->getText();
} elseif( $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI ) {
global $wgLang;
$message = $wgLang->lcfirst( $title->getText() );
$text = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( $message );
if( wfEmptyMsg( $message, $text ) ) {
$text = false;
} else {
if ( $text === false ) {
// Redirect?
$finalTitle = $title;
$title = Title::newFromRedirect( $text );
return array($text,$finalTitle);
function fetchTemplate( $title ) {
$rv = $this->fetchTemplateAndtitle($title);
return $rv[0];
* Transclude an interwiki link.
function interwikiTransclude( $title, $action ) {
global $wgEnableScaryTranscluding;
if (!$wgEnableScaryTranscluding)
return wfMsg('scarytranscludedisabled');
$url = $title->getFullUrl( "action=$action" );
if (strlen($url) > 255)
return wfMsg('scarytranscludetoolong');
return $this->fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache($url);
function fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache($url) {
global $wgTranscludeCacheExpiry;
$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
$obj = $dbr->selectRow('transcache', array('tc_time', 'tc_contents'),
array('tc_url' => $url));
if ($obj) {
$time = $obj->tc_time;
$text = $obj->tc_contents;
if ($time && time() < $time + $wgTranscludeCacheExpiry ) {
return $text;
$text = Http::get($url);
if (!$text)
return wfMsg('scarytranscludefailed', $url);
$dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
$dbw->replace('transcache', array('tc_url'), array(
'tc_url' => $url,
'tc_time' => time(),
'tc_contents' => $text));
return $text;
* Triple brace replacement -- used for template arguments
* @private
function argSubstitution( $matches ) {
$arg = trim( $matches['title'] );
$text = $matches['text'];
$inputArgs = end( $this->mArgStack );
if ( array_key_exists( $arg, $inputArgs ) ) {
$text = $inputArgs[$arg];
} else if (($this->mOutputType == OT_HTML || $this->mOutputType == OT_PREPROCESS ) &&
null != $matches['parts'] && count($matches['parts']) > 0) {
$text = $matches['parts'][0];
if ( !$this->incrementIncludeSize( 'arg', strlen( $text ) ) ) {
$text = $matches['text'] .
'<!-- WARNING: argument omitted, expansion size too large -->';
return $text;
* Increment an include size counter
* @param string $type The type of expansion
* @param integer $size The size of the text
* @return boolean False if this inclusion would take it over the maximum, true otherwise
function incrementIncludeSize( $type, $size ) {
if ( $this->mIncludeSizes[$type] + $size > $this->mOptions->getMaxIncludeSize() ) {
return false;
} else {
$this->mIncludeSizes[$type] += $size;
return true;
I dunno how to use them to make it into ONE php file and also to convert this to vB stuff, etc...into a create_bbcode plugin or something...
01-03-2008, 08:26 AM
Guide: How to Download from MegaUpload
Version #: 1.0.0
Section: Computer/Internet
Description: Teaches how to download from MegaUpload
Tags: mu, mega, upload, dl, download, guide, how-to, computer, internet
License: GNU Free Documentation
Can't you use for this a single [table] bb code?
01-04-2008, 08:12 AM
well, I am right now, but it's a pain to create more guides, and stuff (my site's a guide site, so it's bound to eventually have a large amount of guides....)
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