11-29-2007, 10:00 PM
Hi there!
This mini mod allows you to place a map of the user location on the Member Info Page (aka profile).
The user can define his/her location and wether he/she wants to show a map or not in his/her profile. It uses the Google Maps API and jQuery.
You don't need to modify a template or a file, simply follow the instructions:
First step:
Go to the 'Plugins & Products' section in your AdminCP.
Click on 'Manage Products' and import the *.xml file I attached.
Second step:
Part 1:
Go to the 'User Profile Fields' section in your AdminCP.
Add a new User Profile Field -> Single-Line Text Box
Enter a title and a description.
Edit the following settings:
Field Searchable on Members List -> no
Show on Members List -> no
Click 'save'.
Note the ID/name of that profile field (field5, field100 or whatever)
Part 2:
Add a new User Profile Field -> Single-Selection Radio Button
Enter a title and a description.
Edit the following settings:
Options -> yes (next line) no
Field Searchable on Members List -> no
Show on Members List -> no
Click 'save'.
Note the ID/name of that profile field (field6, field100 or whatever)
Third step:
Apply for a Google Maps API-Key:
Put the attached file 'jquery-1.2.1.min.js' into the folder /clientscript/
Fourth step:
Go to the 'vBulletin Options' section in your AdminCP.
Select the settings 'User Listing & Profile Viewing'.
Copy and Paste the API-Key from step three to the input field (Member Info Map API-Key).
Copy and Paste the name/ID of the first profile field you created to the input field (Member Info Map Data Field)
My profile field for the location is called 'field5' so I put 'field5' into that input field.
Copy and Paste the name/ID of the second profile field you created to the input field (Member Info Map Enabled Field)
My profile field that defines wether the user enabled or disabled his map is called 'field6' so I put 'field6' into that input field.
Fifth step:
Enable it via the Member Info Map ENABLED-setting
Now, encourage your users to edit their profile and add a location. :)
Version 1.1:
Fixes a stupid bug.
To update, either import the attached *.xml again or change the plugin manually.
Manual update:
Edit the plugin 'Member Info Map - member.php'.
Set the Hook Location to 'member_execute_start'.
Replace the Plugin PHP Code with this code:
if(($userinfo[$vbulletin->options['memberinfo_map_fieldenabled']] == 'yes') AND ($vbulletin->options['memberinfo_map_enabled'])) {
$memberinfo_map_userlocation = $vbulletin->input->clean($userinfo[$vbulletin->options['memberinfo_map_fielddata']], 'TYPE_STR');
$memberinfo_map_apikey = $vbulletin->options['memberinfo_map_apikey'];
eval('$template_hook[memberinfo_additionalinfo] = "' . fetch_template('memberinfo_map') . '";');
eval('$headinclude .= "' . fetch_template('memberinfo_mapcode') . '";');
Install this Mini Mod at own risk. I tested it once and it worked. And don't forget to click 'install'!! :)
This mini mod allows you to place a map of the user location on the Member Info Page (aka profile).
The user can define his/her location and wether he/she wants to show a map or not in his/her profile. It uses the Google Maps API and jQuery.
You don't need to modify a template or a file, simply follow the instructions:
First step:
Go to the 'Plugins & Products' section in your AdminCP.
Click on 'Manage Products' and import the *.xml file I attached.
Second step:
Part 1:
Go to the 'User Profile Fields' section in your AdminCP.
Add a new User Profile Field -> Single-Line Text Box
Enter a title and a description.
Edit the following settings:
Field Searchable on Members List -> no
Show on Members List -> no
Click 'save'.
Note the ID/name of that profile field (field5, field100 or whatever)
Part 2:
Add a new User Profile Field -> Single-Selection Radio Button
Enter a title and a description.
Edit the following settings:
Options -> yes (next line) no
Field Searchable on Members List -> no
Show on Members List -> no
Click 'save'.
Note the ID/name of that profile field (field6, field100 or whatever)
Third step:
Apply for a Google Maps API-Key:
Put the attached file 'jquery-1.2.1.min.js' into the folder /clientscript/
Fourth step:
Go to the 'vBulletin Options' section in your AdminCP.
Select the settings 'User Listing & Profile Viewing'.
Copy and Paste the API-Key from step three to the input field (Member Info Map API-Key).
Copy and Paste the name/ID of the first profile field you created to the input field (Member Info Map Data Field)
My profile field for the location is called 'field5' so I put 'field5' into that input field.
Copy and Paste the name/ID of the second profile field you created to the input field (Member Info Map Enabled Field)
My profile field that defines wether the user enabled or disabled his map is called 'field6' so I put 'field6' into that input field.
Fifth step:
Enable it via the Member Info Map ENABLED-setting
Now, encourage your users to edit their profile and add a location. :)
Version 1.1:
Fixes a stupid bug.
To update, either import the attached *.xml again or change the plugin manually.
Manual update:
Edit the plugin 'Member Info Map - member.php'.
Set the Hook Location to 'member_execute_start'.
Replace the Plugin PHP Code with this code:
if(($userinfo[$vbulletin->options['memberinfo_map_fieldenabled']] == 'yes') AND ($vbulletin->options['memberinfo_map_enabled'])) {
$memberinfo_map_userlocation = $vbulletin->input->clean($userinfo[$vbulletin->options['memberinfo_map_fielddata']], 'TYPE_STR');
$memberinfo_map_apikey = $vbulletin->options['memberinfo_map_apikey'];
eval('$template_hook[memberinfo_additionalinfo] = "' . fetch_template('memberinfo_map') . '";');
eval('$headinclude .= "' . fetch_template('memberinfo_mapcode') . '";');
Install this Mini Mod at own risk. I tested it once and it worked. And don't forget to click 'install'!! :)