View Full Version : Chat Modifications - FlashChat Combo-Module v1.2 for vBadvanced

11-23-2007, 10:00 PM
Tweaked by Yotsume

Last Updated: November, 23 2007
FlashChat Combo-Module for vBadvanced 3.7x is Here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=171756)

- Some minor code clean up.
- Added clear code labels to each section of the code. (for future developments)

- Added instructions on how to include a link to FlashChat Admin in Quick Moderation block.
- Added new zip with a tweaked version of whochat.php which has be reported to address some issues when trying to install my mod on vBulletin 3.6x

Flashchat 5x: Not Compatible Yet
My mod currently does not work with Flashchat 5x. My mod uses Paul M's whochat.php. I have asked for his help in upgrading my mod to be compatible. My mod works with all versions of Flashchat 4x.

This is a module that contains a combination of code from several hacks all in one place to make a more complete FlashChat module for vbAdvanced. It works with the latest versions of FlashChat, vBulletin and vBadvanced. Also, optionally there are instructions for adding a module with link to your FlashChat Admin page in the zip file.

INSTALL TIME: (2-5 Minutes Max)
The install is very easy and takes 2-5 minutes max. Follow the simple instructions step by step to insure you input your information correctly.

You must have: vBulletin (http://www.vbulletin.com/), vBadvanced (http://www.vbadvanced.com), and FlashChat (http://www.tufat.com/s_flash_chat_chatroom.htm)installed.

FLASHCHAT COMBO-MODULE WILL DISPLAY: (see included screenshot)
Total number of how many people are in the chat.
List of usernames of the people in chat with links to their profiles.
The names of your chat rooms with a head count per room.
The names of the people in chat listed under each chat room.
A link to join the chat.
If no one is in the chat a customizable message is displayed.
Upload the whochat.php file into your modules directory.
Next, you must create a new template.
Go to: >Admin >Styles & Templates >Style Manager >Add New Template
Title of the new template needs to be: adv_portal_whochat
You must replace the url in the code below to point to your flashchat.php file.
Copy the below code into the template area:
Next, add a new PHP file module in your vBa CMPS with the following settings: Title: Who's Chatting!
File to include: whochat.php
Identifier: whochat
Templates used: whochat
....8. Tweak the module's permissions and click save. Your module should be active now!

<!-- flashchat userlist -->
<tr><td class="thead"><span class="smallfont">Members In Chat: $totalchatters</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="$bgclass"><span class="smallfont">$chatters</span></td></tr>
<!-- end flashchat userlist -->

<!-- flashchat rooms and users -->
<td class="alt2" colspan="2">
<iframe frameborder="0" height="180" src="http://www.your_domain_here.com/chat/info_embedded.php" style="width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; overflow: hidden;" scrolling="no" border="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></td></tr>
<!-- end flashchat rooms and users -->

<!-- chat link -->
<tr><td class="alt2">
<span class="smallfont"> <a href="http://www.your_domain_here.com/chat/flashchat.php" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" linkindex="51" set="yes"><u>Join the Chat!</u></a></span></td></tr>
<!-- end chat link -->

You can adjust the height of the block by changing the value of: height="180" in the above code. Be aware that vbAdvanced blocks are fixed dimensions. So if you have many room names or many users in chat the text will run out the bottom of the block and not be visible. This is why I have the height set at "180" as a default. Adjust this value to fit the needs of your site.

# Future Plans #
- For version 2.0 of this module I plan to implement some kind of chat invitation system that will immediately notify other chosen members that you wish for them to enter the chat. A invitation window of some kind will appear containing the chat link. It would be nice if a sound would play to help alert them as well.
- In version 1x the module does not collapse fully. Rather just the members list collapses which is either a code mistake or a cool feature depending on your perspective. If you have many users in the chat having just the members list collapse might be a cool feature to leave in.
- I plan to combine into this module a link to the FlashChat Admin page and eliminate the need for a second module for that link. It needs to be coded so that only Admins can see that link.

FlashChat Admin Link in Quick Moderation Block
Here is a simple way to include a link to FlashChats Admin page inside the Quick Moderation block. I decided to put a link to the chat admin there because I have that block set so only Admins can see it. So it helps to keep the link to the chat admin secure.

How to add FlashChat Admin Link to Quick Moderation Block:
Go to >admincp >Styles & Templates >Edit Templates
Click on vBadvanced CMPS Templates >adv_portal_moderation
Find the last instance of: </td> </tr> and before it add the below link code: <a href="/forum/chat/admin/index.php" TARGET=_BLANK>Chat Admin</a></td>
Be sure to replace the correct path to your chat's index.php in the above link.
Save the template and your done!
See attached screenshot of the Quick Moderation block with chat admin link.

11-24-2007, 12:44 AM
If you like and use this mod please click install. I will help you out as best as I can if a problem should occur for those that use this mod.

I am looking for feedback and suggestion to help me further develop this...

11-24-2007, 01:29 AM
i like it... its much better than just saying someone is in chat... good job!

11-24-2007, 01:58 AM
i like it... its much better than just saying someone is in chat... good job!

Glab you like it. Let me know how it goes on your site and what your members think...


11-24-2007, 03:02 PM

11-24-2007, 04:06 PM

Glad you like it... Don't forget to vote!

11-24-2007, 04:20 PM
sorry i am new to VB.
can i know what is vBadvanced?
i am useing vBulletin® Version 3.6.8 and flashchat v4.7.8 is this Mod going to work?


11-24-2007, 04:36 PM
sorry i am new to VB.
can i know what is vBadvanced?
i am useing vBulletin? Version 3.6.8 and flashchat v4.7.8 is this Mod going to work?


vBadvanced is a CMPS that sits on top of vbulletin to make it more user friendly and pulls info from your forum onto a convenient homepage. You can download it for free99 at www.vbadvanced.com (http://www.vbadvanced.com)

11-24-2007, 04:40 PM
thanks yotsume

i download the vbadvanced and will try

11-24-2007, 04:42 PM
thanks yotsume

i download the vbadvanced and will try

Ok, let me know how it goes and how my mod installs for you.

01-02-2008, 05:06 AM
Thanks Yotsume,

I got it installed fast and easy ... nice mod

01-02-2008, 01:10 PM
I can't believe I missed this.

Please add a 'friends in chat' PM notification.

01-02-2008, 01:54 PM
Glad you like it. Let me know how your members like it as well.

Thanks Yotsume,

I got it installed fast and easy ... nice mod

What do you mean? You want to be notified by PM when someone enters a chatroom? I think that is to slow of a method of notification. I am working on making a "chat buddy list" where you can actually just instant message those on your buddy list to invite them to chat.

I can't believe I missed this.

Please add a 'friends in chat' PM notification.

01-03-2008, 05:16 PM
In vb 3.7 you have several notifications stacked in the navbar.(PM's, Friends, Notices) This is where you could add a message that a friend is in chat.
But a friend in chat PM would be very welcome as well. For my board that would be a big improvement.

01-04-2008, 02:33 AM
Only after vBulletin 3.7 is out of beta will I begin to think about upgrading and releasing a new version of this altered for 3.7x.

In vb 3.7 you have several notifications stacked in the navbar. (PM's, Friends, Notices) This is where you could add a message that a friend is in chat.
But a friend in chat PM would be very welcome as well. For my board that would be a big improvement.

01-10-2008, 08:16 AM
That's understandable. Your current version works for 3.7 anyway.

Please consider adding links to directly access specific rooms.

01-10-2008, 02:26 PM
Adding links to enter specific rooms is high on my list... FlashChat itself is in dire need of some upgrades which is out of my hands and up to the developer.

That's understandable. Your current version works for 3.7 anyway.

Please consider adding links to directly access specific rooms.

01-10-2008, 04:02 PM
Very nice.

03-02-2008, 06:09 PM
I just added instructions on how to adjust the height of the block and precautions:
You can adjust the height of the block by changing the value of: height="180" in the above code. Be aware that vbAdvanced blocks are fixed dimensions. So if you have many room names or many users in chat the text will run out the bottom of the block and not be visible. This is why I have the height set at "180" as a default. Adjust this value to fit the needs of your site.

06-08-2008, 01:45 AM
Is this integrated with VB so that a username is pulled from VB and used as a users chat name?

Or do users have to manually enter/register a chat name?

06-08-2008, 02:47 AM
My mod is 100% integrated with VB. All the usernames are generated when people register in VB. Users once they login to VB can just click on a Chat link that you provide and they will automatically be logged into the chat. Their chat profile will be linked to their VB profile as well. This is part of the code others have written to integrate FlashChat with VB:

Flashchat Integration for vB by Paul M (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=120926)

Great question. I will make this part of my mod description even though it is actually part of the other mods that mine depends on to function.

Is this integrated with VB so that a username is pulled from VB and used as a users chat name?

Or do users have to manually enter/register a chat name?

06-08-2008, 03:56 PM
about how long does this take to install total?

06-08-2008, 07:01 PM
It takes max 2-5 minutes to install. Please just follow the instructions step by step so that you input your particular information correctly. It is very easy to install.

This is another great question that I will include in the description.

about how long does this take to install total?

07-23-2008, 03:26 PM
Thanx for this mod. Installed.

Testing the mod, one problem left:
showing chatting users on cmps: 3 - Box shows ", , Cocko"
(2 commas before username)
shwoing chatting users on whois chatting with Paul M's hack: 1
when really only 1 chatter is in flashchat.

equal situation when I leave the chat
cmps: 2 - Box shows ", "
(1 comma, of course no username)
forum: 0
real: 0

Whats wrong?

vBa 2.2.1
vBulleting 3.6.4
FlashChat 4.8.3

07-23-2008, 03:44 PM
Thanx for this mod. Installed.

Testing the mod, one problem left:
showing chatting users on cmps: 3
shwoing chatting users on whois chatting with Paul M's hack: 1
when really only 1 chatter is in flashchat.

equal situation when I leave the chat
cmps: 2
forum: 0
real: 0

Whats wrong?

vBa 2.2.1
vBulleting 3.6.4
FlashChat 4.8.3

If I am following your description correctly, because you are not being real clear here at all,... I believe if you refresh the page where you are seeing wrong numbers for who is in chat it will refresh and show the correct count. None of this is "ajax auto refreshing" in any way and depends on a page refresh.

My mod works perfect on vb3x and vba3x and with the latest version of FlashChat. Again, the counts for who is in chat do not auto refresh themselves. So to answer your question... I don't think anything is wrong.

Can you please describe your situation clearer for me.

07-23-2008, 04:28 PM
I have made snapshots - hope this will explain much better

whois from cmps box and forum - 0 users in flashchat
whois from cmps box and forum - 1 users in flashchat

07-25-2008, 07:30 PM
The commas and user counts increased without more real chatters online.

Fixed by deactivating FlashChat's bot functions.

if enabled, change /forums/chat/inc/config.php line 22 to false

'enableBots' => false, //set to true to enable Bots

09-30-2008, 08:50 PM
sorry if its been asked before...

09-30-2008, 11:32 PM
sorry if its been asked before...

Where does what appear? My mod shows best as a side block on the vbadvanced page of your choice. This is shown in my screenshots.

11-11-2008, 10:20 AM
This mod looks like just what I'm after.

However, I've installed it and have hit a problem.

When I enable the module on a page, I get the following error message

Any idea what the problem is?

Warning: include(INC_DIRget_config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/chat/inc/config.php on line 5

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'INC_DIRget_config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php/lib/php') in [path]/chat/inc/config.php on line 5

Warning: require_once(INC_DIRclasses/db.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]/chat/inc/config.php on line 11

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'INC_DIRclasses/db.php' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php/lib/php') in /var/www/vincentownersclub/forum/chat/inc/config.php on line 11

11-11-2008, 10:26 AM
Sorry - I've just seen my problem.

It looks as though I've installed the wrong version of this, as I'm running vBulletin 3.7.4.

Furthermore, I'm running FlashChat v5.

Any idea when you might get round to sorting it out so that I can run it FlashChat v5?

Many, many thanks.

11-12-2008, 03:52 AM
Your not using Flashchat 5x are you? If you are my mod is not compatible with it... yet.

If your not using Flashchat 5x can you please PM me your site url and an admin account so I can check out your settings.

04-07-2010, 12:23 PM
I know this is an old thread, but has anyone done any updates on this or created a new vers for the newest release for VBAdvanced? Would really like to have a sidebox on the homepage displaying this information as it seems to be a great feature.

Thanks in advance.

04-07-2010, 03:13 PM
I know this is an old thread, but has anyone done any updates on this or created a new vers for the newest release for VBAdvanced? Would really like to have a sidebox on the homepage displaying this information as it seems to be a great feature.

Thanks in advance.

I have asked for help from another coder that this mod depends on for some help and basically got ignored... I am sure it was due to the face that at the time of my request for help with updating this my mod to the latest FlashChat, vBulletin 4x was getting ready to be released.

There are a number of directions I would like to see this mod move in... Until I can get help from that coder who sets the bar for FlashChat VB integration... I have to wait before I can develop my next version.

I want a side module that has a scroll bar for many users in chat. Maybe include their avatar or profile thumbnails, a chat room invitation system, a way to directly enter specific room, etc etc etc... Before any of that can happen new code must be used to connect my mod to the latest FlashChat.

We all need to chant together: "Paul M please help Yotsume!" :D