View Full Version : Let's have separate installed mods and installed styles menus !

11-21-2007, 11:53 AM
Hi there,

In our user control panel, there is an option of tagged modifications, but it is quite hard to go find ( I already found it :) ).

In order for me to track any mods and styles that I apply, I usually click install for each of them.

But the problem is that once I want to look at my installed mods/styles, it is quite hard to find what I am looking for, as my installed pages is way over 20 now..

I was thinking that maybe it is possible to add two separate menus for the USER CP dropdown, so one would point to Installed Modifications and the second would be at Installed Styles.

I hope this is not big of a problem and it is worth the consideration from vbulletin.org staff

Best regards,

11-21-2007, 12:20 PM
personally, I don't think it's warranted .. but you never know

thank you

Paul M
11-21-2007, 01:11 PM
I don't think this is likely anytime soon.

There are a number of planned features still waiting, and this is not going to have any priority over them.

11-22-2007, 10:03 AM
Joe, Paul thanks so much for your prompt response. You guys are a great example of what the community support should really need.

Keep up the excellent work and this great community spirit.

Best regards,