View Full Version : Maximum word/maximum smilies per forum

11-21-2007, 08:48 AM
Either one of these would be great - the ability to set a minimum word requirement per forum, and a maximum smiley number per forum.

Although it would be even greater if vB was set up with more per-forum abilities to begin with.

(I guess we can't change titles here - I meant to say, minimum word not maximum.)

11-22-2007, 12:08 PM
I'll do this. :) I liked the idea.

11-23-2007, 04:20 AM
Oh wow, I was not really expecting anyone to even respond! Thank you very much! I feel like a won a raffle! :)

11-23-2007, 09:21 AM
Everyone in here has a goal. Some to get help and some to provide help. I liked the idea and I decided to do it after I finish all the projects I am currently working on and update my released products. If I didn't reply, make sure somebody else would.

11-23-2007, 09:38 AM
I hope I didn't sound snotty there or anything, because that's not how I meant to sound at all. I'm truly thrilled to have an idea considered.

(And I'd help with anything that I knew something about, but there aren't many opportunities like that for me on vB. You're all coders and I'm a copy/paster. I only recently figured out what was meant by 'upload this file to your directory.' If you see what I mean.)

Anyway, thanks. :)