View Full Version : Youtube-ish solution for big media forums?

11-20-2007, 07:35 PM

I've noticed over the past few months that there have been many Youtube-ish type of sites popping up. They seem to all have the similar format of the video in the upper-left, comments below, related videos to the right of the comments, and video info to the right of the actual video. Has there been some standardized program release that allows any website to be turned into their own version of Youtube?

That got me to thinking about the big media forums that some people use vBulletin to run. Like an Anime website for example. They just have endless threads of media attachments that get pushed down and lost through the shuffle. Also, if you try to lookup a person's past attachments you have to go through all their old threads and posts. See what I'm getting at?

For those media oriented vBulletin boards wouldn't it be great if you could make the users have their own address off your site's URL and it can display all their attachments. The commenting system could be tied with vBulletin, and you can have similar media results appear with the video. I've looked at a few different modifications including Photopost, but none of them have that slick look and feel that I think would really drive it home.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts and ideas about this. :)

11-21-2007, 09:25 AM
I will like this as an addon.

11-28-2007, 12:11 AM
Check out photopost - I just hacked it so it auto converts uploaded videos server side to FLV vids and creates thumbnails as well :D
